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1、重慶市2020屆九年級英語第一次月考試題第一部分 聽力部分(每小題1.5分,共30分)I .聽句子,選擇與句子意思相符的圖片。每個句子讀一遍。(每小題1.5分,共7.5分)n .聽句子,選擇與所聽句子意思相近選項。每個句子讀一遍。(每小題1.5分,共7.5分)()6.A.Tom is a student.B.Tom is not a student. C.Tom doesn' t like school.()7.A.Kangkang is at home.B. Kangkang is at school.C.Kangkang isn ' t at home.()8.A.She

2、works hard.B. She is a good woman. C. She teaches well.()9.A.School ended a little earlier.B.School ended as early as usual.C.School didn ' t end so early as usual.()10.A.Tom doesn ' t like the heavy traffic.r I don ' t like it, either.B.I don ' t like the heavy traffic, but Tom like

3、s it.C.Tom doesn' t like the heavy traffic, but I like it.m.聽對話,選擇正確答案。每段對話讀兩遍。(每小題1.5分,共7.5分)聽第一段對話,回答第 11-12小題。()11. What ' s the meaning of the three Rs?A. Reduce, right, and ride.B. Reuse, recycle, and reduce.C. Reuse, resource, and report.()12. Who wants to be a greener person?A. Mike B

4、. Smith. C. Martin.聽第二段對話,回答第 13-15小題。C. To a farm.()13.Where has Jack been?A. To a car factory.B. To a park.()14. Why has the lake become dirty?A. Because there was no one to protect it.B. Because there were too many dead fish.C. Because the visitors threw rubbish into the lake.()15. What did Jack

5、take to the leader of the park?A. Some news. B. A bottle of water and some dead fish. C. A report.W.聽短文,選擇正確答案。短文讀兩遍。(每小題1.5分,共7.5分)()16. Who does the teacher ask to help Van?A. Tom. B. Mike. C. Jim. ()17. What is Van good at?A. He is good at drawing. dancing.()18. Where does Van come from?A. He com

6、es from a city far awayB. He comes from a town far awB. He is good at singing.ay.C.He is goodatC. He comes from a country far away.()19.What does Jim show Van?A. About how to play football.B. About how to study hard.C. About how to memorize words.()20.Why does Van feel happy?A. Because he has many f

7、riends.B. Because he has learned many new words.C. Because Jim and his friends often help him.第二部分 筆試部分(共120分)單項選擇(每小題1分,共18分)21. There is nobody in the classroom. They the library to read books.A. have been to; B. have been in; C. have gone to; D. have been;22. I could hear what you said just now.

8、Could you please say that again?A. hard; B. clearly; C. hardly; D. especially;23. China has lots of people. More than of them live in the countryside.A. Two thirds ; B. Two third; C. Two three; D. Second three;24.1 t rained heavily on September 18 th,all the students and teachers got toschool on tim

9、e.A. Though, but; B. But, though; C Though, /; D. /, though;25. - you your homework yet?-Yes, I it ten minutes ago.A. Did, do, finished;B. Have,done, have finished;C. Have, done, finished; D. Will, do,finished;26. -is the population of Nanchuan now?-It ' s about more than 600 thousand.A. What

10、9; s; B. How much; C. How many; D. What;27. -Did you arrive here two years ago?-No, I ' ve be en here only several months.A. since, for; B. for, since; C. /, for; D. since, /;28. -It is a sunny day. Let s go for a picnic.A. So it is;29.had to workcouldn tB. so is it;-Nowadays,to help _ theirC. S

11、o it will be;education forsomefamilies,them.-What aA. support, 30. One-childA. donepity!supply;policywell in;B. afford, hassupport; controllingB. been good at;D. Neither it is;poorbecause their familiesC. support, afford;China s population.C. worked good in;childrenD. afford, give ;D. worked wellin

12、our school last month.in31. The sports meetingA took place; B. happened; C. has taken place; D. has happened; 32.-How was your National Holiday?-. I visited the Jinfo Mountain and had must fun.A. Bad luck; B. Not bad; C. Just so-so; D. Have fun;33. 一 Why not invite Jane to watch a movie with us?- Go

13、od idea. Let s.in math.A. make phone call; B. call up her; C. call her up; D. call him;34. I think that you have made greatA. a progress;35. -How long has he-For eight days.A. leftB. progress;from home?B. been awayC. progresses;D. progressed;C.be awayD. leave36. Nowadays, we keep in toucheach other

14、by telephones or the Internet.A.toB. ofC. forD. with37 .-Mother Terisa always help people-She is really great.A. on purpose; B. in need;38 . Could you tell meour scores?C. in factD. in turn- Sorry, I m not sure.A. when will we know; B. how long we will know;C. how long we knew; D. when we will know;

15、完形填空。 ( 每小題 1.5 分,共15 to分) giveagi rlfromMi chi gant heUSA,makes a difference justby givingher time.Sarahwas seriously ill whenshewasababy._40_difficult forher tomove. Sarahhas to walk aroundwith a walker, however ,thell-year-oldgi rldoesn't_41_,andshe uses herexperience_42_ others. Last summer,

16、 Sarahorkedthreedaysaweek for seven oneweeksat the Grand ofRapids Comprehensive theTherapy Center. She was43Youdollarshelptosomeone. Sarah,don thave39_forTher apy toandFun",ahprogram forelchildrentwith special needs.hemHer job was and44 advice and _45_s he with others, teaches her _4 6_, I can

17、helpMary, help ofSarah'senco ur ag emen t fcan so r them.hareand that"Ifeel myo t hers i nfourth- gradew o r k i ng a t life i s getting this way.”teacher said thatSar ah says t hat she' s k n o w l edge h e cent ertbet t er _4 7_she saidSarah has theother students around her,but shows

18、than thatshe's there to helpthem39. A. thousands;40. A. It;41. A. give up;42. A. encourages; encouraged;43. A. young volunteers; volunteers;44. A. provide;45. A. exciting;46. A. a lot of;47. A. because;B48. A. as well;B. thousands of;C. thousand;D. thousand of;B. It ' s;C. That ' s;D. Sh

19、e ' sB. get up;C. put up;D. wake up;B. encouraging;B. youngest volunteers;B. satisfy;B. excited;B. lots of;so;B. too;C.to encourage;D.C. young volunteer;C. supply;C. upset;C. a lot;C. because of;C. also;D.D. give;D. worried;D. lot of;D. so that;D. either;閱讀理解(每小題2分,共30分)Have you ever had no food

20、 to eat? Have you ever had no clothes to wear? Have you ever had no money to go to school . Maybe you say it ' s impossible for everyone to have such problems in modern society. But as a matter of fact, there are some such students around you and me.They are very poor but they do very well in st

21、udy.In order to help these poor but excellent students to make their dream come true, Nanchuan Middle School started Golden Bridge Class several years ago. However, only Golden Bridge Class can' t satisfy the needs of more and more such students. As a result, this year our schoolstarted a progra

22、m called Golden Bridge InspirationalFund(基金)to raise money from teachers,students,schoolfellows etc. Our school wishes to help these students to improve theirsituationsand encoura ge them to study hard by using the money. At the same time, the headmasterof our school says,“We also expect more and mo

23、re people to pay attention to our school andmake some contributions to education. ”We set the second week in September every year as the time to raise money for the Fund. Let' s join our hands and make contributions as great as possible.49. Are there any poor students in modern society?A. Yes, t

24、here are; B. No, there aren ' t; C. Yes, there aren ' t; D. We don ' t know;50. Which is not the purpose of starting Golden Bridge Inspirational Fund?A. to encourage students to study hard;B. to raise more money to build school;C. to make more people pay attention to school;D. to help po

25、or but excellent students achieve their dream;51. When can we give money to the Fund?A. only in September this year;B. In second week every year;C. In second week of September every year; D. Two years ago;Here are some ideas from the HeadmasterBZhang Hongying, girl,13I want to make our lunch time lo

26、nger. hallistoocrowdedandshort. Most of us would like to do our homework during this time. So I would like wantto have time to take a napAt the moment, lunchto have more time after lunch.the dining time is tooand I also If wedon' t get a we won' thaveearn badlyingood rest, enough energy the

27、afternoon.forthe afternoon.That way, we' ll lZhaoPengran,girl,17s Mailbox.I am very busy listening to classes and doing endless exercises at school.Teachers are also so busy giving us classes to finish their teaching task that they can' t give us enough free time to think or do work by ourse

28、lves. At the end of each class, every teacher asks us to finish some work after class. It seems thatwe have little work in each subject, but there are so many subjects. We are busy doing endless exercises without thinking carefully. Weneed more free time to finish our work.52.Hou Jiancheng, boy, 15M

29、y ideawouldbe to have more fashionable re the headmaster, Ischool woulduniforms.IfI weask thestudentsto design the uniformsthemselves.We couldhave acontestamongstudent designers. Then, we couldask otherstochoose their best.favourite.This way, we' llbe able toHow nice itwould be for us young peop

30、le!wear whatwelikeWhat does the underlined“take a nap " mean in Chinese?A.吃零食;B.乘出租; C.小睡會兒;D.上床睡覺;53. What' s Zhao Pengran ' s idea?A.to have fewer subjects;B. to have fewer exercises;C.to get more free time to do work; D. to wish teachers to give more classes;54. According to Hou Jian

31、cheng ' s ide a, which is TRUE?A. The school shouldn ' t ask students to wear school uniform;B. Students can design and choose school uniform;C. Students can wear what they like to school;D. It ' s not good to wear school uniform;Cpopulationforsuch asmall country.But largepartsofthe coun

32、tryhave few people.Mostof thepopulation iscrowded intothebigcities andindustrial areas.About90% ofthe people live in citiesand towns. Onlyabout 10% live inthecountryside.Today veryfew people-lessthan2% of thepopulation are farmersand farmworkers.Englandhasthe mostpeople. About46 millionliveinEngland

33、. Ofthese,about 14millioni peoplelive in London and thesoutheast.London isnow aThere are about 56 million peoplein the United Kingdom. This is a largecity of about 7 million people. Most of Scotland 's population lives in the middle part. The mountains in the north and the s outh have a half mil

34、lion people in Northern Ireland, and one third live in around the big industrial city of Belfast.55. The United Kingdom .A. is a big country; B. hasa small population ;C. has many people; D. is a small country without many people;56. London is a city.A. quiet;B. big;C. crowded;D. new57. Most of the

35、peoplelive in the in Scotland.A. northwest;B. middle part;C. southeast;D. northeast;58. NorthernIreland is.A. the name of a country;B.a smallcityof the United Kingdom;C.a countrywitha smaller population;D.one partofthe United Kingdom;DMr.Brownwasgoingawayfor aweek. Beforeheleft,he said tohisson,&quo

36、t;ifanyoneasksforme,you can tellhimthatyourfatherhas been outfordoing something,andwill beback inaweek,thenbe sureto ask himtosit down for acupoftea.""OK, Dad," said his son. But he was afraid hisson couldn't remember this , he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave i

37、t to him. Hisson put itintohis small pocket,took it out andlooked1 at it every nowand then. ourdayspassed, but noonecame to seehisfather. The boythought thattherewasno man to comeandthat thepieceof paper was ofno more useforhim,so he burnt itthatevening.Thenextafternoon, someone knocked atthedoor.Th

38、e boy openedit.A man wasstanding at the doorand said, "Whereis your father?" Theboyput his hand intohis pocket atonce and lookedfor thepiece of paper.Hecould notfindit. He suddenlyremembered hehadburntit, so heshouted,"No more."Themanwas very surprised.He asked,"Nomore?I met

39、 your fatherlast week. When did it happen?" "Burnt yesterday evening."59. Mr. Brown toldhis son that .A. he would be away from home for four days; B. he would be back in se ven days;C. he would be back in a month;D.he liked a cup of tea;60. Mr. Brown wrote the words down on .A. the wa

40、ll;B. a piece of paper; C. the door; D. his son's pocket;61. A man came to visit the boy's father on .A. the second day; B. the third day; C. the fourth day; D. the fifth day;62. The man was very surprised because .A. he thoughtthe child'sfatherhim towas dead;B. thechilddidn'tasksitd

41、own;C. thechildgave himacup oftea;D. he63. Whatcouldn't find was burnt?thatpiece .ofpaper;A. Mr. Smith; B. The piece of paper;C. Thevisitor;D. The boy;口語交際(每小題1分,共5分)A.Yes, I ' d like to.B.How many times have you been there?C.Is it hot?D.How do you like the city?E.I ' dove to, but I have

42、 to prepare formy exam.F.Do you like it?G.Have you ever been there before?A:I want to spendmy holidaysinDalian.64.B:Yes, I havebeentheremanytimes.A:65.B:Yes, I likethecityvery much.She' sbecoming one ofthemost moderncitiesinthe world.A:66.B: The city iscleanand beautiful.Thepeopleare kind andthe

43、 footballteam is strong.A:67.B:No, it ' snotveryhot.You mayhave aswimin thesea.A:How cool!Swimmingintheseamustbemorewonderfulthanin thelake.B:I ' m sureyou' llhavegoodtimethere.A:Would youliketogowithme?B:68.A:What a pity!任務(wù)型閱讀(每小題2分,8分)InChina,manyparentstrytokeeptheirchildrenathome.Whi

44、lein westparentswillsometimes pushtheirchildrenoutof thehouse tomakethem live ontheirown. Inwesterncountries,ifpersonover18 choosestostayat home,theparentsmayworry thattheirchildislazy,orthatheor shewillbecomelazySoma ny wibutyoucookingmust payrent. "Inand something likesomethat.homes,theparent

45、smaymaketheirchildrenwasThis is notbecause theparentsare beingruel. It ' s because they want to be sure their children are not too lazy. I n China, parents often show their love and care to their children by tryingto take care of them. They think their children will have a better future ,because

46、 their children can focusefforton their study, or their work.69. Do many parents in China keep their children at home?70. Why do parents in western countries make their children do lots of things at home?71. How do parents in China show their love to children?72. Do you agree with parents in western

47、 countries or in China? Why?完成句子(每空1分,共10分)73. He has already returned the book to the library.(改為一般疑問句)he returned the book to the library?74. We have studied in this school since two years ago. ( 對劃線部分提問) have you studied in this school?75. Because of the reform and opening-up, China has made great progress.(變成同義句 )the reform and opening-up, China has made great progress.76. There used to be lots of low houses.(改為否定句)There to be lots of low houses.77. 中國已經(jīng)成功地實施了計劃生育政策。(完成譯句子)China has succeeded the Family Planning P


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