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1、3來源網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理,僅供供參考Unit2Ataparty 教案教學(xué)要求a friend1能聽懂、會(huì)說、會(huì)讀和會(huì)拼寫單詞part b以及white、2能聽懂、會(huì)說和會(huì)讀日常交際用語nice to meet youwe' re late for the partylet' s hurry !who' s the with ?3能聽懂、會(huì)說、會(huì)讀和會(huì)寫句子:he' s / she' s (my) is that your ?the one in the 4 了解輔音字母組合ck在單詞中的讀音5會(huì)唱歌謠 my brother二、教學(xué)重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn)、a friend1、能

2、聽懂、會(huì)說、會(huì)讀和會(huì)拼寫單詞part b以及white2、能聽懂、會(huì)說、會(huì)讀和會(huì)寫句子he' s / she' s (my)is that your ?the one in the 三、教具準(zhǔn)備:教學(xué)卡片、錄音機(jī)四、教學(xué)時(shí)間:六課時(shí)第一課時(shí)step 1 free talkt: what' s your name ?t: how old are you ?t: who' s that boy / girl / man / woman?s: he' s / she' s s: he' s / she' s a t: excuse me

3、 , are you a ?s: yes , i am / no , i m notstep 2 part b look read and learn1、 show a picture (出示書21頁li an的家庭成員掛圖)2、學(xué)習(xí)單詞 father、mothert: hi , i' m li an . this is my family tree .look , liu tao . he' s my father .摩出卡片)a.教師拼讀單詞,學(xué)生跟讀b.t: who' s that man ?s: he' s li an' s father .(用

4、同樣的方法學(xué)習(xí) mother )3、學(xué)習(xí) grandfather、 grand motherfather' s fathergrandfathermother' s father (祖父,外祖父)father' s mother grand mothergrandmothermother' s mother (祖母,外祖母)4、利用卡片拼讀單詞 father、mother、grandfather、step 3 part d read and say1、teach the word “in” (穿著)(1)以幾個(gè)學(xué)生為例,讓學(xué)生談?wù)勥@位學(xué)生的穿著t: the on

5、e in the red jacket is t: the one in the is (2)用the onein theis介紹li an .的一家2、引入新知識is that man your?共3頁,當(dāng)前第1頁123which onethe one in the yes , he/she is . no , he/she isn t .3、將對話寫在書上(第18頁)s、 checkstep 4 assign homework1、抄寫上面六個(gè)單詞,寫一遍中文抄寫part d的對話熟讀part d的對話(3)帶家庭成員照片第二課時(shí)step 1 free talkt、 what' s

6、your name ?t: how old are you ?step 2 review(1)根據(jù)li an的家庭成員拼讀單詞(2)出示家庭成員照片,介紹家人which one ?the one in the yes , he/she is . no , he/she isn t .step 3 part b look read and learn1、show a doll(手拿一個(gè)洋娃娃,一邊指身體部位,一邊說 hair、a head、an eye an ear、a nose、a mouth )2、利用卡片拼讀單詞3、listen and act教師說單詞,學(xué)生指到相應(yīng)的部位step 4 p

7、art c ask and answer1、將一些外貌特征明顯的人物圖片出示在黑板上(其中幾個(gè)下面寫有姓名),邊出示邊介紹其特征the boy with big eyes, the girl with longhair,讓學(xué)生理解單詞with并模仿說。2、教師用完整的句型問學(xué)生帶有姓名的圖片。3、 t: who ' s the boy with big eyes? / who' s the girl with long hair? 4、 s: he' s / she' s 5、學(xué)生練習(xí)用此句型問不知姓名的人物圖片,教師告知姓名。6、 比較句子(1) who

8、9; s the girl with long hair?she' s (2) who' s the girl with a big mouth ?she' s (3)who' s the girl with big ears ?she' s 教師講解a -s的用法4、學(xué)生完成 part c ask and answer ( picture 1 3 )5、 checkstep 5 assign homework2、抄寫下面六個(gè)單詞,寫一遍中文3、完成 c部分 (picture 2、4 )第三課時(shí)step 1 free talk t: who' s

9、 the with s: he' s / she' ss: which one ?t: the one in the s: yes , he/she is . no , he/she isn t .step 2 review1、讀單詞2、核對 part c ask and answer ( picture 2 4 )step 3 part a read and say1學(xué)生邊看圖邊聽磁帶 a read and say2教師對人物和背景作簡單介紹3學(xué)生跟著磁帶讀4 一分鐘自讀5學(xué)生齊讀step 4 assign homework共 3 頁,當(dāng)前第 2 頁 1231、背誦并聽寫pa

10、rt b的單詞以及 white、a friend2、熟讀并默寫part a、c、d部分的句子第四課時(shí)step 1 reviewstep 2 part e: read and act.7來源網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理,僅供供參考學(xué)生聽錄音模仿,并分角色朗讀。step 3 part f listen and repeat1、出示四個(gè)單詞black, clock, jacket, sockR相應(yīng)插圖,學(xué)生聽錄音并跟讀。在讀的過程中體會(huì)字母組合 ck在單詞中發(fā)/k/。2、教師講解單詞意義3、學(xué)生試著自由讀句子4、學(xué)生齊讀step 4 part g fun house1、學(xué)生自己看,理解故事的意思2、學(xué)生講故事的意思3、學(xué)生跟讀,齊讀step 5 say a rhyme1、學(xué)生跟讀2、整體讀3、自由讀4、學(xué)生齊讀step 5 assign homework1 .背誦a、c、d部分的句子2 .熟讀本單元的所有內(nèi)容第五課時(shí)1 .學(xué)生完成配套練


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