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1、2022-2023學年高考英語模擬試卷注意事項1考試結(jié)束后,請將本試卷和答題卡一并交回2答題前,請務(wù)必將自己的姓名、準考證號用05毫米黑色墨水的簽字筆填寫在試卷及答題卡的規(guī)定位置3請認真核對監(jiān)考員在答題卡上所粘貼的條形碼上的姓名、準考證號與本人是否相符4作答選擇題,必須用2B鉛筆將答題卡上對應(yīng)選項的方框涂滿、涂黑;如需改動,請用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案作答非選擇題,必須用05毫米黑色墨水的簽字筆在答題卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律無效5如需作圖,須用2B鉛筆繪、寫清楚,線條、符號等須加黑、加粗第一部分 (共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分)1Sometimes proper a

2、nswers are not far to seek _ food safety problems.AinBtoConDafter2- How did you like the concert last night? - I enjoyed it very much, but the dancers _ a better job.Acould have doneBcouldnt have doneCcould doDhad done3_ here, come and have a cup of tea.APassingBTo passCPassDHaving passed4The predic

3、tion from Maya worries residents _ December 21, 2012 would be the end of the world.AifBthatCwhetherDwhich5 you play the piano at this time of the day ? I need a good rest for tomorrows test. Sorry.AMustBShallCCanDMay6_naturally by the skin when exposed to sunlight, Vitamin D is needed for healthy bo

4、nes, teeth and muscles.AMakingBTo makeCMadeDMake7Do you _ ready for the spring outing?No,I still have to buy some fruit.AeverythingBanythingCsomethingDnothing8To fetch water before breakfast seemed to me a rule _.Ato never breakBnever to have brokenCnever to be brokenDnever to be breaking9This semes

5、ter our school offers many optional courses for the students, _ appeals to many students.Aeach of whichBall of whomCeach of whomDall of which10I think you could complain, _, of course, you are happy with the way thing s are.AunlessBthatCwhichDwhere11Mr. Wilson is a man of patience and kindness, and

6、his good temper never _ him.AfailsBdisappointsCcontrolsDworries12So difficult_it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.AI did findBdidI findCI have foundDhave I found13The classroom is big enough for 25 students for normal use you need more space for special activities.AonceBb

7、ecauseCifDunless14How come every kid today is meant to be a champion for something _ we know every kid cant be a star?Ain case Bas ifCwhen Dunless15If she _ generous as she makes out she would have donated more money in the catastrophe.Ahad beenBwereCwould beDwas16 you can learn to appreciate the ch

8、allenges in life, you will find inner strength.AWhen BWhileCBefore DUnless17NASA has made a _ that our earth has no threat associated with the film 2012 which is based on pure myths.AclarificationBclassificationCidentificationDpresentation18Thanks to Mrs Smith, the father and the son eventually _aft

9、er ten years cold relationship between them.Atook upBpicked upCmade upDturned up19 goes up must come down, and gasoline prices are coming down fast in some parts of America.AWhereBWhatCWhichDThat20I wish I _ photography then. If so, I could give you a hand at present.AstudiedBhad studiedChave studie

10、dDwill study第二部分 閱讀理解(滿分40分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。21(6分)Tiny Countries You Never knew ExistedSao Tome and principeSao Tome and Principe off Africas west coast is only 372 square miles, but it has Impressive, undamaged nature, rich in biodiverse species. The amazing needle-like volcanic pe

11、ak Pico Cao Grande rises 1,000 feet into the air. The islands are home to only around 10,000 people today.San MarinoOnly 23 square miles with a population of just 34,000, the little-known country of San Marino, surrounded by Italy, is the worlds fifth smallest country. With the UNESCO World Heritage

12、 Site of Mount Titano, the country is said to be the oldest republic in the world.DominicaDominica covers only 290 square miles, with some of the best diving in the Caribbean, including the UNESCO World Heritage Site of volcanic Morme Trois Pitons National Park. In Dominica, youll see rainforests, w

13、aterfalls, and coastal views. The island is also home to the only remaining population of the Kalinago, who are part of the islands 74, 900 inhabitants.KiribatiThis Pacific island country 33 coral islands is 313 square-miles, but its the only country in the world to fall into all four hemispheres (半

14、球). The countrys 109, 000 residents live in only 2 of the islands see this tropical paradise before it is no longer-rising seas are threatening to swallow the country whole.1、Which country has the smallest population?ASao Tome and Principe.BSan Marin.CDominica.DKiribati.2、What can one see in both Sa

15、n Marino and Dominica?AVolcanoes.BWorld heritage sites.CViews of the Caribbean.DWaterfalls.3、Which is true of Kiribati?AIt is rich in biodiverse species.BIt is surrounded by Italy.CIt is home to the Kalinago.DIt is disappearing.22(8分)A boy shivers in the harsh Oslo winter, wrapping his arms around h

16、imself on a bus stop bench. He isnt wearing a coat and temperatures in the Norwegian capital regularly plunge to -10 during winter.A heartbreaking scene, but the actions of the ordinary people who witnessed the dilemma of 11 year old Johannes Lonnestad Flaaten are both joyous and inspiring.A young b

17、londe woman who sat next to the boy and noticed him rubbing his arms. She immediately asked him: “Dont you have a jacket?” “No, someone stole it”, he replied. She questioned him and discovered he was on a school trip and was told to meet his teacher at the bus stop. She asked him the name of his sch

18、ool and where he was from as she selflessly draped(掛上) her own coat around his shoulders. Later, another older woman at first gave him her scarf, then wrapped him in her large padded jacket. Throughout the day, more and more people offered Johannes their gloves and even the coats off their backs as

19、they waited for their bus.Johannes dilemma was a hidden camera experiment by Norwegian charity SOS Childrens Village as part of their winter campaign to gather donations to send much-needed coats and blankets to help Syrian children get through the winter. Many of the refugees (難民)have left their ho

20、mes without winter clothing.People should care as much about children in Syria as they care about this boy, Synne Ronning, the information head of SOS Childrens Villages Norway, told The Local. She also noted that the child was a volunteer who was never in any danger during the filming.1、According t

21、o the text, how can we describe the experiment?APractical.BDangerous.CInspiring.DVoluntary.2、What do we know about the young blonde woman?AShe thought the boy was lying at first.BShe was not sure of what the boy said.CShe gave the boy a hand in the end.DShe cared very little about others.3、What can

22、we learn from Synne Ronnings words in Paragragh 5?APeople have done much to help children in Syria.BThe boy was only well protected in the filming.CThere should be more volunteers involved.DChildren in Syria deserve to be cared for.23(8分) A while back I caught a news report on something called couch

23、 surfing and the network of trusting souls who make this phenomenon possible. They offer to put up travelers free of charge and help them on their ways. At first, it sounded unbelievable. I mean, inviting strangers into ones home for one or two nights? Give me a break.However, I was intrigued. I dec

24、ided to investigate. The only way to truly learn about this phenomenon was to dive in. So I planned a trip to Finland, a country Ive always wanted to explore. I would couch surf at every stop there.If ever any anxiety existed when stepping into the unknown, it disappeared when my first host met me a

25、t the train station. Ari looked like my idea of a typical Finn: tall and blue-eyed. Finns were also supposed to be famously reserved (寡言少語的). Ari was anything but. He was a live wire, giving me an enthusiastic welcome and hiking with me to his apartment, where he showed me the sleeper sofa, served m

26、e tea, and engaged me in warm conversations. He also handed me a key to come and go as I pleased.If this was what couch surfing was all about trust and friendship then I had gotten off to a good start. As I boarded my next train to continue my journey, I began to think about this couch-surfing idea.

27、 What urged these people to open their homes to strangers? I concluded that there was a desire to lend a hand to like-minded folks who might enrich their own lives.Seven cities in 14 days. Seven hosts. Seven new friends. If couch surfing taught me anything, its this: Most people are good and generou

28、s. Where will couch surfing take me next? Who knows? But I cant wait to find out.1、Which of the following best explains intrigued underlined in the second paragraph?ARelaxed.BDisgusted.CInterested.DEmbarrassed.2、What can we know about Ari?AHe was reserved like most Finns.BHe talked less but he was f

29、riendly.CHe treated the author as a friend.DHe saw off the author at the train station.3、Why did people offer couch surfing to strangers?ATo take an adventure with strangers.BTo exchange houses for a short time.CTo learn more about others family lives.DTo enrich their own lives by helping others.4、W

30、hat can be the suitable title for the text?ATravel on Trust and CouchesBA Free Travel in FinlandCExperiences in Strangers HousesDA Plan for Couch Surfing24(8分)Young people in the United States do not have a strong understanding of the world and their place in it.Two U. S.based groups, the Council on

31、 Foreign Relations and the National Geographic, Society commissioned an online survey earlier this year. They wanted to know what young people educated in American colleges knew about geography, U. S. foreign policy, recent international events, and economics.The survey was given to over 1,200 Ameri

32、cans between the ages of 18 and 26 years. All of them presently attending, or having previously graduated from, a 2-or 4-year college or university.The average test score, out of 75 total possible answers, was 55 percent. The study identifies a few important problems. For example, only 30 percent kn

33、ew that the only part of the U. S. government that can declare war is Congress. Only 60% of those taking the survey could identify Brazil on a world map.Part of the problem, argue the organizers of the survey, is the internet. They say it is becoming harder to find high-quality information about wor

34、ld events amongst all the fake news and trivia which swamp the web. Forty-three percent of those questioned said they read about the news on Facebook.Another problem is that most college courses do not require students to learn about international issues. If such information is not required, Richard

35、 Haass from the Council on Foreign Relations said, then the United States could have leaders like Gary Johnson. He was a recent presidential candidate who did not know about the Syrian city of Aleppo when a reporter asked him about it.The survey results were not all bad. The young people also demons

36、trated a good understanding of climate change and renewable energy. And the majority of them said that international issues were becoming more important to them.Haass says these findings suggest the need to find was to get good information to students, both in school and online. To help, the Council

37、 on Foreign Relations is creating a new program called CFR Campus, designed to help build knowledge about global issues.1、What can we learn about the survey?AAll the participants were recent university graduatesBIt was an online survey conducted by two US universitiesCIts aim is to figure out what t

38、he young people know about AmericaDIt was given to over 1,200 American people aged from 18 to 262、Whats one reason survey organizers give for young peoples lack of knowledge?AYoung people are unwilling to travel abroadBThe sources from which they get their informationCThe US university system is of

39、poor qualityDTheir lack of interest in knowing more about the world3、According to the survey, what topic did the young Americans understand best?AEnvironmental matters BGeographic informationCForeign relations DGovernment organizations4、In which column of a newspaper could we find this article?AEcon

40、omics BEntertainmentCPolitics DEducation25(10分) For some people, walking or running outdoors is a great way to work out. What may not be so pleasant is seeing trash all over the ground. Well, some people are doing something about it. They are plogging!“Plogging” began in Sweden. The name combines th

41、e Swedish word “plocka,” which means to pick up, and the word Jogging, which means to run slowly. A Swedish man named Erik, started the movement in 2016. On the World Environment Day website, Erik says that he moved to Stockholm from a small community in northern Sweden each day he would ride his bi

42、ke to work. Concerned about the amount of trash and litter he saw each day on his way to work, he took matters into his own hands.Plogging, by that term, may have officially begun in Sweden. But many people who exercise outdoors have been doing this for years. Take Jeff Horowitz for example. He is a

43、 personal trainer in Washington, DCHe often picks up trash while running outside. He even has turned it into a game; he will try to pick up the trash without stopping. “I didnt know it was a thing really. This is just my personal ethics (道德標準), where I go for a run and if I happen to see a piece of

44、garbage lying around and its within reach it is a kind of a little test for me to see if I can grab it and throw it in a near trash can without stopping. And that way, I think, it gives me a little exercise and a little focus for my run. And it helps clean up the neighborhood,” he announced.Today, l

45、ogging is an official activity, one that is becoming increasingly popular. Cities around the world now hold logging events, “I would just hope people would think twice before dropping a garbage on the ground. We have containers. seems on every block. So, its easy to put your garbage in the trash can

46、s. I just think people should think about it a little bit more. I do hope one day there will not be a need for plogging.” said an interviewee.1、Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase “took matters into his own hands”?Acalled on people to join him.Bappealed to people to go green.Cbe

47、gan to pick up the trash.Dhad the collected trash recycled.2、Like Jeff Horowitz, logging to many people has become a(an) _ act.AautomaticBirresistibleCarbitraryDtemporary3、What is the idea that Logging events are meant to promote?AJogging is truly beneficial.BTrash cans should be within reach.CLitte

48、ring is not acceptable.DCommunities should be kept clean.4、What can be a suitable title for the passage?ANew Exercise Enjoys unbelievable popularityBNew Exercise Trend Also Helps EnvironmentCPlogging a Fashionable Way to clear wasteDPlogging an Exercise Originating in Sweden第三部分 語言知識運用(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié)(每小題1.

49、5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項26(30分)Mr. William remembered to buy some bananas after he left his office. It was 1 cold outside when he saw an ill -looking old lady selling bananas on the street across. He usually shopped in a grocery shop a few 2 away from his office but as he

50、 was in a 3 to reach home today, not intending to go there.Quickly he 4 the old lady and she offered $7 per kg. Mr. William said,” But the store where I usually buy sells them for$5 per kg, why not the same price? The lady said,“ No Sir, I cannot afford to 5 that price. $6 per kg, and thats the lowe

51、st.”Shaking his head, he left in his car towards the 6 grocery shop.After picking up a good 7 0f bananas there, he was surprised when the cashier told that price per kg was $10. He told the cashier,” I have been buying bananas from here only for some years and cant you offer me a better deal for bei

52、ng a 8 customer?The manager overheard him and told Mr. William,“Sorry Sir, but our prices are 9 ,we do not bargain.”Mr. William felt a little 10 with that flat attitude, and put them back.Mr. William returned to the poor old lady and 11 $ 20 for 2kg. Unexpectedly she only accepted $ 12. Afterwards l

53、earning she had to sell her husbands fruit shop to 12 his medical bills and had to sell the bananas to survive, he felt inspired and 13 many of his colleagues to buy fruits from the lady. And with the 14 from Mr. William an, other warmhearted buyers, she made a better living.All too often we 15 to g

54、o shopping in big malls or big grocery shops, We always. pay the fixed price without 16 That is fine 17 we all have our own choices. However, we need to 18 a moment and think that why we have no courage or reason to bar gain while shopping at big shops and why we try to bargain . 19 with small stree

55、t sellers?Think wisely. Always be 20 and supportive to someone who works hard to earn and has a need for it.1、Aburning Bfreezing Cfrozen Dbitten2、Ablocks Bcities Ctowns Dparks3、Amess Bsense Cmoment Dhurry4、Aassessed Bappointed Capproached Dapplauded5、Abuy Bfit Cget Dmatch6、Acommon Busual Cnormal Dge

56、neral7、Abunch Bpile Ccup Dband8、Amodest Bhonest Cloyal Dconsiderate9、Aunderstandable Bfocused Creasonable Dfixed10、Abad Bwell Cgood Dscary11、Aoffered Bsupplied Cprovided Dreported12、Aspend Bdeal Ccover Dcharge13、Aattracted Bdrove Cremoved Drecommended14、Apermission Bsupply Cinvitation Ddemand15、Acho

57、ose Bintend Crisk Ddemand16、Adealing Bpaying Cbargaining Dwondering17、Aeven if Bas Cunless Donce18、Asave Bset Cspare Dselect19、Aheavily Bquickly Ctotally Dslowly20、Aawful Bcareful Cuseful Dhelpful第二節(jié)(每小題1.5分,滿分15分)閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入1個適當?shù)膯卧~或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。27(15分)World Read Aloud Day is celebrated each year on

58、 the first Wednesday of March. It 1 (start) by the LitW website in 2010 and has now reached 65 countries. The aim is to encourage people worldwide who cannot read to enjoy the benefits of a book. The website asks everyone 2 (celebrate) the day by taking a book, finding an audience, and reading out a

59、loud. It is about taking action to show the world that the right to read and write 3 (belong) to all people.The website asks 4(visit) to join in the movement to reduce 5 number of illiterate(不識字的)people in the world. It is 6 (absolute) necessary to help those who cannot read. The website says, “Its

60、time to start by reading aloud to 7 might like it. Share a book with a child who might need it, share a story with someone who would treasure it, listen patiently 8 someone elses story as they share with you.” The United Nations says, “Literacy involves a variety of learning in enabling individuals


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