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1、 2、Have you ever heard of Jon Stewart ? he is currently one of the most popular comics on television. His pessimistic view of the politics and government induces laughter ,thought and even anger . he has a clever wit that often runs into collision with some government policies. His whole show is dev

2、oted to making fun of the nonsense that occurs in politics. But ,that makes his show so successful is his ability to tell his jokes with intelligence.Its not just comedy , said one media expert . his comments have a lot of influence over a very large audience in American. He has a lot of political p

3、ower.Recently Stewart was a guest on a news show about politics. The host journalist sparked a heated debate when he inquired about Stewart responsibility to the American public. Stewart argued that while the content of the script for his show may be political in nature, his primary obligation is to

4、 entertain. The host journalist, however ,emphasized the political influence of his performance. The argument ended up rousing anger from both parties. The incident underlined how sensitive some people can be to what others find funny. It also showed how important comedians have become to politics.

5、你聽說過斯圖爾特喬恩嗎?他目前是電視上最受歡迎的漫畫家之一。他對政治和政府的悲觀看法引起了笑聲、思考甚至憤怒。他聰明機(jī)智,經(jīng)常與一些政府政策發(fā)生沖突。他的整個表演都致力于來取笑政治上發(fā)生的荒唐事。但是,他富有智慧的笑話使得他的表演很成功, 一位媒體專家說,這不僅僅是喜劇。他的評論對美國觀眾有很大的影響。他有很多政治權(quán)力。最近,斯圖爾特在一個關(guān)于政治的新聞節(jié)目上當(dāng)嘉賓。當(dāng)主持人問到斯圖爾特對美國公眾的責(zé)任時,與主持人引發(fā)了一場激烈的辯論。斯圖爾特認(rèn)為,雖然他的表演的劇本的內(nèi)容可能是政治性質(zhì)的,但他的主要職責(zé)是娛樂。然而,主持人記者強(qiáng)調(diào)了他的表演的政治影響力。爭論在雙方的極端憤怒中結(jié)束。這一事件強(qiáng)

6、調(diào)了一些人對于發(fā)現(xiàn)越缺德東西是多么敏感。這也顯示了喜劇演員已經(jīng)成為政客是多么的重要。5. How do you spend your time when youre alone? Do you turn up your music as loud as you can and listen to your own entertainment? Do you buy yourself the biggest steak you could find and sit down to a good meal? It has been my observation that these activit

7、ies can be the best type of therapy for a troubled mind. It is crucial for humans to find some solitude in life. They must find some time to let the universe go spinning on without others interruption. The portion of this world that belongs to one person is increasingly becoming smaller. And whateve

8、r we have we must share with others. Therefore, our ability to maintain a healthy balance between social interaction and personal pursuits is being challenged. Inspiration in solitude is a major commodity not only for poets and philosophers but for ordinary people as well. A healthy adult needs alon

9、e-time-time to reflect on what is truly important to them. When you are alone, you can stretch out your soul until it fills up the whole room, and use your freedom, moving at your own pace. However, its important to stay rational. Dont forget that in order to be a healthy part of other lives, you mu

10、st yourself be healthy.當(dāng)你獨自一人時,你是如何度過你的時間的?你會把你的音樂開的很大聲,并自己聆聽嗎?你會給自己買最大的牛排,并坐下吃一頓好飯嗎?通過我的觀察,這些活動是治療一個困擾心靈的最佳方式。對人類來說,在生活中找到一些孤獨是至關(guān)重要的。他們必須找到一些時間讓宇宙在沒有其他干擾的時候去旋轉(zhuǎn)。這個世界上的一部分,屬于一個人越來越小。無論我們擁有什么,我們都必須與他人分享。因此,我們在社會互動和個人追求的能力保持一個健康的平衡正在受到挑戰(zhàn)。孤獨的靈感是一種重要的商品,不僅是對詩人和哲學(xué)家來說,還有對普通人來說,也是一種重要的商品。一個健康的成年人需要“獨處的時間”-時

11、間用來反思什么是真正重要的東西。當(dāng)你獨自一人時,你可以展開你的靈魂,直到它占據(jù)了整個房間,并使用你的自由,以你自己的速度移動。然而,保持理性是很重要的。別忘了,為了成為別人生命中的健康的一部分,你必須自己健康。6In the past several years, many new stories about corporate greed have come to surface. The illegal practices of some executives have negatively impacted our economy. What makes this worse is th

12、at these executives seem to have the consent of some political leaders. Some of the executives even bribe lawmakers. Recently a member of congress from California was caught demanding gifts from interest group in exchange for supporting new laws. A few top leaders in the government are under investi

13、gation for illegal activities. This doesnt even scratch the surface of the problem. A few years back a company made many purposeful accounting errors to fool investors. Many believe that one reason the problem became so big was that our nations top leaders shielded the company. By the time the truth

14、 was unveiled ,many innocent people had lost their entire savings. There seems to be more and more companies that exploited the publics trust for their own interests. This calls for laws and strict regulations to put the illegal practice to an end.在過去的幾年里,許多關(guān)于企業(yè)貪婪的新故事已經(jīng)浮出水面。一些高管的違法行為對我們的經(jīng)濟(jì)產(chǎn)生了負(fù)面影響。更糟

15、糕的是,這些高管似乎有一些是經(jīng)過政治領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人的同意。一些高管甚至賄賂立法者。最近,一位來自加利福尼亞的國會議員被抓住了收取來自利益集團(tuán)的禮物,以換取支持新的法律。政府中的一些高層領(lǐng)導(dǎo)正在調(diào)查非法活動。但這甚至不傷害問題的表面。幾年前,一家公司做了許多有目的的會計錯誤來愚弄投資者。許多人認(rèn)為,問題變得如此之大的一個原因是,我們國家的最高領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人屏蔽了公司。在真相公布的時候,許多無辜的人失去了他們的全部積蓄。似乎有越來越多的公司利用公眾的信任來為自己牟利。這要求法律和嚴(yán)格的規(guī)定來結(jié)束掉非法行為。 8Asaboss,Ihavedealtwithalltypesofemployees.Theonestha








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