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1、中考英語形容詞和副詞考點歸納 中考英語對形容詞和副詞的考查非常廣泛,既可能考查形容詞和副詞的用法區(qū)別,也可能考查相似形容詞和副詞的用法辨析;既可能考查比較等級的構成與用法,也可能考查比較等級的搭配與修飾詞;既可能從語法角度考查其用法,也可能設置特定的語境進行考查。因此,同學們在復習時,一定要引起足夠的重視。 一、考查形容詞詞綴構成 【真題鏈接】 用所給單詞的適當形式填空。1. (2016年荊州卷)I'm busy these days. Hanging out with friends is almost (possible)for me now. 2. (2016年長春卷)The s

2、eat is hard and (comfortable) to sit on, so I have a sore back. 3. (2016年上海卷)"Be (care) not to touch the paintings in the museum." Mum said. 4. (2016年揚州卷)We are sorry to hear that you are not (satisfy) with your new car. 【解析】 1. impossible。句意為:這些天我很忙。和朋友出去閑逛對我來說幾乎是不可能的。根據(jù)句意可知,空格處應填possible

3、的反義詞impossible 。 2. uncomfortable。句意為:這個座位很硬并且坐在上面不舒服,所以我背痛。根據(jù)句意可知,空格處應填comfortable的反義詞uncomfortable。 3. careful。根據(jù)語境可知,空格處應填形容詞,care是名詞,其形容詞形式是careful。 4. satisfied。 be satisfied with意為“對感到滿意”,satisfy的形容詞形式為satisfied。 【知識鏈接】中考對形容詞詞綴的考查主要包括: 表示否定意義的形容詞前綴有un-,im-,in-,ir-,dis-等。如:necessary-unnecessary

4、; polite-impolite; correct-incorrect; regular-irregular; honest-dishonest。 表示肯定意義的形容詞后綴有-ful,-al,-y, -able,-ed等。如:help-helpful; nature-natural; health-healthy; comfort-comfortable;worry-worried。 表示否定意義的形容詞后綴有-less等。如:use-useless; end-endless。 二、考查形容詞和形容詞短語辨析 (一)各個選項詞義不同 【真題鏈接】 1. (2017年安徽卷)My deskma

5、te is really .She likes to attend different activities after school. A. active B. quiet C. lazy D. honest2. (2017年德州卷)As soon as I heard the news that I passed the driving test, I felt at once.A. angry B. relaxed C. afraid D. nervous 【解析】 1. A。句意為:我的同桌真活躍,放學后她喜歡參加不同的活動。active意為“積極的,活躍的”,符合語境。 2. B。根

6、據(jù)語境可知,主句意為:我立即感到很放松,relaxed意為“放松的,得到休息的,自在的”,符合語境。 【應試技巧】 分析題干時,注意各個選項的不同詞義,同時結合題干的具體語境,從而選出最佳答案。 (二)各個選項為近義詞 【真題鏈接】 3. (2016年自貢卷)When you feel helpless and ,just remember you are not in the world because your friends are around you. A. alone; alone B. alone; lonely C. lonely; alone 【解析】 3. C。 alone

7、可用作形容詞,意為“獨自的,單獨的”,只能作表語,強調客觀上僅一人,無人陪伴;alone也可用作副詞,意為“獨自地,單獨地”,常作狀語。lonely只作形容詞,意為“孤獨的,寂寞的”,強調心靈上的孤獨寂寞,在句中既可作定語,也可作表語。lonely作定語還可以修飾地點名詞,意為“荒涼的,偏僻的”。本題兩個空均作表語,第一空強調主觀情況,而第二空強調客觀情況。故選C。 【應試技巧】 對于考查近義形容詞,我們既要掌握相關近義詞的區(qū)別,又要把近義詞的區(qū)別與題干的語境和在空格處的作用緊密結合起來。 (三)分詞形容詞辨析 【真題鏈接】 4. (2016年恩施卷)The show on Zhejiang

8、TV, Running Men, makes lots of people . A. interesting; relaxingB. interesting; relaxed C. interested; relaxed 【解析】 4. B。句意為:浙江電視臺播放的有趣節(jié)目奔跑吧兄弟,讓許多人感到輕松。第一空應填interesting,意為“有趣的”,在句中作表語,第二空應填relaxed,意為“感到放松的”,在句中作賓語補足語。故選B。 【知識鏈接】 分詞形容詞指的是V-ing或過去分詞構成的形容詞。V-ing類的形容詞常用來描述事物本身的特征,主語通常是物;過去分詞構成的形容詞常用來描述人

9、對事物的感受,主語通常是人。如:amazing“令人驚異的”,amazed“驚奇的,吃驚的”;boring"無聊的,煩人的”,bored“令人厭煩的”;interesting“有趣的”,interested“感興趣的”;pleasing“令人愉快的”,pleased“高興的”;relaxing“令人放松的”,relaxed“放松的”;satisfying“令人滿意的”,satisfied“滿意的”;surprising“令人驚訝的”,surprised“驚訝的”;tiring“令人厭倦的”,tired“疲勞的”;worrying“令人擔心的”,worried“擔心的”。 (四)形容詞

10、短語辨析 【真題鏈接】5. (2016年煙臺卷)Many teenagers don't like to talk with their parents. But I am them. I love to share my joy and sorrow with my parents. A. the same as B. different from C. interested in D. angry with 6. (2015年德州卷)Who is your favorite singer, Mike? TF Boys. They are very boys and girls. A

11、. proud of B. popular with C. strict with D. worried about 【解析】 5. B。根據(jù)語境可知“但是我與他們不同”,前后句意思轉折,故空格處應填different from,符合題意。 6. B。句意為:邁克,你最喜歡的歌手是誰?是TF Boys。他們非常受男孩和女孩的歡迎。be popular with意為“受歡迎”,符合題意。 【知識鏈接】 常用的形容詞短語有:be / get used to“習慣于”;be afraid of“害怕”;be bad for“對有害”;be busy with“忙于”;be different fro

12、m“與不同,與有差異”;be excited about“對感到興奮”;be famous / known as“作為而著名,以而出名”;be good at“在方面做得好,擅長” ; be good for“對有益”;be good with“靈巧的,善于應付的”;be interested in“對感興趣”;be late for“遲到”;be made from“用制造的(從成品中看不出原材料)” ; be made of“用制造的(從成品中仍可看得出原材料)” ; be proud of“為感到自豪”;be strict in sth.“對某事很嚴格”;be strict with s

13、b.“對某人嚴格”;be worried about“對擔心”等。 三、考查副詞的構成 【真題鏈接】 用所給單詞的適當形式填空。 1. (2017年臨沂卷)There are ways to stay healthy when seasons change. You should wash your hands (careful), exercise, eat and sleep well. 2. (2016年泰州卷)I' m sorry I (complete) forgot that it was your birthday yesterday. Never mind. 3. (2

14、016年長春卷)The math problem isn't difficult, and I can work it out (easy). 【解析】 1. carefully。句意為:你應該認真地洗手、鍛煉、飲食和好好休息。空格處要用副詞修飾wash one's hand,在句中作狀語,careful的副詞形式為carefully。 2. completely。句意為:很抱歉,我完全忘記了昨天是你的生日??崭裉幰酶痹~修飾后面的動詞forgot, complete的副詞形式為completely。 3. easily。句意為:這道數(shù)學題不難,我能毫不費力地解出來??崭裉幰?/p>

15、副詞修飾work out,在句中作狀語,easy的副詞形式為easily。 【知識鏈接】 形容詞加后綴-ly構成副詞,分以下幾種情況: 大多數(shù)詞直接在詞尾加-ly。如:quiet-quietly。 令以-1e結尾的,去e加-y。如:comfortable-omfortably;以e結尾的直接加-1y,如:close-closely,但true-truly除外。 以輔音字母加y結尾的要將y改為i,再加-1y。如:easy-easily。 【溫馨提示】 部分含有-1y后綴的是形容詞,如:friendly(友好的,友愛的),lonely(孤獨的,寂寞的),likely(可能的),lovely(可愛的

16、,美麗的,迷人的), lively(活潑的,生氣勃勃的),ugly(丑陋的,難看的)等。 四、考查副詞辨析 【真題鏈接】 1. (2017年安徽卷)There are many beautiful places to visit in Anhui, Mount Huang in autumn. A. simply B. finally C. luckily D. especially 2. (2017年泰安卷)It rained and lasted for a long time yesterday. Too bad! Even some streets were full of water

17、. A. hardly B. strongly C. terrible D. heavily 3. (2017年南京卷)Would you like some green tea? No, thanks. I drink green tea. It hurts my stomach. A. almost B. seldom C. only D. still 4. (2017年江西卷)Sleeping is a good thing, but some people sleep . A. easily B. badly C. quickly D. well 5. (2017年重慶A卷)We

18、9;ll have to say goodbye, my dear friends! But I will forget the days we spent together. A. always B. often C. never D. usually6. (2016年常州卷)The coach thinks of Mary's sports talents, for she jumped very at the sports meeting. A. high; high B. highly; highly C. high; highly D. highly; high 【解析】 1

19、.D。句意為:在安徽有許多美麗的地方值得一游,特別是秋天的黃山。especially意為“特別地”,符合語境。 2. D。句意為:昨天雨下得很大,并且持續(xù)了很長時間。太糟糕了!甚至某些街道上都是水。heavily意為“猛烈地”,符合語境。 3. B。句意為:你想要一些綠茶嗎?不用,謝謝。我很少喝綠茶。它傷胃。seldom意為“很少”,符合語境。 4. B。句意為:睡眠是一件很好的事,但是一些人睡覺很糟糕。badly意為“糟糕地”,符合語境。 5. C。后句句意為:但是我不會忘記我們一起度過的日子。never意為“從不”,符合語境。 6. D o high“高”,既可作形容詞,也可作副詞,表示具

20、體意義;highly只作副詞,意為“高度地”,表抽象意義。think highly of意為“高度地贊揚”,第二句中“她跳得非常高”,表示具體的高,用副詞high。故選D。 五、考查形容詞與副詞辨析 【真題鏈接】 1. (2016年青島卷) ,we saw the sun rise on top of Mount Tai. A. Lucky B. Luckily C. Unlucky D. Unluckily 2. (2015年呼和浩特卷)What do you think of the woman singer? Her voice sounds . I like her songs. A.

21、 sweet B. sweetly C. bad D. badly 3. (2015年涼山卷)The fish tastes ,we have eaten it up. It is certain that she cooked it . A. good; well B. well; good C. well; well D. good; good 【解析】 1. B。句意為:幸運的是,我們在泰山的山頂看到了日出??崭裉幵诰渲凶鳡钫Z,結合語境可知,Luckily符合題意。 2.A。句意為:她的聲音(聽起來)很甜美,我喜歡她的歌曲。系動詞sounds之后需要接形容詞作表語,結合語境可知,swee

22、t符合題意。 3. A。句意為:這魚嘗起來很好,我們把它吃光了。毫無疑問的是她做得好。taste作系動詞,后常跟形容詞作表語;修飾動詞cook要用副詞well,在句中作狀語。綜上所述,選A。 【應試技巧】 答題時,我們應該首先分析空格處在句中所作的成分,然后把選項的詞義與題干的語境結合起來,從而確定最佳答案。 六、考查形容詞與副詞在句中的位置 【真題鏈接】 1. (2017年長沙卷)There' s in the city. Why not have a picnic in the countryside? Great. Daweishan Mountain might be a go

23、od choice. A. interesting something B. nothing interesting C. anything interesting 2. (2015年龍東卷)All the students in the classroom do their homework . A. enough careful B. careful enough C. carefully enough 【解析】 1. B。形容詞修飾復合不定代詞時要后置,可排除A項。依據(jù)“Why not have a picnic in the countryside?”可知,前句意思應為:在這個城市里沒

24、有什么有趣的,故選B。 2. C。句意為:這個班上所有的學生做家庭作業(yè)都足夠認真。修飾do one's homework要用副詞carefully, enough修飾carefully要后置,故選C。 【知識鏈接】 形容詞修飾由some-, any-, no-, every-和-body, -one, -thing所構成的不定代詞時要放在其后。 enough用作副詞時,一般要放在所修飾的形容詞或副詞的后面。“形容詞/副詞+enough + to do sth.”為固定結構。 七、考查形容詞和副詞原級的常用句式 【真題鏈接】 1. (2017年宿遷卷)Daniel is his twin

25、 brother. They are both 1.75 metres tall. A. taller than B. shorter than C. as tall as D. so tall as 2. (2016年鄂州卷)Did John get Number 1 in the math exam? 一Yes, no one did so as him. A. good B. well C. better D. best 3. (2017年連云港卷)It' s really him to drive after drinking so much wine. A. crazy of

26、 B. gentle of C. brave for D. wise for 4. (2016年安順卷)Mom, can I do much work in a short time? Dear, I think you can. A. so; so B. such; so C. so; such D. such; such 5. (2017年揚州卷)Mrs. White is enough to spend her spare time on our maths problems. A. confident B. curious C. wise D. generous 6. (2017年泰安

27、卷)一 exciting the speech about "Belt and Road" was! Of course! It was a really great inspiration to the world. A. How B. What C. How a D. What an 【解析】 1. C。根據(jù)后句“他們都是1.75米高”可知,前句句意為:丹尼爾和他的雙胞胎兄弟一樣高,C項與題意相符。 2. B。句意為:約翰在數(shù)學考試中得了第一名嗎?是的,沒人做得和他一樣好。此處修飾動詞did,要用副詞,又因為“not as / so +形容詞或副詞原級+as.”為固定句

28、式,故空格處應填副詞的原級。 3. A。句意為:對他來說,喝了那么多酒后開車是發(fā)瘋的。crazy意為“發(fā)瘋的”,用來描述他的品質,符合語境。 4. C。句意為:媽媽,我能在這么短的時間內做這么多的工作嗎?親愛的,我認為你能。so“這么;如此”,常用于形容詞和副詞之前;such“這么;如此”,常用于名詞之前,可數(shù)名詞前加a或an,根據(jù)句意第一空在much前用so,第二空在time名詞前用such。故選C。 5. D。句意為:懷特夫人很慷慨,把她的空閑時間都花在我們的數(shù)學問題上。generous意為“慷慨的,大方的”,符合語境。 6. A。根據(jù)句式“How十形容詞或副詞+主語+謂語!”可知,How

29、符合題意。 【知識鏈接】 形容詞和副詞原級的常用句式: It's+形容詞+for sb.+to do sth.“做某事對某人來說”(形容詞描述事物的特征或特點,如easy, hard, difficult, important, necessary, impossible, interesting等) It's+形容詞+of sb.+to do sth.“某人做某事是”(形容詞描述的是不定式邏輯主語的品質或特征,如good, kind, nice, wise,clever, careful, polite, foolish等) too. to.“太而不能” 形容詞或副詞十eno

30、ugh + to do sth. so+形容詞或副詞+that十其他 such (+ a / an)+形容詞+名詞+that +其他 can't+其他+too+形容詞或副詞“無論怎樣都不為過” as+形容詞或副詞的原級+as“和一樣” not as / so+形容詞或副詞的原級+as+比較對象(表示前者不如后者) What (+ a / an)+形容詞十名詞+主語+謂語! How+形容詞或副詞+主語+謂語! How+形容詞+a/an+可數(shù)名詞+主語+謂語! 八、考查形容詞和副詞的比較級 (一)在具體語境中考查比較級 【真題鏈接】 1. (2017年安徽卷)What do you thi

31、nk of the movie? Great! I have never seen a one. A. good B. bad C. better D. worse 2. (2017年德州卷)I've read through this book several times, but I will read it so as to get better understanding. A. more bravely B. less easily C. less confidently D. more carefully 【解析】 1. C。根據(jù)語境“太棒了!我從來沒見過比這更好的了”可知

32、,better與題意相符。 2. D。根據(jù)語境“以便獲得更好的理解”可知,空格處應填more carefully“更加仔細地”,與題意相符。 【應試技巧】 對于在語境中考查比較級,分析語境和空格處是否暗含比較的語氣是準確答題的關鍵。 (二)在常用句式中考查比較級 【真題鏈接】 1. (2016年長春卷)I hope my school life of senior high will be than that of juniorhigh. A. more exciting B. very exciting C. as exciting as D. the most exciting 2. (2

33、016年永州卷)Which subject do you like ,English or math? Of course English. A. well B. better C. best 3. (2016年達州卷)Roy never likes junk food. Neither do I. That's probably why I'm becoming now. A. healthy and weak B. healthier and healthier C. weaker and weaker D. more and more healthily 4. (2017

34、年青島卷) we work at English, the better grades we will get. A. Harder B. The hardest C. Hardest D. The harder 5. (2014年杭州卷)Of the two shirts, I'd like to choose the one to save money for a cap. A. cheapest B. cheaper C. more expensive D. most expensive 【解析】 1.A。根據(jù)than可知空格處應用比較級。 2. B。問句句式為“Which+謂語

35、+比較級,A or B?”,故選B。 3. B。becoming后接形容詞,由此可排除D項;此外該句句式為“比較級+and+比較級”,結合語境可知,B項符合題意。 4. D。句意為:我們學習英語越刻苦,就會取得越好的成績。"the+比較級+”是比較級的常見句式,表示“越,就越”。 5. B。題干為句式“the+形容詞比較級(+其他)+of the two+名詞”的省略形式,因此cheaper符合題意。 【知識鏈接】 比較級的常用句式: 形容詞或副詞的比較級+than+其他“比更” less+原級+than“比更不;不如” 比較級+than + any other+單數(shù)名詞+其他 比較

36、級+than+any+單數(shù)名詞+其他(不在同一范圍內比較); Which/Who+謂語+比較級,A or B?“A和B,哪一個更?”; 比較級+and+比較級“越來越”; the+比較級(+主語+謂語),the+比較級(+主語+謂語)“越就越”; the+形容詞比較級(+其他)+ of the two+名詞“兩者中較的一個”。 九、考查形容詞和副詞的最高級 (一)在語境中考查形容詞和副詞最高級 【真題鏈接】 1. (2017年江西卷)I want to buy a shirt. But I have a little money. The shirts here are all very ch

37、eap. And the yellow one is . Do you like it?A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheapest D. expensive 2. (2016年巴中卷)This is fascinating town I have ever visited. Yes, I've never seen a one. A. the worst; bigger B. the most; better C. the better; best 【解析】 1. C。根據(jù)語境“這兒的襯衫都很便宜。這件黃色的是最便宜的,你喜歡它嗎?”可知,空白處應填形容詞的

38、最高級形式。 2. B。句意為:這是我參觀過的最迷人的城鎮(zhèn)。是的,我從沒看到過比這更好的。第一空要用最高級,可排除C項;否定詞與比較級連用可表示最高級含義,第二空用比較級。另根據(jù)題意,故選B。 【應試技巧】 當三者或三者以上的人或事物進行比較時才使用最高級,這是判斷是否應該使用最高級的依據(jù)。 (二)在句式中考查形容詞和副詞最高級 【真題鏈接】 1. (2016年臨沂卷)Mr. Wang is very friendly to us. He is of all the persons I know. A. patient B. less patient C. more patient D. th

39、e most patient 2. (2015年廣安卷)Who does homework ,Tom, Jack or Bill? Bill. A. more carefully B. more careful C. most carefully D. most careful 3. (2016年烏魯木齊卷)Do you think Peng Mama is one of first ladies in the world? Yes, she is more attractive than any other first lady. A. the most fascinating; a few

40、 B. the fascinating; a lot C. the most fascinating; even D. most fascinating; many 【解析】 1.D。句意為:他是我認識的最有耐心的人??崭裉帒米罡呒墶?2. C。Who+謂語+(the)+最高級,A, B or C?為固定句式,意為“A,B,C三者,哪一個最”。選C。 3.C。句意:你認為彭媽媽是世界上最迷人的第一夫人嗎?是的,她甚至比其他所有第一夫人都更有吸引力?!皁ne of+形容詞最高級+復數(shù)名詞”意為“最之一”;另外,a lot和even可修飾形容詞的比較級,但a few和many卻不能。綜上所述,選

41、C。 【知識鏈接】 最高級的常用結構: (the)+最高級+in / of / among+比較范圍; Who / Which+謂語+(the)+最高級,A,B or C? “A,B,C三者,哪一個最”; be one of / among+the+形容詞最高級+復數(shù)名詞“最之一”。 十、考查形容詞和副詞比較等級的修飾語 【真題鏈接】 1. (2017年重慶A卷)Jane has become much than before. She can express herself in public now. A. brave B. braver C. lazy D. lazier 2. (201

42、6年廣東卷)Among the four seas off the coast of China, East China Sea is the second . A. deep B. deeper C. deepest D. the deepest 【解析】 1. B。 much修飾比較級,可排除A,C項。根據(jù)語境可知前句意為:簡已經變得比以前更加勇敢,空格處應填braver。 2. C。句意為:在中國的四大海洋中,東海是第二深的海洋。the second常用于修飾形容詞的最高級,表示“第二”,故選C。 【知識鏈接】 常用于修飾比較級的詞或短語有:a bit,a little, a lot,

43、any, even, far, much, no, rather等。 常用于修飾最高級的詞或短語有:almost, the second等。如:Of all the students,Betty's Chinese is almost the best. 即時演練: 一、從A,B,C,D四個選項中,選出可以填入相應空白處的最佳選項。 1.The clothes store is on weekends. I see. I'll go there next Monday then. A. closed B. open C. close D. opened 2.I think li

44、stening is just as as speaking in language learning. Yes. I agree with you. A. the most important B. more important C. most important D. important 3. Jeremy Lin is as a NBA player and he is very with young people in China. A. famous; famous B. famous; popular C. popular; popular D. popular; busy 4.

45、Of the two Australian students, Masha is one. I think you can find her easily. A. tallest B. the taller C. taller D. the tallest 5. Bob often says that swimming is than hiking in reducing weight, but he always spends more time in swimming. A. less useful B. less interesting C. more useful D. more in

46、teresting 6.What do you think of the film So Young directed by Zhao Wei? Wonderful. I think it's than the other films about youth in recent years. A. the best B. the worst C. much better D. much worst 7. My neighbor is so that he enjoys meeting and talking to people. A. shy B. outgoing C. quiet

47、D. smart 8. There isn't much traffic around his house. He lives in a neighborhood. A. noisy B. dirty C. close D. quiet 9.Is the child any better today? I think so. His temperature seems now. A. high B. normal C. low D. special 10. The old man was so the good news that he couldn't say a word.

48、 A. excited about B. worried about C. interested in D. afraid of 11. Many people think that the pop song Gangnam Style sounds ,but others don't like it at all. A. wonderfully B. terribly C. wonderful D. terrible 12.一I think maths isn't as as Chinese. I agree with you. I think Chinese is than any other subject. A. easier; easiest B. easier; easier C. easy


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