新世紀(jì)研究生英語(yǔ) 下 課本重點(diǎn)句子翻譯_第1頁(yè)
新世紀(jì)研究生英語(yǔ) 下 課本重點(diǎn)句子翻譯_第2頁(yè)
新世紀(jì)研究生英語(yǔ) 下 課本重點(diǎn)句子翻譯_第3頁(yè)
新世紀(jì)研究生英語(yǔ) 下 課本重點(diǎn)句子翻譯_第4頁(yè)
新世紀(jì)研究生英語(yǔ) 下 課本重點(diǎn)句子翻譯_第5頁(yè)
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1、1. Furthermore, partygoers figure, it offers relief from such pesky obligations as thanking anyone or being kind to wallflowers because there really arent any hosts. Nobody has to pay (that same Nobody who generously provides the telephone line for long-distance personal calls, and so nobodys feelin

2、gs need be considered.參加晚會(huì)的人也明白這種場(chǎng)合省去了許多麻煩的禮節(jié)性應(yīng)酬。因?yàn)闆](méi)有東道主,所以不必特意感謝什么人,或是費(fèi)神與縮在角落里沒(méi)人理睬的客人搭訕。既然不是哪一個(gè)人買(mǎi)單(同樣也不是哪一個(gè)人慷慨地為來(lái)賓提供免費(fèi)私人長(zhǎng)途電話,所以哪一個(gè)人的感受都不需要考慮。2. This is all pure hospitalitythere for the taking, like the office-supplied felt-tipped pens everyone has been pocketing all year.所有這一切均為盛情款待每個(gè)人都可以欣然接受,就像平日

3、里一直順手牽羊把辦公室的氈頭墨水筆放入自家口袋一樣。3. For those still dimly aware of the once-standard give-and-take of real social life, this no-fault approach to business entertaining seems a godsend.對(duì)那些仍然隱約記得生活中有付出才有獲得之理的人而言,這種無(wú)憂無(wú)慮的公司娛樂(lè)簡(jiǎn)直就像是神賜的福祉。4. Now, the reason the invitation said “and guest” was to avoid the ticklis

4、h issue of who is still married to whom and what the spouse calls itself.另外,邀請(qǐng)函上通常注明“以及佳賓”之類(lèi)的話,目的是為了避開(kāi)誰(shuí)和誰(shuí)仍是伴侶以及配偶如何稱(chēng)呼等敏感問(wèn)題。5. They will, however, be memorable, darkly charging the company with promoting immorality.但是這些配偶會(huì)記住此事,并私下斥責(zé)公司唆使員工不誠(chéng)實(shí)。6. True office romances are the least of them, with their c

5、harges of favoritism and melding professional and personal time.這些人之間很少會(huì)孳生真正的辦公室戀情,因?yàn)榇祟?lèi)行為難免有待人偏袒和公私混淆之嫌。7. In one evening, they manage to cut through the entire hierarchy and procedures the boss has painstakingly established for the purpose of being spared this kind of importuning.他們?cè)噲D在短短的一夜之內(nèi),逾越老板多

6、年來(lái)千辛萬(wàn)苦構(gòu)筑的用于抵擋這類(lèi)懇求的層層階梯和壁壘。8. What else does talking frankly and informally mean but an invitation to unload opinions without any career consequence?無(wú)拘無(wú)束、開(kāi)誠(chéng)布公不就意味著一吐為快而不必?fù)?dān)心影響自己的事業(yè)前途嗎?9. What constitutes a couple is a murkier question than Miss Manners and any sensible employer ought to investigate, b

7、ut employees simply can be asked to supply the name of a spouse or friend they want to invite.誰(shuí)和誰(shuí)結(jié)伴出席晚會(huì)是令禮節(jié)小姐和任何一位明智的雇主都感到難以查清楚的事情。不過(guò)可以讓員工自己填寫(xiě)同行的配偶或朋友的姓名。10. The clever employee will dress as the executives do, keeping in mind that there are few fields in which people are condemned for looking insuf

8、ficiently provocative. Refusing or limiting drinks is not the handicap at business parties that it may be under the overly hospitable eye of a private host.聰明的員工會(huì)在穿著上與上司們保持同一風(fēng)格,因?yàn)樗麄兩钪?幾乎沒(méi)有哪個(gè)場(chǎng)合有人會(huì)因?yàn)榇┑貌粔蛉茄鄱蝗酥钢更c(diǎn)點(diǎn)。在公司晚會(huì)中拒絕或盡量少喝酒的做法無(wú)人指責(zé),但在私人晚會(huì)中礙于主人好客的目光這種行為會(huì)很難堪。11. In the place of withered spinsters and

9、 bachelors are people like Elizabeth de Kergorlay, a 29-year-old Parisian banker who views her independence and her own apartment as the spoils of professional success.現(xiàn)在的單身族不再像過(guò)去那些面容枯槁的老處女和鰥夫,而是像伊麗莎白克爾戈萊這樣的人。伊麗莎白克爾戈萊是個(gè)29歲的巴黎銀行家,她把擁有獨(dú)立生活和自己的公寓看成是事業(yè)成功的結(jié)果。12. Its a marketing mans dream: a demographic

10、with the anxieties of teenagers and the bank accounts of the middle-aged.這正是銷(xiāo)售商的夢(mèng)想:一個(gè)具有十來(lái)歲孩子的渴望而又有中年人的銀行賬戶的群體。13. Standing behind the boys, Wise saw that the video, rated T (Teen for ages 13 and older, depicted the shooters point of view, with his large gun jutting into the bottom of the TV frame.懷斯

11、先生站在孩子的身后,看到這套級(jí)別為青少年級(jí)(13歲以上少年的游戲展現(xiàn)出槍手的視角,一把巨型手槍連線接在電視機(jī)的底部。14. Interactive video games introduce kids to a fantasy world that features amazingly lifelike characters, detailed images of brutality, and an audio mix of heart-pounding music, macabre sound effects and authentic voices.互動(dòng)式游戲?qū)⒑⒆觽儙У揭粋€(gè)神奇的世界。那

12、里有逼真的人物、詳盡的殘暴畫(huà)面、令人心跳的音樂(lè)、讓人毛骨悚然的音響效果和真人原音的聲響。15. “We ar e moving very close to a real cinematic experience, pushing the boundaries of what a TV set or computer monitor can deliver,”我們制作的畫(huà)面很快就可以與電影院的效果媲美,目前是電視和電腦屏幕所能達(dá)到的極限。16. In that game kids control a character known among players as The Postal Dude

13、 who “goe s postal” when the bank forecloses on his house.在這套游戲中,孩子充當(dāng)?shù)氖且粋€(gè)名為“郵差王”的角色,每當(dāng)銀行來(lái)查封他的住所時(shí),郵差王就會(huì)“怒氣沖天”。17. Asked about the discrepancy, the ESRBs Pober says that “every group will have a different mind-set. Theyre entitled to their views.”當(dāng)問(wèn)及這類(lèi)評(píng)級(jí)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的出入時(shí),娛樂(lè)軟件定級(jí)委員會(huì)的蒲伯說(shuō):“不同的機(jī)構(gòu)有不同評(píng)定觀點(diǎn),而且都有各自的理?yè)?jù)?!?8

14、. While publishers trumpet about educational games in helping to develop kids learning skills, they discount that violent games can have baser influences on behavior and attitudes.一方面,游戲開(kāi)發(fā)商大肆宣傳教育游戲有助于培養(yǎng)孩子的學(xué)習(xí)技能;另一方面,他們但卻很少提及暴力游戲?qū)⒆有袨楹蛻B(tài)度可能產(chǎn)生的影響。19. Its the same kind of attitude that has allowed the to

15、bacco industry to contend for so long that nicotine is not addictive.這同煙草業(yè)一直爭(zhēng)辯尼古丁不會(huì)使人上癮是同一種態(tài)度。20. Indeed, soldiers trained to kill in combat use the same brutalization and desensitization techniques now used to entertain children.事實(shí)上,游戲中為娛樂(lè)兒童所采用的殘忍和冷血的格斗技巧與部隊(duì)?wèi)?zhàn)斗訓(xùn)練演習(xí)中所使用的技巧完全一樣。21. “And if parents are

16、 responsible for caring for their children, then our definition of caring has to keep pace with a changing media worl d.”如果父母要對(duì)所照料的孩子負(fù)責(zé),那么我們對(duì)照料一詞的定義必須趕上不斷發(fā)展變化的媒體世界?!?2. But the early Roman-Latin element of spatial consciousness, of concreteness, has been maintained in Western thought and language pa

17、tterns, even though the Greek capacity for abstract thinking and expression was also inherited.但是空間意識(shí)和具體化的古羅馬拉丁成分已經(jīng)在西方思維和語(yǔ)言模式中保存了下來(lái),盡管也繼承了希臘人的抽象思維和表達(dá)能力。23. The fraying of the nuclear family and the demands on working parents, many experts believe, have produced a generation of children who can progr

18、am a computer but dont know how to write a thank-you note.許多專(zhuān)家認(rèn)為,核心家庭的緊張與忙碌,使得培養(yǎng)出來(lái)的孩子能給計(jì)算機(jī)編程卻不懂得寫(xiě)封感謝信。24. If a child reaches adulthood with recollections only of television, Little League and birthday parties, then that child has little to draw on when a true test of character comes upsay, in a prickly business situation.孩子成年時(shí),如果回憶中只有電視、“小棒球隊(duì)”和生日聚會(huì)的話,那么當(dāng)真正考驗(yàn)人的品格的時(shí)候,這些孩子就沒(méi)有什么東西可以依托了。25. While children dont automatically warm to the idea of learning to be polite, theres no reason for them to see manne


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