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1、+語(yǔ)法練習(xí)(一)、單項(xiàng)選擇) 1.The library is A. in B. tothe second floor.C. on.) 2. That isA. youcomputer room.B. our C. I) 3. Is this the art room? .A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am C. Yes, he is.) 4. Is this a ?A. teacher s officBe . teacher officeC. teachers office) 5. ItA. tos timelunch.B. onC. for) 6. It A. fors

2、 timewatch TV.) 7. ItB tos 10 o clock. It C. ons time toA. go bedB. go to bedC. bed.C. These) 8. are your baby pants.A. ThatB. This) 9. Its 5:00. LetB. go to homesC. homeA. go home) 10. What time is it? ItA. 8:30B. redC. Yellow11.- Mom, can I wear my new shirt today?-. It s cold.A. Yes, you can. B.

3、No, you can12. - Is it warm today? -.A. No, she isn B.t.Yes, it is.C.tN. o, you arenC. Yes, she is.t.13. Thismy bedroom.A. are14. I from China.B. isC. amA. are15. HowB. isis this dress? ItC. am s fifty yuan.A. many16. Mike a newB. muchC. oldshirt.A .has17. - Are they horses?B. haveC. isA. Yes, it is

4、.B. No, I m not.C. Yes, they are.四下期末情景對(duì)話+語(yǔ)法練習(xí)(二))18. What are they? They goats.A areB isC am)19 It s snowy todayWe wear a shirt.A. canB. can t C .do)20.How many students in your class?A. are there B. there are C. are they)21. - Is that the TV room? -.A. No, it isn B. Yes, they aren )22. -is it now?

5、 - It s 5:00.A. WhatB. What time)23. -What are they?-my shoes.A. They areB. It isC. Yes, they are.C. How muchC. He is)24. - What s the weather like in Beijing?A .It s big B. It s beautiful C. It s rainy )25.-is the dress?-It s ninetye yuan.A. How much B. How many )27. They are.A.goatB.sheep)28.- Who

6、se is the T-shirt? -.A. It-ssiTB. It s blueC. What timeC .lampC .It s mine.R媼anddw What are these?()L ()1 ()1 (H 近 ()6. ()7. ()1選出相應(yīng)的句子用停號(hào)寫(xiě)在Whose hat is this?Where is the music room?How many horses do you have?How much is this shirt?% 51巾限期Whats the weather like in New YwH p TLkwhat time is it?r . t

7、5 * s mintAre these potatoes?甲庇)9. What colour are they?1任$ $州)10. Can I Wp you?j. 5c dRe*d and choose.震一讀,選擇.隹選第(,。分)C. playgroundC sweaterC. isC. sunnyC tomatoes()1. Letl go to the and play football.A+ teachers5 office B. library()2. Can I wear my today?Yes, you can. its very cold.A. T-shirtB. dre

8、ss()3. Whats the weather m New York?A. ioB. like(4. ts today. Lets make a snowman.A- snowyB. r&iny()5. like. They re brown and usiy*the second floor.C. atA. potatoesA gr6. Where i* the an room? -ItsA. onBt in()7. Hs time breakfastA. ofB. forC. on()& is this dress?A. Ho:manyB. How oldC How much()9. I

9、 want eightA* potatoB. potatosC potatoes()10. It is in Beijing,A, cloudB. cloudyC. cloudsC, No. there are.C. sheepesC. HowQ ICs mine.C* How old【)11. -Are there green beans? A* Yest they are. B. Yest there are.()12. What are they? They are.A. sheepsB*shtep()13. hens do you have?A. How manyB.How much(

10、)14. -Whose coat is this? A. Its me.B.hs my.()1S“ is this red skirt?A,How manyB,How much)16. -Are these your shoes? )17.)18.)19.)20.)21.)23.)24.A. Not they are. Here is the worldA. atWhose socks)25.Not they report. It is snowyB. onC Yest these are.are these?一C._ Moscow, inA. Theyre Ma

11、ry.B. Thse areMary.What colour?A. is itB. isthe weather like today?A. WhatsB. Wheres is the teachers* office?A. Who Its timeA. for 1 have a A. blue shirts How much A. 15B. Where get up.B. /)29.)30.)31.)32c.C.C.They are Marys.Hows】ts on the first floor.C. WhatB yellow dress this jacket?B. arered T-sh

12、irtsC.amA. classB.timeIts 10 oclock. It s time _A. forB.toItsthe second floor.A. onBinCan 1 try these on?一Look at the clock. Whatgo to bed.)26.)27.)28.C.C.C.canA. No, you cant- How many A. horseWhereA. isThis hat is my 一A. brotherHow much is thisA. shortsB. Yes, you can t. are there? Ten.B. horsesmy

13、 socks? - They are on B. areB. brothersC.C.No. you can.a horsethe bed.C. amC. brothers)33. Sarah, how do youA. It*s pretty.B. pants like this skirt? 一B. Yes 1 likeC. dressC. No, I dont.)34. This shirt is good, but A. two)35 Are those tomatoes?A. redbigC. tooB. to_ Yes. They are fresh and C. brownB.

14、smelly6. fm hungry,lefs eat some _ A. skirtsC. twenty()1. How sre you?()2.Letsgo to the school(13.How old are you?(4,Good night.()5. How do you like my gloves?()6,Go io bedt please.()7, Wbats in your bag?()8. Is that a dog?(59. Are you a boy?()10, Is she your mother?()1. Whose coat is it?()2. May 1

15、come in?()3. Are you OK?()4. How much are they?()5. What t beautiful doll it is!1)6 Where is the art room?()7, How about this one,四下期末情景對(duì)話+語(yǔ)法練習(xí)(三)I. Rod tnd choose.選擇正答案(3。分)A()1.What is your name?A,Two,()2.What are these?B.They are horses.()3,Can try it on?C.Nq, they arent.c)4,Are they dogs?D.Il is

16、 a ball.()5.Do you like cata?E.Yes* 1 have a pencil(電Hqw many eyes da you have?ENot 1 dont.()7.Do you have a pencil?G.Sure.()S.What、thh?H.My name ia Chen Jie.(現(xiàn)What colour 卅 your shoes?LMy shoes are brown.)10. Whats ihe weather like in Hangchou? J. Its sunny.BA. Yes, I am,8. There 括 a book in 幾 C* I

17、 3m fine* thank you. D. Yest she - E. Good night,F. i am ten.G. They are pretty, H. Yes it is.L All right!J, OK, lets go-CA. Two hundred dollars B. It is nice, C. Thank you.a 113 0D the first floorE. Ifs 6 o,clockF. Come in. piease G. I have a cold.()8. What time is it now?()9. Goodbye,心()10. Nice t

18、o meet yo, Ng。meet you,必一I rhnno輯堪he險(xiǎn)o小入b Goodbye.8. is a teachers desk this (?)9. many sheep how do have you (?)10. hens are these (?)Find and correct,找出句子中的偌誤,并改正(10分)1. Its time to music class.2. How much is these pants?3. Whos cap is that?4. Whats the weather like to Beijing?5. What do you like

19、this skirt?四下期末閱讀理解練習(xí)1、 Read and Judge. 閱讀短文,判斷下列句子的對(duì)錯(cuò)。Today is Sunday. I go to the farm with my father and mother. It s sunny andwarm. I can wear my green shirt and blue pants. On the farm, I see elven cows, eighteen sheep, three horses. The green beans are long and the tomatoes are big. It s twelv

20、e o clock. It s time for lunch. We are happy today.() 1. Today is Saturday.() 2. I go to the farm with my friends.() 3. I wear the green shirt with blue pants.() 4. There are some hens on the farm.() 5. There are eleven cows and nineteen sheep.2、 Read and judge. 閱讀短文,判斷下列句子對(duì)錯(cuò)。It s 12:00. It s time f

21、or lunch. I have rice, chicken, green beans and potatoesfor lunch. It s hot today. I am wearing my new dress. It s 20 yuan. It s cit s very nice. I like it very much.()1.It s eleven o clock.()2.I have rice, beef and potatoes for lunch.()3.It s hot today.()4.My dress is twenty -five yuan.() 5. The sw

22、eater is expensive but nice.3、 Read and choose. 閱讀短文,選擇正確答案。Good morning, this is the weather report. It s rainy and cold in Shanghai. Youmust take your umbrella. It s windy and cold in Beijing. Please put on your coat.It s snowy in Harbin. You can play in snow. It s sunny in Hangzhou. You can playf

23、ootball. That s all. Thank you.() 1. What s the weather like in Hangzhou?A. Its rainy and cold.B. Its snowy. C. It s sunny.() 2. What s the weather like in Shanghai?A. Its hot and sunny.B. Its rainy and cold. C. It s sunny.() 4. Can I wear shorts in Harbin?A. Yes, you can t. B. No, you cant.C. Yes, you can.() 5. Can I play football in Hangzhou?A. Yes, you can. B. No, you can t. C. Yes, I can.4、 Read and choose. 閱讀短文,選擇正確的答案。Welcome t


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