讀后續(xù)寫情緒整理之喜樂 講義-高考英語寫作備考_第1頁
讀后續(xù)寫情緒整理之喜樂 講義-高考英語寫作備考_第2頁
讀后續(xù)寫情緒整理之喜樂 講義-高考英語寫作備考_第3頁
讀后續(xù)寫情緒整理之喜樂 講義-高考英語寫作備考_第4頁




1、讀后續(xù)寫情緒整理之喜樂 講義I.詞的積累名詞:excitement, delight, happiness, ecstasy(狂喜)動詞:laugh, smile, jump, skip, hop, dance, rejoice形容詞:excited, joyful, cheerful, pleased, thrilled, glad, elated(興高采烈的), amused, ecstatic(狂喜的), fulfilled(滿足的), mirthful(愉快的), jolly(高興的), chuffed(高興的), contentedII.詞塊和句的積累She was feeling

2、on top of the world. 她感到自己是世界上最幸福的人。on the top of the world 極度幸福;非常開心,欣喜若狂2.I would be wild with joy if it was true. 我會欣喜若狂的,如果這是真的話。be wild with joy 欣喜若狂3.She could hardly contain/conceal her excitement. 她幾乎控制不住自己的激動心情。contain/conceal ones feeling 抑制/掩飾某人的情緒4.His eyes twinkled/sparkled/glittered/sh

3、one with pleasure/excitement.eyes twinkle/sparkle/glitter/shine with feeling 眼中閃爍著某種情緒5.Hearing the news, he jumped/bounced up and down with excitement. 一聽到這個消息,他激動得上竄下跳。jump/bounce up and down 跳上跳下6.I couldnt help but grin from ear to ear. 我忍不住開心地咧嘴大笑。grin from ear to ear 開心地咧嘴大笑,笑得合不攏嘴7.Bubbling o

4、ver with happiness, she hummed as she strode through the corridor. 幸福在心中涌起,她哼著歌大步穿過走廊。bubble (over) with feeling洋溢著(某種感情)8.The smile on her face shone like a diamond. 她臉上的笑容像鉆石一樣閃閃發(fā)光。shine like a diamond 像鉆石一樣閃閃發(fā)光9.A ripple of excitement ran through them. 一陣激動聲穿過他們。A ripple of feeling 一陣情緒10.He cast

5、/flashed/shot me a reassuring/beaming smile. 他朝我投以一個寬慰的/燦爛的微笑。Cast/shoot/flash sb. a adj. smile 向某人投以一個的微笑11.A wild gaiety took hold of/seized/gripped her. 一種瘋狂的快樂控制了她。take hold of/seize/grip 抓住,控制住12.I was pleased beyond description. 我高興得難以形容。beyond description 難以形容,無法言喻13.A smile lit up her face.

6、她微微一笑,臉上露出了喜色。light up 喜形于色,喜氣洋洋14.She shed tears of joy. 她高興得流下了眼淚。shed 流;灑15.She was overflowing with happiness.她洋溢著幸福。(比喻手法)overflow with feeling 充滿,洋溢著某種情緒16.Joy welled up inside her. 她心中涌起喜悅。feeling welled up in 涌上心頭17.I was floating on air. 我高興極了。float on air (因受到表揚、被表白而)特別高興; 欣喜若狂;18.Amusemen

7、t gleamed in his eyes./His eyes gleamed with amusement. 他眼睛里流露出愉悅的神情。gleam with/in sth (眼睛)表露出,流露出19.My lips curve into a smile. 我咧嘴笑了。ones lips curve into a smile/an elegant arc. 露出微笑20.With overflowing delight and infinite joy boiling in my heart, I couldnt help trying using it at once. 洋溢的喜悅和無限的喜

8、悅在我心中沸騰,我忍不住立刻嘗試使用它。withdelight andjoy boiling in ones heart 隨著快樂在某人的心中沸騰21.I was struck by a sense of surprise and curiosity. 我被一種驚訝感和好奇心所打動。be struck by a sense of feeling 突然感受到某種情緒22.My heart swelled with happiness. 我的心充滿了幸福。swell with feeling 充滿某種感情23.Overwhelmed by excitement, he cheered, “Than

9、k you so much.”, (with) his face beaming with overflowed delight. 他興奮得要命,歡呼起來,“非常感謝”他的臉上洋溢著喜悅。overwhelmed by feeling 被某種情感淹沒24.Thanks, you make my day. 謝謝,你叫我非常高興.make ones day 讓某人高興25.A sense of happiness enveloped her and her eyes were shining with great joy.feeling envelops sb. 某種情感包裹住了某人26.A gen

10、tle/broad/wide/bright smile spread over her face. 她的臉上洋溢著溫柔/燦爛的笑容。a smile spreads over ones face 某人臉上洋溢著笑容27. A tidal wave of exhilaration was boiling in his heart with a beaming smile escaping from his lips, like a ray of sunlight setting his face aglow. 一陣興奮的浪潮在他的心中沸騰起來,嘴唇里流露出燦爛的微笑,就像一縷陽光使他的臉閃閃發(fā)光。

11、a tidal wave of feeling 一陣情緒的浪潮28.Washed over by an intense torrent of ecstasy, I exhaled a sigh of relief with my felicity-packed heard pounding in my chest. 被狂喜的洪流沖刷著,我松了一口氣,胸腔里滿是幸福的心砰砰直跳。washed over by feeling 被某種情緒沖刷29.A flash of surpassing warmth surged through my body. 一股超然的溫暖涌過我的全身。feeling surges


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