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1、劉飛飛初中1600詞匯第9講本次課課件及視頻下載地址: 每周更新初一年級(jí) 初二年級(jí) 初三年級(jí) MakeProduceCreateAmerica _ed more cars this year than last year. Im going to show you how to _a box for your toys.I need to _ a role in this game before playing 使役動(dòng)詞marry的用法She marries with a man I have married for 3 years.match(n)(v)Your shirt matches

2、you perfectly!Your socks dont match.Those two people match wellmend/repair/fix修鞋修相機(jī)修自行車修汽車修路Mend the bookmean (_, _) v. 意欲;打算Mean to doMean doingAccepting the job _ (live) abroadIve been meaning to _(ask) you if you want to come for a meal next week.Being a top student means _ (work) hardmanage to d

3、o/succeed in doingtry to dotry doingI _ed to borrow some money from him, but he refusedThe fire started in the hotel at midnight but luckily every one _ in escaping from it.I tried _knock at the door when I got here but he wasnt at home. manner/manners(1)the manner of his death I like his teaching m

4、anner(2)I dont like her manner My manner towards the computer has changed(3)Have good/bad/no mannersHe has no manners at allTable manners mention:提到,提及Did she mention when she will arrive? 我把我的計(jì)劃給老師提了下I mentioned_mention+My mother mentioned seeing you 3 days ago 詞組:Dont mention itThink nothing ofIt

5、was You areMymindmind+1)介意你介意離開一會(huì)么Do you mind my closing the window? Yes/No, go ahead.2)小心,留神留心那個(gè)臺(tái)階留神那條狗小心你的腦袋1.改變主意Why did he change his mind?Do you know?2.下決心去做 Master1.master and servant2.Headmaster3.Beethoven was a German master of music 4.My brother is a master of Engineering master:1)master on

6、es temper, 控制住自己的感情(feelings)master :2)我精通5們語言need to do/need doingneed to do sth 某人需要做某事We need to help the poor students go to collegeneed doing sth 某事需要被做The flowers need watering .noise, voice, soundAt midnight he heard a strange _Theterrible _wakeshimupKeep your _ down - the babys asleepThe engine makes a strange _when I try to start the car My parents are talking in low _短語:1. a number of 一些A number of students are ill because of that heavy rain. 2. the number of 的數(shù)量The number of the students in my class is 55.(2010巴中中考)In our school libray, there_ a num


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