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1、(最新整理)新概念英語青少版1Aunit11lesson22.2021/7/2612021/7/262Lets play a game數(shù)字游戲:從1數(shù)到90,遇到3的倍 數(shù),或者數(shù)字中含3的, 擊掌。2021/7/263New Words and Expressionssmart 神氣的 tie 領(lǐng)帶,領(lǐng)結(jié)these 這些 um 呃 outfit 服裝 colourful 顏色鮮艷的play 戲劇,演出 unusual 獨特的both (兩者)都 shoe 鞋elegant 優(yōu)雅的 all right 合適的interesting 有趣的 part 角色Keep reading and do

2、the actions with me 2021/7/264Robert: Look! These are our outfits for the school play.Karen: Oh, very smart! Look William!William: Yes, youre both very elegant.Lucy and Robert: Thank you, Dad.These are+名詞復(fù)數(shù)This is+名詞單數(shù)2021/7/265William: Thats an interesting tie, Robert.Robert: Um, yes, thanks, Dad.W

3、illiam: Its very colourful. Very unusual.Robert: Yes ,um, its my favourite tie.2021/7/266Karen: Those are funny shoes, Robert. Are they a bit big for you?2021/7/267Robert: These shoes? No, Mum. Theyre all right. Theyre right for the part. =Theyre OK.Thats all right.沒關(guān)系2021/7/268Paul: Where are my ne

4、w shoes? They arent in my bedroom.Karen and William: Oh, Robert!2021/7/269Paul: Hey, Robert! Thats my tie! Those are my new shoes! And those are my socks, too!2021/7/2610Whose hat is it?Its Hui Tailangs.2021/7/2611Whose shoes are they ?They are Mickeys.2021/7/2612Whose tie is it ?Its SpongeBobs./ta/

5、領(lǐng)帶2021/7/2613 表示有生命的東西的名詞及某些表示時間、距離、星球、世界、國家等無生命的東西的名詞后加 s來表示所有關(guān)系,叫做名詞所有格 。 如:Lucys hat, the cats tail 1)一般情況在名詞后加s2)在以s結(jié)尾的名詞(包括以s結(jié)尾的復(fù)數(shù)) 后加 名詞所有格:2021/7/2614These are +名詞復(fù)數(shù) (這些是) This is +名詞單數(shù) (這是)Those are +名詞復(fù)數(shù) (那些是) That is +名詞單數(shù) (那是)Practise:Page 88, Sentence Table2021/7/261575) _ tie is this ?

6、Its Roberts tie.76) _ book is that ? Its Lucys book.77) _ hat is this ? Its Annies hat.78) _ sock is that ? Its Williams sock.Pattern Practise:Whose2021/7/2616Lily is _(Lucy) sister.Today is September 10th,Its _(teacher) day._(李明的父母) work in a big hospital.This is _(我妹妹的英語書).Practise:LucysTeachersLi

7、 Mings parentsmy sisters English book2021/7/2617Whose tie is this?Its Roberts tie.And whose ties are these?Theyre Pauls ties.2021/7/2618Whose book is that?Its Lucys book.And whose books are those?Theyre Karens books.2021/7/2619Whose hat is this?Its Annies hat.And whose hats are these?Theyre Pollys h

8、ats.2021/7/2620Whose sock is that?Its Williams sock.And whose socks are those?Theyre Roberts socks.2021/7/2621Guided conversationAre Roberts and Lucys outfits for the school play?Yes, they are.Are they both very elegant?Yes, they are.Is Roberts tie interesting?Yes, it is.Is it colourful?Yes, it is.2

9、021/7/2622Guided conversationIs it unusual?Yes, it is.Are Roberts shoes a bit big for him?Yes they are.Are they right for the part?Yes, they are.Are Pauls new shoes in his bedroom?No, they arent.2021/7/2623Guided conversationWho are very elegant?Robert and Lucy are elegant.Whats interesting?Roberts

10、tie is interesting.Whats colourful and unusual?Roberts tie is colourful and unusual.Whose shoes are funny?Roberts are funny.What are right for the part?The shoes are right for the part.Whose new shoes are they?They are Pauls.2021/7/2624Guided conversationIs Williams tie unusual?No, it isnt. Roberts

11、tie is unusual.Are Lucys shoes funny?No, they arent. Roberts shoes are funny.Is the tie Roberts?No, it isnt. Its Pauls.Are the shoes and socks Roberts?No, they arent. They are Pauls.2021/7/2625Guided conversationWhat is interesting?Roberts tie is interesting.Whose shoes are a bit big for him?Pauls shoes are a bit big for him.What are right for the part?Pauls shoes are right for the part.2021/7


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