



1、精品文檔陶瓷專業(yè)術(shù)語長石 feldspar瓷泥 petunse, petuntse, petuntze 瓷漆 enamel paint, enamel封泥 lute高嶺土 kaolin, china clay硅石 , 二氧化硅silica, SiO2堇青石 cordierite莫來石 , 紅柱石 andalusite泥果 , 坯體 clay body泥釉 slip石灰 , 生石灰 , 氧化鈣 lime, calcium oxide, CaO 氧化錫 tin oxide釉 glaze原材料 raw material云母 mica皂石 , 塊滑石 steatitedolomite :白云土terr

2、acotta:紅土construction/building material :建白材料陶瓷質(zhì)地和類型 Qualities & Types of Pottery White Body 白胎碧玉細炻器jasper薄胎瓷 thin china / egg-shell porcelain 彩陶器 , 釉陶 faience陳設(shè)瓷 , 擺設(shè)瓷 display china / ornamental porcelain瓷 porcelain, china (China中國 來自 Chin 秦,在英文中 中國 和瓷 同一單詞 )赤陶 terracotta, terracotta, red earth

3、enware 代爾夫精陶 delft德化陶瓷 Te-hua porcelain, Dehua pottery 高溫陶瓷 refractory china低溫陶瓷 low-fired porcelain工業(yè)陶瓷 industrial ceramics工藝瓷 , 美術(shù)瓷 , 藝術(shù)瓷 art porcelain, art and craft china, art pottery, artistic china骨瓷 bone china古瓷 ancient porcelain官瓷 mandarin porcelain光瓷 lusterware黑色陶器 basalt裂變瓷 crackled porcel

4、ain裂紋瓷 crazed china米色陶器 creamware青瓷 celadon青花瓷 blue and white porcelain工藝技術(shù) Technology凹雕 intaglio標記 marking玻璃化 vitrify車削 turning成型 forming沖壓 , 沖壓花 repousse瓷土加工 clay processing雕刻 carving浮雕 relief隔焰窯 muffle工藝技術(shù) technology硅氧鍵 silicon-oxygen bond技藝 technique, craft間斷窯 intermittent kiln澆鑄 casting拉毛 sgraf

5、fito連續(xù)窯 continuous kiln鏤雕、鏤空piercing轆轤車 jigger泥釉彩飾法trailing碾磨 grinding拋光 burnishing, polishing破裂 chip嵌入 inlay切刻 incising篩子 sieve燒制 firing陶瓷科技 ceramics陶輪 potters wheel貼花、嵌花appliqué, decal凸雕,底切,拉底,底部掏槽 undercut 細裂紋 craze性能 property壓印 impressing窯 kiln印花 stamping釉上彩 overglazed color figure 釉下彩 unde

6、rglazed color figure預(yù) 加 工pre-processing粘 性 , 粘 滯 性viscosity,stiffness轉(zhuǎn)模片 jiggered piece轉(zhuǎn)印 transfer print裝飾 d écor, decorationCut edge 切割邊緣。1 歡迎下載輕質(zhì)瓷、輕瓷light china日用瓷 household china, table ware 軟瓷 soft porcelain殺菌陶瓷 antiseptic pottery繩紋陶器 Rope figure pottery施釉陶器 slipware粗瓷 stoneware素彩瓷 plain po

7、rcelain陶 earthenware陶瓷 pottery無釉陶、陶瓷素燒坯 biscuit, unglazed ware 錫釉陶 majolica細瓷 fine china硬瓷 hard porcelain赭色粘土陶器terra sigillata紫砂 purple granulated, purple sand, terra-cotta 長石瓷 feldspar porcelain瓷牙;牙科用瓷dental porcelain瓷質(zhì)紗網(wǎng)裝飾瓷器lace work porcelain電瓷 electrical porcelain雕塑瓷;象牙色帕利安瓷 statuary porcelain 高

8、鋁瓷 high-alumina porcelain鋯質(zhì)瓷 zircon porcelain滑石瓷 steatite porcelain化學(xué)瓷 chemical porcelain尖晶石瓷 spinel porcelain堇青石瓷 cordierite porcelain 鎂橄欖石瓷 forsterite porcelain鎂質(zhì)瓷;氧化鎂瓷 magnesia porcelain 莫來石瓷 mullite porcelain 耐熱瓷器 refractory porcelain縹瓷 faint coloured porcelain青白瓷 greenish white porcelain熔塊瓷 fri

9、tted porcelain三成分瓷器triaxial porcelain鈦質(zhì)瓷 titania porcelain天然原料制成的瓷器 natural porcelain 透輝石瓷 diapside porcelain衛(wèi)生瓷器 sanitary porcelain鴨蛋青瓷 duck-egg porcelain氧化鋁瓷 alumina porcelain原始瓷 proto-porcelain皂石瓷 soapstone porcelain中火度瓷 intermediate porcelain IC 管瓷 IC packages白云石瓷 dolomitic保溫耐火磚insulating firebr

10、ick精品文檔Scalloped扇形邊的陶瓷成品杯 mugMeat Plate, Round-edge荷口湯盤Soup Plate湯盤Tea cup茶杯Tea Saucer 茶杯碟Creamer 奶壺Bowl ( Rice pot , Fan-zong)飯碗Coffee cup / Saucer咖啡杯碟Tea cup/Saucer 茶杯 / 碟Milk pot奶壺Salad Bowl沙拉碗Shaker篩Tureen湯窩Duck bowl鴨碗Rice Bowl飯碗Rice bowl Flaring反口碗Rice bowl rope反口碗Saucer, thick body厚碟Bowl with

11、cover蓋碗Cylindrical Decor直身杯碟Tea Pot, Persimmon Shape No. 2 2號篩壺Plate with handle/ heat plate, thick帶把手的厚碟4.5 ”Rice Bowl Flaring 4.5反口碗Platter大淺盤Vase 花瓶Fish Bowl魚缸Fruit Plate水果盤Deep Plate深盤Pepper Jar胡椒瓶 pepper cellarSalt Jar鹽瓶 Salt sellarSeasoning Dish格碟Food Mixing Bowl斗碗Table wares Set餐具Teacup with

12、saucer茶杯碟Christmas Toys小丑Goddess of Mercy觀音Eight Immortals of ancient Figures八仙God of longevity with lad壽星God of wealth/Treasure/Longevity財神Porcelain figuring人物Mask 面具Oval plate魚盤Meat Plate拼盤。2 歡迎下載釉面transparent:透明釉的opaque:不透明釉的pigmented: 色釉的crackled:裂紋釉的pearlized :珍珠釉的Color Glaze花釉White Glaze白釉Red

13、Glaze紅釉Pearl Glaze珍珠釉翡翠釉 ; 翠綠釉 Kingfisher blue glaze 分相釉 phase separation glaze粉青釉 lavender grey glaze復(fù)合釉 ; 混合鈾 composite glaze 鈣釉 . 石灰釉 calcareous glaze 蓋底釉 cladding glaze高硅質(zhì)釉 ; 硅酸質(zhì)釉 siliceous glaze 高溫釉 hard glaze瓜皮綠釉 cucumber green glaze 光澤釉 bright glaze 光澤釉 glossy glaze孩兒臉 ( 銅紅釉 )crushed strawber

14、ry red 孩兒臉釉 strawberry red glaze海參釉 trepang glaze海棠紅釉 begonia red glaze虹彩釉 luster glaze弧坑釉 crater glaze虎斑釉 tiger-skin glaze琥珀釉 amber glaze花釉;復(fù)色釉fancy glaze滑石釉 talc glaze灰釉 ash glaze揮發(fā)釉 vapour glaze火焰紅釉 flamboyant red glaze 雞皮釉 fowl-skin glaze基礎(chǔ)釉 parent glaze祭紅 altar red祭紅釉 sacrificial red glaze祭藍 al

15、tar blue祭藍釉 sacrificial blue glaze薺紅釉 shiny red glaze蕎藍釉 deep blue glaze賈丁尼爾釉Jardiniere glaze堿石灰釉 alkaline-calcareous堿釉 alkaline glaze豇豆紅釉 cowpea red glaze豇豆紅釉 haricot red glaze精品文檔Flat Plate平盤Soup Plate湯盤Porcelain for daily use日用陶瓷Porcelain for artistic工藝陶瓷Porcelain for display陳列陶瓷the imitation of

16、antique porcelain仿古陶瓷labels for porcelain花紙Gold-embossed porcelain刷金vats盆Corrugated cardboard boxes皺硬紙板箱Fleur bouquet花籃13pec Chinese Tea Pot6pec Decorated Mug setCow mobile 6/s動態(tài)牛Single unicorn獨角獸(麒麟)Spoon RestCandle holder燭座Vase open-work通花瓶flower pot花瓶Pair of horse, brown棕色對馬15pes “chaozhou ”tea s

17、ervice 15頭 潮州茶具Sugar pot 糖罐inner box bubble氣泡袋Polly foam polybag膠袋Lamp stand 燈臺Foamed Plastic泡莫塑料Lampshade 燈罩Candlestick燭臺其它 Others斑點 speck半透明 translucence, translucency, translucent 不滲透的 nonporous不透明的 opaque茶葉罐 caddy單色的 monochrome多色的 polychrome高白 high white, Gaobai工藝品 artware鬼工,鬼爺神工 demons work, ku

18、ei kung 景德鎮(zhèn) Jingdexhen, Ching-te-chen景泰藍 cloisonné絕緣子 insulator考古學(xué) archaeology可塑的 plastic。3 歡迎下載精品文檔醬釉;棕釉 brown glaze流變學(xué) rheology結(jié)晶釉 crystalline glaze琉璃瓦 glazed tile模型、模特 model金絲黃釉 gold filament yellow glaze模子 mould金星綠釉 aventurine green glaze耐熱 heat-proof金星釉;砂金釉 aventurine glaze配方 formula金屬釉 me

19、tallic glaze盆栽 bonsai桔皮釉 orange-peel glaze漆器 lacquer work鈞釉 chun glaze器皿 ware可魯賓釉(紅藍混合釉)Columbine glaze秦始皇陵兵馬俑life-size terra-cotta soldiers and可帕爾塔釉(蓋面透明釉)coperta glazehorses in Chin tomb可溶性釉 soluble glaze青銅器 bronze work孔雀藍釉 peacock blue glaze人類學(xué) antropology孔雀綠釉 peacock green glaze滲透的 porous辣椒紅釉 ch

20、illi red glaze手印,指印 finger mark郎窯紅釉 Lang yao red glaze絲網(wǎng)印刷 silk screen printing郎窯綠釉 Lang yao green glaze四面體 tetrahedral梨皮釉 pear peel glaze搪瓷,琺瑯 enamel鋰輝石釉 spodumene glaze陶瓷的 ceramic流紋釉 flowing glaze陶瓷專家,陶瓷藝術(shù)家ceramist龍皮釉 dragon-skin glaze陶工 potter卵青釉 egg and spinach glaze瓦 tile碗 bowl羅賓蛋殼釉(乳白青綠色)robin

21、's-egg glaze衛(wèi)生潔具 sanitary ware羅金厄姆釉(紫褐色鉛釉)Rockingham glaze溫度 temperature麻點釉 sesame pot glaze硬度 hardness梅子青釉 plum green glaze釉工 glazier美人醉釉 beauty's flush glaze圓塊,雕球,瘤 knob米黃色釉;奶油色釉 cream glaze磚 brick面釉 cover glaze愛比克泰德 Epicteus(活動于 520-500 BC)古希臘陶工兼墨地三彩 tricolour with china-ink畫家南京黃釉(金黃 - 棕色) Nankin yellow glaze何朝宗 He Chaozhong( 1522-1620) Chinese ceramist in泥漿釉;易熔粘土釉 slip glazeMing Dynasty, 中國明代陶瓷藝術(shù)家凝固釉(釉漿與明膠的混合物)solidified glaze韋奇伍德 Wedgwood(1730-


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