人教PEP版三年級英語下冊《Unit 2 Part A 第二課時》課堂教學(xué)課件PPT小學(xué)公開課_第1頁
人教PEP版三年級英語下冊《Unit 2 Part A 第二課時》課堂教學(xué)課件PPT小學(xué)公開課_第2頁
人教PEP版三年級英語下冊《Unit 2 Part A 第二課時》課堂教學(xué)課件PPT小學(xué)公開課_第3頁
人教PEP版三年級英語下冊《Unit 2 Part A 第二課時》課堂教學(xué)課件PPT小學(xué)公開課_第4頁
人教PEP版三年級英語下冊《Unit 2 Part A 第二課時》課堂教學(xué)課件PPT小學(xué)公開課_第5頁
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1、人教PEP版 三年級英語下冊Unit 2 My familyPart ALets learn & Lets chantLets chant.Warm upHe and she. He and she.Boy and girl. You and me! He and she. He and she.Teacher and students, One, two, three.Lead inLook! Whats this?It is a photo of this girls family.Whos that man?Hes the girls father.Presentation/f/父親,爸

2、爸/mn/男人/dd/爸爸,爹爹Lets tell.fatherVSdad相同點:兩者在意思上沒有差別,都是父親、 爸爸。不同點:father比較正式,屬于書面用語, 寫作文、做作業(yè)大多使用father; dad屬于口 語,日常生活中多使用dad。Whos that man?Hes the girls father.Whos that woman?Shes the girls mother.女人/wmn/母親,媽媽/m/媽媽,媽咪/mm/Lets tell.motherVSmum相同點:兩者在意思上沒有差別,都是母親、 媽媽。不同點:mother比較正式,屬于書面用語, 寫作文、做作業(yè)大多使用

3、mother; mum屬于 口語,日常生活中多使用mum。Lets have a race: 大聲讀出單詞,并說出漢語意思。Lets learn Who can you see?Zhang Peng, Sarah, Sarahs father, Sarahs mother and brother.Where are they? In the park.What are they doing? They are looking for eggs.復(fù)活節(jié)彩復(fù)活節(jié)彩蛋蛋每年春分月圓后的第一個星期日就是“復(fù)活節(jié)”。 在西方許多國家,復(fù)活節(jié)與“圣誕節(jié)”是同等重要 的。蛋的原始意義代表“春天-新生命的開始

4、”; “撿彩蛋”是復(fù)活節(jié)最經(jīng)典的傳統(tǒng)活動,許多西方 人小時候會在當(dāng)天玩一種撿彩蛋的游戲,而彩蛋里 面也會藏一些小禮物,找到彩蛋的人會很興奮。彩 蛋代表著人們的美好心愿,并與家人、朋友共同分 享季節(jié)更替的喜悅。Whos that woman?Shes my mother.Listen and read.father ( dad )manmother ( mum )womanPracticeZhang Peng and Sarah are in the park. They are talking about Sarahs family.Sarah will introduce him to he

5、r family. Lets role-play and make up a new talk in groups.Zhang: Whos that man?Sarah: Hes my father. Hes looking for eggs, too. Zhang: Whos that woman?Sarah: Shes my mother. Look at the boy. Hes my brother. Lets go and meet my family.Zhang: Hello. Dad: Mum: : Lets play a game.大小聲游戲規(guī)則:兩人一組,A同學(xué)隨 機選擇問句

6、,B同學(xué)選擇相應(yīng)的答 語。A同學(xué)大聲,則B同學(xué)小聲, 反之亦然。一輪結(jié)束,角色交換。問句:Whos that man?Whos that girl? Whos that woman? Whos that boy?答語:Hes Mike.Hes my father. Shes Amy.Shes my mother.Lets chantLook at the picture. Who can you see?A man, a woman and a boy.This is a family. Family means Father and mother, I love you!Listen to

7、the chant.Lets chantWatch the video and say the chant.Chant together!The man is the father-tall, tall, tall!The woman is the mother- not so tall. Thats the son- small, small, small.They are a family, one and all!ExercisesanA. om erA. teB. tsA七. u 彩課B. 堂atherA伴. ma你成B. 長moB. moC. emC. thC. iC. me( B

8、) 4.(C) 2. fa( B ) 3. mn(A) 1. w一、選擇正確的字母補全單詞一、選擇正確的字母補全單詞。2. Hes my father.1. Shes my mother.3. Shes my friend.(3)(1)(2)二、為圖片選擇正確的句子二、為圖片選擇正確的句子。I want to know復(fù)活節(jié)復(fù)活節(jié)(主復(fù)活日)是一個西方的重要節(jié)日,在每年 春分月圓之后第一個星期日。復(fù)活節(jié)中美國人的食品也很有特點,多以羊肉和火腿 為主。復(fù)活節(jié)彩蛋是為了給人們帶來快樂確實如此! 這些彩蛋精美漂亮且富有裝飾性,它們代表著人們的美好 心愿,并與你分享季節(jié)更替的喜悅。Summary七彩課堂1. 學(xué)習(xí)了下列詞匯:man, woman, father,mother, d


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