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2、生應注重運用這門課程中所學的基本原理對汽車的實用電路進行分析。三、認真復習平時作業(yè),注意總結輔導教師對自己平時作業(yè)所給的意見,結合作業(yè)講評和交流情況加深對課程基本內(nèi)容的理解和掌握。題型舉例I.Translate the following phrases and expresses.將以下短語和詞句翻譯成漢語。(每題2分,共20分)1automatic clutches 動離合器2dependent suspension 非獨立懸架3coefficient pf friction 摩擦系數(shù)II. Reading Comprehension: 閱讀理解III. Multiple Choice:

3、Circle the letter in the correct answer. 選擇題:將正確答案前題號放在所給的括號內(nèi)。(每題1分,共20分 )( )1. In the suspension system, the springs can be of the coil, leaf, pneumatic and _A_ type. A torsion bar B strut C conical D cylindrical IV Match each number item with the most closely related lettered item and write your a

4、nswers in the space provided. 將和左側相匹配的答案前題號填寫在空格處。1 H 1234562 K 3 A 4 E 5 C 6 F A. pistonB. crankshaftC. batteryD. beltE. spark plugF. flywheelG. motorH. air filterI. camJ. valve K. water jacketV. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. 將以下單詞填寫在空格處,必要時可以變換單詞形式

5、。(每題2分,共20分)appreciable independent effect configuration harshness transient intermediate drag shield bulge1. Their happiness was to be sadly _ appreciable _.2. Her help has made an _ effected _ difference.VI. Translate the following sentences. 將下面句子翻譯成漢語。1A radial tire has a low self-aligning torqu

6、e when a lateral force is applied, which produces a faster steering reaction and vehicle response from the operator input.1當輪胎受到側向力作用時,其回正力矩較小,這會使轉(zhuǎn)向迅速靈敏,汽車操縱性增強。2. To enable them to withstand the heavy loading of opening the valve, the cams are required to be hardened to a good depth during manufact

7、ure. 2為保證它們能承受開啟氣門時的巨大載荷,凸輪在制造時必須達到相當?shù)挠捕群蛷姸?。各章復習范圍?課 History of Automobile本課主要介紹了汽車的發(fā)展史。具體要求如下:一、重點掌握1 詞匯:automobile, vehicle, auto, motor vehicle, MPV, engine, internal combustion engine, fuel, gasoline, petrol, diesel, wheel, crankshaft, piston, cylinder, stroke, four-stroke engine, motorcycle, c

8、arburetor, assembly line, transportation, spark plug, front, rear, body2 句子:1)The automobile as we know it was not invented in a single day by a single inventor. The history of the automobile reflects an evolution that took place worldwide. It is estimated that over 100,000 patents created the moder

9、n automobile.2)An internal combustion engine is any engine that uses the explosive combustion of fuel to push a piston within a cylinder - the piston's movement turns a crankshaft that then turns the car wheels via a chain or a drive shaft.第2課 Introduction to Automobile 本課介紹了汽車的基本結構、各個主要部件的工作原理,

10、以及汽車對社會的影響。具體要求如下: 一、重點掌握1 詞匯:Chassis, electrical system, shaft, driven shaft, driven wheel, gear, piston engine, compression, ignition, spark ignition(SI), compression ignition(CI),suspension system, braking system, steering system, driving system, transmission, transmit, gearbox, final drive, diff

11、erential, clutch, torque, power, neutral, neutral gear, reverse gear, spring, steering wheel, ABS, battery, hood, trunk deck, charge, wear, pressure, temperature, axle, frame, speed, maintain 3 句子:1)The vehicle can be usually subdivided into several major categories: the body, the engine or power so

12、urce, the chassis and the electrical system. 2)The main components of the transmission system are the clutch, gearbox, final drive, and differential.3)Two types of brakes are used in modern cars: drum brakes and disc brakes. 4)The major parts of electrical system in a car include the battery, the st

13、arting system, the charging system, the ignition system, the lighting system, the auxiliary system and some electronic devices used on modern automobiles. 第3課 Engine Fundamentals本課介紹了發(fā)動機的基本術語、四沖程發(fā)動機的基本結構以及工作原理。具體要求如下:一、重點掌握1.詞匯:Cycle, Top Dead Center(TDC), Bottom Dead Center(BDC), filter, air filter

14、, oil filter, fuel filter, pump, water pump, fuel pump, oil pump, oil, injection, nozzle, electronic, electrical, intake, exhaust, valve, compress, lubricate, cooling system, water jacket, coolant, antifreeze, volume, combustion chamber, air-fuel mixture, swept volume, total capacity, multi-cylinder

15、 engine, clearance volume, compression ratio, emission control system, fuel tank, oil pan2 句子:1)This term is used to describe the movement of the piston from one extreme position to the other extreme position inside the engine cylinder, e.g. from the highest to the lowest position it can reach, or v

16、ice-versa (lowest to highest position). 2)The electronic control unit (ECU) controls the fuel injection nozzles to inject the small quantity of fuel into the intake ports to produce the air-fuel mixture that then flows into the cylinders where it is ignited and burns. 3)The engine has many moving me

17、tal parts. If metal parts rub against each other, they will wear rapidly. To prevent this, engines have lubricating systems that flood all moving parts with a coating of lubricating oil. 4)The second stroke causes an upward motion of the piston. The space above the piston is now sealed due to the in

18、let valve closing and the exhaust valve having already closed. This upward motion of the piston causes the petrol/air mixture to be compressed and the result is an increase in pressure and temperature of the mixture. 第4課 Diesel Engine本課對柴油機進行了介紹,主要包括柴油機的工作原理、柴油機的供油系統(tǒng)。具體要求如下:一、重點掌握1.詞匯:Spray, inject,

19、 self-ignition, transmit, accelerate, coach, lorry, tank, low-pressure pipe, fuel filter, fuel lift pump, fuel injection pump, high-pressure pipe, fuel injector, fuel leak-off pipe, liter, filler neck, in-line pump, distributor Pump Assembly (DPA), camshaft 2.句子:1) The diesel engines are compression

20、 ignition engines. The diesel engine uses the heat of compression to ignite the fuel.2) One major difference between a diesel engine and a petrol engine is that the diesel engine has a very high compression ratio.3) Compression ignition engines are efficient, last longer and are cheaper to maintain

21、than petrol engines but are sometimes expensive, noisier and slower to accelerate.4) The main components of the fuel supply system for a diesel engine include a fuel storage tank, low-pressure pipes, various fuel filters, fuel lift pump, fuel injection pump, high-pressure pipes, fuel injectors and f

22、uel leak-off pipes. The system is therefore a little more complicated than the fuel supply system for a spark-ignition engine.5) Fuel filters are used to prevent the dust, abrasive particles and water reaching the fuel injection pump and injector, where they would cause a high rate of wear on the pr

23、ecision-machined components and lead to shorter life.第6課 Cylinder Block and Cylinder Head 本課主要介紹氣缸體和氣缸蓋。具體要求如下: 一、重點掌握1.詞匯:cylinder block, cylinder head, bearing, cooling passageway, cooling jacket, radiator, manufacturer, assembly, air-cooled engine, liquid-cooled engine, cast iron, aluminum, alloy

24、, liner, in-line engine, valve mechanism, manifold, heater hose, lubricant, gasket, seal, crankcase2.句子:1) The cylinder block is the foundation of the engineall other parts are attached to it. Its most important function is to provide a strong, unmovable mounting for engine components such as the cr

25、ankshaft and cylinders and so on.2) Various modern casting techniques are used to lighten the cylinder block. It is the heaviest part of the engine, and the more it can be safely lightened, the lighter the car. This means better fuel economy.3) Two kinds of cylinder liners, dry liner and wet liner,

26、can be installed after the cylinder block is cast.4) The cylinder heads on many engines also form the upper end of the combustion chambers for each cylinder. The piston head and piston rings form the lower end of the combustion chambers.5) Attached to the cylinder head are such components as valve m

27、echanisms, spark plugs or injectors, exhaust and inlet manifolds, temperature sensors, heater hose connectors, top radiator hose connector, and a rocker or camshaft cover.第7課 Piston, Connecting Rod, Crankshaft本課介紹了活塞、連桿和曲軸。具體要求如下:一、重點掌握1.詞匯:Connecting rod, bearing, piston head, piston ring, piston p

28、in, compression ring, oil ring, crankpin, forge, counterweight, flywheel, main journal, camshaft, keyway, Woodruff key, gear, sprocket, pulley, auxiliary, generator, coolant pump, power steering pump, flange, oil-thrower, machine, main bearing cap, bolt, bore 2.句子:1) The piston must be strong. But i

29、t must be light to reduce inertia loads on the bearings. For this reason, pistons for modern engines are made of aluminum alloy. This is a light metal.2) The piston rings maintain a sliding seal between the cylinder wall and the piston. The piston cannot be fitted tightly enough to form a good seal

30、by itself. There must be some clearance so that the piston can slide without sticking.3) During manufacture, the rods and caps are individually matched to each other. They usually carry identifying numbers so that they will not be mixed up if the engine is disassembled.4) The crankshaft assembly inc

31、ludes the crankshaft, bearings, flywheel, harmonic balancer, timing gear, and front and rear seals.5) The crankshaft usually drives the camshaft from its front end and is usually machined to accommodate a keyway to retain a Woodruff key (half-moon shaped) and a gear or sprocket is located on this ke

32、yway which is employed to drive the camshaft.第8課 Valve Mechanism of an Engine本課介紹了發(fā)動機的配氣系統(tǒng)。具體要求如下:一、重點掌握1.詞匯:valve mechanism, valve train, valve seat, valve guide, cam, camshaft, overhead camshaft, DOHC, push rod, rocker arm, lifter, valve, bushing, valve stem, valve face, valve float, valve bounce,

33、 time, timing gear, timing chain2.句子:1) There are two valves for each cylinder. One is the intake valve. The other is the exhaust valve. However, certain high-performance engines use four valves per cylinder, two intake valves and two exhaust valves.2) The valve trains are divided into side camshaft

34、 type and overhead camshaft (OHC) type, seen in Fig.2, according to the location of the camshaft.3) In the OHC engine, the camshaft is mounted on or in the cylinder head. In this type there is no necessary to have the long push rod. This method of operation is much more efficient because fewer movin

35、g parts are involved (no push rod).4) The intake and exhaust valves operate at different temperature. The intake valves run much cooler than the exhaust valves.5) For the valves to open and close in correct relation to the position of the crankshaft, the camshaft must be timed to the crankshaft. Thi

36、s means that the two shafts must be assembled so that the cams open the valves at a precise time in relation to the position of the piston and crankshaft.第9課 Engine Lubrication System本課介紹了發(fā)動機潤滑系統(tǒng)。具體要求如下:一、重點掌握1.詞匯:lubrication system, oil pan, oil pump, main oil gallery, oil filter, oil pressure reli

37、ef valve, oil cooler, oil sensor, reservoir, gravity, positive displacement pump, gear-type pump, eccentric-rotor-type pump, full-flow filter, by-pass filter, dashboard, lifter2.句子:1)The engine has many moving parts. These parts must be lubricated adequately in order for the engine to operate correc

38、tly. 2)The lubrication system is designed to supply lubricant, the oil, to all the moving parts of the engine to separate their surfaces, reduce friction, and act as a coolant and detergent.3)The lubrication system is composed of several parts. These include the oil pan, oil pump, main oil galleries

39、, oil filters, oil pressure relief valves (regulator valves), oil cooler, and oil sensors. These parts are needed to make the lubrication system operate correctly.4)The oil pump operates all the time when the engine is running. They are normally driven by the camshaft or crankshaft. A number of diff

40、erent types of pump are in use, the most popular being the gear-type pump and eccentric-rotor-type pump.5)There are two types of oil filtering system. One is called full-flow system and one is called the by-pass system. Full-flow system filters all of the oil before it enters the engine.6)By-pass sy

41、stem filters only a part of the oil during operation. Most modern filters fitted to the engines are full-flow type.第10課 Engine Cooling System本課介紹了發(fā)動機冷卻系統(tǒng)。具體要求如下:一、重點掌握1.詞匯:cooling system, varnish, sludge, air-cooling system, liquid(water)-cooling system, fin, convection, radiation, heat transfer, sh

42、roud, radiator, water pump, water jacket, fan, thermostat, hose, antifreeze, coolant, hot spot, recirculate, blade, motor2.句子:1)There are two types of engine cooling systems, air-cooling system and liquid (water)-cooling system. Most automotive engines are water-cooled. Most engines for airplanes, s

43、nowmobiles, motorcycles, power lawn mowers, and similar equipment are air-cooled.2)Air-cooled engines are simple and cheap. Air-cooled engines have fins on the outer surfaces of the cylinders and cylinder heads. These fins are cast directly into the cylinders and heads (Fig.1).3)The liquid-cooling s

44、ystem (Fig.2) includes several parts: the water pump, the water jacket, radiator, the fan, the thermostat and hoses.4)Water jackets are designed to remove heat from the cylinder block on cylinder head.5)The radiator is a heat exchanger that removes heat from the coolant passing through it.第11課 Engin

45、e Ignition System本課介紹了發(fā)動機點火系統(tǒng)。具體要求如下:一、重點掌握1.詞匯:Voltage, volt, cylinder order, jump across, current, spark plug gap, contact point, contact-breaker point, condenser, electronic ignition system, ignition switch, ignition coil, distributor, capacitor, negative side, positive side, primary winding, low

46、-tension circuit, secondary winding, high-tension circuit, magnetic field, arcing, freezing point, melting point, shorting-out, hexagon, spanner, electrode, insulation, porcelain, ignition timing, timing advanced, timing retarded, late burning, transistor, semiconductor, high-energy ignition system2

47、.句子:1)The ignition system is designed to produce an electrical high-voltage spark (approximately 2000050000 volts) at each spark plug within the combustion chamber at a precise moment of time and in the correct cylinder order.2)The conventional ignition system (Fig.1) consists of the battery, the ig

48、nition switch, the ignition coil, the distributor, the capacitor (condenser), the spark plug and wiring.3)The ignition circuit can conveniently be divided into two parts. One part is known as the primary windings (low-tension circuit) and the other part is the secondary windings (high-tension circui

49、t).4)The spark plug must form a good seal inside the cylinder head to avoid leakage of the high gas pressures during combustion and must be capable of operating consistently without the high-tension current shorting-out. 5)In the engine, timing advanced and timing retarded also happen.第12課 Engine St

50、arting System本課介紹了發(fā)動機起動系統(tǒng)。具體要求如下:一、重點掌握1.詞匯:Solenoid, cable, pinion gear, mesh with, ring gear, amperage, direct current, engage with, inertia engaged motor, pre-engaged motor, heavy duty, loop, magnetic pole, rotor, armature, field winding, spin, series, brush, steering column, shift lever, in gear

51、, instrument panel, cross-section, electro-chemical, nonrechargeable, charge, discharge, cell, positive plate, negative plate, electrolyte solution2.句子:1)The starting system is a type of electrical circuit that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.2)The typical starting system includes

52、the battery, the starting motor and the solenoid switch, the starter switch (ignition switch), and the cables which connect these components.3)The battery sends current to the starting motor when the driver turns the ignition switch to START.4)The battery is a very important and necessary part of a

53、vehicle. The function of the vehicles battery is to supply electrical energy to many systems and components within the vehicle.5)第13課 Engine Intake and Exhaust System本課介紹了發(fā)動機進氣和排氣系統(tǒng)。具體要求如下:一、重點掌握1.詞匯:Noise, gallon, contaminant, air filter, intake ducting, carburetor, manifold, supercharger, exhaust

54、soot, filtration, oil bath air filter, dry-type air filter, velocity, plug, pickup truck, turbocharge, muffler, catalytic converter, volumetric efficiency, catalyst, unleaded, tail pipe, hanger, rubber connector, baffled, chamber, perforated straight pipe, fiberglass, exhaust back pressure2.句子:1)In

55、order to meet these requirements of the engine, the intake system is needed. The intake system mainly includes the air filter, intake ducting, the carburetor, and the intake manifold. Some engines have supercharger in the in take system.2)The intake manifold is used to transfer or carry the air and/

56、or fuel from the air filter to the intake valve. The intake manifold is designed to deliver the right amount of air and fuel to each cylinder under all driving conditions.3)The exhaust system collects the high-temperature gases from each combustion chamber and sends them to the rear of the vehicle t

57、o be dispersed. An exhaust manifold, mufflers, and pipes are used to accomplish this.4)A catalytic converter is also used. The exhaust gas flows from the exhaust manifold into an exhaust pipe and from there into the catalytic converter. 5)The catalytic converter converts the pollutants in the exhaust gas into water vapor and other harmless gases.6)They are used to convert harmful pollutants such as HC, CO, and NOx into harmless gases, CO2, H2O, and N2.第14課 Gasoline Engine Management System (EMS)本課介紹了汽油機管理系統(tǒng)。具體要求如下:一、重點掌握1.詞匯:Embrace; chemical ener


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