新滬教牛津版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語(yǔ) Unit 8 period 1 教學(xué)課件_第1頁(yè)
新滬教牛津版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語(yǔ) Unit 8 period 1 教學(xué)課件_第2頁(yè)
新滬教牛津版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語(yǔ) Unit 8 period 1 教學(xué)課件_第3頁(yè)
新滬教牛津版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語(yǔ) Unit 8 period 1 教學(xué)課件_第4頁(yè)
新滬教牛津版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語(yǔ) Unit 8 period 1 教學(xué)課件_第5頁(yè)
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1、Module 4 School LifeUnit 8 English WeekPeriod 4 1. To learn how to use the modal verb should 2. To learn how to use had betterobjectivesModal verb: should1. In my opinion, every school should have an English Week.2. You should municate in English with your friends whenever you can.3. You should read

2、 English books and magazines, and watch English television programmes.4. Above all, you should enjoy English.5. What should we do?6. We should take this chance.Have A L k1. In my opinion, every school _ _ an English Week.2. You _ _ in English with your friends whenever you can.3. You _ _ English boo

3、ks and magazines, and watch English television programmes.4. Above all, you _ _ English.5. What _ we _?6. We _ _this chance.should haveshould municateshould readshould enjoyshould doshould takego Ready?1. I wasnt sure whether I _ offer to help or not. A. should B. might C. would D. needed2. Bob, did

4、 you have a good time at Janes party last night? Yes, but I really _ because we had an English exam this morning. A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. couldnt D. neednt1. should在肯定句中可用來(lái)討論義務(wù)和職責(zé)或提出建議,意為“應(yīng)該”。如: 情態(tài)動(dòng)詞should的用法You should pay more attention to spelling.2. should后面跟不帶to的動(dòng)詞不定式。否定式為should not,其縮略形式是shoul

5、dnt,意為“不應(yīng)該”。如: You should not / shouldnt play football in the street.3. should 用于疑問(wèn)句,表示征求意見(jiàn)或請(qǐng)求指示。如: Should I call the police? Yes, you should. / No, you shouldnt.4. should 還可以表示更正別人的說(shuō)法。 The total price of these books is 230.5 yuan.No. That should be 232.5 yuan. Check it again. 注意:should和ought to均可用來(lái)

6、談?wù)摿x務(wù)和職責(zé)或提出建議。兩者可以互換使用,不過(guò)should常用得多。如: You should / ought to take your mothers advice.1. must的意思與should和ought to類(lèi)似,但語(yǔ)氣更強(qiáng)或更肯定,表示“必須”之意,常含有命令的性質(zhì);should和ought to的語(yǔ)氣則相對(duì)緩和些。如:should, ought to & mustYou must give up drinking. 你必須戒酒。 (說(shuō)話者可能是醫(yī)生,強(qiáng)調(diào)命令執(zhí)行的必須性)You really should / ought to give up drinking.你真的應(yīng)該戒酒

7、。(可能是來(lái)自親友的勸告。)2. should可以替代must使指示聽(tīng)起來(lái)更客氣些。如:You should send the letter by 30 June.你應(yīng)該在六月三十日之前寄出這封信。3. should和ought to可以用來(lái)預(yù)測(cè),表示預(yù)期會(huì)發(fā)生什么事情。must往往不這樣用。如:明天天氣會(huì)好的。It should be fine tomorrow. ( )It must be fine tomorrow. ( )Arthur should read more English books.He _ magazines about pop stars all the time.E

8、mily _ her words more clearly when she speaks in English. She _ again in the speaking petition next year.Amy _ more friends. She _ too shy.Joseph _ his homework more carefully.He _ also _ more carefully before he speaks!should not read should pronounceshould try should makeshouldshould doshould thin

9、knot be Ms Chen is writing a report about her students. Help her plete the report with should or should not and the verbs from the box. (P 120) A be do make pronounce read think tryAsk and answer the questions with should.What should we do if we find a purse on the classroom floor?What should people

10、 do if they want to make good public speeches?What should we do to our parents when they are old?What should we do if we want to get better marks?Possible answers:What should we do if we want to get better marks?2. What should we do if we find a purse on the classroom floor?We should study harder if

11、 we want to get better marks.We should take the purse to the teacher if we find it on the classroom floor.3. What should we do to our parents when they are old?4. What should people do if they want to make good public speeches?We should look after our parents when they are old.They should speak slow

12、ly, clearly and confidently if they want to make good public speeches.had better1. Theyd better speak clearly and confidently.2. Wed better find a rich traveller and take his gold!3. We had better go before it rains.4. He had better stay in bed tomorrow.5. Youd better not disturb him.6. She had bett

13、er not tell lies any more.Have A L k1. They _ _ clearly and confidently.2. We _ _ a rich traveller and take his gold!3. We _ _ before it rains.4. He _ _ in bed tomorrow.5. You _ _ _ him.6. She _ _ _ lies any more.d better speakd better findhad better gohad better stayd better not disturbhad better n

14、ot tellgo Ready?1. You _ give up smoking. A. had better B. should C. can D. ought to2. Mr. White is of great help; you _ let him go. A. had not better B. had better dont C. had better not D. had no better had better用來(lái)表示竭力勸告,或告訴人們(包括自己)該做什么事,意為“做是好的;最好還是”。had better之后要用不帶to的動(dòng)詞不定式,即:had better do,其縮略形

15、式為 d better。 通常用“had better not + 不帶to 的動(dòng)詞不定式”來(lái)表示否定。如:had better 的用法Wed better hurry or we will miss the train.Youd better not go out late at night.用于回答時(shí),通常用簡(jiǎn)略式。如: Shall I wash my clothes right now? Youd better. / Youd better not.注意:had better通常并不表示所提出的建議比 其他選擇更好這里沒(méi)有比較的意思。had better用于談?wù)撟罱膶?lái),比should

16、 或ought to在時(shí)間上更為緊急。如: There is only five minutes left. You had better hurry up. 只剩五分鐘了。你還是快點(diǎn)吧。1. Vicky does not feel well. She has got a cold. You say to her, “_ _.”2. Mandy and Jason are going to have a pi ic with Judy. Mandy and Jason have arrived but Judy is late again. Mandy says to Jason, “_ _.

17、”Youd better go andYoud better notask her to e along next timesee a doctor plete the sentences with had better or had better not and the expressions from the box. B 3. Some friends are going to visit you today. The floor is dirty. You say to yourself, “_ _.”4. Your mother needs to go out now, but it

18、 is going to rain. You say to her, “_ _.”5. You will have an exam tomorrow. Your mother says to you, “_ _.”Id better sweepYoud better take anYoud betterthe floorumbrella with younot watch TV tonight Youd better to wait for me at the school gate. I have better write to him now. You had not better go

19、there. I will have better clean the room right now. He has better speak slowly and confidently.Correct the sentences.waithad better nothadhadhadReview1. 情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 should 的用法;2. should, ought to和must的區(qū)別;3. had better的用法。1. You should eat too much. (改為否定句) You _ _ _ too much.2. He should speak slowly. (改為一般疑問(wèn)句) _ _ _ slowly?3. Its best for you to get up early. (改為同義句) You _ _ _ up early


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