



1、.課本回扣和拓展一、課文語(yǔ)法填空根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容用適當(dāng)?shù)脑~填空,使短文完整。From Passage A we know the 1._ (act) of metals with some substances such as water and oxygen can 2._ (put) in order. It can be seen the metals react 3._ (much) at the top and the metals react least at the bottom.Heat calcium in oxygen, 4._ youll find it burns to f

2、orm5._ oxide.And it can 6._ (easy) be seen copper doesnt react with water.In the first part of the experiment in Passage B, the air is dry, not wet. It shows that iron doesnt rust 7._ the air is dry. In the second part of the experiment,you must boil the water 8._ (make) sure there is no air in it.

3、You add some oil to the water 9._ this keeps air out of it. It shows that iron doesnt rust in water 10._ has no air in it.【答案】1.reaction2.be put3.most4.and5an6.easily7.when8.to make9.because10that/which二、用括號(hào)中所給詞語(yǔ)翻譯下列句子,然后用五句話將這些句子連成一篇短文?!具B詞成句】1半年前,李教授做的一次演講使我驚愕而且改變了我。(lecture;astonish)_2李教授在科學(xué)領(lǐng)域有他個(gè)人

4、的許多發(fā)現(xiàn)。(in the area of)_3這次演講的目的是為了開(kāi)發(fā)青少年對(duì)科學(xué)的興趣。(aim;teenager)_4這位大學(xué)里的化學(xué)系李主任,演講時(shí)用隨身帶來(lái)的諸多用于試驗(yàn)的科學(xué)設(shè)備,如天平、夾子、試管和坩堝等。(department;facilities)_5其中一個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)最引起我的興趣,從這個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)我們得出結(jié)論:鐵在干燥的空氣和沒(méi)有空氣的水中不生銹,但在普通的水中生銹,因?yàn)殍F與水中的氧氣發(fā)生化學(xué)反應(yīng)。(draw a conclusion;rust;ordinary;react;oxygen)_6李教授還告訴我們銅在氧氣中被加熱,發(fā)生局部化學(xué)反應(yīng),而當(dāng)它放在水中時(shí),不發(fā)生反應(yīng)。(part

5、ial reaction)_7演講結(jié)束時(shí),李教授說(shuō)青少年應(yīng)該多關(guān)心科學(xué)上的發(fā)現(xiàn),諸如雪的形成,鹽在水中的溶解等。(be supposed to;form;dissolve)_【答案】1Half a year ago,a lecture made by Professor Li astonished and changed me.2Professor Li had made many discoveries in the area of science.3The aim of the lecture was to develop the interest of teenagers in scie

6、nce.4Professor Li,director of Chemistry Department of a university,brought many science facilities used for experiments with him,including balance,tongs,tubes and crucible,etc.5What most interested me was one of his experiments from which we drew a conclusion that iron doesnt rust in dry air and in

7、airfree water but rust in ordinary water because iron reacts with oxygen in the water.6Professor Li also told us copper makes partial reaction when heated in oxygen,while it makes no reaction when it is placed in water.7At the end of the lecture,Professor Li said teenagers were supposed to care more

8、 about the discoveries in science,such as the formation of snow and salt dissolving in water.【連句成篇】_【答案】Half a year ago,a lecture to develop the interest of teenagers in science made by Professor Li,who had made many discoveries in the area of science,astonished and changed me.Professor Li,director

9、of Chemistry Department of a university,brought many science facilities used for experiments with him,including balance,tongs,tubes and crucible,etc.What most interested me was one of his experiments from which we drew a conclusion that iron doesnt rust in dry air and in airfree water but rust in or

10、dinary water because iron reacts with oxygen in the water.Professor Li also told us copper makes partial reaction when heated in oxygen,while it makes no reaction when it is placed in water.At the end of the lecture,Professor Li said teenagers were supposed to care more about the discoveries in scie

11、nce,such as the formation of snow and salt dissolving in water.能力培養(yǎng)和提升一、完成下列練習(xí),并說(shuō)出各自所屬的隱性線索的類別?!揪毩?xí)1】(2011·高考大綱全國(guó)卷)We can see there is a lot of sleeping on the bus or train on the_21_home from work in the evenings.21A.wayBtrackCpath Droad解析:選A。on the way home是固定搭配,表示“在回家的路上”。整個(gè)句子意思是:在晚上,我們可以看到很多

12、人下班后搭乘公車或列車回家,卻在車內(nèi)睡著了。(結(jié)構(gòu)關(guān)聯(lián))【練習(xí)2】(2012·高考山東卷)Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making_38_for the homeless of Berlin,Germanys capital.They first began one long hot summer when most Germans were away on holiday.Kurt and his wife stayed at home,made sandwiches,set up a table in

13、 the street and gave food to the homeless.38A.preparations BhousesCmeals Dsuggestions解析:選C。由后文的made sandwiches以及gave food to the homeless可知,Muller夫婦是為柏林那些無(wú)家可歸的人make meals“做飯”。make preparations“做準(zhǔn)備”;make houses“造房子”;make suggestions“提建議”。(語(yǔ)義場(chǎng)關(guān)聯(lián))【練習(xí)3】(2012·高考湖南卷)When all potential for ugliness is

14、 removed,so is all of the potential for_46_.46A.courage BwisdomCkindness Dbeauty解析:選D。根據(jù)前文的all potential for ugliness可推知空格處應(yīng)是ugliness的反義詞,即beauty。(反義關(guān)聯(lián))【練習(xí)4】(2012·高考福建卷)At that time my family lived a stones_40_from Ismails.40A.drop BthrowCmove Droll解析:選B?!霸谀菚r(shí)我家距離Ismail的家只有一步之遙”。a stones throw是固

15、定短語(yǔ),意為“一步之遙,近在咫尺”。(結(jié)構(gòu)關(guān)聯(lián))【練習(xí)5】(2011·高考湖北卷)In her second grade,Maja_31_her cousin,Jasmina.After Jasminas death,Maja swore she would honor the little girl by swimming with a dolphin,an animal that both girls adored.31A.lost BvisitedCrescued Dleft解析:選A。根據(jù)下句的After Jasminas death.可知她表妹去世了。(語(yǔ)義場(chǎng)關(guān)聯(lián))【練習(xí)6

16、】Each school has a unique uniform that makes its students easily_10_to the public.10A.identifiable BpoliteCfamiliar Dacceptable解析:選A。學(xué)校有獨(dú)特的校服,目的是使本校的學(xué)生容易辨認(rèn)。identifiable可辨認(rèn)的;polite有禮貌的;familiar熟悉的;acceptable可接受的。(因果關(guān)聯(lián))【練習(xí)7】(2011·高考浙江卷)I knew that discs were very expensive and I really didnt have

17、 a lot of _30_ to get started.30A.money BtimeCenergy Dknowledge解析:選A。由前面“我知道唱片非常地昂貴”可知后面作者所說(shuō)的缺少的正是資金、錢財(cái)。與expensive屬于同一語(yǔ)義場(chǎng)的只有money。(語(yǔ)義場(chǎng)關(guān)聯(lián))【練習(xí)8】(2007·高考廣東卷)After doing a little research,I found this type of technology already available to consumers via a relatively_26_application called FaceCode.

18、26A.independent BinfrequentCinexpensive Dinstant解析:選C。句意為“消費(fèi)者要獲得這種技術(shù),得通過(guò)FaceCode這種軟件”。而根據(jù)常識(shí),要得到軟件就得購(gòu)買,要購(gòu)買就涉及到價(jià)錢,因此application(應(yīng)用軟件)的修飾語(yǔ)應(yīng)為relatively inexpensive (相對(duì)便宜的)。而其它詞與語(yǔ)境相差太遠(yuǎn);independent(獨(dú)立的);infrequent(稀少的);instant(立即的)。(修飾關(guān)聯(lián))【練習(xí)9】(2008·高考廣東卷)Not all of these fairies are the friendly,peop

19、le­loving characters that appear in Disney films,and in some folktales they are_22_and cause much human suffering.22A.powerful BcruelCfrightened Dextraordinary解析:選B。句子前后有轉(zhuǎn)折的含義,而與前面的friendly相對(duì)的只有cruel;后面的and cause much human suffering也說(shuō)明了這一點(diǎn)。(反義關(guān)聯(lián))【練習(xí)10】(2012·高考浙江卷)The package consisted of

20、a long,narrow box carefully wrapped in brown paper._22_the box,Oscar saw an umbrella insidea very old one with a beautifully carved wooden handle.22A.Opening BSeizingCObserving DSearching解析:選A。根據(jù)前句wrapped及下文Oscar saw an umbrella inside可反推出Oscar已經(jīng)將盒子打開(kāi)了。(常識(shí)關(guān)聯(lián))二、完形填空(2012·廣東省名校高三上學(xué)期質(zhì)檢)Starting wi

21、th the lines “General weather probable in the next two days”,a short piece in The Times newspaper of London in 1861 started_1_as we know it today.It was put together by Robert FitzRoy,a(n)_2_in the Royal Navy and a pioneer in the_3_of weather study,who led the department which later became the Met O

22、ffice.In the 150 years since then,the unreliable art has_4_many different styles,but one thing has remained_5_:laughing at weathermen when they get it wrong.Poor FitzRoy became the topic of jokes when his_6_were incorrect and his daily forecasts were soon_7_.However,by popular_8_,they returned a few

23、 years later.The first BBC radio weather_9_was in 1922 but it wasnt until 1949 that forecasts made it onto TV.Unlike_10_weather forecasts with high technology,during the TV program the_11_used just a map and a pencil to show what the weather would be doing tomorrow.It cannot be_12_that weather forec

24、asting is far more important than simply letting people know whether to take a_13_or an umbrella out with them.Early warning systems which predict_14_weather such as hurricanes and snowstorms have_15_countless lives.Come rain or shine,weather forecasts will probably be here for at least another 150

25、years.After all,what would the British talk about without them?【語(yǔ)篇解讀】本文介紹了英國(guó)天氣預(yù)報(bào)的發(fā)展歷程。1A.announcing BforecastingCinforming Dwarning解析:選B。結(jié)合句意可知a short piece是指天氣預(yù)報(bào)。這里指開(kāi)始預(yù)報(bào)天氣,故選B項(xiàng)。2A.captain BprofessorCassistant Dworker解析:選A。根據(jù)句中的“in the Royal Navy”,再結(jié)合四個(gè)選項(xiàng)可知,只有captain“(海軍)上?!狈险Z(yǔ)境。3A.program BfieldCar

26、my Daction解析:選B。從上下文來(lái)看是說(shuō)天氣研究領(lǐng)域的先驅(qū)。4A.gone over Bput outCput up Dgone through解析:選D。自那起的150年里,天氣預(yù)報(bào)經(jīng)歷了許多不同的風(fēng)格。go through“經(jīng)歷,經(jīng)過(guò)(階段等)”。5A.funny BembarrassingCconstant Dpopular解析:選C。這里是指天氣預(yù)報(bào)經(jīng)歷了多種風(fēng)格,但有一樣一直保持不變。constant“不變的”。6A.articles BcolumnsCstatements Dpredictions解析:選D??蓱z的FitzRoy的天氣預(yù)報(bào)出錯(cuò)后,他成為大家的笑料。7A.st

27、opped BencouragedCpunished Dpraised解析:選A。這里是指預(yù)報(bào)出錯(cuò),節(jié)目被停播。下一段的第一句話也是答案提示。8A.tendency BstyleCdemand Dnews解析:選C。然而,因?yàn)榇蟊娦枨?,?jié)目復(fù)辦了。9A.advertisement BreportCperformance Dshow解析:選B。天氣預(yù)報(bào)第一次在BBC播出是在1922年。10A.traditional BcommonCmodern Dvivid解析:選C。從“with high technology”可知,這里是指現(xiàn)代的天氣預(yù)報(bào)。11A.actor BdesignerCperfor

28、mer Dpresenter解析:選D。在電視節(jié)目中,天氣預(yù)報(bào)員只用一張地圖和一支鉛筆來(lái)播報(bào)天氣。presenter“節(jié)目主持人”。12A.admitted BdeniedCagreed Dmisunderstood解析:選B。不能否認(rèn)的是,天氣預(yù)報(bào)遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)比讓人們知道外出是否需要帶雨衣或雨傘更重要。13A.radio BraincoatCbag Dphone 解析:選B。根據(jù)空后的“or an umbrella”可推知此處應(yīng)是指雨具,故選B。14A.future BdailyCextreme Dstrange解析:選C。根據(jù)句中的“such as hurricanes and snowstorm

29、s”可知,這里指極端天氣。extreme“異乎尋常的,嚴(yán)重的”。15A.saved BkilledCattacked Dhelped解析:選A。預(yù)報(bào)極端天氣諸如颶風(fēng)、暴風(fēng)雪的預(yù)警系統(tǒng)挽救了無(wú)數(shù)生命。三、語(yǔ)法填空(2012·廣東省高考命題研究專家原創(chuàng)卷十一)“Why were you so rude to your brother?”Gladys asked William.“He drove all the way over here 1._(deliver) that package to you,but you didnt invite him inside 2._ apartm

30、ent.You didnt offer him anything to drink or eat.Then,when he was talking to me,you kept 3._(tell) him to speak faster.He was speaking slowly 4._ he knew my English isnt that goodhe was just being polite.Finally,when he and I sat down in the living room,you just went to your computer and 5._(start) playing video games.”William tried to explain to Gladys that his brother Roland was simply delivering a package and that there was nothing for the two of them to chat 6._.Furth


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