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1、大學(xué)考研英語長難句實例解析(完整版)大學(xué)考研英語長難句實例解析(完整版) 大學(xué)考研英語長難句實例解析(完整版)大學(xué)考研英語長難句實例長難句在考研閱讀、完型填空和翻譯中的出現(xiàn)頻率很高, 無論句 子有多長、結(jié)構(gòu)有多復(fù)雜,它都由一些基本的成分組成的。從結(jié)構(gòu)來 說,英語句子中,除了謂語之外,其它的成分均可以由從句或者非謂 語動詞來充當(dāng)。從句子本身是一個完整的句子,因此,從句與從句之 間的關(guān)系可能包孕、套嵌,也可能并列,平行。從功能來說,英語有 三大復(fù)合句,即:名詞性從句,包括主語從句、賓語從句、表語從 句和同位語從句;形容詞性從句,即我們平常所說的定語從句;狀 語從句。非謂語動詞可以有自己的時態(tài)和語態(tài)

2、(過去分詞除外),也 可以跟自己的邏輯主語、賓語、狀語等成分,構(gòu)成一個非謂語動詞結(jié) 構(gòu)。由于非謂語動詞和從句的這些特點, 使英語句子從理論上講可以 無限延長。英語長句的分析方法:去枝葉,留主干。1)劃出句子中的定語從句和狀語從句;2)劃出所有介詞短語(位于be動詞后的除外);3)名詞性從句看作一個整體,找出句中所有的謂語結(jié)構(gòu)、非謂語結(jié)構(gòu)、 介詞短語和從句的引導(dǎo)詞;4)非謂語動詞結(jié)構(gòu)看作一個整體;5)找出全句的主語、謂語和賓語,即句子的主干;6)分析從句的結(jié)構(gòu)和非謂語動詞的內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)。長難句分析的步驟舉例:經(jīng)典例題(2001年考研完型填空第二段)In a sig ni fica nt tighte

3、 ning of legal con trols over the press, Lord Irvi ne, the Lord Chan cellor, will in troduce a draft bill that will propose making payments to witnesses illegal and will strictly con trol the amount of publicity that can be give n to a case before a trial begi ns.分析:第一,劃出定語從句和狀語從句:that will propose

4、maki ng payme nts to wit nesses illegal and will strictly con trol the amount of publicity /that can be given to a case /before a trial begi ns.第二,戈U出介詞短語:In a sig ni fica nt tighte ning of legalcon trols over the press第三,句子的結(jié)構(gòu)分析: 主干結(jié)構(gòu)是主語(Lord Irvine 含同位語the Lord Chancellor ) +將來時謂語(will introduce)+

5、 賓語(a draft bill );that引導(dǎo)的定語從句修飾 draft bill, 其中,will propose是第一個謂語, mak ing payme nts to wit nesses illegal 是一個動名 詞短語做賓語,在動名詞短語內(nèi)部,payments to witnesses 做 making 的賓語illegal是賓補;第二個謂語是 will strictly con trol, theamount of publicity 是它的賓語。that can be given to a case before a trial begins是孕含有一個時間狀語從句(bef

6、ore a trial begins )的定語從句,修飾publicity請大家按照上述步驟認真分解以下 70個句子,并把分解后的句子讀熟甚至背過,則基本上可以解決考研長難句問題。This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to con ti nue agriculture in the high-e nergyAmerican fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的主干是

7、This will be particularly true ,。 since引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句。此從句中又套嵌一個由關(guān)系代詞that引導(dǎo)的定在定語從句中,語從句,修飾 the high-energy American fashion that做主語,makes做謂語,it做形式賓語,不定式短語to combinefew farmers with high yields則是真正的賓語(不定式短語內(nèi)部to combine 是主干,few farmers 是賓語,with high yields 是狀 語),possible做賓語補足語。this指代前句中提到的這種困境。 energy pinch

8、譯為“能源的匱乏” ;in , fashion 譯為“用,方法、 方式 。譯文:這種困境將是確定無疑的,因為能源的匱乏,高能量消耗這種 美國耕種方式將很難在農(nóng)業(yè)中繼續(xù)下去,而這種耕種方式使投入少數(shù) 農(nóng)民就可獲得高產(chǎn)成為可能。Now si nee the assessme nt of i ntellige nee is a comparativematter,we must be sure that the scale with which we arecomparing our subjects provides a valid or fair comparison.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的主干是we

9、 must be sure ,。since引導(dǎo)原因狀語從 句 the assessment of intelligenee is a comparative matter。主句中又有that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句that the scale with which we are comparing our subjects provides a valid or fair comparison。 此賓語從句中又套嵌一個由介詞 with+which引導(dǎo)的定語從句with which we are comparing our subjects 修飾先行詞 the scale。scale 在此處意為“尺度、衡

10、量標準”。譯文:既然對智力的評估相比較而言的,那么我們必須確保,在對我 們的對象進行比較時,我們所用的尺度能夠提供“有效的”或“公平 的”比較。In general ,the tests work most effectively when thequalities to be measured can be most precisely defined and least effectively when what is to be measured or predicted can be not well defi ned.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是 the tests work most e

11、ffectively when,and least effectively when,。and連接兩個并列分句,每個并列分句中皆有一個when引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句分別說明work mosteffectively 和 and(work)least effectively。第二個時間狀語從句中還有一個主語從句 what, predicted。the tests 是主句的主語, work為動詞做謂語。qualities在此處是可數(shù)名詞,不譯為“質(zhì)量”,而譯為“特征”。defined不能直譯為“被定義為”,而應(yīng)譯為主動語態(tài)“界定” 譯文:一般來說,當(dāng)所需要測定的特征能被精確界定時,測試最為有 效;而當(dāng)所

12、測定或預(yù)測的東西不能被明確界定時,測試效果最差。For example ,they do not compensate for gross socialin equality , and thus do not tell how able an un derprivilegedyoungster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumsta nces.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是 they do not compensate,,and thus do not tell how ,。and連接兩個并列分句,第二個并列分句中

13、由 how引導(dǎo) 的賓語從句是一個帶有虛擬條件句的主從復(fù)合句,其中 had he grown up, ( =lf he had grown up ,)是省略了連詞 if的非真實條件句。主句主語的they,在此代指上文提到的tests; able在句中作might have been的表語。underprivileged在此不能譯為“沒有特權(quán)的”,而譯為“沒有地位的”或“物質(zhì)條件差的”。譯文:例如,測試并不能彌補明顯的社會不公;因此,它們不能說明 一個物質(zhì)條件差的年輕人,如果在較好的環(huán)境中成長的話,會有多大 才干。5t leads the discussion to extremes at the

14、 outset : it invites you to thi nk that ani mals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans, or with nocon siderati on at all.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是 It leads the discussion to extremes atthe outset: it invites you to think that,。冒號后的復(fù)合句是對冒號前部分作進一步說明。復(fù)合句中that引導(dǎo)賓語從句,從句中有either

15、, or,引導(dǎo)的兩個并列的介詞結(jié)構(gòu)作狀語,修飾動詞betreated,其中第一個with介詞結(jié)構(gòu)中還有一個省略了關(guān)系代詞that或 which 的定語從句 humans extend to other humans,修飾 thecon sideratio n 。it代指上文的觀點,即如果對人權(quán)沒有達成一致看 法,而談?wù)搫游锏臋?quán)利是徒勞的。介詞短語at the outset譯為“從一開始”。動詞invites應(yīng)轉(zhuǎn)譯為“使”、“讓”或“促使”。動賓 結(jié)構(gòu) exte nd con sideratio n to意為“給予關(guān)懷或關(guān)心”,con siderati on不應(yīng)譯為“考慮”。譯文:這種說法從一開

16、始就將討論引向極端,它使人們認為應(yīng)該這樣對待動物:要么像對人類自身一樣關(guān)懷體諒,要么完全冷漠無情。But even more important ,it was the farthest that scientists had been able to look into the past,for what they were seeing were the patter ns and structures that existed 15 billio n years ago.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是it was the farthest that ,。但It was , that ,在本句中不

17、是強調(diào)句型。it是指上句中所提到的150億年前 形成的巨大云團(a strip of enormous cosmic clouds some 15 billionlight-years from earth);that 引導(dǎo)的應(yīng)是一個定語從句, 修飾先行詞the farthest 。for引導(dǎo)的是表示原因的分句,分句中還 有that 引導(dǎo)的定語從句,修飾 the patter ns and structure 。譯文:但更重要的是,這是科學(xué)家們所能觀測到的有關(guān)過去的最為遙 遠的景象,因為他們看到的是150億年前宇宙云的形狀和結(jié)構(gòu)。Thus it happe ned that whe n the

18、 new factories that werespringing up required labor ,tens of thousands of homeless and hungry agricultural workers ,with their wives and children,were forced into the cities in search of work, and any work,under any condition , that would keep them alive.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是it happened that ,。 it做形式主語,that 引

19、導(dǎo)的從句做真正的主語。主語從句中,又有一個由whe n引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句,主句為 tens of thousands of homeless and hungry agricultural workers , were forced ,,時間狀語從句中從句主語 the new factories又帶有一個定語從句 that were springing up;that would keep them alive 做 work 的定語從句。spring up 意為“發(fā)生,出現(xiàn),建立”。譯文:于是就出現(xiàn)了這樣的情況:正當(dāng)新辦的工廠紛紛建立,需要勞 動力的時候,成千上萬無家可歸、饑腸轆轆、以農(nóng)業(yè)為生

20、的勞動者攜 家?guī)Э冢黄冗M入城市;他們要找活干,不管什么活兒,不論什么條 件,只要不被餓死就行。As a result of two or three cen turies of scie ntific inv estigati on we have come to believe that n ature isun dersta ndable in the sense that whe n we ask her questi ons byway of appropriate observations and experiments, she willan swer truly and rew

21、ard us with discoveries that en dure.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是,we have come to believe that ,。that引導(dǎo)的從句做believe的賓語從句;此從句中有一個that從句作the sense的同位語從句;同位語從句中又套嵌一個由 when引導(dǎo)的時間狀 語從句;此時間狀語從句又套嵌一個定語從句 that endure,修飾其 先行詞discoveries。by way of意為“經(jīng)由,通過,方法” ;reward sb. with意為“以,報答,酬勞” ;endure此處應(yīng)譯為“持久,持續(xù)”, 不要譯為“忍受,容忍”。譯文:由于兩三個

22、世紀以來的科學(xué)研究成果,我們逐漸相信,如果運 用合適的觀察和實驗方法向大自然探究問題,她會真心實意地給我們答復(fù),并且以永垂不朽的發(fā)現(xiàn)來報答我們。從這個意義上來說,大自 然是可以認識的。These newobservationalcapabilities would result in simplya mass of details were it not for the fact that theoreticalun dersta nding has reached the stage at which it is beco mingpossible to in dicate the kind

23、 of measureme nts required for reliable weather forecasti ng.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是 These new observational capabilitieswould result in simply a mass of details,。后面緊跟省略了if 引導(dǎo)的虛擬條件句 were it not for the fact that,,即卩 if itwere not for the fact that , ;that 從句作 the fact的同位語從句。此從句中又套嵌一個定語從句,修飾其先行詞the stage;require

24、d for reliable weather forecasti ng為過去分詞短語修飾the kind of measurements。simply 譯為“只不過,僅僅”,不應(yīng)譯為“簡單地”。譯文:理論上的認識已達到了這樣一個階段,即現(xiàn)在已能指出需要哪 種測量方式才能可靠地預(yù)報天氣。如果做不到這一點,那么上述這些 新的觀察能力只不過提供了一大堆細節(jié)而已。The story of the discovery of what is now gen erally called the principle of Archimedes ,namely that a solid body when im

25、mersed in a liquid loses a portion of its weight of the liquid it displaces ,has many differe nt vers ions ,of which the followi ng is one.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是 The story , has many differentversi ons ,。 what is now gen erally called the prin ciple of Archimedes為名詞性從句做介詞 of的賓語。namely that a solid body, 作 the

26、principleof Archimedes 的同位語;when immersed ina liquid是省略了主語的過去分詞短語,句子補充完整為when thesolid body is immersed in a liquid ,修飾其主句 a solid body loses iia portion of its weight of the liquid, ;it displaces 是省略了關(guān)系代詞that的定語從句修飾the liquid , it代指前面提到的 the solid body; 同時,of which the following is one又構(gòu)成先行詞version

27、s 的定語從句。displace 意為“排(水)” ;version 不 譯為“版本”,此處指“根據(jù)個人觀點的(對事件等的)說法,看法”; 句尾的one代指a version。譯文:當(dāng)固體浸沒到液體中時,固體會失去它所排出的液體的那部分 重量,這就是現(xiàn)在通常所謂的阿基米德原理。有關(guān)這一發(fā)現(xiàn)的故事說法眾多,下面的故事就是其中之一。We assumed that there were forces of attractio n betwee n molecules which varied rapidly with the dista nee so that the attracti on bet

28、wee n molecules that were more tha n a few ten millio nths of a millimeter apart was very small but became con siderable whe n the molecules approached more closely. 結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是 We assumed that there were forces of attraction ,。that引導(dǎo)賓語從句。此賓語從句中套嵌一個由 which 引導(dǎo)的定語從句修飾先行詞 forces of attracti on; so that

29、 the attraction between molecules ,是 so that 結(jié)構(gòu)引導(dǎo)的結(jié)果狀語從 句;在此狀語從句中,除主干結(jié)構(gòu) the attraction, was very smallbut became considerable ,,又有 that were more than a few ten-millio nths of a millimeter apart做定語從句修飾先行詞molecules 禾口 when the molecules approached more closely 做狀 語從句,修飾,but became considerable 。consi

30、derable 譯為“相當(dāng)大(或多的)”。譯文:我們曾經(jīng)假定,分子之間存在著引力,這種引力隨著分子之間 距離的不同而有顯著的變化,因而,在間距為千萬分之幾毫米的分子 之間的引力是很小的,但是分子靠得很近時,這種引力會變得相當(dāng)大。This n eed is en shri ned in the con cept of susta in able developme nt,which mean sthat we must,for the ben efit of coming gen erati ons ,leave eno ugh en vir onmen tal space so that th

31、ese gen erati ons will be able to address their n eeds and fulfill their aspirati ons.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是 This need is enshrined in the concept of sustainable development ,。其后緊跟著一個 which引導(dǎo)的定語從 句,修飾先行詞sustainable development 。此定語從句的謂語動詞 means又套嵌一個that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句,即 we must, leave enough environmental space。此賓語從句中

32、又有 so that 結(jié)構(gòu)做此從句的 目的狀語。be enshrined in意為“被深深地珍藏(或銘記)在,”, 此處轉(zhuǎn)譯為主動語態(tài)“納入到”。sustainable development譯為“可 持續(xù)發(fā)展”。譯文:這一需要被正式載入可持續(xù)發(fā)展的概念之中。所謂可持續(xù)發(fā)展是指:為了子孫后代的利益,我們必須保留足夠的生存環(huán)境空間,以 滿足他們的需要,施展抱負。Painting lacks only the meansto represent movementin time and space , which is the special property of sculpture and ar

33、chitecture , since a painting is designed to be seen from one point at one time , whereas sculpture and architecture are created to be seen from various points of view, thus supplying moveme nts in space and time.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是 Painting lacks only the means ,sinee ,。since引導(dǎo)的原因狀語從句修飾主句;關(guān)系代詞which引導(dǎo)的定語從 句

34、修飾 the means to represent movement in time and space;property在此處應(yīng)譯為“性質(zhì),特性”,不譯為“財產(chǎn),資產(chǎn)”。譯文:繪畫缺少的僅僅是表現(xiàn)空間與時間變化的手法,而這正是雕塑與建筑的特性。繪畫時只要求在某一時刻,從空間的一點來欣賞,而 雕塑和建筑的創(chuàng)造則要求從各個角度來欣賞,這樣就表現(xiàn)出了空間, 時間的變化。Once in timidated by argume nts that their childre n wouldfeel more at homein bilingualclasses, and that they might

35、losetheir heritage in regular classes,these womerhave since given voice, loudly and persuasively ,to what they know from experie nee that uni ess they are flue nt in the Ian guage of their adopted country ,their children will never attend college or land any but the most menial of jobs.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是 t

36、hese women have, given voice , to what they know from experienee that ,。 that 從句做 experienee 的同位語從句;此從句中又套嵌一個uni ess引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句;Onceintimidated by arguments是過去分詞做狀語修飾 these women, 其施動者arguments又有兩個that引導(dǎo)的同位語從句修飾限定它。intimidated by arguments 意為“被論點搞得驚慌害怕” ;feel at home不能直譯為“感到在家”,而譯為“感到自在” ;give voice t

37、o 意 為“表達,表露” ;la nd jobs 譯為“找到工作”。譯文:有人說,孩子們在雙語課堂里會感到更加自由自在,而在正規(guī) 班級會喪失其傳統(tǒng)文化。這幾位母親曾被這一論點搞得惶恐不安,現(xiàn)在發(fā)表了最響亮,最有說服力的意見。從她們自身的經(jīng)驗中,他們深 知:如果孩子們不熟練掌握他們所移居國家的語言,除了那些最簡單 的體力活兒外,根本談不上上大學(xué),也談不上找到理想的工作。The presumpti on on which huma n cloning rests is that allthese cells , though nowspecialized , still contain exact

38、 copiesof the orig inal set of gen etic in structi ons n eeded to make anen tire in dividualandean do so if a way is found to switch themback on.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是 The presumption is that all these cells , contain genetic instructions, and can do so ,。其中介詞 on 力口which引導(dǎo)定語從句修飾主語 the presumption; that從句為表語從句;

39、此表語從句中contain和can do并列做all these cells 的謂語;表語從句中又插入一個though引導(dǎo)的省略了主語all these cells的讓步狀語從句,補充完整為though these cells are nowspecialized; n eeded to make an en tire in dividual為過去分詞短語做genetic instructions的后置定語;并列謂語can do so又有if條件句修飾。rest on意為“依賴”。為避免重復(fù) do so代替前文 提至 U的 make an en tire in dividual。譯文:人類克隆

40、賴以存在的假定是:雖然所有的細胞現(xiàn)已全部特化, 但卻仍然包含有發(fā)育為完整個體所需的與母體完全一致的全部遺傳 指令;如果能找到一個方法使失去作用的部分恢復(fù)作用,這些細胞就 能發(fā)育成為完整的個體。Thus, a regularity for which there are general theoretical grounds will be more readily called a n atural law tha n an empirical regularity that cannot be subsumedunder more general laws or theories.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:

41、句子的框架是 a regularity , will be more readilycalled a natural law than an empirical regularity,。介詞 for加關(guān)系代詞 which 引導(dǎo)定語從句修飾 a regularity 。an empirical regularity后又有定語從句 that cannot be subsumed under moregeneral laws or theories 修飾。grounds 意為“根據(jù),理由” ;subsume 意為“把,歸入,納入”。譯文:因此,與一條不能被歸入更普遍的法則或理論而是基于經(jīng)驗的 規(guī)律相

42、比,一條具有普遍理論依據(jù)支持的規(guī)律很可能被認可為一條自然法則。It is because of the close association in most people smi nds of tools with man that special atte ntio nhas always bee nfocused upon any animal able to use an object as a tool,butit is important to realize that this ability ,on its own, does not n ecessarily in dicate

43、any special in tellige nee in the creature concern ed.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是It is because of , that ,, but it is important to realize that ,。 but連接兩個并列句,but前的并列 分句為It is , that ,強調(diào)結(jié)構(gòu),強調(diào)because of引導(dǎo)的狀語。but后的并列分句又有that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句做realize的賓語。the close associati on in most people s mi nds of tools with man 中注意 in most

44、 people s mi nds 把 the close associati onof toolswith man (工具與人類的密切聯(lián)系)分隔開來。兩個并列句中分別有 able to use an object as a tool禾口 concerned 分別做其前面名詞animal和the creature的后置定語。mar根據(jù)上下文在此處指“人類”,而不是“男人”;not n ecessarily譯為“不一定、未必” ;onits own意為“獨立地,憑自己力量”,在此轉(zhuǎn)譯為“就其自身而言”。譯文:正是由于在大多數(shù)人頭腦中工具與人類聯(lián)系密切,人類才特別關(guān)注有能力把物體當(dāng)工具使用的任何一種

45、動物。但值得注意的是,這種能力就其自身而言,并不表明這種動物有什么特別的智慧。The point at which tool using and tool making acquireevoluti onary sig ni fica nee is surely whe n an ani mal can adaptits ability to manipulate objects to a wide variety of purposes, and whenit can use an object spontaneously to solve a brand-new problem that

46、without the use of a tool would prove in soluble.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是 The point , is , when and when,。兩個 when引導(dǎo)的從句為并列的表語從句。at which tool using and toolmaki ng acquire evoluti onary sig ni fica nee為定語從句修飾主語the point;第二個when引導(dǎo)的表語從句中也有that引導(dǎo)的定語從句 修飾 a brand-new problem 。ability to manipulate objects譯為“操縱物體的能力”

47、;,a brand-new problem that without the use of a tool would prove in soluble中 without 禾口 in soluble 為雙重否定可譯成肯定句。譯文:當(dāng)一種動物能夠使自己操縱物體的能力適用于更廣泛的目標范 圍,并且能夠自發(fā)地使用物體解決只有通過工具才能解決的嶄新問題 時,工具的使用和制造就肯定達到了具有進化意義的階段。It was the desire to be scholarly that brought about a wave of Lat in terms which appeared in the 16t

48、h cen tury whe n thehuma nist moveme nt brought new impetus to lear ning throughoutEurope.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是 It was the desire , that brought about a wave。it is , that ,是強調(diào)句型,強調(diào)主語 the desire to be scholarly。關(guān)系代詞which引導(dǎo)定語從句,修飾Latin terms;關(guān)系 副詞when引導(dǎo)定語從句,修飾century。句中scholarly 做“博學(xué)多 才” 講;humanist movement譯為 “

49、人文主義運動” ;impetus 意為 “動 力,促進”。譯文:在16世紀的時候,人文主義運動促進了歐洲各國的學(xué)術(shù)運動, 人們都想顯示自己的博學(xué)多才,從而出現(xiàn)了一股使用拉丁字詞的潮 流。So don t be surprised if you never encounter some of theexpressi ons that still appear in school textbooks; and n exttime you hear somebody using a strange word you haven t heard before,you can comfort yours

50、elf that there maywell be a native speaker somewhere who doesn t know it either.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是, don t be surprised if you , ;and next time ,, you can comfort yourself that,。分號連接兩個并列分句。在前面句子中,if引導(dǎo)狀語從句;關(guān)系代詞that引導(dǎo)定語從句, 修飾expressions。在后面句子中,you hear,是省略了關(guān)系副詞 when 的定語從句,修飾 next time; you haven t heard befor

51、e 又是省 略了關(guān)系代詞 which的定語從句,修飾strange word;主句是you can comfort yourself that ,,這里的that引導(dǎo)賓語從句,而關(guān)系代詞 who引導(dǎo)定語從句,修飾 native speaker 。may和 well連用表示有 充分的理由,譯為“(完全)能,(很)可能”。譯文:因此,如果在某些教科書里你碰到某些詞組是你從未見過的, 你不必驚訝。如果下次你聽到有人用一個你以前從未聽到過的新詞, 你可以這樣安慰自己說,很可能在什么地方有一個講英語的本地人也 不認識這個字呢!Despite the saying that one never knows

52、 if lightning strikes him,a person can sometimes feel the bolt coming and if quick eno ugh, take protective acti on in time.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是 a person can , feel the bolt and , take protective action ,。and連接兩個并列的謂語動詞。句首 despite 是介詞引導(dǎo)介詞短語作狀語,此短語中that引導(dǎo)的名詞性從句做saying的同位語,此同位語從句中,if lightning,是一個名詞性從句,作know的賓

53、語,if在句中相當(dāng)于 whether。主句中if quick enough補充完整為if he is quick enough,是條件狀語從句,為take action的前提條件。句中bolt譯為“閃電”。譯文:盡管人們常說一個人從來不知道是否遭到閃電的襲擊,但是一 個人有時能感覺到閃電的到來,如果動作快,就能及時采取保護措施。The “shareholder ” as such had no knowledge of the lives, thoughts or n eeds of the workme n employed by the compa ny in which he held

54、shares, and his in flue nee on the relatio ns of capital and labor was not good.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是 The “ shareholder ” as such had nokno wledge, , and his in flue nee, was not good. 。and 連接兩個并列的分句。as such 做 The“shareholder ”的定語,employed by the compa ny in which he held shares是過去分詞短語作定語,修飾workmen,分詞短語中含有in

55、which he held shares定語從句,修飾 company譯文:這樣的股東,對他擁有股份的公司里所雇用的工人們的生活、 思想和需求一無所知,而且他們對勞資雙方的關(guān)系,也不會產(chǎn)生積極 的影響。The paid manager acting for the companywas in more directrelati onwith the menand their dema nds, but eve n he had seldomthat familiar pers onal kno wledge of the workme n which the employer had ofte

56、n had under the more patriarchal system of the old family bus in ess now pass ing away.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是 The paid manager was in more directrelati on with the menand their dema nds, but eve n he had seldom that familiar personal knowledge of the workmen,。 acting forthe company 做 the paid manager 的定語,which

57、 the employer had ofte n had un der the more patriarchal system of the old family bus in ess now pass ing away 做 that familiar pers onal kno wledge 的定語,now pass ing away 做 the old family bus in ess的定語。譯文:受聘于公司并代表公司的經(jīng)理與工人及其需求的關(guān)系更加直 接,但是,就連他對工人們也沒有那種熟識的私人之間的了解。而在 現(xiàn)在,正在消失的古老家族公司的那種更加家長式制度下的雇主們, 卻常常對他們的

58、工人有這樣的私人關(guān)系。Whe n a jour nalist rece ntly accused the compa ny of lack ingintegrityin its testing of beauty products ,the companyovertlyappealed to the public by citing its corporate brand,which was firmly associated in people s mi nds with strong ethical sta ndards concerning ani mal rights.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的

59、框架是 When, the companyovertly appealed to the public ,。when引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句。主句中關(guān)系代詞which弓I導(dǎo)定語從句修飾 corporate brand,此定語從句中 in people s minds 把associated with 分隔開來。beauty products 譯為“美容產(chǎn)品”。譯文:有一名記者近日指責(zé)該公司在美容產(chǎn)品的測試上缺乏整體性, 該公司公開利用其公司品牌求助于公眾。在公眾的心目中,該品牌同關(guān)系到動物權(quán)利的道德標準息息相關(guān)。However, the crim in als quickly cameto reali

60、ze that the real value in the computers is in the chip which is remarkablyportable and uniden tifiable, so eve n when caught the police havetrouble pro ving the theft.結(jié)構(gòu)分析:句子的框架是 the fraternity, came to realize that ,so, the police have trouble ,。這是一個并列復(fù)合句,兩個句子 由so連接。在前面句子里that引導(dǎo)賓語從句,做realize的賓語; 此從


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