人教PEP四年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)【分層單元卷】unit 6C培優(yōu)測(cè)試_第1頁(yè)
人教PEP四年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)【分層單元卷】unit 6C培優(yōu)測(cè)試_第2頁(yè)
人教PEP四年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)【分層單元卷】unit 6C培優(yōu)測(cè)試_第3頁(yè)
人教PEP四年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)【分層單元卷】unit 6C培優(yōu)測(cè)試_第4頁(yè)
人教PEP四年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)【分層單元卷】unit 6C培優(yōu)測(cè)試_第5頁(yè)
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1、【分層單元卷】人教版三年級(jí)起4年級(jí)下冊(cè)u(píng)nit 6C培優(yōu)測(cè)試一、詞匯選擇題(共10分)(此題10分)選出以下單詞中不同類(lèi)的一項(xiàng)。1. (2 分)A. gloveB. scarfC potato2. (2 分)A expensiveB. cheapC. size3. (2 分)A. bigB. umbrellaC. small4. (2 分)A. glovesB. dressC sheep5. (2 分)A. eightyB . prettyC. forty二、單項(xiàng)選擇題(共10分)6.(此題 2 分)These pants are so nice, can I try on?()A. they

2、A. theyB. it.(此題 2 分)Sorry, Sarah. It9s expensive.(A. toB. too.(此題 2 分)Its so hot, so I my T-shirt.(A. put offB. take off.體題2分)一?()一Sure, here you are.A. Can I help youB. Can I try it on.(此題 2 分)Lets try.()A. 8 sizeB. 8三、根據(jù)字母/中文提示完成單詞(共10分)6.(此題 2 分)These pants are so nice, can I try on?()A. theyB.

3、itA. theyB. it.(此題 2 分)Sorry, Sarah. It9s expensive.(A. toB. too.(此題 2 分)Its so hot, so I my T-shirt.(A. put offB. take off.體題2分)一?()一Sure, here you are.A. Can I help youB. Can I try it on.(此題 2 分)Lets try.()A. 8 sizeB. 8三、根據(jù)字母/中文提示完成單詞(共10分)A. theyB. it.(此題 2 分)Sorry, Sarah. It9s expensive.(A. toB.

4、 too.(此題 2 分)Its so hot, so I my T-shirt.(A. put offB. take off.體題2分)一?()一Sure, here you are.A. Can I help youB. Can I try it on.(此題 2 分)Lets try.()A. 8 sizeB. 8三、根據(jù)字母/中文提示完成單詞(共10分)A. theyB. it.(此題 2 分)Sorry, Sarah. ItA. theyB. it.(此題 2 分)Sorry, Sarah. It9s expensive.(A. toB. too.(此題 2 分)Its so hot

5、, so I my T-shirt.(A. put offB. take off.體題2分)一?()一Sure, here you are.A. Can I help youB. Can I try it on.(此題 2 分)Lets try.()A. 8 sizeB. 8三、根據(jù)字母/中文提示完成單詞(共10分)C them)C. twoC. put onC. Can I go outsideC. size 8IL (2分)手套(2分)圍巾(2分)雨傘(2分)更多(2分)太陽(yáng)鏡四、選詞/短語(yǔ)填空(共10分)(此題10分)用“am, is, are”填空。(2 分)that your new

6、 skirt?(2 分)these your uncles?(2 分)Your socks under the bed.(2 分)一 you in the music room?一Yes, I.(2 分)My jacket blue.五、按要求填空(共10分)(此題10分)從下面方框中選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)脑~填空。many take much cheap scarf一 How are the apples?They5 re one yuan for four.The food here is very nice and.How baby ducks are there on the farm?Sarah

7、has a pretty green. She likes it very much.Well the socks.六、句子匹配(共10分)(此題10分)A. Yes, they are.B They are 20 yuan.Yes. I want (想要)that dress.Its 10 yuan.Size five.(2 分)Can I help you?()(2 分)Are the gloves cheap?( TOC o 1-5 h z (2 分)What size?()(2 分)How much are they?()(2 分)How much is it?()七、選內(nèi)容補(bǔ)全對(duì)話/

8、短文(共10分)體題10分)A:27(2分).B: Yes. 28(2 分)Its 89 yuan.一29(2 分)This one is cheap.30(2 分) A: Sure. Here you are.B:31(2 分)Thanks.Can I help you?How much is this skirt?D. Oh, thats expensive.E. Can I try it on?八、閱讀判斷(共10分)(此題 10 分)Hi, my name is Alice. I like shopping with my mother. We often go to the clot

9、hes shop. There are many beautiful clothes. Look! The pink dress is ninety-nine yuan. The purple pants are fifty yuan. The blue sweater is fifty-seven yuan. I like that cool hat. Its cheap. Its only fifteen yuan. Til take it. TOC o 1-5 h z (2 分)Alice likes shopping.()(2 分)The red dress is 99.()(2 分)

10、The purple pants are 50.()(2 分)The cool hat is very expensive.()(2 分)Alice will take the hat.()九、閱讀選擇(共20分)(此題20分)NameClothesPriceColourJohnT-shirt25whiteTomshoes$40blueMikesunglasses$20blackMaryscarf20redKategloves15yellow(4 分)How much is Johns T-shirt? ( )A. Twenty yuan. B. Twenty-five yuan.C. For

11、ty yuan.C. Fifteen dollars.C. No, they are forty dollars.C. Blue.C. No, its fifteen yuan.C. Fifteen dollars.C. No, they are forty dollars.C. Blue.C. No, its fifteen yuan.(4 分)Are Toms shoes forty yuan?()A. Yes, they are.B. Yes, it is.(4 分)What colour is Marys scarf?()A. White.B. Red.(4 分)Does Kate have yellow gloves?() A. Yes, she does.B. Yes, they are.參考答案: TOC o 1-5 h z C 2. C 3. B4.C5.B6.C 7. B 8. B9.B10.Cgloves 12. scarf 13. umb


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