七年級英語下冊Unit 1--Unit 6 寫作訓(xùn)練(word版含答案).docx_第1頁
七年級英語下冊Unit 1--Unit 6 寫作訓(xùn)練(word版含答案).docx_第2頁
七年級英語下冊Unit 1--Unit 6 寫作訓(xùn)練(word版含答案).docx_第3頁




1、Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?寫作訓(xùn)練新學(xué)期來臨,你校正在招聘各俱樂部“monitor”,如the School Sports Club, the School Music Club, the School English Club等。請幫忙寫一份英語俱樂部招聘負(fù)責(zé) 人的廣告。要求:1.詞數(shù):50左右;2. 符合招聘廣告的文體特征。One possible version:Monitor Wanted for English ClubAre you free on weekends? Can you sing English songs? Are you goo

2、d at speaking English? Are you good at telling English stories? We need you to help teach English. It is interesting and fun. Please call Mrs. Huang at 666-8866.Unit 2 What time do you go to school?寫作訓(xùn)練請根據(jù)+面圖畫中湯姆在星期天的活動(dòng),寫一篇短文介紹他的活動(dòng)內(nèi)容和時(shí)間安 排。要求60詞左右。提示詞匯:mend修理bike自行車he gets up at 7:40. He does exerci

3、se at s his bike. At 10:30 he cleans the room, me. At 7:20 p.m,he watches TV. WhatOne possible version:Today is Sunday. Tom doesn't go tp-sdwuoL-Sc 8:00 in the morning. At nine o'clo通he mend At 2:30 in the afternoon,he read< books at h an interesting day it is!Unit 3 How do you get to sch

4、ool?寫作訓(xùn)練請根據(jù)漢語提示,寫一篇70詞左右的英語短文。李麗是我的好朋友,家住在青島。她家距離學(xué)校大約3千米,通常她騎自行車去 上學(xué),大約用20分鐘。下雨時(shí)她乘公交車,大約8分鐘。她父母在離家10千米 的二家醫(yī)院工作,每天開車去上班,大約需要10分鐘。提示詞匯:rain v.下雨One possible version:Li Li is my good friend. She lives in Qingdao. Her home is about 3 kilometers from her school. She usually rides her bike to school and i

5、t takes her about 20 minutes to get there. When it rains she goes to school by bus. It takes her about 8 minutes. Her parents work in a hospital. W s 10 kilometers away from their home. They drive to work. It takes them about 10 minutes.Unit 4 Don't eat in class.寫作訓(xùn)練假如你是Amy,請你介紹一下你的媽媽為你制訂的新家規(guī)。詞數(shù)

6、70詞左右。RulesCan' tHave to/MustWhenget up earlyTevery daydo homeworkPafter schoolsee friendsVon school daysgo outVon school dayspractice the pianoqevery Sunday morningHelp mother clean the roomTevery Saturday afternoonOne possible version:I'm Amy.I'm in Grade Seven. My mother makes some ne

7、w family rules for me.I have to get up early every day. After school,! have to do my homework first. On school days,I can't see friends and I can't go out.I have to practice the piano every Sunday morning.I have to help my mother clean the room every Saturday afternoon.The new rules are very

8、 strict.I feel terrible. What can I do?Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?寫作訓(xùn)練假如你在動(dòng)物園里看到了一些動(dòng)物,你喜歡它們中的哪些?為什么喜歡它們?請 參考下面所給的提示內(nèi)容寫一篇英語短文,并在英語課上與同學(xué)們分享。 提示:1. What do you see in the zoo?2. What animals do you like best?3. Why do you like them?要求:1. 語句通順、語意連貫、語法正確;2. 包含所給提示,并可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮;3. 不少于60詞。One possible version

9、:I see many animals in the zoo. They are koalas,tigers,lions,elephants and giraffes. Of all the animalsj like koalas best,because they are very cute. They come from Australia. They sleep during the day,but at night they get up and look for food. They are one of Australia * s symbols and they are the

10、 most important animals in Australia. They are friendly to peoples。I like them best.Unit 6l'm watching TV.寫作訓(xùn)練假如現(xiàn)在是早上十點(diǎn)。請根據(jù)下面表格中的信息,寫一篇70詞左右的短文,描 述Tom 一家人現(xiàn)在正在做什么。ActivityPlacegrandparead a newspaperliving roomgrandmawatch TVbedroomfatherwater the flowersgardenmothermake soupkitchenTomdo homeworkstudy(書房)One possible version:Now it is ten o'clock in the morning. What are Tom's family doing? LooklTom's grandpa is reading a newspaper in the living room. His grandma is watching TV in the bedroom. What about his father


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