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1、采礦工程專業(yè)英語1New words and expressionsresource ris:s n.復數(shù)資源、物力、財力 rely rilai vi.依賴,依靠,仰仗,信任,指望hydro haidru n.水力發(fā)的電,電力 復數(shù)水力發(fā)電站,水力發(fā)電廠renewable rinju:bl adj.可更新的;可繼續(xù)的; 可再生的 n.再生性能源fossil fsl n.從地下采掘出的石塊(或礦物) adj.從地下采掘出來的Introduction to Coal Mining2combustible kmbstbl adj. 可燃的,易燃的 n.可燃物,易燃,燃料sedimentary ,se

2、dimentri adj.沉淀(物)compose kmpuz vt.組成,構(gòu)成consolidate knslideit vt. 把合成一體,合并stratum streitm; str-; str:- n.層; 巖層silt silt n.泥沙,淤泥;泥沙層;粉沙層crust krst n.外殼,外皮;地殼tectonic tektnik adj.地殼構(gòu)造的peat pi:t n.泥炭,泥煤;泥炭塊;泥炭土bog b n.沼澤,泥沼,泥塘;沼澤地區(qū)3subject sbdekt n.主題,題材,題目,論題,課題 adj.受()影響的(常與to連用) carboniferous ,krbnf

3、rs adj. 石炭紀的 n.石炭紀,石炭層span spn n. 時間階段deposit dipzit vi.沉積;沉淀 n. 沉積,沉淀,沉積物;堆積物 【采礦】礦藏,礦床maturity mtjuriti n.成熟;【生物學】 成熟期lignite linait n.褐煤 亦作 brown coalshade eid n.陰,樹陰;細微差別 4progressive pruresiv adj.逐漸的; 漸進的 bituminous bitju:mins adj.瀝青的; 煙煤的anthracite英nrsatn. 礦物 無煙煤abundance bndns n.充足,大量,多;豐富, 富

4、有yield ji:ld n.生產(chǎn),收益;產(chǎn)量,收益量historically histrikli adv.在歷史上;以往,過去destine destin vt.預定,指定;打算 使(成)為,委托(for)continental ,kntinentl adj.洲的,大陸的exponentially,ksponnli adv. 以指數(shù)方式Newcastle nu,ksln. 紐卡斯爾(英國港市)5Durhamdrm n. 達拉謨(英格蘭一郡及其首府名)Coalbrookdale 煤溪谷 colliery kljri n.煤礦(包括建筑物和設備)drift drift n. 【采礦】平巷,水平巷

5、道,平峒 Midlothian midluin 中洛錫安郡(英國蘇格蘭東南部舊郡)Virginia vdinj (美國東部的)弗吉尼亞州pickpik n.鶴嘴鋤;鎬shovel vl n.鏟,鐵鍬conduct kndkt vt.進行,實施,處理 tremendous trimends adj.巨大的,極大的subsidencesbsadns n. 下沉;沉淀;陷沒 6beneath bini: prep.在下面,在下方collapse klps vi.(突然)倒塌;塌下transmit trnsmit vt.傳導;傳遞potential putenl adj.潛在的,可能的aquatic

6、kwtik adj.水產(chǎn)的,水生的;水棲的terrestrial tirestril adj.陸地的, 陸生的offset ,fset vt.抵消;補償landscape lndskeip n.山水,景色; 地形,景觀7relies on依賴mineral resources礦藏 、礦產(chǎn)資源hydro power 水力發(fā)電fossil fuel 礦物燃料,化石燃料 fossil oil 石油;化石燃料combustible gas 可燃氣體 combustible material 可燃物;易燃材料 combustible dust 可燃粉塵;易燃粉塵 sedimentary strata 沉

7、積巖 sedimentary deposit 沉積礦床;成層沉積buy out 買下的全部產(chǎn)權(quán);出錢使放棄地位coal preparation plant 選煤廠to same degree在某種程度上 in place適當?shù)?,恰當?shù)?composed of 由組成 rock strata 巖層earths crust 地殼 tectonic movement 構(gòu)造運動;地殼運動 peat bog 泥炭沼,泥炭沼澤bituminous coal 煙煤;瀝青煤(等于soft coal)in abundance 大量的;豐富的;充足的 electricity generation 發(fā)電 indus

8、trial revolution 工業(yè)革命,產(chǎn)業(yè)革命destined for 駛往;去往9Introduction to Coal Mining煤炭開采技術 Coal is one of the worlds most important resources of energy ,fuelling almost 40% of electricity worldwide. In many countries this figure is much higher: Poland relies on coal for over 94% of its electricity; South Africa

9、 for 92%; China for 77%; and Australia for 76%. Coal has been the worlds fastest growing energy source in recent yearsfaster than gas, oil, nuclear, hydro and renewable.101. What is coal? Coal is a fossil fuel, which is a combustible, sedimentary, organic rock, and it is composed mainly of carbon, h

10、ydrogen and oxygen. It is formed from vegetation, which has been consolidated between other rock strata and altered by the combined effects of pressure and heat over millions of years to form coal seams. The build-up of silt and other sediments together with movements in the earths crust (known as t

11、ectonic movements) buried these swamps and peat bogs, often to great depths. 11 With burial, the plant material was subjected to high temperatures and pressures. This caused physical and chemical changes in the vegetation, transforming it into peat and then into coal. Coal formation began during the

12、 Carboniferous Period(known as the first coal age), which spanned 360 million to 290 million years ago. 12 The quality of each coal deposit is determined by temperature and pressure and by the length of time in formation, which is referred to as its “organic maturity”. Initially the peat is converte

13、d into lignite or “brown coal”-these are coal-types with low organic maturity. In comparison to other coals, lignite is quite soft and its color can range from dark black to various shades of brown. 13 Over many more millions of years, the continuing effects of temperature and pressure produces furt

14、her change in the lignite, progressively increasing its organic maturity and transforming it into the range known as “sub-bituminous” coals. Further chemical and physical changes occur until these coals became harder and blacker , forming the “bituminous” or “hard coals”. Under the right conditions,

15、 the progressive increase in the organic maturity can continue, finally forming anthracite. 142. Importance of Coal Due to its abundance , coal has been mined in various parts of the world throughout history and continues to be an important economic activity today. Compared to wood fuels, coal yield

16、s a higher amount of energy per mass and could be obtained in areas where wood is not readily available. Though historically used as a means of household heating, coal is now mostly used in industry, especially in smelting and alloy production, as well as electricity generation.15 Coal is one of the

17、 worlds most important sources of energy since the Industrial Revolution of the 1800s. As of 2010, coal is fuelling almost 40% of electricity worldwide. In many countries this figure is much higher: Poland relies on coal for over 94% of its electricity; South afric for 92%; China for 77%; and Austra

18、lia for 76%. Coal has been the worlds fastest growing energy source in recent years-faster than gas, oil, nuclear, hydro and renewable.16 Over 6185 million tones (Mt) of hard coal is currently produced worldwide and 1042 Mt of brown coal/lignite. The largest coal producing countries are not confined

19、 to one region-the top five hard coal producers are China, the USA, India, Australia and South Africa. Much of global coal production is used in the country in which it was produced; only around 15% of hard coal production is destined for the international coal market.173. History of Coal Mining The

20、 Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the 18th century and later spread to continental Europe and North America, was based on the availability of coal to power steam engines. International trade expanded exponentially when coal-fed steam engines were built for the railway and steamships.

21、 The new mines that grew up in the 19th century depended on men and children to work long hours in often dangerous working conditions. There were many coalfields, but the oldest were in Newcastle and Durham, South Wales, Scotland and the Midlands, such as those at Coalbrookdale. 18 The oldest contin

22、uously worked deep-mine in the Unite Kingdom ia Tower Colliery in South Wales valleys in the heart of the South Wales coalfield. This colliery was developed in 1805, and its miners bought it out at the end of the 20th century, to prevent it from being closed. Tower Colliery was finally closed on 25

23、January 2008, although production continues at the Aberpergwm drift mine owned by Walter Energy of the USA nearby. 19 Coal was mined in America in the early 18th century, and commercial mining started around 1730 in Midlothian, Virginia. Coal-cutting machines were invented in the 1880s. Before this

24、invention, coal was mined from underground with a pick and shovel. By 1912 surface mining was conducted with steam shovels designed for coal mining.4. Problems in Face of Coal Mining Despite the tremendous importance of coal, the industry is faced with serious problems, such as:20 (1) Dust and noise

25、 pollution () Dust at mining operations can be caused by trucks being driven on unsealed roads, coal crushing operations, drilling operations and wind blowing over areas disturbed by mining. () Main sources of noise pollution are blasting, movement of heavy earth moving machines, drilling and coal h

26、andling plants. (2) Mining subsidence Mine subsidence can be a problem with underground coal mining, whereby the ground level lowers as a result of coal having been mined beneath.21 The major factors affecting the extent of subsidence are seam thickness and its depth beneath the surface. Roof collap

27、se will often start within 24 hours or coal extraction, but the full effects are transmitted rather slowly upwards, eventually resulting in subsidence at the surface. But it may be over 10 years before the surface is completely stable again. (3) Water pollution Most underground and some surface mine

28、s lie well below the water table. 22 Both, therefore, have the potential to pollute any groundwater that flows through them. Waste water from coal preparation plant and mine water are other sources of water pollution. In addition to the obvious disturbance of the land surface, mining may affect to v

29、arying degrees, groundwater, surface water, aquatic and terrestrial vegetation, wildlife, soils, air, and cultural resources. Action based on environmental regulations may avoid, limit, control, or offset many of these potential impacts, but mining will, to some degree, always alter landscape and en

30、vironmental resources. 23 Regulations intended to control and manage these alterations of the landscape in an acceptable way are in place and are continually updated as new technologies are developed to improve mineral extraction, to reclaim mined lands, and to limit environmental impacts.24Unit 1 C

31、oal Mine Geology and Exploration New words and expressionsancient einnt adj.古老的;遠古的; 上古的;年老的microbial maikrobil adj.微生物(細菌)的reserve riz:v n.儲量 extensive ikstensiv adj.延伸的,伸展的structure strkt n.構(gòu)造,石理,石紋 feature fi:t n.特征;特色,特點25observe bz:v vt.說,評述,評論parting p:ti n.夾層split split n.裂隙 periodic ,piridik adj.定期的;周期的relatively reltivli a


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