電工與電子技術(shù)電子商務(wù)電子課件chap 4 售后溝通與服務(wù)ppt_第1頁(yè)
電工與電子技術(shù)電子商務(wù)電子課件chap 4 售后溝通與服務(wù)ppt_第2頁(yè)
電工與電子技術(shù)電子商務(wù)電子課件chap 4 售后溝通與服務(wù)ppt_第3頁(yè)
電工與電子技術(shù)電子商務(wù)電子課件chap 4 售后溝通與服務(wù)ppt_第4頁(yè)
電工與電子技術(shù)電子商務(wù)電子課件chap 4 售后溝通與服務(wù)ppt_第5頁(yè)
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1、電子課件chap 4 售后溝通與服務(wù)Chap 4售后溝通與服務(wù) After-sales Services and Communication 跨境電商溝通與客服學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)知識(shí)目標(biāo)技能目標(biāo) 1. 了解跨境電商客服售后服務(wù)的基本內(nèi)容; 2. 掌握跨境電商訂單糾紛的處理步驟和技巧; 3. 掌握跨境電商客戶維護(hù)的基本技巧; 4. 掌握跨境電商產(chǎn)品推廣的步驟及推廣內(nèi)容。1. 能夠利用信函提醒、說(shuō)服客戶給訂單評(píng)價(jià);2. 能夠利用信函說(shuō)服客戶撤銷糾紛;3. 能夠?qū)峡蛻暨M(jìn)行日常維護(hù)與管理;4. 能夠?qū)π庐a(chǎn)品進(jìn)行推廣。Lead-in Is it important to maintain the custome

2、r, and how to maintain the customer ?Have you received any disputes and how do you deal with the disputes?3. Do you think feedback is important for online business? What will you do if the buyer doesnt give the feedback?4. What will you do if the new products are launched?4.1 售后評(píng)價(jià) Feedback 4.1.1催促評(píng)價(jià)

3、 Urging the Appraise 買家收到貨之后沒(méi)有留下評(píng)價(jià)Sample 1:Dear buyer,Thanks for your continuous support to our store, and we are striving to improve ourselves in terms of service, quality, sourcing, etc. It would be highly appreciated if you could leave us a positive feedback, which will be a great encouragement f

4、or us. If theres anything I can help with, dont hesitate to tell me.Best Regards(Your name)Sample 2: Dear buyer, Could you tell me if the item has been successfully delivered to you? If you have already received it, we sincerely hope you will like it and be satisfied with our customer services. If y

5、ou have not got it or got it but have any concerns, please dont hesitate to contact us. We would like to do whatever we can do to help you out. If you dont mind, please take your time and leave us a positive comment, which is of vital importance to the growth of our small company. Please DO NOT leav

6、e us negative feedback. If you are not satisfied with any regard, please contact us for solution. Thank you so much. Yours Sincerely Dear buyer, You can leave feedback for suppliers within 30 days of order completion. There are 2 ways to leave feedback: Method ASign into My AliExpressConfirm receipt

7、 of your orderOn the Leave Feedback for this Transaction page click Leave FeedbackRate the seller by clicking the number of stars you want to give and enter an explanation of your rating; your explanation should cover the quality of the item and the sellers service and click Leave Feedback. Method B

8、Sign into My AliExpressGo to Transactions, click Manage Feedback, then click Orders Awaiting My FeedbackChoose an order and click Leave Feedback. Thank you so much. Yours Sincerely Sample 3: 2. 買家收到上述郵件10-15天后沒(méi)有回復(fù)評(píng)價(jià)Sample 4: Dear buyer, Thank you for buying shoes from us on April 23rd. We hope that

9、you are satisfied with your purchase. The details for your purchase are as below: Item Name: Item Number: Total Deal Price: If you are satisfied with your purchase and the services provided, please do spare some time to leave positive feedback for us. Your positive feedback is essential to the devel

10、opment of our business. If you have any problems or concerns about your purchase, please get in touch with our customer service as soon as possible and we will do everything we can to help. Thank you again and we look forward to seeing you again soon. Yours Sincerely, (Your name)常用句型 1. It would be

11、highly appreciated if you could leave us a positive feedback.如果您可以給我們一個(gè)積極的反饋,我們會(huì)非常感激。2. Please spare some time to leave positive feedback for us.希望您能抽空對(duì)我們的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)作出正面的評(píng)價(jià)。3. Your comments and feedback help us improve our products and services for other customers.您的評(píng)價(jià)能幫助我們提高產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量和服務(wù),以便我們能更好的為其他買家服務(wù)。4. Pl

12、ease do not leave any negative feedback.請(qǐng)不要給我們?nèi)魏呜?fù)面的評(píng)價(jià)。5. If you have any problems or concerns about your recent purchase, please get in touch with our customer service as soon as possible.如果您對(duì)您購(gòu)買的東西有任何的問(wèn)題或者擔(dān)心,請(qǐng)及時(shí)與我們的客服聯(lián)系。4.1.2修改評(píng)價(jià) Modifying Evaluation 1. 給中評(píng),買家對(duì)于你的產(chǎn)品表示懷疑Sample 5: Dear buyer, I am ve

13、ry glad to receive your message. Although I havent got a high score on aliexpress, Ive been doing business on aliexpress for many years and I am quite confident about my products. Besides, since aliexpress offers Buyer Protection servie which means the payment wont be released to us until you satisf

14、ied with the product and agree to release the money. We sincerely look forward to establishing long business relationship with you. Regards2. 請(qǐng)求修改差評(píng) Sample 6: Dear buyer, I noticed that you gave us a negative feedback. I am looking forward to your reply that whether or not you agree the way we fix t

15、his thing. I honestly hope you can revise the bad valuation. If you dont agree, could you give us a better suggestion? We hope we can fix this thing reasonably and positively. Let us apologize to you again for all your inconvenience. Thank you for your time and best regards, (Your name)常用句型 1. I am

16、quite confident about my products.我對(duì)我的產(chǎn)品很有信心。2. We sincerely look forward to establishing long business relationship with you.希望能夠與您長(zhǎng)期合作。3.Wearesorrytoseethatyouleftnegativeorneutralfeedbackrelatingtoyourrecentpurchaseexperiencefromourstore. 很遺憾看到你最近在我們店鋪的購(gòu)買行為中給了我們中差評(píng)。4. We hope you can revise your

17、feedback into a positive feedback to us. 我們希望你能將評(píng)價(jià)改為好評(píng)。5. Would you please change the feedback? 你能修改一下評(píng)價(jià)嗎?6. If you can change the feedback, we can offer you $1-5 off discount in your new order. 如果你能修改評(píng)價(jià),下次新訂單我們將給你$1-5的折扣。4.1.3 收到好評(píng) Receiving Good Feedback Sample 7: Dear buyer, Thank you for your re

18、cent positive feedback! Your satisfaction is hugely important to us, and keeps us motivated to try harder for our customers! You can check out more great products from our store: /store/439824 We hope well see you again on our store soon. Yours sincerely, (Your name)Sample 8: Dear buyer, I am so ple

19、ased and grateful that you gave us a good feedback /you are satisfied with our products and service. I hope I can give you a good discount or send a gift to you when you order next time. Thank you very much. Best regards (Your name)常用句型 1. Thank you for your positive feedback.感謝您的好評(píng)。2. I am so pleas

20、ed and grateful that you gave us a good feedback.我非常高興和感謝你給我們一個(gè)好的反饋。3. Your encouragement will keep us moving forward.您的鼓勵(lì)是我們前進(jìn)的動(dòng)力。4.2 糾紛處理 Dealing with Dispute 糾紛類型:未收到貨 運(yùn)單號(hào)無(wú)效、發(fā)錯(cuò)地址、物流途中、海關(guān)扣關(guān)、包裹退回收到貨物與描述不符 貨物與描述不符、質(zhì)量問(wèn)題、貨物破損、貨物短裝、銷售假貨4.2 糾紛處理 Dealing with Dispute 糾紛處理流程4.2 糾紛處理 Dealing with Dispute 糾

21、紛類型:未收到貨 運(yùn)單號(hào)無(wú)效、發(fā)錯(cuò)地址、物流途中、海關(guān)扣關(guān)、包裹退回收到貨物與描述不符 貨物與描述不符、質(zhì)量問(wèn)題、貨物破損、貨物短裝、銷售假貨4.2.1糾紛開(kāi)啟前 Before the dispute 發(fā)貨后通知買家發(fā)貨Sample 1:Dear Customer, Thank you for shopping with us. We have dispatched your order (order No: xxx) on January 20th by EMS. The tracking number is xxx. It usually takes 5-10 business days

22、to reach your destination. Please check the tracking information here: for updates. Thank you for your patience! If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.Best Regards, (your name) 2. 繼續(xù)跟蹤物流 Sample 2(掛號(hào)運(yùn)輸方式): Dear Valued Customer, We are happy to inform you that your purchase

23、 has been dispatched! The typical time of arrival is between 7 and 10 days. If your item does not arrive within 10 days, please let us know. After your item has arrived, why not take a moment to leave positive feedback about our products and service? It only takes a moment, and its a great way to he

24、lp others make purchases like yours! Thank you for your order, and we look forward to providing you with the best buying experience again on AliExpress! Yours sincerely,B.如果使用的是掛號(hào)大小包Sample 3: Dear Valued Customer, We are happy to inform you that your purchase has been dispatched! The typical time of

25、 arrival is between 14 and 39 days. If your item does not arrive within 39 days, please let us know. After your item has arrived, why not take a moment to leave positive feedback about our products and service? It only takes a moment, and its a great way to help others make purchases like yours! Tha

26、nk you for your order, and we look forward to providing you with the best buying experience again on AliExpress! Yours sincerely, Seller NameSample 4: Dear Customer, Thank you for your patience. We confirmed that your order was mailed (order No: xxx) on January 20th. However, the tracking informatio

27、n shows its still on the way. We were informed that the package did not arrive yet due to a shipping delay from the delivery company. If you do not receive your package before March 20th, we can resend your order or apply a full refund to you as per your choice. If you have any further questions, pl

28、ease feel free to contact us directly and we will be glad to assist you.Best Regards, (your name)3. 包裹扣關(guān)包裹扣關(guān)希望買家聯(lián)系清關(guān)Sample 5: Dear Customer, We have checked the tracking information and found your package has now arrived at your countrys customs agency. If your package is delayed, please consult you

29、r local customs office to resolve the problem. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. Best Regards, (your name)常用句型 1. The tracking number is xxx. 你的快遞號(hào)是xxx。2. It should take 5-10 business days to reach your destination. 要5-10個(gè)工作日才能到。3. The tracking information shows its

30、still on the way. 快遞信息顯示你的包裹還在路上。4. We can resend your order or apply a full refund to you. 我們可以重新給你寄或者你可以申請(qǐng)全額退款。5. If your package is delayed, please consult your local customs office to resolve the problem. 如果你的包裹被耽擱了,請(qǐng)咨詢當(dāng)?shù)睾jP(guān)部門解決問(wèn)題。4.2.2糾紛開(kāi)啟時(shí) Dispute 1. 貨不對(duì)板啟糾紛Sample 6: Dear Customer, We sincerely

31、 regret that the items youve received in order XXXXX were not as described. Our goal is to resolve any dispute as quickly and conveniently as possible. Choice #1: You have claimed the items did not work/work properly. As such, we must ask that you please make a video recording to illustrate this iss

32、ue and send them directly to my email: XXXXXXXX. This will allow us to verify the problem and help resolve it to your satisfaction. Choice #2: You have claimed the items did not work/work properly. As such, we must ask that you please take some photos to illustrate this issue and send them to my ema

33、il: XXXXXXXX. This will allow us to verify the problem and help resolve it to your satisfaction. We apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, (your name)Sample 7: Dear buyer, I am so sorry for our carelessness. I need confirm the weight of parcel to check th

34、e less quantity with our shipment staff who just start to work after some days. Could I offset the 1 pieces money when you order next time, and we can give you a good discount or send a simple gift to you? Or if you ask for immediate refund now, could you give me your paypal account? I am so sorry f

35、or all the convenience. Best Regards, (your name) 當(dāng)你收到客戶反映的產(chǎn)品與描述不符時(shí),我們?cè)撛趺催M(jìn)行回復(fù)呢?客戶來(lái)信: Hello, seller , Ive got the goods that is inconsistent with the description, so please sent again!回復(fù)模板 Dear, We sincerely regret that you are not satisfied with your purchase. We accept returns or exchanges as long

36、as the item is unopened and/ or unused. We strive to provide exceptional products and service to our customers and your opinion is very important to us. Please provide a detailed explanation, photos are also welcome. Please send your item back to :,325000, Wenzhou , ChinaWe will send you a replaceme

37、nt upon receipt of your parcel. Please be aware that the return shipping and any new shipping charges for a replacement item will be charged to the buyer. If you have any other concerns, please contact us through eBay message so that we can respond you promptly, thanks! 當(dāng)買家收到東西不滿意并提出退貨時(shí),我們?cè)撊绾螒?yīng)對(duì)。請(qǐng)看下列

38、客戶的信件:Hello , seller , I dont like the goods you send to me, can I return?當(dāng)然,退貨我們是允許的,因此該答復(fù)信就不難了。 Dear, Yes , we accept return or exchange. Please send your item back to: ,325000, Wenzhou, ChinaWe will refund (excluding the postage) you via PayPal once I receive your parcel.Hello , seller , I dont l

39、ike the goods you send to me, can I barter? 客戶要求換貨。如果我們能接受換貨,但是客戶需要承擔(dān)物流費(fèi)用,以減輕我們的成本。 Dear, Sure , you can send it back for exchange. Please send your item back to: ,325000, Wenzhou, China We will send you a new one after receiving you parcel. Please be aware that you must bear the cost of return ship

40、ping and re-send shipping. Thanks for your understanding and any other questions feel free to let me know.2. 貨物未在規(guī)定時(shí)間到貨 Sample 8: Dear Customer, We sincerely regret that you havent received your package. We have looked into this matter, and can share the following information about your order (No. X

41、XXXX): Tracking No: XXXXXXX Status: XXXXXXX Shipped Date: XXXXXXX Standard shipping times are approximately 7-15 business days, however with increased holiday demand there may be a delay in international delivery times. We promise a full refund including original shipping charge if the item is not d

42、elivered in XXXX days after receipt of payment. Your satisfaction is our utmost priority; please contact us if you have any concerns. We apologize for the inconvenience. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.Best Regards,(your name)Sample 9: Dear Customer, We sincerely regret that you havent rec

43、eived your parcel yet. We can confirm that we sent your order on January 10, 2014; however, we were informed by the shipping company that the package has been delayed due to problems on their end. We can arrange reshipment or a full refund to you. Please let us know what is your preferred option and

44、 well resolve this matter as quickly as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience. Your understanding is greatly appreciated. Best Regards, (your name)Sample 10: Dear Customer, We would like to confirm that we sent your order on January 10, 2014; however, we were informed the package has not yet

45、arrived due to shipping delays at the shipping company. According to our agreement, we have re-sent your order by EMS, with a new tracking number of: XXX. It typically takes 7-10 business days to arrive to your destination. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. Best Reg

46、ards, (your name) 請(qǐng)看以下案例: 這是你收到的買家的留言:Hello, seller, I havent received the product that you sent to me. 這時(shí)我們?cè)撛趺催M(jìn)行回復(fù)呢?將物流信息和物流單號(hào)告訴客戶是比較明智的決定, 或者對(duì)節(jié)假日等可預(yù)測(cè)的郵遞延誤進(jìn)行解釋,亦或者對(duì)天氣等不可抗力因素造成的延誤進(jìn)行解釋。A. 物品未收到的問(wèn)題 Dear, Thank you for purchasing (item ID or item title). We have sent the package out on Dec16. The posta

47、l tracking number is below for your reference: No. RR725377313CN Status: departure from outward office of exchange Ship-out Date: 2017-1-10 Standard ship times are approximately 7-15 business days. However, there may be delay in international parcel delivery times due to increased holiday demand. We

48、 promise a full refund including original shipping charge if the item is not delivered within 30 days upon receipt of payment. Your satisfaction is our utmost priority, please contact us if you have any concerns. We apologize for any inconvenience. Your understanding is greatly appreciated. B. 對(duì)節(jié)假日等

49、可預(yù)測(cè)的郵遞延誤進(jìn)行解釋 Dear, Thank you for your purchase and prompt payment. China will celebrate National Holiday from October 1st through October 7th. During that time, all the shipping services will be unavailable and may cause the shipping delay for several days. We will promptly ship your item when the p

50、ost office re-opens on October 8th. If you have any concerns, please contact us through eBay message. Thank you for your understanding and your patience is much appreciated.C. 對(duì)天氣等不可抗力因素造成的延誤進(jìn)行解釋 Dear, Thank you for purchasing an item from our store. We are sorry to inform of you that the delivery o

51、f your item may be delayed due to Hurricane Sandy. We shipped your item (white cotton T-shirt) on Dec. 3rd but unfortunately, we were notified by the post office that all parcels will be delayed due to this natural disaster. Your patience is much appreciated. If you have any concerns, please contact

52、 us through eBay message so that we can respond promptly. Our thoughts are with you.3. 產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量問(wèn)題啟糾紛 Sample 11: Dear friend, We are sorry for the quality problems and would pay more attention to the product quality check in the future. We will accept your requirement and please kindly return the goods t

53、o the following address: Xxxxxxxxxxxx However, some friends will accept the second plan that we send you a new one with 10% off and you cancel the dispute without paying for the highly returning shipping fee. Hope you consider it .Thank you! Best Regards Sample 12: Dear friend, The photos were recei

54、ved with thanks .Sorry that we failed to check out the problem and we would pay more attention to this part. Anyway ,we will refund you $3 for compensating or may you just accept this time and we would like to provide bigger discount for your next order. Sorry again for the trouble .Please feel free

55、 to let us have your comment. Thanks! Best Regards 請(qǐng)看以下案例:當(dāng)買家收到貨,發(fā)覺(jué)質(zhì)量有問(wèn)題。 Hello, seller , I have received the goods you send to me, but I found that it is with a bad quality.回復(fù)模板如下: Dear XXX, I am very sorry to hear about that. Since I did carefully check the order and the package to make sure every

56、thing was in good condition before shipping it out, I suppose that the damage might have happened during the transportation. But Im still very sorry for the inconvenience this has brought you. I guarantee that I will give you more discounts to make this up next time you buy from us. Thanks for your

57、understanding.常用句型 1. Please accept my deep apology for inconvenience caused to you. 請(qǐng)接受我真誠(chéng)的道歉對(duì)你的不便表示歉意。2. Would you please kindly help me close the dispute? 你能請(qǐng)幫我關(guān)閉糾紛嗎?3. If you really want the refund, we can refund in other way. 如果你真的想退款,我們可以用其他方式退款。4. I am really sorry to see you open a dispute.

58、我很遺憾看到你打開(kāi)一個(gè)糾紛。5. We just checked the tracking information from the office and its on its way. 我們剛剛從辦公室查到物流信息,包裹還在途中。常用句型6. Once you close it please let me know, I will refund to you immediately. 一旦你關(guān)閉它請(qǐng)讓我知道,我將立即退款給你。7. We are sorry to tell you that due to peak season(旺季)/bad weather(惡劣氣候)these days

59、,the shipping time to your country was delayed. 很遺憾地告訴你由于這幾天旺季/惡劣氣候,運(yùn)貨時(shí)間被耽擱了。8. We will give you5% off to your next order for your great understanding. 您的下次訂單將享受5%折扣,謝謝您的理解。9. According to the rule of Ali ,buyer have the duty to clear the custom and get the parcel . 根據(jù)速賣通的規(guī)則,買家是有義務(wù)清關(guān)的,請(qǐng)您盡快清關(guān)并拿到您的產(chǎn)品。

60、10. We are sorry for the quality problems and would pay more attention on product quality check in the future. 對(duì)產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量問(wèn)題表示歉意,今后我們會(huì)在產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量方面會(huì)引起更多的重視。4.2.3糾紛升級(jí)為平臺(tái)糾紛 Platform Dispute 1. 賣方過(guò)錯(cuò),給予退款或退貨Sample 13: Dear Customer, We sincerely regret that we have been unable to come to terms thus far but we hop


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