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1、2022-2023學年九上英語期末模擬試卷考生請注意:1答題前請將考場、試室號、座位號、考生號、姓名寫在試卷密封線內(nèi),不得在試卷上作任何標記。2第一部分選擇題每小題選出答案后,需將答案寫在試卷指定的括號內(nèi),第二部分非選擇題答案寫在試卷題目指定的位置上。3考生必須保證答題卡的整潔。考試結(jié)束后,請將本試卷和答題卡一并交回。. 單項選擇1、Shall we go on Friday or Saturday?Either day is OK.It makes no_to me.Achoice Bchange Cdifference Ddecision2、 These problems will lea

2、d to the failure (失敗) of the plan. So we must solve them first.AcreateBcauseCcontrol3、Chinese Poetry Competition was one of during the Spring Festival. I agree with you. I watched it every week.Amore popular showsBmost popular showCthe most popular shows4、- What about playing soccer with us, Bob?- I

3、d like to, but I _ look after my baby brother.AmayBhave toCcanDcould5、 Do you know Chinas famous scientist Pan Jianwei? You mean “the father of quantum”(量子之父)? Yes, he is the _ of our country.Apride Bprize Cproud Dheart6、Mr. Wang,could you tell me the magazine?At most ten days.Ahow often I can keepB

4、how often can I keepChow long I can keepDhow long can I keep7、Did you give Dick a call?I didnt need to _ Ill see him soon.AwhenBthroughCuntilDbecause8、Tom, _ afraid of speaking in front of people. You are the best one in our class.AdontBdoesnt beCnot beDdont be9、 You look so worried, James. What hap

5、pened? Im still thinking _ I can pass the exam or not.Athough Bwhether Cunless Duntil10、- Its useless to regret what has been done. Dont make those mistakes again一I wont. Thats a(n) _Aorder Bdecision Cpromise Dagreement. 完形填空11、 We teenagers often have plenty of worries. 1 is best not to run away fr

6、om problems. We should try 2 best to solve them .Firstly,we should find someone we trust 3 to. In fact, our parents are best friend, 4 some of us often forget our parents have more experience, and are always 5 to help us.In English ,we say sharing problems is like 6 it in half. So 7 we are in troubl

7、e,dont forget our parents.1AItsBThereCIt2AourBusCtheir3AtalkingBto talkCtalk4AsoBandCbut5AthoseBthisCthere6AcutsBcuttingCcut7AifBthoughCunless. 語法填空12、Just like football, basketball is one of the 1(popular) sports in the world.The game of the basketball2(go) a long way since its first game on Decemb

8、er 21, 1891. At the beginning the game wasnt played very 3(wide ),because students played 4 game inside when the weather outside became too cold for sports. Now basketball 5(play) in many different countries around the world. Fans of basketball love playing the games in all seasons-spring, summer, f

9、all, winter. 閱讀理解A13、 Are you carrying(背) too much on your back to school? Experts(專家) in the United States say that young students are having back and neck problems because of carrying too much in their backpacks or schoolbags.“It hurts my back when I run,” said Jerry Rice, a student in Virginia. “

10、Its hard to get up the stairs with my backpack, because its too heavy.” Now lots of students changed to rolling backpacks. Rolling backpacks have wheels(輪子) and students dont need to carry them on the back. Emily Parks backpack was 10 kg, and she had to change to a rolling backpack because she start

11、ed to have back pain(疼痛). How much is too much? Experts say students could carry only 10-15% of their own body weight. If a student is 35 kg, its too much for him or her to carry a backpack of more than 5 kg. A few students had one suggestion to lighten the load: less homework.1Why are many students

12、 having back and neck problems?ABecause they dont sit in the right way.BBecause their backpacks are too heavy.CBecause they dont often do sports.DBecause they like to carry backpacks.2According to(根據(jù)) Jerry Rice and Emily Park, we know _.Astudents have to do too much homeworkBstudents like different

13、 kinds of backpackCstudents like to have big backpacksDstudents like to do too much homework3“body weight” in the passage means _ in Chinese.A身高B體重C包重D身材4If a student is 40 kg, its better for him or her to carry a backpack of _ at most(最多) from the words of experts.A6 kgB8 kgC9kgD10 kg5The main idea

14、 of the passage is _ .Ahow to choose(選擇) students backpacksBstudents heavy backpacksCwhats the best backpack for a studentDstudentsback painB14、His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day late in the afternoon, while working to support his family, he heard a cry for help coming

15、from a nearby pond.He dropped his tools and ran to the pond. There, up to his neck in the water, was a terrified boy, crying and struggling to free himself. Obviously the boy did not know how to swim. Fleming jumped into the pond and quickly swam toward the boy. He saved the boy from what could have

16、 been a terrible death.The next day, a very cool carriage pulled up to the Scotsmans house. A well-dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Fleming saved the day before.“I want to repay you,” said the nobleman. “You saved my sons life.”“No, I cant accept any payme

17、nt for what I did,” the Scottish farmer replied, waving off the offer.At that moment, the farmers own son came to the door of the farmhouse, confused by who was visiting them.“Is that your son?” the nobleman asked.“Yes,” the farmer replied proudly.“Ill make you a deal. Let me take him with me. I pro

18、mise you that I will give him a good education. If the boy is anything like his father, hell grow up to be a man you can be proud of.”And he did. In time, Flemings son graduated from St. Marys Hospital Medical School in London and went on to become a famous doctor.Years later, the noblemans son beca

19、me seriously ill. Who saved him? The farmers son did.Its important to help people no matter how successful you are in life. You never know when you are going to be the one who needs the help.1What happened to Fleming one afternoon?AHe fell into a pond by accident.BHe fell asleep near a pond.CHe made

20、 a lot money from his job.DHe saved a boy out of a pond.2According to the story, Fleming _.Aaccepted the noblemans paymentBdidnt accept money for helping othersChoped to get more money by refusingDasked the nobleman to support his sons education3Which of the following about Flemings son is NOT true?

21、AHe took the place of the noblemans son.BHe got a college education.CHe became a famous doctor.DHe cured the noblemans son.4What can we learn from the story?AA friend in need is a friend indeedBDont try to get payment for helping others.CAn act of kindness always helps.DYou can get a lot more by hel

22、ping the rich.C15、 Many social study books and articles have graphs to go with the text. A graph is a kind of picture that shows amounts, or numbers, at a glance. A graph can show the same information that is in the text,but it helps you “picture the information and makes it easier to understand and

23、 quicker to read. A circle graph, also called a pie graph, is divided into slices. It shows how the parts fit into the whole. Here are some suggestions on how to read it.Step 1 Read the title to find out what the graph is about. The circle graph below shows the population of Washington, DCStep 2 Loo

24、k at the slices. This graph has seven “slices. Each shows one group of people. You can see how each part compares to the whole-how each group compares to the total population.Step 3 Use the label (標簽) to find out what is being compared. The labels on the graph name the group of people who live in Wa

25、shington, DCA line connects the correct part of the graph. Step 4 Read the introduction to the graph. The passage beside the graph may offer some more detailed information of the topic.1Where is a graph most probably used according to the writer?AAn invitation letter to a birthday party.BAn introduc

26、tion of the steps to plant trees.CA fairy tale on an old man moving the hill.DA study on different ways to spend holidays.2Which group of people makes up more than half of the population of Washington, DC? ACaucasianBMixed racesC Latino DAfrican American3What does the writer suggest doing with the s

27、lices?AJoining the different slices.BMixing the slices and informationCComparing the slices to the whole.DMatching the slices and numbers. 4The writer organizes this writing by _.Agiving an exampleBasking a questionClisting reasonsDtelling a storyD16、 Last Monday John went downtown. After John spent

28、 a long time shopping downtown, he got very hungry. Across the street there was a McDonalds. He didnt usually eat at fast food restaurants and didnt know what to order. When he looked at the menu, it was hard for him to make a decision. Not only were there ten similar types of hamburger dinners, but

29、 there were also fish and chicken dinners. He didnt know what to choose. He thought of asking the cashier for help, but she didnt look very friendly. At last he chose a small chicken meal. With so many choices, its not very fast food! he thought.1Why did John go downtown last Monday?AHe went shoppin

30、g.BHe bought some clothes.CHe went to eat at the fast food restaurant.DHe bought fast food.2Why didnt John know what to order at McDonalds?AHe didnt like fast food.BHe didnt mind fast food.CHe couldnt stand fast food.DHe didnt eat there very often.3What made it hard for John to decide what to eat?AH

31、e was in a hurry.BHe wasnt very hungry.CThere were too many choices.DThe menu was difficult to read.4Why didnt John ask the cashier for help?AHe didnt like the cashier.BHe couldnt stand the cashier.CThe cashier was busy.DThe cashier looked unfriendly.5Why did John think the fast food was not fast?AI

32、t took him a long time to decide what to order.BThe cashier didnt bring him his meal for an hour.CThe cashier was not friendly.DThe restaurant was too far from the downtown.E17、Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many

33、years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, Do come and see me at my house in the country. So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice h

34、ouse made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city.The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried

35、, Run! Run! The cat is coming! They ran away quickly and hid.After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy than to be rich and afraid.1The City mouse think the C

36、ountry mouses life is not good because _.Athe food is not goodBthe Country mouse lives in a hole in the fieldCboth the food and the house are badDthe house is not made of stone2When the Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse, he thinks the City mouse has _.Abad house and bad foodBbad hous

37、e but nice foodCgood house and nice foodDgood house but bad food3From the passage, we know that _.AThe great noise is made by the catBThey are caught by the catCThey are not afraid of the catDThe City mouse lives a rich and happy life4The Country mouse prefer the _ life before.Apoor and afraidBpoor

38、and happyCrich and afraidDrich and happy5Which of the following is the best title for the passage?AThe City MouseBThe Country MouseCThe Rich and the PoorDThe City Mouse and the Country MouseF18、Hello, Im Peter in the second grade. Now I have one thing to say: Its not easy being a kid. Being a kid mi

39、ght look like fun, but sometimes its not fun at all.Yesterday I was playing outside with my friend. We were having a good time. But suddenly, my mother said, “Peter, its time to come inside now. Its getting dark.” When youre an adult, no one can tell you what to do or when to do it.When you are a ki

40、d, you have to get up early in the morning and go to school. At school, you have to study math, English, science and history. After school, you have to do your homework. When you are an adult, you do not have to go to school and you never have homework to do.When you are a kid, the older kids someti

41、mes_you. When I was walking home from school on Monday, Tom and Steve bothered me. Steve took my schoolbag and put it in a tree. It made me very mad. When you are an adult, no one can pick on you.When you are a kid, you have to go to bed early. On school nights, my mom asks me to go to bed at 9:00 p

42、m. But I do have parents who love me, which is really great. So I think I like being a kid, even though its not easy being a kid.根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案,并將其標號填入題前括號內(nèi)。1What was Peter doing when his mother called him home yesterday?AHe was playing with his pet.BHe was cleaning his bike.CHe was drawing a picture.

43、DHe was playing with his friend.2The underlined phrase “pick on” means “ ” in Chinese.A挑中B取笑C欺負D尊重3As a kid you do the following things EXCEPT .Ago to schoolBdo your homeworkCget up early and go to bed earlyDgo anywhere without telling anyone4Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?APeter is a student in Grade Two.BPeter usually goes to bed at 9:00 pm on school ni


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