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1、PAGE PAGE 6試卷分析一、試卷命題特點試題內(nèi)容幾乎涵蓋了七年級英語新教材所有話題和功能意念項目,信息量大, 難度控制在0.8左右。因為是全市統(tǒng)考,命題的宗旨是力求使各種水平的學(xué)生在答題時都能輕松順暢, 便于激發(fā)他們的答題及學(xué)習(xí)英語的興趣。所以,命題體現(xiàn)了以下特點:1、體現(xiàn)課改,依標(biāo)靠本,立足基礎(chǔ),突出主干為前提,同時選材貼近生活。2、注重人文,傾注關(guān)懷,彰顯文化的同時,滲透學(xué)習(xí)策略培養(yǎng)。3、滲透開放,重視創(chuàng)新的前提下,正視差異,力求公正。二、考試成績分析: 本次考試市平均成績是68.66分。正增長的有10所學(xué)校,增長值第一名是xx學(xué)校 11.23;第二名 6.84;第三名 學(xué)6.51;

2、第四名 5.3;第五名 3.8;第六名 3.67;第七名 學(xué)2.83;第八名 2.77;第九名 2;第十名次 1.94,。平均分最高的學(xué)校是,xx中學(xué),均分為74.4,比全市最低校均分37.6分高出36.8分。校均分列全市前十二名的學(xué)校是: 增長值全市最后三名學(xué)校分別是17.6;17.5;14.4;3所學(xué)校均分分別是:xx中學(xué)37.37;xx初中55.48;xx初中56.5。三、學(xué)生答題情況分析: 本試卷題量適度、難易適宜,相對去年難度稍加大些去年市均分77.23,.基礎(chǔ)題題量大。從總體上說,試題出題范圍很適合七年級學(xué)情。對學(xué)生來說,只要細(xì)心,就會得高分。但在具體的答題時,問題也較多:第一大題

3、:聽力部分 本題滿分為19 分,其中第9 題和第17題失分較多,究其原因,是學(xué)生聽力訓(xùn)練少,考試經(jīng)驗不足。沒能仔細(xì)辨別工作日與周末的不同所致。因平時對數(shù)字題的讀音未能精益求精,讀清楚,讀準(zhǔn)確,故學(xué)生在聽力考試時,因心理緊張,更易造成思維混亂,抓不住關(guān)鍵詞。第二大題:單項選擇,本題為基礎(chǔ)知識考查題,學(xué)生失分較少,但學(xué)生因語法知識欠缺,導(dǎo)致的問題還是顯而易見的。如第21題:應(yīng)該選擇的是A項,表疑問的語氣,但很多同學(xué)選擇了B或D,把它理解成了表請求,并希肯定回答。主要是平時練習(xí)中,較多出現(xiàn)的是表請求或建議并??隙ɑ卮鸬那闆r下,someone用于疑問句,學(xué)生沒有吃透句子的含義,想當(dāng)然地根據(jù)以往練習(xí),錯

4、選了B、D。第28題:考查join,join in和take part in的區(qū)別,以及practice doing的用法,原因:practice doing的用法大多數(shù)同學(xué)都能掌握,但join指加入團(tuán)體組織人,take part in 指加入比賽或活動,許多同學(xué)容易混淆,不能很好地掌握。第32題:考查的是一個小綿羊的表達(dá),很多同學(xué)誤選了C或D, 原因:看到選項,同學(xué)的直覺反應(yīng)是little,a little和few, a few 的區(qū)別。因sheep 是可數(shù)名詞,故誤選了C、D,也忽略了跟前邊be動詞的搭配。這題以前課上提到過,但得分率還是不高,學(xué)生的聽課效率和理解能力都有待加強。第39題:

5、考查字母ed在不同單詞中的發(fā)音, 原因:許多學(xué)生至今仍學(xué)的是啞巴英語,特別是男生,學(xué)英語懶得開口,怕開口,導(dǎo)致碰到語音題就不會。第三大題:完型填空 本題共10分,得分率67.19%,錯誤多出在第48題,很多同學(xué)誤選了C,對單詞記憶不清,部分學(xué)生沒有看到最后一個選項,也有部分學(xué)生是理解錯誤,搖頭理解成了搖手。第四大題:閱讀理解 學(xué)生失誤較多,失誤學(xué)生大多為粗心所致。部分學(xué)生不能根據(jù)上下文猜測詞義,對于常見用語掌握的熟練程度較好。第58題:文章的標(biāo)題的選擇,由于是主觀題,得分率比較低,很多學(xué)生選擇了A,我的好鄰居,認(rèn)為通篇都是講的鄰居的故事,忽略了文章深層次的含義:耳聽為虛,眼見為實。在也和學(xué)生的

6、理解能力,語文水平有一定的聯(lián)系。第63題:考查你對主人公的評價, 失分的學(xué)生大都選擇了C,認(rèn)為他又滑稽又愚蠢,因為好心辦了錯事,但主人公最大的特點是樂于助人。第五大題:詞匯這部分難度僅次于完形填空,學(xué)生得分不高,全對的學(xué)生并不多。在詞匯的A部分中,第1題,Go_ (穿過)the gate, 有較多學(xué)生寫了across 或cross這個詞,顯然有的學(xué)生沒有真正理解across, through的區(qū)別,也沒有理解cross這個詞的用法。第2題,read _ (報紙), 應(yīng)填寫newspapers, 但有較多學(xué)生寫的是newspaper,或者是拼寫錯誤,顯然有的學(xué)生是不知道newspaper是可數(shù)名

7、詞。第4和第5題失分率相當(dāng)高,不能寫出ill 和 answer 的近義詞,只能說有的學(xué)生沒有很好地掌握和運用單詞。相對于A部分,B部分和C部分得分率高些。在C部分的最后一題中,Look, each of the students _ wonderful toys in his hands. 準(zhǔn)確答案應(yīng)是has ,但很多學(xué)生竟然用了is having ,說明部分學(xué)生不能很好地掌握have 這個詞, 但have 表示擁有時,沒有現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時,但有的學(xué)生看到look這個詞,就想當(dāng)然地用了現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時,沒有認(rèn)真思考。以后學(xué)生應(yīng)加強詞匯的運用。初一英語單元試題Class Name No. Marks 一從四

8、個選項中選出劃線部分讀音與所給讀音不同的選項,把序號填在題前括號中。(5分)1. / ju: / A. use B. cute C. bus D. music2. / ei / A. gate B. race C. page D. map3. / i: / A. help B. these C. we D. seat4. / A. hope B. stop C. joke D. note5. / ai / A. wife B. hide C. film D. size二詞匯。(30分)A. 根據(jù)首字母、英文解釋、漢語提示和句意完成句子。1. Are you his new (主人)? 2 .G

9、irls can (戴) earrings (耳環(huán)) in our school.3. (每個人) in my class likes football.4. The dog in the picture is so (可愛的). 5. Our (教室) is very big. We have 40 desks in it.B. 用所給單詞的正確形式填空。6. .Her sister loves in the river.(swim)7. Jane is only three old. She cant go to school.(year)8. - Whats teachers name?

10、 - My teacher is Mr Smith. (you)9 .My son drinks three of milk every day. (glass)10. Bill is from the USA. We are glad to meet (he)C. 所給動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。be enjoy listen play dance Be enjoy listen play dance11. Jimmy playing computer games12. Jim does well in computer games.13. - Lets good friends. - OK.14.

11、 Those girls to music every evening.15 He often goes in summer.三單項選擇。(15分)( ) 1. Daniel is in _.A. Grade Seven, Class One B. Class One, Grade Seven C. Grade seven, Class one D. Class one, Grade seven( ) 2. _you good at English? A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are ( ) 3. My friends _ very nice. A. / B. are C.

12、 is D. does( ) 4. We often say _ to our parents before we go to bed.A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening D.Good night ( ) 5 Mum, _ my good friends, Kate and Lucy. A. she is B. they are C. this is D. these are ( ) 6. Everyone _ here now. Lets _ nowA. are , begin B. are, to begin C. is ,

13、starting D. is ,start ( ) 7. I was born in Shanghai _ we live in Beijing now. A. so B. and C. after D. but( ) 8 . -Your English is great. - .A. Thank you. B. No, Im not good. C. Of course. D. Thats all right.( ) 9. Mike enjoys playing _ his friends _ the basketball court . A.for; inB. with; inC. for

14、; at D. with; on( ) 10. -What is he good at?- .A. Swim B. Swims C. To swim D. Swimming( ) 11.Where _ your English teacher _? A. is; come from B. is; comes from C. does; come from D. does; comes from( ) 12. Would you like to tell me how to _ my bird?A. look at B. look after C. look like D. look aroun

15、d( ) 13. He wants _in the World Cup. A. play B. to play C. playing D. plays( ) 14. your father read newspaper every day.A. Is B. Are C. Does D. Do( ) 15. If you do not know how to say sth. in English, you say _A. I dont know . B. Excuse me. How do you say that in English?C. I will start now. D. Im s

16、orry. I dont understand.四句型轉(zhuǎn)換。(10分)We are students. (改為單數(shù)句子)Im .Millie is in the Reading Club. (一般疑問句) in the Reading Club?Kitty doesnt enjoy dancing. (肯定句)Kitty _ _.4. He does his homework in the evening.(否定句) He his homework in the evening.5. David is in his room. (對劃線部分提問) _ _David? 五完形填空。(10分)先通

17、讀短文,掌握其大意,然后再讀短文,從A 、B、C、D中選出一個可以填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳答案,將其標(biāo)號填入題前括號內(nèi)。Kittys weekend is really interesting. On Saturday, she usually 1 her homework. Sometimes, she reads English books. She likes English very 2 . She often helps her mother do housework.On Sunday, she usually goes 3 for half an hour in the mornin

18、g, then she has 4 . After that she goes to a 5 Club. She has dancing lessons for about two 6 . So she is good at dancing. Then she walks 7 home for supper. She 8 a bus. She wants to be healthy(健康的). After supper, she often chats 9 her parents for about an hour. She goes to bed at about 9:00 p.m.Kitt

19、y enjoys her 10 very much.( )1. A. did B. does C. saw D. sees ( )2. A. well B. much C. many D. good ( )3. A. run B. running C. to run D. runs ( )4. A. lunch B. breakfast C. supper D. dinner ( )5. A. Swimming B. Dances C. Swim D. Dancing ( )6. A. minutes B. hours C. days D. weeks( )7. A. for B. at C.

20、 to D. / ( )8. A. take B. takes C. dont take D.doesnt take ( )9. A. with B. for C. of D. on ( )10. A. weekend B. Sunday C. Saturday D. Friday六閱讀理解。(5分)Mike is an American school boy. Hes thirteen years old. Hes very tall and strong. He likes reading comic books. He likes playing basketball, too. He

21、does well in Maths and Music. He has a lot of good friends at school. They often talk with each other on the Internet. Tomorrow is Mikes birthday. His mother buys a lot of delicious food for him. His classmates buy him lots of nice presents. They are going to have a birthday party in his home.( )1.

22、Mike is a _ of _ in the USA. A. boy; 13 B. student; 14 C. teacher; 13 D. girl; 14( )2. He _ Maths and Music. A. be good at B. do well in C. is good at D. study( )3. He has _ good friends at school. A. much B. a little C. a few D. many( )4. He often talks with his friends on the _ . A. phone B. Inter

23、net C. playground D. court( )5. Where will they have a birthday party? A. At home. B. At school. C. At a restaurant. D. In a park.七任務(wù)型閱讀。(5分)(被丟)(被找到)FOUND:Is this your book? Please call John on 495-3456.FOUND:Is that your black backpack? Please call Mary. Phone # 476-5939LOST :My pen case. Blue and white. Call Tom On 456-8700.LOST:My school ID card. My name is Harry. Please call487-2349.FOUND:A set of keys. Please call Lily on 498-2456.LOST:A cat. Black and white.Last seen at the school gate. Call Lisa on 412-9856.閱讀上面一組“失物招領(lǐng)”廣告,回答下列問題。1.How many bulletin board noti


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