譯林版七年級上冊英語 Unit4 單元詞句梳理_第1頁
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1、Unit 4 My dayPeriod 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit必背單詞1. wake vi.&vt. 醒,醒來;喚醒2. shall modal v.(表示提出或征求建議) 3. hill n. 小山4. seldom adv. 很少,不常5. out adv.(從里) 出來,向外,外出6. need vt. 需要7. rest n. 休息,歇息8. just adv. 只是9. after-school adj. 課外的,課后的10. activity n. 活動 activities(復數(shù)) 11. homework n. 家庭作業(yè)12. u

2、sually adv. 通常,經(jīng)常 usual adj. 通常的;慣常的13. never adv. 從不,絕不14. start vt.&vi. 開始,著手(同義詞) begin 15. quarter n. 一刻鐘16. past prep. 晚于 必背短語17. wake up 醒來18. go out 出去;熄滅19. have fun 玩得高興20. have breakfast 吃早飯21. get up 起床22. have lessons 上課23. do after-school activities 做課外活動24. do homework 做作業(yè)25. be late f

3、or 遲到 必背句子26. Is it time for breakfast? 是吃早飯的時間了嗎? 27. Shall we go walking in the hills? 我們去山里散步好嗎? 28. I seldom go out. 我很少出去。 29. I always need a good rest. 我總是需要好好休息一下。 30. Some dogs just dont know how to have fun. 一些狗就是不知道怎樣尋找樂趣。 31. Im never late for it. 我從來不遲到。 32. At a quarter past eight. 在八點

4、一刻。 Period 2 Reading必背單詞1. first adv. 首先(基數(shù)詞) one 2. each det.&pron. 每人,每個,每件 3. other pron. 另外,其他 4. practise vi.&vt. 練習;訓練 5. best adj. 最好的 6. wish n.&vt. 希望,祝愿 wishes (復數(shù)) 必背短語7. in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午 / 下午 / 晚上 8. each other 互相 9. chat with each other 互相聊天 10. in the playground 在操場

5、上 11. on Wednesday afternoon 在周三下午 12. have a good time 玩得高興 必背句子13. Our school starts at eight in the morning from Monday to Friday. 從星期一到星期五,我們的學校生活在早上八點開始。14. Usually we do morning exercises first. 通常我們先做早操。15. They are all nice to me. 他們對我都很好。16. I also like playing volleyball. 我也喜歡打排球。17. We al

6、ways have a good time at school. 我們在學??偸峭娴煤荛_心。18. Millie is a member of the school swimming team. 米莉是學校游泳隊的一員。Period 3 Grammar必背單詞1. would modal v. (表示客氣地建議或邀請) 2. life n. 生活,生命 lives(復數(shù)) 必背短語3. Childrens Day 兒童節(jié)4. would like 想,愿意5. have much time to do sth. 有許多時間做某事 必背句子& 語法6. We plant trees in Mar

7、ch every year. 我們每年三月種樹。7. Our summer holiday starts on 1 July. 我們的暑假從7 月1 日開始。8. Millie has breakfast at seven oclock. 米莉七點鐘吃早餐。Period 4 Integrated skills & Study skills必背單詞1. luck n. 好運,幸運 lucky adj. 幸運的;僥幸的 luckily adv. 幸好,僥幸;幸運地2. museum n. 博物館3. twice adv. 兩次4. picnic n. 野餐5. once adv. 一次 必背短語6

8、. between.and. 在與之間7. watch the game 觀看比賽8. good luck 好運9. visit the museum 參觀博物館10. twice a month 一個月兩次11. go on picnics 去野餐12. once a week 一周一次 必背句子13. There is a volleyball match betweenand 在和之間有一場排球比賽。14. I hope everyone can come and watch the game. 我希望每個人都能來觀看比賽。15. Wish our team good luck! 祝愿我們隊好運! 16. How often do you go on a picnic? 你多久去一次野餐?Period 5 Task & Self-assessment必背單詞1. reason n. 原因,理由2. ready adj. 準備好,準備完畢3. learn vt.&vi. 學,學習,學會4. world n. 世界 必背短語5. get ready for sth. 為做好準備6. be good for 對有好處7. learn a lot abou


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