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1、教學(xué)物流英語第二章物流英語8/29/20222Learning objectives3. Questions for Discussion 1. Main Content2. Phrases and Terms4. Case StudyChapter 2 Supply Chain Management8/29/20223Learning Objectives 1.Gain an understanding of the characteristics of supply chain management 2.Learn the definition of QR, ECR, ERP, CPFR,

2、 JIT 3.Get an overview of supply chain management principles and their implications for enterprises 4.Get an overview of how a supply chain system comes out8/29/202242.1 Introduction to Supply Chain Management 2.1.1Definition of Supply Chain Management Supply chain management (SCM) is the control of

3、 the supply chain as a process from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer. Supply chain management does not involve only the movement of a physical product (such as a microchip) through the chain but also any data that goes along with the product (such as order status inform

4、ation, payment schedules, 8/29/20225 and ownership titles) and the actual entities that handle the product from stage to stage of the supply chain. There are essentially three goals of SCM: to reduce inventory, to increase the speed of transactions with real-time data exchange, and to increase reven

5、ue by satisfying customer demands more efficiently. Supply chain management is getting the right things to the right places at the right times for maximum profit. It is a process used by companies to ensure that their supply chain is efficient and cost-effective. Many important8/29/20226 實(shí)時(shí)數(shù)據(jù)庫可用于工廠過

6、程的自動(dòng)采集、存儲(chǔ)和監(jiān)視,可在線存儲(chǔ)每個(gè)工藝過程點(diǎn)的多年數(shù)據(jù),可以提供清晰、精確的操作情況畫面,用戶既可瀏覽工廠當(dāng)前的生產(chǎn)情況,也可回顧過去的生產(chǎn)情況,可以說,實(shí)時(shí)數(shù)據(jù)庫對于流程工廠來說就如同飛機(jī)上的“黑匣子”。8/29/20227 strategic decisions impact the supply chain: how to coordinate the production of goods and services, including which suppliers to buy materials from; how and where to store inventory;

7、 how to distribute products in the most cost-effective, timely manner; and how and when to make payments. A typical supply chain is made up of many interrelated firms linked by a core enterprise. As shown in Figure 2.1, component and subassembly suppliers are upstream from the manufacturer. Further

8、up the chain are the8/29/20228 suppliers suppliers, who provide raw materials. Downstream from the producing firm are the resellers, then the retail channels and finally the customers. Thus, the supply chain encompasses the flow and transformation of goods, services and information from the raw mate

9、rials stage to the consumers.2.1.2 Differences between Logistics and Supply Chain Management A widely adopted textbook defines logistics management as follows: “the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, effective 8/29/202298/29/202210 flow and storage of goods, services, a

10、nd related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements”. Starting from the late 1980s, logistics has been extended to cover a wider range of interest and activities. Such an enlarged concept and practice is called Supply Chain Manag

11、ement. A supply chain is a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the functions of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished products, 8/29/202211 and the distribution of these finished products to customers. Supply chains exist

12、in both service and manufacturing organizations. Taking into account the most recent development of logistics and supply chain management, we describe logistics with the following definition: process of the location, movement and storage of resources from the point of origin, through various economi

13、c activities, to the final consumer. This definition provides logistics with a comprehensive dimension and allow organizations to take full advantage of the philosophy, the way of thinking8/29/202212 and the practice of logistics during the entire process of all logistics related activities to enhan

14、ce the system efficiency in different areas. To better understand the exact meaning and scope of logistics we need to explain this definition by looking at some of its key words. First we should look at the word process. This means that logistics is not an isolated action, it is rather a series of c

15、ontinuous and interrelated activities in which principles of logistics thinking, planning, organization, management and operation apply. Therefore logistics is a process8/29/202213 concerned with various activities within an organization from the overall thinking to each individual operational task.

16、 Logistics is also a process that covers every element that associates with the product from the origin of resources to the final stage of consumption. Logistics does not only concern materials. It interests in all resources needed for having the right product or service at the consumers disposal. T

17、he resources here mean materials, capital, people, but they also include information, technology , etc. 8/29/202214 Logistics should include two levels of planning and organizing activities. The first is about where and when to get resources and products and where to send them, therefore a problem o

18、f location. This is the major difference between the traditional logistics concept and supply chain management, as the former is concentrating on “flows”, while the latter concerns the problems of location as well. The second level concerns how to get the resource and products from the origin to the

19、 final destination, thus a problem of movement and storage. So far much attention8/29/202215 has been paid to the second level of logistics or to the movement and storage of resources, but not enough to the fundamental question of location or in other words where the resources should be secured and

20、transformed. Logistics itself is not a new activity in the organization, it is rather a new way of thinking and organizing the existing activities under an integrated concept of logistics. It is a process of optimizing the system systematically which includes each activity so that the total benefit

21、can be maximized8/29/202216 and the best overall result can be achieved. Optimization means to organize all relevant activities for the purpose of minimizing the total cost of providing the consumer with the value required. This implies the elimination or minimization of all unproductive activities

22、and activities that do not provide or provide less value added. The optimization is to be assured on the entire process of providing the product or service instead of on only a part of it.8/29/202217 2.1.3 Supply Chain Management Process Typically, supply chain management is comprised of five stages

23、: plan, develop, make, deliver, return. The first stage in supply chain management is known as Plan. A plan or strategy must be developed to address how a given goods or service will meet the needs of the customers. A significant portion of the strategy should focus on planning a profitable supply c

24、hain. Develop is the next stage in supply chain management. It involves building a strong relationship with suppliers of the raw materials needed in making8/29/202218 the product the company delivers. This phase involves not only identifying reliable suppliers but also planning methods for shipping,

25、 delivery, and payment. At the third stage, Make, the product is manufactured, tested, packaged, and scheduled for delivery. Then, at the logistics phase, customer orders are received and delivery of the goods is planned. This fourth stage of supply chain management stage is aptly named Deliver. The

26、 final stage of supply chain management is called Return. As the name suggests, during this stage, customers may return defective products.8/29/202219 The company will also address customers questions in this stage. Companies use forecast-distribution models in order to have the appropriate inventor

27、y, or safety stock, necessary to meet fluctuations in customer demand. Under this model, participants In the lower-end of the supply chain, rather than those near the end-customer, Increase their orders frequently when there is a rise in demand. 2.1.4 Importance of an Effective Supply Chain Manageme

28、nt Better supply chain helps not only manufacturers8/29/202220 of goods, but also some service businesses, Including those requiring creativity, Imagination and specialized knowledge. For exle, using a virtual reality system and ultrasound data sent through the Internet, a medical specialist in Dall

29、as can give an opinion to a patient in New York, or London, or Bombay. A virtual reality system worn around the hand and arm allows a physician to feel pressure sensations from computer images and make an informed diagnosis in real time 8/29/202221 halfway around the globe. Todays most efficient sup

30、ply chains use the Internet and associated technologies to move information in real time to those who need it. These bits of data-digital strings of zeroes and ones-can be shipped anywhere in the world in seconds at virtually no cost. And with digital products there are no time-to-manufacture delays

31、, Inventory shortages or delivery problems. While supply chain management is as old as trade itself, new information and communications technologies have made todays supply chains better, faster8/29/202222 and cheaper. Information engineering that combines new information technologies with improved

32、production, Inventory, distribution and payments methods has revolutionized supply chain operations. For exle, one way to buy a computer is to get on Dells web site and configure and price a system exactly as you want it. As soon as you submit the online order, all of Dells global suppliers-those pr

33、oviding chips, monitors and so on are immediately notified of the sale and go to work so that you receive your computer typically 8/29/202223 within a week. Contrast this direct sales model with yesterdays supply chain. The old model required the customer to go to a store in search of a product that

34、 the manufacturer thinks you want to buy. But now, in some cases, the middlemen between you and the manufacturer can be eliminated. Moreover, in the direct sales model, the upstream suppliers play a key real-time role in keeping production and distribution flowing smoothly. 8/29/202224 2.1.5 Supply

35、Chain Management Eras. Throughout history, new ideas and technologies have revolutionized supply chains and changed the way we work. Two hundred years ago, giant machines replaced manual labor to complete tasks in large factories. Railroads, electricity and new communication media expanded markets a

36、nd made supply chains better, faster and cheaper. (1) Mass Production Era. In the early 1900s, Henry Ford created the first moving assembly. This reduced the time required to build a Model T from 8/29/202225 728 hours to 1.5 hours and ushered in the mass production era. Over the next 60 years, Ameri

37、can manufacturers became adept at mass production and streamlined supply chains with the help of scientific management methods and operations research techniques. (2) Lean Manufacturing Era. In the 1970s, U. S. manufacturings superiority was challenged. Foreign firms in many industries made higher q

38、uality products at lower costs. Global competition forced U. S. manufacturers to concentrate on improving quality by reducing8/29/202226 defects in their supply chains. Good to know: Six-sigma: This quality control idea was pioneered by Motorola as a way to improve processes that are already under c

39、ontrol. The outputs of such processes typically have a normal distribution, and the process capability is expected to be within plus or minus three standard deviations of the mean. Each standard deviation is one sigma, so the total process capability covers six sigma. Total quality management: This

40、idea emphasizes multifunctional teams to solve quality related 8/29/202227 problems. Such teams are trained to understand basic statistical tools and then collect and analyze data to resolve quality problems. (3) Mass Customization Era. Beginning around 1995 and coinciding with the commercial applic

41、ation of the Internet, manufacturers started to mass-produce customized products. Henry Fords famous statement you can have any color Model T as long as its black no longerapplies. Perhaps a more accurate term would be the information engineering or information management era. Firms are effectively

42、using8/29/202228 new information technologies to Improve service and delivery processes. Through secure systems and business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce platforms, firms focus on improving information management by integrating internal systems with external partners. For exle, through its web site,

43、 Amazon. com gives customers the ability to track the delivery status of their purchases. And Wal-Mart routinely shares all sales data in real time with its upstream suppliers and manufacturers.8/29/2022292.2 Principles of Supply ChainManagement There are altogether seven principles in managing supp

44、ly chains. 1. Segment customers based on the service needs of distinct groups and adapt the supply chain to serve these segments profitably. Segmentation has traditionally grouped customers by industry, product, or trade channel and then taken a one-size-fits-all approach to serving them, averaging

45、costs and profitability8/29/202230 within and across segments. But segmenting customers by their particular needs equips a company to develop a portfolio of services tailored to various segments. Surveys, Interviews, and industry research have been the traditional tools for defining key segmentation

46、 criteria. Viewed from the classic perspective, this needs-based segmentation may produce some odd couples. Research can establish the services valued by all customers versus those valued only by certain segments. Then the company should apply a disciplined, cross-functional process to develop a8/29

47、/202231 menu of supply chain programs and create segment-specific service packages that combine basic services for everyone with the services from the menu that will have the greatest appeal to particular segments. This does not mean tailoring for the sake of tailoring. The goal is to find the degre

48、e of segmentation and variation needed to maximize profitability; 2. Customize the logistics network to the service requirements and profitability of customer segments. Companies have traditionally taken a monolithic approach to logistics network design in organizing their inventory, warehouse, and

49、transportation activities8/29/202232 to meet a single standard. This can not achieve superior asset utilization or accommodate the segment-specific logistics necessary for excellent supply chain management. In many industries, especially such commodity industries as fine paper, tailoring distributio

50、n assets to meet individual logistics requirements is a greater source of differentiation for a manufacturer than the actual products, which are largely undifferentiated; 3. Listen to market signals and align demand planning accordingly across the supply chain, ensuring consistent 8/29/202233 foreca

51、sts and optimal resource allocation; 4. Differentiate product closer to the customer and speed conversion across the supply chain; 5. Manage sources of supply strategically to reduce the total cost of owning materials and possessed services; 6. Develop a supply chain-wide technology strategy that su

52、pports multiple levels of decision making and gives a clear view of the flow of products, services, and information; 7.Adopt channel-spanning performance measures to gauge collective success in reaching the end-user effectively and efficiently. 8/29/202234WRITTEN EXERCISES 1.Filling (1)Mass Producti

53、on Era was in the early , the symbol of this era was creating by Henry Ford; Lean Manufacturing Era was in the and Mass Customization Era beginning around . (2) There are principles in managing supply chains in total. The first is based on the service needs of distinct groups and adapt the supply ch

54、ain to serve these segments profitably. 8/29/2022352.SPECIAL TERMS(1) normal distribution(2) standard deviations(3) Total quality management(4) the process capability(5) tracking the delivery status(6) a portfolio of tailored services(7) key segmentation criteria3. QUESTION What specific role does l

55、ogistics play in supply chain operations?8/29/2022362.3 Methods Concerning Supply Chain Management The generation of supply chain management theory lags vt.落后于 far behind the specific technologies and methods, as the former was shown initially by the latter. The most common methods in supply chain m

56、anagement are Quick Response (QR), Efficient Consumer Response (ECR), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Just in Time (JIT), Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment n.補(bǔ)貨、補(bǔ)給 (CPFR), etc. 8/29/202237 1. QR The gap between demand for consumer goods and their efficient supply is greater

57、now than at any other time, and is widening as consumers wants become less predictable, and suppliers struggle to meet them. Quick Response is both a management paradigm (n.范式、范例) and a methodology (n.方法學(xué),方法論) that allows supply systems to react quickly to changes while improving their performance.

58、QR aims to help organize a business in the face of problems associated with the vast array of goods and services now to be found in consumer markets. 8/29/202238 It is particularly relevant to the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and Fashion industries. QR works by compressing the time between prod

59、uct or service design concept and appearance on the retail shelf. It then takes advantage of such recent technologies as Point of Sale (POS) tracking and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to constantly up-date estimates of true consumer demand, and then places intelligent re-orders for goods with fl

60、exible manufacturers and their suppliers.8/29/202239 2. ECR Efficient Consumer Response or ECR is a business concept aimed at better satisfying consumer needs, through businesses and trading partners working together. In doing so, ECR best practices will deliver superior business results by reducing


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