PEP三年級英語下冊 Unit 3 At the zoo_第1頁
PEP三年級英語下冊 Unit 3 At the zoo_第2頁
PEP三年級英語下冊 Unit 3 At the zoo_第3頁
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PEP三年級英語下冊 Unit 3 At the zoo_第5頁
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1、At the zooUnit 3PEP三年級英語下冊(第四課時)執(zhí)教:第七師125團中學 高麗娟moutheyeearfacenose同學們,你們還記得身體的各個部位用英語怎么說嗎?armheadhandbodylegfootThis is the _.Listen to a song Can you answer?What animals can you see?你在卡通里看到了哪些小動物?Lead-incowdogduckchickpigGuess :This is an animal ,Its short .It has red eyes ,It has long (長)ears ,It

2、 has short (短)tail(尾巴)What is it ?Look at the pig. It has a _ nose and _ legs.Wow, its so_.fatbig short big大的(它 有)短短的 Look at the duck. It has _ tail.Wow, its so _ .smallshort小短 尾巴small小的short短的It has long legs.long長的Its a cow.It has _ and _.Whats that?small eyesa big noseMouthing &touch the word 全班

3、分成男女兩大組,每組派一位代表到臺前拍單詞。教師用口型說出單詞,臺下學生大聲說出單詞,臺前學生用最快的速度拍出相應的單詞。Look at the pig .Its fat . a big nose.It has a short tail. big eyes and big earsTips描述動物外貌特征的方法:Its (so) +形容詞It has a + 形容詞+單數(shù)身體部位It has + 形容詞 + 復數(shù)身體部位溫馨提示:要注意區(qū)分單/復數(shù)哦Look at the _ .Its _.It has _ .It has _.學以致用: (Group work)Lets complete !LOOK ! This is a monster .Its tall and fat .It has 4 eyessmall handsbig and long taillong tonguebig mouth知識延伸:The animals are so lovely andfriendly.please love them !HOMEWORK:1. Draw a monster(怪獸), then describe to your friends.畫一只怪獸,并給你的朋友描述它的特征。2. Pr


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