五年級上冊英語試題Module 1 練習(xí)(含答案)外研版(一起)_第1頁
五年級上冊英語試題Module 1 練習(xí)(含答案)外研版(一起)_第2頁
五年級上冊英語試題Module 1 練習(xí)(含答案)外研版(一起)_第3頁
五年級上冊英語試題Module 1 練習(xí)(含答案)外研版(一起)_第4頁




1、五年級上冊英語試題Module 1 練習(xí)(含答案)外研版(一起)一、單選題1.This was the _house. A.pigB.pigsC.pigs2.-_ London look different now? Yes, it_.A.Did; didntB.Does; doesC.Do; dont3.I some English books. A.hadB.hasC.have4.A.classroomB.playground5.We can _ the bird. A.feedB.feedingC.fed6.desk A.書B.書桌7.There a chicken here befor

2、e. A.isB.wasC.are8.We can _ the birds. A.feedB.feedsC.feedingD.feeded9.There _ any buses here before. A.wasB.werentC.is10.They are my brothers and_. A.meB.IC.my11. A.treeB.grass12.There a dog and some flowers on the table. A.isB.areC.were13.There some flowers and a dog on the table. A.isB.areC.were1

3、4.A.eggsB.oranges15._ London look different now? Yes, it _.A.Did; didntB.Does; doesC.Do; dontD.Does; dont16.There werent_ benches here before. A.someB.aC.any17.Lingling is in London _ Sam and Amy. A.forB.andC.withD.of18.Do you like the park now? _A.No, I do.B.Yes, I do.C.No, I doesnt.D.Yes, I does.1

4、9._you like the park now? Yes, I do.A.DidB.DontC.Do20.She _TV yesterday. A.watchingB.watchedC.watches.二、匹配題21.將下列句子與圖片配對。 There was a big mouse._A. There was a house._B. Look at the picture of our school._C. There are tall trees now._D. Theres a clock._E. 三、情景交際22.根據(jù)所給情景,選擇合適的一項(xiàng)。 A. There is a big p

5、layground now.B. There werent any trees in the park.C. There wasnt a child in my family.D. Do you like the park now?E. This is the cats house.(1)你想告訴別人這是貓的房子,你說:_ (2)想知道對方現(xiàn)在喜不喜歡這個公園,你問:_ (3)你想說你們家以前沒有小孩子,應(yīng)說:_ (4)你的學(xué)?,F(xiàn)在有一個大操場了,你會跟朋友說:_ (5)向?qū)Ψ浇榻B這個公園以前沒有任何樹木,應(yīng)說:_ 23.選擇正確的問句 A. Whose chicks are they?B.

6、How many chickens were there before?C. Where were the four round brown eggs?(1)_ There was one chicken before.(2)_ The four round brown eggs were on the floor.(3)_ They are my chicks.答案一、單選題1.【答案】 C 2.【答案】 B 3.【答案】 C 4.【答案】 B 5.【答案】 A 6.【答案】 B 7.【答案】 B 8.【答案】 A 9.【答案】 B 10.【答案】 A 11.【答案】 A 12.【答案】 A 13.【答案】 B 14.【答案】 A 15.【答案】 B 16.【答案】 C 17.【答案】 C 18.【答案】 B 1


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