(2020新教材)外研版英語必修第二冊Unit 6 Period 4 課時作業(yè)(五)_第1頁
(2020新教材)外研版英語必修第二冊Unit 6 Period 4 課時作業(yè)(五)_第2頁
(2020新教材)外研版英語必修第二冊Unit 6 Period 4 課時作業(yè)(五)_第3頁
(2020新教材)外研版英語必修第二冊Unit 6 Period 4 課時作業(yè)(五)_第4頁
(2020新教材)外研版英語必修第二冊Unit 6 Period 4 課時作業(yè)(五)_第5頁
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1、課時作業(yè)五)基礎訓練 單詞拼寫1The surroundings in the _ 餐廳) have also been improved.答案:canteen2Today police began a _ 宣傳活動) to reduce road accidents.答案:campaign3The car runs at an _ 平均的) speed of 100 miles per hour.答案:average4Theres plenty of space for all the usual kitchen _ (家用電器)答案:appliance5Stress is a _ 造成)

2、factor in many illnesses.答案:contributing 單句語法填空1I urge them _ (stop) polluting our river.答案:to stop2The only thing Im _ (concern) about is your blood pressure.答案:concerned3Everyone should save food by _ (not waste) anything on the plate.答案:not wasting4The volunteers saved them _ starvation in the fl

3、oods.答案:from5They were hunted almost to _ (extinct)答案:extinction 用括號內所給詞匯,寫出一個語段(remove; contribute; take . into account; urge; reusable)答案:The environmental problems urge us to take the protection of environmentinto account and remove the pollution problems. We should contribute ourselves toenviron

4、mental protection and use more reusable materials in our daily life.思維訓練 完形填空Lauren Singer has produced almost no waste in the past two years. It proves that afree _1_ is possible.Lauren studied environmental science at NYU, and it was during her studentyears that she began working towards a zero wa

5、ste _2_. Today, she has learned to_3_ all of her own everyday eco friendly products, such as toothpaste, shampoo,kitchen cleaner and the like. She also _4_ her own ecofriendly company, “TheSimply , through which she plans to _5_ her homemade products.Lauren regularly writes about her _6_ of a zero w

6、aste life on her blog. She_7_ that the past two years havent been _8 _. “I stopped buying _ 9_ productsand began _10_ my own bags and jars to fill with products at the _.”sheexplained. “I stopped buying _12_ clothes and shopped only second hand. I said noto plastic or paper bags at stores”. Although

7、 the journey has been _13_, her waste life has been well worth the _14_. She says that she now _15_ a lot ofmoney simply because she is _16_ when she goes shopping and does not buy thingsblindly. She also eats healthy food because she _17_ fresh organic ( 有機的) fruitsand vegetables instead of package

8、d foods.The girl has become a(n) _18_ to many. Shes giving _19_ in schools andcolleges and also conducting more and more _20_ about her zero waste lifestyleon TV and the radio worldwide.篇章導讀:本文是一篇記敘文。Lauren Singer 的故事告訴我們“零垃圾”生活方式是可行的。1A.dealCsystemlifestyleactivity答案:B 通讀全文可知本文講的是 Lauren Singer 的“零

9、垃圾”生活方式,lifestyle“生活方式”,故選 。2A.jobCgoalgamecompetition答案:C 根據(jù)空格前的she began working towards . 可知,goal “目標”符合句意,故選 C。3A.collectCavoidmakemend答案:B 根據(jù)本段最后的her homemade products可知,她自己制作日常生活用品。make“制作”,故選 。4A.expandeddecoratedCrenewedfounded答案:D 根據(jù)后面的賓語“her own ecofriendly company”可知本處應填found“創(chuàng)建”,故選 。5A.s

10、ellcheckCclassifyimprove答案:A 前文說“她自己制作日常生活用品”,此處成立公司自然是“銷售”自制的產品,故選 。6A.productsCexperiencesdifficultiesambitions答案:C 根據(jù)下文談她過去兩年的情況可知,她在博客中寫的是她的經歷,故選 C。7A.admitsCarguescomplainsregrets答案:A “她承認過去的兩年不容易”,admit “承認”,故選 。8A.differentCsuccessfulfaireasy答案:D 結合生活實際與 Lauren Singer 具體所做的事可知,兩年堅持下來不容易,故選 。9

11、A.packagedCfreshparticularrecycled答案:A 根據(jù)下文“買東西時自己帶著包、瓶子”可知,Lauren Singer 不買包裝好的食品,packaged“包裝好的”,故選 。10A.emptyingCpossessingpurchasingbringingD “自己帶口袋”bring意為“帶來”,符合題意,故選 。A.houseCsupermarketrestaurantoffice答案:C 本句提到買東西,故此處指去超市,故選 C。12A.goodnewCexpensivebeautiful答案:B 根據(jù)下文shopped only second hand”“不

12、再買新衣服”,new“新的”,故選 。13A.longChardpopulardangerous答案:C 句意:盡管這一過程很艱辛。hard “艱辛的”,故選 C。14A.effortCrespectrewardpraise答案:A 句意:盡管這一過程很艱辛,但是她對于“零垃圾”生活方式所做出的努力還是值得的。effort“努力”,故選 。15A.lacksCborrowslendssaves答案:D 根據(jù)下文“她不盲目地買東西 ”,可知本處意為 “節(jié)省了很多錢”,故選 。16A.hurriedCexcitedpreparedfrightened答案:B 根據(jù)下文“when she goes

13、shopping and does not buy things blindly可知,她購物前都準備充分,故選 。17A.storesCharvestschoosesserves答案:B 根據(jù)前文She also eats healthy food”“選擇”有機食品,故選 。18A.companionChonourmanagerinspiration答案:D 根據(jù)后文in schools and colleges和“on TV and the radio ”可知,她的行為對很多人是個“激勵”,故選 。19A.sighsCtalkssmilespresents答案:C give talks 意為

14、“作報告”,符合本處語境,且與后面的“接受電視采訪”呼應,故選 C。20A.interviewsCexperimentscontestsceremonies答案:A 根據(jù)后文中的on 可知,她接受了電視采訪,故選 。 閱讀理解Steven Stein likes to follow garbage trucks. His strange habit makes sense whenyou consider that hes an environmental scientist who studies how to reduce litter,including things that fall

15、 off garbage trucks as they drive down the road. What is evenmore interesting is that one of Steins jobs is defending an industry behind the plasticshopping bag.Americans use more than 100 billion thin film plastic bags every year. So manyend up in tree branches or along highways that a growing numb

16、er of cities do not allowthem at checkouts ( 收銀臺). The bags are prohibited in some 90 cities in California,including Los Angeles. Eyeing these headwinds,_plastic-bag makers are hiringscientists like Stein to make the case that their products are not as bad for the planet asmost people assume.Among t

17、he bag makers arguments: many cities with bans still allow shoppers topurchase paper bags, which are easily recycled but require more energy to produce andtransport. And while plastic bags may be ugly to look at, they represent a smallpercentage of all garbage on the ground today.The industry has al

18、so taken aim at the product that has appeared as itsreplacement: reusable shopping bags. The stronger a reusable bag is, the longer its lifeand the more plastic-bag use it cancels out. However, longer-lasting reusable bagsoften require more energy to make. One study found that a cotton bag must be u

19、sedat least 131 times to be better for the planet than plastic.Environmentalists dont dispute (質疑) these points. They hope paper bags will bebanned someday too and want shoppers to use the same reusable bags for years.篇章導讀:本文是一篇議論文。關于塑料袋的使用一直備受爭議,怎樣做才能減少環(huán)境污染?1What has Steven Stein been hired to do?H

20、elp increase grocery sales.Recycle the waste material.CStop things falling off trucks.Argue for the use of plastic bags.答案:D 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一段最后一句并結合第二段最后一句中的“plastic-bag makers are hiring scientists like Stein to make the case that their productsare not as bad for the planet as most people assume”可知,塑料袋制

21、造商雇傭 Stein這樣的科學家來為塑料購物袋的使用進行辯護。故選 。2What does the word “headwinds” in Paragraph 2 refer to?Bans on plastic bags.Effects of city development.CHeadaches caused by garbage.Plastic bags hung in trees.答案:A 詞義猜測題。畫線詞所在句上一句提到,包括洛杉磯在內的加利福尼亞州的大概 90 個城市,禁止使用了塑料袋。再結合畫線詞后的to make thecase that their products are

22、 not as bad for the planet as most people assume可推斷出,此處 headwinds指的是“bans on plastic ,即對塑料袋的禁令。故選 。3What is a disadvantage of reusable bags according to makers?They are quite expensive.Replacing them can be difficult.CThey are less strong than plastic bags.Producing them requires more energy.答案:D 細節(jié)

23、理解題。根據(jù)倒數(shù)第二段倒數(shù)第二句可知,環(huán)保袋的一個缺點是生產它們需要更多能源。故選 。4What is the best title for the text?Plastic, Paper or NeitherIndustry, Pollution and EnvironmentCRecycle or Throw AwayGarbage Collection and Waste Control答案:A 標題判斷題。通讀全文可知,文章第一、二段介紹了塑料袋的禁用及原因;第三、四段介紹了環(huán)保袋的使用及其缺點;再結合最后一段第二句可知,環(huán)境學家甚至希望某天也可以禁用紙袋。因此 A 項到底是選擇塑料袋

24、,紙袋還是兩者都不使用準確地概括了文章的主題,適合作標題。故選 。 概要寫作閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)其內容寫一篇 60 詞左右的內容概要。An average adult breathes more than 3,000 gallons of air every day. Childrenbreathe even more. Air pollution is more harmful to the children than to the adults. Airpollution can cause breathing problems, disorders (紊亂) in the nervous

25、system and anincreased risk of cancer later in life.The American Lung Association explains why children are so affected by airpollution. Children are usually more active than adults. As a result, they breathe morerapidly and take more pollution deep into their lungs. Children also often breathethrou

26、gh their mouths, not through their noses. The mouth cant filter (過濾) outpollutants as well as the nose. Finally, children usually spend an average of 50 percentmore time outdoors than adults, especially in summer. Air pollution is the worst insummer.In the past 30 years, programs to reduce air pollu

27、tion in cities have made greatprogress. Most of the programs have centered on getting factories to reduce thepollution that they put into the air. New programs aim at reducing air pollution inchildrens daily lives. A good example of this is a new kind of “No Smoking” law. Itsgoal is to reduce second

28、hand smokecigarette smoke in the air that others breathe in.Experts say that secondhand smoke is just as dangerous outside as inside. Over 70cities in the United States now prohibit (禁止) smoking in public places. Several citiesrule that smokers have to pay 100 to 250 dollars for their smoking in any outdoorpubli


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