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1、1Lost and foundModuleUnit 1 Whose is this?/hu:z/ 誰(shuí)的 bag失物招領(lǐng)箱lost and found boxlook in 看(向.的里面看)first of all(首先)?/lst/fand/crayonseraserVocabularywallet a pair ofglovesa purple wallet watch tape /tep/rez/kren/wlt/ppl/glv/wt/an eraserbag/Match the words from the box with the pictures. bag crayons eras

2、er football gloves wallet watch Its a_. /Theyre_.Is the bag yours?B: Its my bag.Its mine.A:Is this your bag ?A:Whose bag is this ?B:Yes, its my bag. Yes, its mine.我的你的?mine=my+ (名詞)yours=your+ (名詞)/man/jz/Lets say/hu:z/誰(shuí)的 A: Whose watch is it ?B: Its Bettys watch.Its her watch.?hers=her+ (名詞)/h:z/It

3、s hers.(她的)BettyfootballA:Whose football is this?B:Its its football.這是它的足球Its its.它的?its=its+ (名詞)B: Theyre our erasers.Theyre ours.A:Whose erasers are these(這些) ?我們的B: No,theyre their erasers.Are these erasers yours? No,theyre theirs. 他們的A:Are these your erasers?ours=our+ (名詞)theirs=their+ (名詞)/az/

4、ez/?我的 mine = my + n.你的 yours = your + n.他的 his = his + n.她的 hers = her + n.它的 its = its + n.我們的 ours = our + n.你們的 yours = your + n.他們的 theirs = their + n.名詞性物主代詞=形容詞性物主代詞+名詞 規(guī)律:他和它不變,我的變成mine,其他后面+sLets talk:A:Whose table is this? B: Its our table. Its ours. A:Whose is this?B:Its . Its.ourshershis

5、theirs用自己的文具做道具,用以上句型兩人一組編對(duì)話。A: Whose bag is it?B: Its mine.A: Is this your bag?B: Yes, its my bag. its mine. No, its not my bag. its not mine.Work in pairs. Ask and answer.Listening1. Is the football Tonys?2. Are the crayons Bettys?3. Whose gloves are these?Listen and answer the questions.Yes, it i

6、s.No, they arent.They are Bettys.Listen again and match1. Lingling a) gloves b) crayons2. Tony c) sweater3. Betty d) wallet e) footballSpeaking: Work in pairs. Ask and answer.LinglingsLinglingsLinglingsTonysA: Is the Bettys?B: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. Itss.A: Are the crayons s?B: Yes, theyre./ No,

7、theyre not hers/his. Theyre s.Summary1. 名詞性物主代詞=形容詞性物主代詞+名詞2. 名詞的所有格形式 例如:TomToms Li MingLi Mings the studentsthe students例如:mine = my + n.1. Lingling a) crayons 2. Daming b) gloves3. Tony c) tapes4. Betty d) wallet5. Ms Li e) watch1.Whats in the lost and found box?A: a bag B: crayons C:an eraser D:

8、 tapesE:a purple wallet F: a nice watch G: some nice gloves.2. Match the people with their things.Read the dialogue and answer questions.3.Whose gloves are they?Theyre Ms Lis.2.Are these crayons Bettys? No, they arent. Theyre Linglings.1.Are there a lot of things in the lost and found box?Yes, there

9、 is.4. Should(應(yīng)該) we be careful with(小心對(duì)待) our things from now on(從現(xiàn)在開(kāi)始)?Yes, we should.Role play the dialogue. Ms Li: Welcome back to school, everyone! First of all, come and look in the lost and found box! There are a lot of things in it. Whose bag is this?Lingling: Oh sorry! Its mine. Are my cray

10、ons there too? Ms Li: Are these crayons yours?Lingling: Yes, they are and this eraser too. Thank you. Ms Li: Whose tapes are these?Daming: Theyre mine. Ms Li: Heres a purple wallet! Tony: Its mine. Look! Heres my name “Tony”! Thank you. Ms Li: Youre welcome! Look at this nice watch. Is it yours too,

11、 Daming?Daming: No, it isnt. I think its Bettys.Lingling: Yes, its hers. Ms Li: Everyone, Please be careful with your things from now on.Daming: Here are some nice gloves. Whose gloves are they? Ms Li: Let me seeOh, theyre mine! Thank you!/kefl/careful hers mine purple tape yoursComplete the passage

12、.Ms Li: Linglings bag is in the lost and found box. The crayons are(1)_too. Damings (2)_and Tonys(3)_wallet are here.Is the watch(4)_, Daming? Please be (5)_with your things! And whose gloves are these? Oh sorry. Theyre (6)_.herstapepurpleyourscarefulmineListen and repeat./ back bag thank/e/ eraser

13、name/ / wallet watch1. Welcome back to + n. 歡迎返回 Welcome back + adv. eg: Welcome back to Class Six. Welcome back to school.Key points 2.First of all, come and look in the lost and found box! 首先,看看失物招領(lǐng)箱吧! “first of all” 表示“首先”,常常放在句首, 通常情況也可以用firstly等替換。e.g.: First of all, please sit down. Firstly, y

14、ou clean your room. 3.Whose bag is this? 這是誰(shuí)的書(shū)包? Its mine. 這是我的。whose是“誰(shuí)的”意思,做疑問(wèn)代詞可單獨(dú)使用,也可以修飾名詞。如:mine意為“我的”, 是名詞性物主代詞, 名詞性物主代詞有:mine, hers, his, ours, theirs, its等,在句中做主語(yǔ)、賓語(yǔ)、和表語(yǔ),后面不需要接任何名詞。如:This football is theirs.這個(gè)足球是他們的。5. Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on.各位同學(xué),從現(xiàn)在開(kāi)始請(qǐng)大家小心

15、保管好你們的物品。Eg. Hes careful with his work. 他工作很仔細(xì)。be careful 后接介詞with。with后接名詞或動(dòng)名詞, 表示做某事時(shí)很小心或仔細(xì)。如:4. Here is/are 在這兒from now on adv.從現(xiàn)在開(kāi)始;從此;從今以后;往后We want to study English hard from now on.Here are some nice gloves.Here is a pair of gloves.Rewrite the sentencesThat is his schoolbag._.These are her ba


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