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1、第二十講九年級第二十講九年級Units 910類別類別新課標(biāo)要求新課標(biāo)要求重重點(diǎn)點(diǎn)詞詞匯匯拓拓展展1.inventn.1.inventn.發(fā)明家發(fā)明家 inventorn. inventorn.發(fā)明發(fā)明 inventionadj. inventionadj.有有創(chuàng)造才能的創(chuàng)造才能的 inventive inventive2 2operaten.operaten.操作者操作者 operatorn. operatorn.操作;手術(shù)操作;手術(shù)operationoperation3 3ancient(ancient(反義詞反義詞)adj.)adj.現(xiàn)代的現(xiàn)代的 modern modern4 4prod

2、ducen.生產(chǎn);制作生產(chǎn);制作 productionn. productionn. 產(chǎn)品產(chǎn)品 product product5 5activen.activen.活動活動 activityadv. activityadv.積極地;活躍地積極地;活躍地 activelyactively6 6createadj.createadj.有創(chuàng)造力的;有創(chuàng)新精神的有創(chuàng)造力的;有創(chuàng)新精神的 creative creative7 7woodenn.woodenn.木材;樹林木材;樹林 wood wood8 8popularityadj.popularityadj.流行的;受歡迎的流行的;受歡

3、迎的 popular popular9 9fooladj.fooladj.傻的;愚蠢的傻的;愚蠢的 foolish foolish1010announcen.announcen.布告;公告布告;公告 announcement announcement類別類別新課標(biāo)要求新課標(biāo)要求重重點(diǎn)點(diǎn)詞詞匯匯拓拓展展1111farmern.farmern.農(nóng)場;農(nóng)莊農(nóng)場;農(nóng)莊 farm farm1212thrilladj.thrilladj.令人激動的;震顫的令人激動的;震顫的 thrillingadj. thrillingadj.感到感到激動的激動的 thrilled thrilled1313marryad

4、j.marryadj.已婚的已婚的 married married 重重點(diǎn)點(diǎn)短短語語記記憶憶1.be used for 1.be used for 用來做用來做2 2by mistake by mistake 錯誤地錯誤地3 3by accident by accident 偶然地;意外地偶然地;意外地4 4according toaccording to根據(jù);按照;據(jù)根據(jù);按照;據(jù)所說;視所說;視而定而定5 5fall into fall into 落入;陷入落入;陷入6 6in this wayin this way這樣這樣7 7knock into knock into 與與相撞相撞重重

5、點(diǎn)點(diǎn)短短語語記記憶憶8 8by the timeby the time到到時候;到時候;到之前之前9 9go off go off 發(fā)出響聲發(fā)出響聲 1010run off run off 跑掉;迅速離開跑掉;迅速離開1111on time on time 準(zhǔn)時準(zhǔn)時1212break down break down 停止運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn);出故障停止運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn);出故障1313show up show up 出席;露面出席;露面1414set off set off 激起;引起激起;引起1515sell outsell out賣完;售光賣完;售光1616get married get married 結(jié)婚結(jié)婚 重重

6、點(diǎn)點(diǎn)句句型型整整理理1.Potato chips were invented by mistake.1.Potato chips were invented by mistake.2 2The customer was happy in the end.The customer was happy in the end.3 3It is believed that on December 21st,1891It is believed that on December 21st,1891,the the first basketball game in history was played.f

7、irst basketball game in history was played.4 4When she got to schoolWhen she got to school,she realized she had she realized she had left her backpack at home.left her backpack at home. 重重點(diǎn)點(diǎn)句句型型整整理理5 5What happened to Dave on April Fools Day?What happened to Dave on April Fools Day?6 6Welles was so

8、convincing that hundreds of people Welles was so convincing that hundreds of people believed the story.believed the story. 1 1Potato chips were Potato chips were inventedinvented_ _byby_ _mistakemistake. .薯片是無意中被發(fā)明的。薯片是無意中被發(fā)明的。(Unit 9)(Unit 9)(1)invent(1)invent是動詞,意為是動詞,意為“發(fā)明發(fā)明”。He has invented a ne

9、w way of making silk.He has invented a new way of making silk.他發(fā)明了一種制造絲綢的新方法。他發(fā)明了一種制造絲綢的新方法?!颈嫖觥俊颈嫖觥?invent invent與與discoverdiscoverinventinvent意為意為“發(fā)明發(fā)明”,表示發(fā)明原先不存在的東西,諸如機(jī)器或工,表示發(fā)明原先不存在的東西,諸如機(jī)器或工具等。具等。discoverdiscover意為意為“發(fā)現(xiàn)發(fā)現(xiàn)”,表示發(fā)現(xiàn)原來已存在但未為人所知的東西。,表示發(fā)現(xiàn)原來已存在但未為人所知的東西。Gilbert discovered electricityGilb

10、ert discovered electricity,but Edison invented the but Edison invented the electric light bulb.electric light bulb.吉爾伯特發(fā)現(xiàn)了電,而愛迪生發(fā)明了電燈。吉爾伯特發(fā)現(xiàn)了電,而愛迪生發(fā)明了電燈?!就卣埂俊就卣埂?invention invention n n發(fā)明;創(chuàng)造發(fā)明;創(chuàng)造inventor inventor n n發(fā)明家;創(chuàng)造者發(fā)明家;創(chuàng)造者(2)by mistake (2)by mistake 意為意為“錯誤地;無意地錯誤地;無意地”。與此類似的結(jié)構(gòu)有。與此類似的結(jié)構(gòu)有by b

11、y accidentaccidentby chanceby chance,意為,意為“偶然地;意外地偶然地;意外地”。mistakemistake是名詞,常見是名詞,常見詞組有詞組有make (a few) mistakes make (a few) mistakes 犯犯( (若干若干) )錯誤。錯誤。I did it by mistake.I did it by mistake.我一時搞錯才這樣做了。我一時搞錯才這樣做了。2 2ItIt_ _isis_ _believedbelieved_ _thatthat on December 21st,1891 on December 21st,1

12、891,the first the first basketball game in history was played.basketball game in history was played.人們認(rèn)為歷史上的第一場籃球比賽是在人們認(rèn)為歷史上的第一場籃球比賽是在18911891年年1212月月2121日舉行的。日舉行的。(Unit 9)(Unit 9)It is believedIt is believedthatthat從句是英語中常用句型,這個句型的意思為從句是英語中常用句型,這個句型的意思為“據(jù)認(rèn)為據(jù)認(rèn)為;人們認(rèn)為;人們認(rèn)為”,相當(dāng)于,相當(dāng)于people believe that.

13、people believe that.?!就卣埂俊就卣埂?此類用法還有此類用法還有Its said that.Its said that.據(jù)說據(jù)說;Its thought Its thought that.that.人們認(rèn)為人們認(rèn)為;Its known that.Its known that.眾所周知眾所周知;Its Its reported that.reported that.據(jù)報道據(jù)報道;Its suggested that.Its suggested that.據(jù)建議據(jù)建議Its said that he saved two boys from the river.Its said

14、that he saved two boys from the river.據(jù)說他從河里救了兩個男孩。據(jù)說他從河里救了兩個男孩。3 3By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.當(dāng)我出去時,公共汽車已經(jīng)離開了。當(dāng)我出去時,公共汽車已經(jīng)離開了。(Unit 10)(Unit 10)本句是過去完成時,它表示在過去某一時間或動作之前完成的動作或本句是過去完成時,它表示在過去某一時間或動作之前完成的動作或狀態(tài),其構(gòu)成是狀態(tài),其構(gòu)成是“主語主語

15、hadhad動詞過去分詞動詞過去分詞”。在由。在由by the time, when, by the time, when, before, after, untilbefore, after, until等連接的復(fù)合句中,如果主句謂語等連接的復(fù)合句中,如果主句謂語和從句謂語表示的過去動作是在不同時間發(fā)生的,那么先發(fā)生的動作用過和從句謂語表示的過去動作是在不同時間發(fā)生的,那么先發(fā)生的動作用過去完成時。去完成時。When I came in, he had finished his homework. When I came in, he had finished his homework. 當(dāng)

16、我進(jìn)來時,他已完成作業(yè)了。當(dāng)我進(jìn)來時,他已完成作業(yè)了。By the time I got there, the train had left.By the time I got there, the train had left.當(dāng)我到那兒時,火車已離開了。當(dāng)我到那兒時,火車已離開了。4 4When she got to schoolWhen she got to school,she realized she had she realized she had leftleft her her backpack backpack atat_ _homehome. .當(dāng)她到達(dá)學(xué)校時,她意識到她把

17、書包忘在家里了。當(dāng)她到達(dá)學(xué)校時,她意識到她把書包忘在家里了。(Unit 10)(Unit 10)leaveleave在句中用作動詞,意為在句中用作動詞,意為“留下;丟下;落下留下;丟下;落下”,所用句型,所用句型leave leave sth.sth.地點(diǎn),意為地點(diǎn),意為“把某物忘在某地把某物忘在某地”。He left his umbrella on the train.He left his umbrella on the train.他把傘忘在火車上了。他把傘忘在火車上了?!就卣埂俊就卣埂?leave for leave for離開前往離開前往leave sb. aloneleave sb

18、. alone讓某人獨(dú)自呆著讓某人獨(dú)自呆著leave offleave off停止;結(jié)束停止;結(jié)束leave behind leave behind 不帶走;丟下不帶走;丟下be on leavebe on leave休假休假 leave about leave about亂放亂放( (東西東西) )【辨析】【辨析】 leave leave與與forgetforgetforgetforget意為意為“忘記忘記”,forget sth.forget sth.意為意為“忘記某事忘記某事”;forget to do sth.forget to do sth.意為意為“忘了去做某事忘了去做某事”。I

19、forgot to turn off the lights when I went out.I forgot to turn off the lights when I went out.我出門時忘記關(guān)燈了。我出門時忘記關(guān)燈了。leave sth.leave sth.地點(diǎn)地點(diǎn) 意為意為“把某物落在某處把某物落在某處”。5 5Welles was Welles was soso convincing_ convincing_thatthat hundreds of people believed hundreds of people believed the storythe story,and

20、 panic set off across the whole country.and panic set off across the whole country.韋爾斯講得如此令人信服,以至于成百上千的人都相信這件事是真的,韋爾斯講得如此令人信服,以至于成百上千的人都相信這件事是真的,從而引發(fā)了全國范圍的恐慌。從而引發(fā)了全國范圍的恐慌。(Unit 10)(Unit 10)so.that.so.that.意為意為“如此如此以至于以至于”,常用來引導(dǎo)結(jié)果狀語從,常用來引導(dǎo)結(jié)果狀語從句。句。The little girl was so tired that she couldnt walk fu

21、rther.The little girl was so tired that she couldnt walk further.那個小女孩太累了,以至于不能再往前走了。那個小女孩太累了,以至于不能再往前走了?!就卣埂俊就卣埂?so.that. so.that.和和such.that.such.that.so.that.so.that.中的中的soso是副詞,其后只能跟形容詞或副詞,如果跟名是副詞,其后只能跟形容詞或副詞,如果跟名詞只能用詞只能用“so“soadjadj. .a(an)a(an)可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)thatthat從句從句”形式。形式。such.that.such.that

22、.中的中的suchsuch是形容詞,后跟名詞或名詞短語,可用是形容詞,后跟名詞或名詞短語,可用“such“sucha(an)a(an)adjadj. .可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)thatthat從句從句”或或“such“suchadjadj. .可可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)/ /不可數(shù)名詞不可數(shù)名詞thatthat從句從句”形式。形式。It is so good a book that we all like reading it.It is so good a book that we all like reading it.It is such a good book that we all l

23、ike reading it.It is such a good book that we all like reading it.那是一本如此好的書,以至于我們都愛讀。那是一本如此好的書,以至于我們都愛讀。如果名詞前有如果名詞前有manymany,muchmuch,littlelittle,fewfew時,常用時,常用soso,而不用,而不用suchsuch。I bought so many books that I couldnt wait to read them.I bought so many books that I couldnt wait to read them.我買了很多的

24、書,以至于我迫不及待地想去讀。我買了很多的書,以至于我迫不及待地想去讀。注意:下列三個句式可以相互轉(zhuǎn)化。注意:下列三個句式可以相互轉(zhuǎn)化。sosoadjadj././advadv.that.that否定句否定句.tootooadjadj././advadv.to do sth.to do sth.not.notadjadj././advadv.enough to do sth.enough to do sth.6 6She was thrilledShe was thrilled,because she really wanted to because she really wanted to

25、getget marriedmarried. .她很激動,因為她真的想結(jié)婚。她很激動,因為她真的想結(jié)婚。(Unit 10)(Unit 10)marrymarry一般用作及物動詞,可作一般用作及物動詞,可作“娶娶”講;也可作講;也可作“嫁嫁”講,其后直講,其后直接跟賓語,不能說接跟賓語,不能說marry with sb.marry with sb.。She married a man with a lot of money.She married a man with a lot of money.她嫁給了一個很有錢的人。她嫁給了一個很有錢的人。She married her daughter

26、to a doctor.She married her daughter to a doctor.她把女兒嫁給了一個醫(yī)生。她把女兒嫁給了一個醫(yī)生?!就卣埂俊就卣埂?get marriedget married意為意為“結(jié)婚結(jié)婚”,表示動作,不能與表示一段,表示動作,不能與表示一段時間的時間狀語連用。時間的時間狀語連用。When did she get marriedWhen did she get married?她什么時候結(jié)婚的?她什么時候結(jié)婚的?be marriedbe married意為意為“結(jié)婚結(jié)婚”,表示狀態(tài),能與表示一段時間的時間狀,表示狀態(tài),能與表示一段時間的時間狀語連用。語連用

27、。They have been married for five years.They have been married for five years.他們結(jié)婚已經(jīng)五年了。他們結(jié)婚已經(jīng)五年了。相同點(diǎn):二者都可以和介詞相同點(diǎn):二者都可以和介詞toto連用,但不能接連用,但不能接withwith。九年級九年級(910單元單元)(訓(xùn)練時間:訓(xùn)練時間:60分鐘分值:分鐘分值:100分分)基礎(chǔ)知識過關(guān)基礎(chǔ)知識過關(guān)一、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示完成句子一、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示完成句子(9(9分分) )1 1He has He has _ _ ( (發(fā)明發(fā)明) a new way of making silk.)

28、a new way of making silk.2 2She She _( (嘗嘗)the soup and sees if it needs more salt.)the soup and sees if it needs more salt.3 3We all know that there are 100 years in a We all know that there are 100 years in a _ _ ( (世世紀(jì)紀(jì)) )4 4The boys were The boys were _( (投投)stones into the river when I )stones

29、into the river when I passed there.passed there.5 5The children The children _ _ ( (沖沖)out of the classroom at the )out of the classroom at the end of their lesson.end of their lesson.inventedtastescenturythrowingrushed6 6Make sure to Make sure to _ _ ( (鎖上鎖上)the door before you leave the )the door

30、before you leave the classroom.classroom.7 7The teacher asked who The teacher asked who _( (打破打破)the window last night.)the window last night.8 8The sun The sun _ _ ( (升起升起)in the east and sets in the west.)in the east and sets in the west.9 9After the match most of us felt After the match most of u

31、s felt _( (筋疲力盡的筋疲力盡的) )二、根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子二、根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子(16(16分分) )1 1湯姆一定是弄錯了才拿了你的字典。湯姆一定是弄錯了才拿了你的字典。Tom must have taken your dictionary Tom must have taken your dictionary _. .lockbrokerisesexhaustedby mistake2 2根據(jù)今天的報紙,下星期將有冷天氣。根據(jù)今天的報紙,下星期將有冷天氣。_ todays newspaper, we shall have cold weather todays newspa

32、per, we shall have cold weather next week.next week.3 3如果你撞到某人,你應(yīng)該說如果你撞到某人,你應(yīng)該說“對不起對不起”。If you If you _ somebody, you should say “Im sorry.” somebody, you should say “Im sorry.”4 4哪里工作艱苦,他們就出現(xiàn)在哪里。哪里工作艱苦,他們就出現(xiàn)在哪里。They _ wherever the work is difficult.They _ wherever the work is difficult.5 5機(jī)器壞了。我將找人

33、幫我修理一下它。機(jī)器壞了。我將找人幫我修理一下它。The machine The machine _. Ill ask someone to help me repair . Ill ask someone to help me repair it.it.According toknock intoshow upbroke down6 6那種鞋我們只有小號的了,大號的全賣完了。那種鞋我們只有小號的了,大號的全賣完了。We have those shoes in small sizes onlyWe have those shoes in small sizes only,weve weve _

34、 all all the bigger ones.the bigger ones.7 7只有用這種方法你才能趕上其他的同學(xué)。只有用這種方法你才能趕上其他的同學(xué)。_ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _.8 8即使下雨,他還是會準(zhǔn)時來的。即使下雨,他還是會準(zhǔn)時來的。_ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _.三、用方框中所給詞組的適當(dāng)形式填空三、用方框中所給詞組的適當(dāng)形式填空(10(10分分) )sold outYou can catch up with the other students only in this wayHe will come on time even though it rai

35、ns1 1The teacher will The teacher will _ all the students all the students _ six groups. six groups.2 2My grandfather is My grandfather is _ ninety years old. ninety years old.3 3Many young people Many young people _ becoming popular singers in becoming popular singers in the future.the future.4 4It

36、s dangerous to skate on the river in winter because Its dangerous to skate on the river in winter because you may you may _ it. it.5 5During this summer vacationDuring this summer vacation,Im going to visit my aunt Im going to visit my aunt and live with her for and live with her for _. .綜合能力提高綜合能力提

37、高一、單項選擇一、單項選擇(10(10分分) )divideintomore thandream offall intosome time1 1The robots are _ for doing housework. They are The robots are _ for doing housework. They are really amazing.really amazing.A Aused used B Bsent sent C Casked asked D Ddiscovereddiscovered【解析】考查動詞詞義辨析。【解析】考查動詞詞義辨析。use“use“用來用來”;

38、send“send“派遣,安排派遣,安排”;ask“ask“要求要求”;discover“discover“發(fā)現(xiàn)發(fā)現(xiàn)”。be used forbe used for表示表示“被用來干某事被用來干某事”,句意為句意為“這些機(jī)器人被用來做家務(wù),真讓人驚奇。這些機(jī)器人被用來做家務(wù),真讓人驚奇。”故選故選A A?!敬鸢浮俊敬鸢浮緼 A2 2(2011(2011沈陽沈陽)Im going to be late for work.Therere )Im going to be late for work.Therere _ buses on this route(_ buses on this route

39、(線路線路) )A Atoo few too few B Btoo littletoo littleC Ctoo many too many D Dtoo muchtoo much【解析】考查詞語辨析。根據(jù)前句【解析】考查詞語辨析。根據(jù)前句“我上班將會遲到的我上班將會遲到的”可知,這條可知,這條路線的公交車很少,又因為路線的公交車很少,又因為busbus為可數(shù)名詞,應(yīng)該用為可數(shù)名詞,應(yīng)該用fewfew來修飾,故選來修飾,故選A A?!敬鸢浮俊敬鸢浮緼 A3 3Papermaking is _ of ancient China.Papermaking is _ of ancient China.

40、A Aone of greatest inventorone of greatest inventorB Bone of the greatest inventorsone of the greatest inventorsC Cone of greatest inventionone of greatest inventionD Done of the greatest inventionsone of the greatest inventions【解析】考查【解析】考查one ofone of形容詞最高級名詞復(fù)數(shù)的用法。形容詞形容詞最高級名詞復(fù)數(shù)的用法。形容詞greatgreat的最高級

41、的最高級greatestgreatest前面需要加前面需要加thethe。故選。故選D D?!敬鸢浮俊敬鸢浮緿 D4 4(2011(2011邵陽邵陽)I _ something wrong just now.May I )I _ something wrong just now.May I use your eraser?use your eraser?Of course.Here you are.Of course.Here you are.A Awrite write B Bwrote wrote C Cam writingam writing【解析】考查時態(tài)的用法。由句中的時間狀語【解析

42、】考查時態(tài)的用法。由句中的時間狀語just nowjust now知用一般過去知用一般過去時態(tài)。故選時態(tài)。故選B B。【答案】【答案】B B5 5(2011(2011湘潭湘潭)Do you know _ tomorrow?)Do you know _ tomorrow?SorrySorry,I dont know.You may surf the Internet.I dont know.You may surf the Internet.A Awhether will it rainwhether will it rainB Bif it will rainif it will rainC

43、Cwhether does it rainwhether does it rain【解析】考查賓語從句的用法。賓語從句要用陳述語序。根據(jù)題意【解析】考查賓語從句的用法。賓語從句要用陳述語序。根據(jù)題意“你知不知道明天是否會下雨?你知不知道明天是否會下雨?”“”“對不起,我不知道,你可以上網(wǎng)查一對不起,我不知道,你可以上網(wǎng)查一下。下?!惫蔬x故選B B。【答案】【答案】B B6 6(2011(2011清遠(yuǎn)清遠(yuǎn))We want to know _ to help them.)We want to know _ to help them.A Awhat can we do what can we do

44、B Bwhat we can dowhat we can doC Chow can we do how can we do D Dhow we can dohow we can do【解析】考查賓語從句。賓語從句要用陳述語序,排除【解析】考查賓語從句。賓語從句要用陳述語序,排除A A和和C C。句意為。句意為“我們想知道能做什么來幫助他們。我們想知道能做什么來幫助他們?!惫蔬x故選B B?!敬鸢浮俊敬鸢浮緽 B7 7On the 19th Earth Day, Dr Wang gave us a talk on the On the 19th Earth Day, Dr Wang gave us

45、 a talk on the importance of _ the earth.importance of _ the earth.A Apracticing practicing B BpreventingpreventingC Cpolluting polluting D Dprotectingprotecting【解析】考查動詞詞義辨析。【解析】考查動詞詞義辨析。practice“practice“實踐實踐”;prevent“prevent“阻止阻止”;pollute“pollute“污染污染”;protect“protect“保護(hù)保護(hù)”。故選。故選D D?!敬鸢浮俊敬鸢浮緿 D8 8

46、Did you watch the basketball match this morning?Did you watch the basketball match this morning?Oh, my alarm clock didnt _. When I woke up, the Oh, my alarm clock didnt _. When I woke up, the match had been over.match had been over.A Ago on Bgo on Bgo up go up C Cgo off Dgo off Dgo awaygo away【解析】考查

47、詞組辨析?!窘馕觥靠疾樵~組辨析。go on“go on“以以作為行動依據(jù),憑作為行動依據(jù),憑判判斷斷”;go up“go up“上升,上漲上升,上漲”;go off“go off“作響,發(fā)出巨響作響,發(fā)出巨響”;go away“go away“離離開開”。故選。故選C C?!敬鸢浮俊敬鸢浮緾 C9 9(2011(2011福州福州)Could you tell me _)Could you tell me _?Sure.The day after tomorrow.Sure.The day after tomorrow.A Awhen will you leave for the Uwhen w

48、ill you leave for the US.A.S.A.B Bwhen Mr.Lee will comewhen Mr.Lee will comeC Cwhen your father returnedwhen your father returned【解析】考查賓語從句的用法。賓語從句中要用陳述語序,排除【解析】考查賓語從句的用法。賓語從句中要用陳述語序,排除A A。由答語句意由答語句意“后天后天”可推測前句問的是將來的事情,故問句用一般將來時??赏茰y前句問的是將來的事情,故問句用一般將來時。句意為句意為“你能告訴我李先生將何時回來嗎?你能告訴我李先生將何時回來嗎?”“”“可以,后天。

49、可以,后天?!惫蔬x故選B B?!敬鸢浮俊敬鸢浮緽 B1010Its _ late _ walk there now. I think Its _ late _ walk there now. I think youd better take a taxi.youd better take a taxi.A Aso; that you can so; that you can B Btoo; for you totoo; for you toC Cso; that you may so; that you may D Dtoo; you cantoo; you can【解析】考查【解析】考查so

50、 thatso that和和too.to.too.to.的用法。句意為的用法。句意為“現(xiàn)在對你來說現(xiàn)在對你來說步行去那里太遲了,我認(rèn)為你最好打一輛出租車。步行去那里太遲了,我認(rèn)為你最好打一輛出租車。”故選故選B B?!敬鸢浮俊敬鸢浮緽 B二、完形填空二、完形填空(30(30分分) )Do you know who invented teaDo you know who invented tea?In factIn fact,teatea,the most popular the most popular drink in the world(after water)drink in the w

51、orld(after water),was invented by accident(was invented by accident(偶偶然然) )According to an ancient Chinese legend(According to an ancient Chinese legend(傳說傳說) ),the emperor the emperor Shen Nong _Shen Nong _1 1_ tea when he was boiling drinking water over an _ tea when he was boiling drinking water

52、over an open fire.Some leaves from a nearby bush(open fire.Some leaves from a nearby bush(灌木叢灌木叢)fell into the )fell into the water and remained there for _water and remained there for _2 2_.The emperor noticed that the _.The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a _leaves in the wat

53、er produced a _3 3_ smell.Later he decided _ smell.Later he decided _4 4_ the hot mixture(_ the hot mixture(混合物混合物) )It was quite delicious.And _It was quite delicious.And _5 5_,one of the worlds favorite drinks was invented.one of the worlds favorite drinks was invented.China is the home of teaChin

54、a is the home of tea,_6 6_ has more than 4,000 _ has more than 4,000 years history.People throughout China drink tea daily._years history.People throughout China drink tea daily._7 7_ _ the three major drinksteathe three major drinkstea,coffee and cocoacoffee and cocoa,tea is drunk by tea is drunk b

55、y _8 8_ people in the world.Tea from China_ people in the world.Tea from China,along _along _9 9_ silk and _ silk and porcelainporcelain,began to be known by the world over a thousand years began to be known by the world over a thousand years ago and has been an important Chinese export _ago and has

56、 been an important Chinese export _1010_._.Tea leaves _Tea leaves _1111_ mainly in the area of south of the Yangtze _ mainly in the area of south of the Yangtze RiverRiver,in the provinces of Zhejiangin the provinces of Zhejiang,Jiangxi and FujianJiangxi and Fujian,because because of the mild _of th

57、e mild _1212_ and rich soil there.Longjing_ and rich soil there.Longjing,WulongWulong,Puer Puer and Tieguanyin are all _and Tieguanyin are all _1313_kinds of tea._kinds of tea.Over the past centuriesOver the past centuries,Chinese people _Chinese people _1414_ their unique _ their unique tea culture

58、tea culture,which includes tea plantingwhich includes tea planting,tealeaf pickingtealeaf picking,tea tea making and so on.Tea is_making and so on.Tea is_1515_ a popular topic which is often _ a popular topic which is often mentioned in dancesmentioned in dances,songssongs,poems and novels.poems and

59、 novels.1 1A.invented BA.invented Bfound out Cfound out Cdiscovered Ddiscovered Dtried outtried out【解析】茶本身就是生長著的一種植物,第一次認(rèn)識到了茶是【解析】茶本身就是生長著的一種植物,第一次認(rèn)識到了茶是“發(fā)發(fā)現(xiàn)現(xiàn)”而不是而不是“創(chuàng)造;發(fā)明創(chuàng)造;發(fā)明”,故用,故用discovereddiscovered。【答案】【答案】C C2 2A.sometimes BA.sometimes Bsome timesome timeC Csome times Dsome times Dsome daysso

60、me days【解析】【解析】sometimessometimes意為意為“有時有時”;some timesome time意為意為“一段時間一段時間”;some timessome times意為意為“幾次幾次”;some dayssome days意為意為“幾天幾天”。句意為。句意為“附近一個附近一個灌木叢的葉子落進(jìn)水里并保留了一段時間灌木叢的葉子落進(jìn)水里并保留了一段時間”,故,故B B項正確。項正確?!敬鸢浮俊敬鸢浮緽 B3 3A.pleasant BA.pleasant Bpleased Cpleased Cbad Dbad Dterribleterrible【解析】由句意可知【解析】


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