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1、-最新資料推薦-新視野大學(xué)英語第三版視聽說教程第 4 冊(cè) unit8 答案Uint8 II. Basic Listening Practice 1. Script M: Scentistsclaim the world population has 99.5% of the same DNA. W: Butthis doesn?t tell us t here is no such thing as race. Q: Whatis true of the DNA of difference races? 2. Script W: With theadvent of the genetic ma

2、p we know where everything is, but doweknowwheretogowithit?M:Yourmapseemstodifferlargelyfrommygeographicalmap!Q:Whatdoesthemanimply?3.ScriptM:Asyouknow,ithastakenmillionsofyearsofevolutionandnaturalselectiontogetuswherewearetoday.W:Yes,butnowthatwehavegeneticengineering,weseemtohavedecidedthatwe wan

3、t to be God. Q: What does the woman imply? 4. Script M:I think the research into cloning will lead us into dangers,fillingus withfalse hopesofperfection. W:It?stoo latetoturnbackthe clock.We?lljust have todepend oncommonsenseto solve uncommon problems. Q: What does the woman mean? 5.Script W: In Ame

4、rica, many prisoners are having their casesreviewed, and some have even been freed t hrough DNA testing.M: Except for the ones whose death sentence has already beencarried out. Q: What can we learn about DNA testing from the1 / 11dialog?Keys:1.B2.C3.D4.A5.CIII.ListeningInTask1:StemCell Research Scri

5、pt Gregory: The Republican party in Americaisopposingstemcellresearch.Ifindithardtobelievethatinthis dayandage,someone would dothat. Lillian: Stem cellresearch sounds pretty impressive, I?ll admit. But just whatis it? Gregory: Well, a stem cell is a special type of cell.It is a general cell that, wh

6、en it devides, can become any specific typeofcell.Lillian:Youmean, astem cellcanbecomeaheartcell?Orabrainorakidneycell?Gregory:That?saboutit. Stemcellsare apart ofthe body?s maintenanceandrepairsystem. When they div ide, they can become any cell type.Lillian: I guess there would be some tremendous m

7、edicaladvantages in that sort of research. Gregory: You?ve said amouthful.Recently,scientistswereabletohelpamanwholostajawboneforcancer.Theyrecreatedbonematerialforhisjawfrom stem cells. What it means is that since the new bone wascreatedoutoftheperson?sowncells,therewasnoproblemwithrejection becaus

8、e the DNA was the same. Lillian: I bet theperson was delighted. Why would anyone oppose that sort ofresearch? It would seem to have endless potential to benefitthehumanrace.Gregory:Iagree,buttherearepeoplewhothinkwe should not interfere with nature and “what is-最新資料推薦-natural”.3 / 11Lillian: It?s ea

9、sier to hold such a narrow view if you?re notin a position to need the benefits of th e research. If you?remissing a jawbone because of cancer, you probably support theresearch.1.Whatisthepassagemainlyabout?2.Whoisagainststem cell research? 3. What is special abo ut a stem cell? 4.Whencana stemcellb

10、ecomeanothercelltype? 5. Accordingtothepassage,whydosomepeopleopposestemcellresearch?Keys:1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.D Task 2: The Improvement of Rice ScriptScientists now know a lot more about a grain that people haveeaten for ten thousand years. (S1) Research teams around theworld have completed a map of t

11、he (S2) genes of rices. Thefindings a ppeared last week in the (S3) journal Nature. Theaimistospeeduptheimprovementofrice.Thescientists(S4)warn that the kinds of rice pla nts used now have reached thelimit of their (S5) productivity. Yet world rice productionmust (S6) grow by an estimated 30 percent

12、 in the next twentyto meet demand. By 2025, as many as 4.6 bil lion people willdepend on rice for (S7) survival. There is a lot of pressureon breeders to improve the crop, and the rice genome is avaluabletooltodothat.(S8)Plantbreedershavealreadyusedpreliminary information from the rice genome to cre

13、ateexperimentalstrainsofricethatbetterresistcoldandpests.-最新資料推薦-Theresearchersalsosayriceisanexcellentchoiceforgeneticmappingandengineering.Ricegeneshaveonlyabout390millionchemical bases. That maight sound like a lot. But other majorfoodgrainshavethousandsofmillions.(S9)Thenewmapcouldbetter explain

14、 more than just rice. Ric e shares a commonancestor with other cereal crops. Because rice is the firstcereal crop to be full y analyzed, researchers expect thatsufficientknowledgeofitsgeneticinformationwillrevealtheheredity of more complex grains, including corn, wheat andbarley. (S10) While signifi

15、cant progress has been made in theanalysisofthericegenome,themappingofhumangenesisalsomaking headway. When scientists can identify and manipulategenes that c ause certain diseases, mankind will cure themeasily. The human genetic map may help us control a person?sheight,weight,appearanceandevenlength

16、oflife.Task3:TheFirstClonedCatScriptIntheage-oldbattleofcatsanddogs,scoreoneforthecats.ResearchersatTexasA&MUniversity recently announced that they have successfully cloned a catname first pet ever c after several yearsof unsuccessful efforts to clone a dog name Missy. The ork,financed by a company

17、hoping to provide pet-cloning services5 / 11towealthyowners,addscatstoagrowinglistofsuccessfullyclonedanimalsthatincludespigs,sheep,cattleandmice.Thesuccess demonstrates cloning is a technology that could betransferred to other animal famili es as well. Theaccomplishmentmayprovidenewtoolsforstudying

18、diseasessuchas cats? AIDS, a valuable research model for AIDS in humans.Research into animal cloning remains an important scientificalternative until the issue of human cloning is settled. Andthat seems unlikly in the immediate future, for it involvesreligiousandmoralprinciples.Thereare,forexample,g

19、roupsthat insist no one should be allowed to take on the r ole ofGod the Creator.-最新資料推薦-To create cloned cat embryos for the experiment, researcherstransferred DNA from adult cat cell s into egg cells strippedoftheirowngeneticinformation.Outof82attemptswithclonedembryo s, one attempt resulted in a

20、failed pregnancy, andanotheryieldedakittennamedCC,deliveredfromasurrogatemother on December 22. The kitten?s name refers to “CarbonCopy” and “Copyca t”, the name of the cloning project.Cloning attempts with dogs have proven unsuccessful in partbecause dogs?reproductive cycles ar e more complicated.

21、ThetechniquemayalsoworkwithendangeredcatssuchastheAfricanwildcat, fishing cat and bl ackfooted cat. Ironically, theincreasedknowledgeofcatreproductionmaybestbesuitedfordeveloping cat con traceptives to control the U.S. catpopulation. 1.Which of the following would be the best titlefor the passage? 1

22、. What did researchers at Texas A&MUniversity recently announce? 2. Which animals are NOTmentioned in the passage as having been cloned? 3. Accordingtothepassage,whyis human cloning unlikelytohappenin thenear future? 4. What does the passage say about the pregnancyandbirthincatcloning?Keys:1.A2.B3.C

23、4.B5.CVI.FurtherListeningandSpeakingTask1:Confidentenoughtocontrolyour7 / 11fate?ScriptSomepeoplearebornwiththebeliefthattheyaremasters of their own lives. Others feel they ar e at the mercyoffate.Newresearch showsthatpartof those feelingsareinthegenes.Psychologistshavelongknownthatpeopleconfidentin

24、 their ability to control their fates are mor e likely toadjust well to growing old than those who feel they drift onthe currents of fate. Two researchers who questioned hundredsof Swedish twins report that such confidence, or lack of it,is partly genetic and partly drawn from experience. They alsof

25、ound that the belief in blind a conviction that chanceplaysabigroleinlifeissomethinglearnedinlifeandhasnothingtodowithheredity.TheresearchwasconductedbyNancyPedersen, a professor of psychology at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. The results were recentlypublishedintheUnitedState

26、sintheJournalofGerontology.Peoplewhoareconfidentoftheirabilitytocontroltheirliveshavean“internallocusofcontrol”,andhaveabetterchanceof being well adjusted in their old age, said Pedersen. An“external locus of control”,believing that outside forcesdetermine the course of life, has been linked to depr

27、essi oninlatteryears, ssaid.“We are trying to understand whatmakespeopledifferent.Whatmakessomepeopleageslowlyand-最新資料推薦-othershaveamoredifficulttime?”shesaid.Thestudyshowedthat while people have an inborn tendency toward independenceand self-con fidence, about 70 percent of this personalitytrait is

28、 affected by a person?s environment and lifeti meexperiences. Pedersen?s studies, with various collaborators,investigatetheagingprocessbycomparingsetsoftwins,mostofwhomwereseparatedatanearlyage.Thesubjectsweredrawnfromalistfirstcompiledabout30yearsago,registeringalltwinsborn inSweden since1886.Theco

29、mplete list, whichwasextended in 1971, has 95,000 sets of twins. 1. Which of thefollowing is concerned with blind luck?9 / 112. Which of the following is related to an external locus ofcontrol? 3. According to the passage, what is true of one?sinborntendencytowardsself-confidence?4.Whatsubjectswerem

30、ostly usedinPedersen?sstudies? 5.Whatisthemain ideaofthe passag e? Keys: 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.D Task 2: Is it moral toclone humans? Script Laura: Did you hear about that peculiarcultthatclaimedtohavecreatedtheworld?sfirsthumanclone?Ian:Yeah,Idid!Theyalsosaidthatitwasaliensthatcreatedlife on earth over 25,000 years ago. What are they on? Laura:I know! It was so obviousl


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