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1、 機械原理課程設(shè)計說明書自卸車傾卸機構(gòu)創(chuàng)新設(shè)計 學(xué) 院: 機械工程學(xué)院 班 級: 組 員: 指導(dǎo)教師: 二一三年一月四日41自卸車液壓傾斜機構(gòu)課程設(shè)計摘 要我們組選擇自卸車傾卸機構(gòu)的創(chuàng)新設(shè)計作為課程設(shè)計的題目.為了完成課程設(shè)計,我們首先查找了關(guān)于自卸車傾卸機構(gòu)的發(fā)展史,了解了自卸車的發(fā)展歷程與現(xiàn)狀.然后我們查找了關(guān)于自卸的國內(nèi)外專利,并分析其機構(gòu),畫出機構(gòu)簡圖.知道了自卸車有各種不同的機構(gòu),并了解了現(xiàn)在常用的自卸機構(gòu)以及自卸機構(gòu)未來的發(fā)展趨勢.為了創(chuàng)新設(shè)計,我們現(xiàn)場對常見自卸車的自卸機構(gòu)拍照.分析機構(gòu),并進行了運動鏈的一般化,數(shù)綜合,特定化和具體化等一系列過程.最后得出27個可能的機構(gòu)簡圖.在

2、進行比較時,我們選擇了一個不是當(dāng)前流行類型的機構(gòu)簡圖作為自己的創(chuàng)新設(shè)計.按對自卸車較為常見的要求:車斗最大傾角,機構(gòu)縱深,液壓缸伸縮距離,結(jié)構(gòu)合理等,我們設(shè)計了創(chuàng)新機構(gòu)的尺寸.在用inventor對其進行運動仿真后,發(fā)現(xiàn)結(jié)構(gòu)運動平穩(wěn).然后我們又用matlab對機構(gòu)進行建模,仿真.得出機構(gòu)的角速度,角加速度等圖形.發(fā)現(xiàn)機構(gòu)角速度變化幅度不大,符合仿真動畫,滿足實際要求,因此,我們確定了我們的創(chuàng)新設(shè)計符合要求并將其作為最終的課程設(shè)計的方案.AbstractOur group chooses dump truck dumping mechanism innovation design as curr

3、iculum design questions. In order to complete the course design, we first look for the dump truck dumping mechanism about the history of the dump truck, understand the development course and present situation. Then we find about dumping domestic and foreign patents, and analyzes the mechanism, draw

4、the mechanism diagram. Know the dump truck, there are all kinds of different organizations, and to understand the present commonly used self-discharging institutions and self-discharging mechanism the future trend of development.In order to creative design, our site to the common dumpers self-discha

5、rging mechanism photos. Body analysis and the kinematic chain of generalization, several comprehensive, specialization and shape and a series of process that. At last, we give 27 possible mechanism diagrams. In comparison, we chose a not current popular type of mechanism diagram as their innovative

6、design. According to the requirements of the more common to dump truck, car bucket maximum Angle of inclination, the agency depth, hydraulic cylinder expansion distance, reasonable structure and so on, we design the innovation organization in the size of the inventor. The motion simulation, found th

7、at the smooth movement structure. Then weuse MATLABto mechanism modeling, simulation. Draw mechanism of angular velocity, angular acceleration and angular velocity change graphics. Find institutions range is not too much, in line with the simulation animation, meet the practical requirements, theref

8、ore, we determine our innovative design meet the requirements as their final course design scheme.目 錄一、題目簡介11.題目描述12.原始數(shù)據(jù)和設(shè)計規(guī)格2二、現(xiàn)有機構(gòu)分析21.文獻綜述22.Literature Review43.現(xiàn)有機構(gòu)分析6三、機構(gòu)創(chuàng)新(Creative Mechanism Design Methodology)171.Brief Diagram of the Prototype:172.Generalization:173.Number synthesis174.Speci

9、alization175.Particularization:24四、尺寸設(shè)計261.尺寸設(shè)計262.設(shè)計圖27五、機構(gòu)分析與仿真281.Inventor仿真圖像282.Matlab仿真過程28六、總 結(jié)33七、Reference34八、附 錄351.MATLAB程序代碼:35自卸車液壓傾斜機構(gòu)課程設(shè)計一、 題目簡介1. 題目描述自卸車是一種通過車自身的傾卸機構(gòu),能夠?qū)④嚩分胸浳飪A卸出去的一種車。自卸車傾卸機構(gòu)的創(chuàng)新設(shè)計就是對現(xiàn)有的自卸機構(gòu)進行創(chuàng)新再設(shè)計,使其滿足自卸的使用要求。平穩(wěn)傾卸貨物。如下圖中,液壓缸作為動力原件,液壓缸的伸縮,通過六桿機構(gòu)的轉(zhuǎn)換,使車斗傾斜,達到傾卸貨物的目的。自卸車

10、圖片Pictures of a Dump Truck圖1自卸車機構(gòu)簡圖Brief Diagram of the Dump Truck 圖2DOF=3n-2Pl-Ph=3x5-2x7=12. 原始數(shù)據(jù)和設(shè)計規(guī)格(1) 選小車型設(shè)計,車斗長5米左右.(2) 為使貨物傾卸完全,車斗最大傾角應(yīng)在4570度,可以選擇60度.(3) 單級液壓缸,最大伸縮長度在0.50.8m.(4) 機構(gòu)縱深約為0.5m.二、 現(xiàn)有機構(gòu)分析1. 文獻綜述最早的自卸車是以馬拉的形式的二輪裝卸車,貨物重心在二輪車的輪軸上,當(dāng)裝載貨物時,只需要放到軸上就可以了,貨物前方用繩子勾住固定;卸載時傾卸車即可。這種二輪車曾用在開放礦場,

11、用馬匹拉著在鐵軌上行走。1900之后,一種四輪的馬拉式平板自卸車誕生,它帶有一個矩形貨物箱,通過車前的繩子來實現(xiàn)傾卸。早期的馬拉式自卸車最早出現(xiàn)的自卸車車身是根據(jù)裝卸重心位置的原則設(shè)計的,這種車最早出現(xiàn)在1904年,那時曼式重力傾卸機構(gòu)在英國出現(xiàn)。液壓傾斜機構(gòu)自卸車液壓力學(xué)運用在較早的馬拉式自卸車上,根據(jù)記載表明,一種最早的液壓傾斜機構(gòu)運用在羅伯遜汽車上,它帶有一個液壓起重機,可以從汽車的發(fā)動機或者一個獨立的蒸汽機里獲得動力。Alley & McLellan of Glasgow在1907年發(fā)明了早期的依靠蒸汽驅(qū)動的液壓傾斜機構(gòu)。履帶式拖車在19世紀(jì)20年代中期,履帶式拖車牽引輪式自卸車迅速流

12、行。有時拖車可以拉兩到五個附加拖車,很多公司開始發(fā)展可附加式拖車。最早的拖車是運行在軌道上的,但是當(dāng)速度越來越受到限制時,開始使用輪胎來提高速度。這種軌道式拖車的發(fā)明者有Euclid, James Hagy, LaPlant-Choate, Rex-Watson, and Streich 和Western。Euclid自卸車Euclid是自卸車發(fā)展的先驅(qū)者。George Armington的兒子George Armington Jr.設(shè)計和制作了兩種對世界自卸車有重大意義的發(fā)明,包括現(xiàn)代重型越野卡車和輪式拖車置底傾斜車。1934年,這個公司發(fā)明了10/11噸級自卸車,名為Trak Truk.。

13、它是第一個用來重型越野服務(wù)的后卸式自卸車,后來又發(fā)明了15噸級的自卸車,得到很大的改進。19世紀(jì)50年代的自卸車到了19世紀(jì)40年代,自卸車的科技發(fā)展達到了一個新的高度,截至19世紀(jì)50年代,美國已經(jīng)發(fā)明了置底式自卸車,1951年,Euclid公司制作出世界上最大的自卸車1LLD。1954年Komatsu公司制作出時速為42千米凈載重為13.60噸的輪式自卸車。1958年,自卸車市場上最大馬力的單獨發(fā)動機為AP40,可達600馬力。Ralph H. Kress和HaulpakRalph H. Kress以他發(fā)明的前置式自卸車,重型越野自卸車在礦場的運用而聞名于整個自卸車的世界。1955年,作為

14、WABCO (現(xiàn)在是 Komatsu)的創(chuàng)始者,他致力于可縮短軸距擁有深、斜、平特點的車身的設(shè)計,它就是Haulpak,被視為量子發(fā)展設(shè)計。最早的Haulpak于1957年在市場上出現(xiàn),它可以有32噸級的凈載量,后來發(fā)展為75噸級。這些最早的自卸車噸級范圍為25到32噸級,由于太小而廣泛應(yīng)用于礦場。Haulpak最終由于在尺寸上的發(fā)展,成為表面礦場工業(yè)的選擇。專利綜述目前,自卸車從單純的5噸自卸車逐漸向更高噸位的方向發(fā)展,舉升機構(gòu)也從簡單的單級缸中置直頂式、多級缸中置直頂式向單級缸連桿組合式、多級缸前置直頂式的方向發(fā)展。液壓傾斜機構(gòu)是自卸車的核心,是判別自卸車優(yōu)劣的首要指標(biāo)。不同的舉升機構(gòu),有

15、不同的車型定位和市場定位。從美國專利局所查找的專利中我們可以看到大部分自卸車為單杠連桿組合式,例如US2849255, US3172703, US3620458 or so. US4036528。US6382731運用多級缸中置直頂式。下面是各個形式舉升機構(gòu)的優(yōu)缺點。單級缸中置直頂式舉升機構(gòu)是最早出現(xiàn)的舉升機構(gòu),機構(gòu)簡單,緊湊,受力直觀,而且成本低廉,在載重量為5噸或者5噸以下的自卸車中普遍采用。US4036528運用此機構(gòu)。多級缸中置直頂式舉升機構(gòu)為了改善單級缸直頂式舉升機構(gòu)的弱點,多級缸中置直頂式舉升機構(gòu)應(yīng)運而生。它極大改善了油缸和副車架的使用環(huán)境,使油缸和副車架的手里很小,使整個液壓系統(tǒng)


17、展方向。但是有兩點缺點,一是成本最昂貴,二是它的油缸行程過,三是控制系統(tǒng)過于靈敏。目前國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)這種機構(gòu)的不多。專利US5033794, US6382731。國內(nèi)自卸車發(fā)展前景目前國內(nèi)自卸車發(fā)展主要受到兩個問題的影響:大重力重心和重型載重。國內(nèi)大部分自卸車運用了單級缸連桿組合式舉升機構(gòu),在發(fā)展趨勢為多級缸前置直頂式舉升機構(gòu)的前提下,盡管國內(nèi)運用很少,但是我們相信,在不久的將來,它一定會迅速發(fā)展起來。2. Literature ReviewThe very first version of a dump truck used to haul and dump material was nothin

18、g more than a simple dump body style cart drawn by horses. It would have consisted of a two-wheeled cart hinged 圖3to the axle with the center of gravity, when loaded, just behind the axle. The loaded front body was hooked, and when unlatched, would dump. These carts were used in open mines and pulle

19、d by horses along a railway track.After 1900, a four-wheeled horse-drawn flatbed wagon with a rectangular body lifted with a hand hoist in the front was employed.Early Truck Mounted Dump BodiesThe earliest versions of truck mounted dump bodies relied on the principle of gravity for dumping. Some of

20、the first trucks with dump bodies designed on this principle appeared as early as 1904 when the Mann gravity dump was built in England.Hydraulic Dump BodiesHydraulics was being incorporated into truck mounted dump bodies relatively early on. Records show that one of the first hydraulic dump bodies w

21、as the Robertson Steam Wagon with a hydraulic hoist that received power from the trucks engine or an independent steam engine. Alley & McLellan of Glasgow developed another early hydraulic dump body in 1907 that was power-driven by steam.Crawler Tractor-trailersIn the middle of the 1920s, crawler tr

22、actors pulling heavy dump trailers mounted on wheels or tracks were becoming increasingly popular. Sometimes crawlers would pull two to five attached trailers. Companies began developing wagons specifically designed for attachment to crawler tractors. The first versions were mounted on tracks; howev

23、er, when speed restrictions posed a problem, the wagons were mounted on wheels to improve speed. Manufacturers of such trailers and haulers included Euclid, James Hagy, LaPlant-Choate, Rex-Watson, and Streich and Western.Euclid Dump Trucks Euclid was a pioneer in the development of dump trucks. Geor

24、ge Armington Jr., son of founder George Armington, was a hydraulics designer and made two significant contributions to the world of dump trucks. These included the modern heavy duty off-highway truck and the wheel tractor bottom dump wagon. In 1934 the company introduced its 10/11-ton dump truck cal

25、led the Trak Truk. It was the first rear-dump truck that was designed for heavy-duty off road service. This was followed up in 1936 with the companys 15-ton Model IFD truck that featured a diesel engine, modern drive line, planetary final drives, leaf-spring suspension, and pneumatic tires. The truc

26、k replaced heavy, gasoline powered chain drive Mack trucks that had previously been used for standard work in construction and mining operations.Dump Trucks in the 1950s By the 1940s the technological development of dump trucks had reached its peak. In the U.S., bottom dump trucks were already domin

27、ating earthmoving sites by the 1950s. The decade continued to mark a proliferation in the manufacturing of dump trucks. In 1951, for example, Euclid produced the worlds largest dump truck when it manufactured the 1LLD. In 1954 Komatsu built the first dump truck on wheels that traveled at 26 miles (4

28、2 km) per hour and had a 13.60-ton payload. In 1958, the 600 horsepower AP40 Auto car was the largest single engine dump truck on the market.Ralph H. Kress and the HaulpakRalph Kress is perhaps best known in the dump truck world for pioneering and bringing dump truck technology to the forefront, in

29、particular, heavy-duty, off-road dump trucks used in mining.In 1955, as a consultant for WABCO (now Komatsu), he was instrumental in configuring a dump truck that incorporated a short wheelbase and had a high angle of turn with a deep, sloped, flat body known as a Haulpak and was viewed as the “quan

30、tum advance in design” with its hydro-pneumatic “Hydrair” struts.The first versions of the Haulpak were made available to the market in 1957 featuring 25- to 32-ton payload capacities and were eventually marketed and used as tractors to pull supplementary 75-ton trailers. These earlier versions, ran

31、ging from 25- to 32-ton range capacity, were too small initially to be used in open pit mines but gained acceptance from contractors. Eventually Haulpak grew in size and became the dump truck of choice in the surface mining industry. The Haulpak would exist as the standard to which other off-highway

32、 dump trucks would come to be designed.3. 現(xiàn)有機構(gòu)分析(1)專利綜述Patent ReviewThe dump truck, as one the largest special vehicles, is developing from the 5t dump truck to more tons. The core of a dump truck is the lifting mechanism, which develops from the single cylinder centrally-mounted straight top type a

33、nd the multistage cylinder centrally-mounted straight top type to the single cylinder connecting rod combined type and the multistage cylinder lead straight top type. From the patents among the searching results from the US patent and trade mark office, we can see that most of the trucks are designe

34、d with the single cylinder connecting rod combined type such as US2849255, US3172703, US3620458 or so. US4036528 uses the single cylinder centrally-mounted straight top type. US6382731 uses the multistage cylinder lead straight top type.Here are some advantages and disadvantages of the four type of

35、the dumping mechanism:The single cylinder centrally-mounted straight top type it is the pioneer of the lifting mechanism of the dump truck. Its structure is very simple and tight and its cost is low, but its load is very small so that it is used as the trucks below 5t. It is widely used as light-wei

36、ght trucks, for example Dongfeng 3092F uses this lifting mechanism. See Patent: US4036528. 圖4The multistage cylinder centrally-mounted straight top type it improves the disadvantages of the single cylinder centrally-mounted straight top type. It improves the condition of the cylinder and the frame t

37、o extend their lifetime and reduces the inside discharge of the cylinder. But the framework design is difficult. It makes the hydraulic system complex and costs a lot, so it is not commonly used. See Patent: US4056283.圖5The single cylinder connecting rod combined type it has the stable lifting abili

38、ty, strong overloading ability and good hydraulic characteristics. It can be changed into different style through changing the four-bar linkage. Mallory type is one of the types and widely used in China because of the characteristics of small cylinder diameters and long cylinder routes. But some typ

39、es is not widely used because of big cylinder diameters and short cylinder routes. See Patent: US4168861.圖6The multistage cylinder lead straight top type is made up of one multistage cylinder whose route can be 5 to 6 meters. It is the simplest lifting mechanism and largely improves the stability of

40、 the truck. It is the development direction of the dump truck. But its cost is the most expensive, which restricts its development in China. See Patent: US5033794, US6382731.圖7The future of Dump Trucks in ChinaMost of the dump trucks in China use the single cylinder connecting rod combined type, fro

41、m the single cylinder centrally-mounted straight top type and the multistage cylinder centrally-mounted straight top type. The trend of development is the multistage cylinder lead straight top type and the type will be developed, but we cant see a lot in China. We believe in the distant future it ca

42、n quickly be developed and used in our country.The front multi-level cylinder lifting mechanism is the leading direction of dump truck manufacturing. For now, the dump trucks in our country are bothered by two main problems: high gravity center and heavy dead weight. To overcome these two obstacles,

43、 the younger generation and the technical engineers need to work hard to improve the competing ability of our production.All in all, the key point is to improve the quality of our products.(2)專利列表Patent ListPatent No.App TimePatent NameInventorDrawing FiguresBrief DiagramThe TypesUS20945211935.10.11

44、LIFTING MECHANISM FOR DUMP BODIESF. BISZANTZ et alInvention Patent;Eight-bar LinkageUS24492021946.11.8HYDRAULIC ACTUATING MECHANISM FOR DUMP TRUCKSClaims. (Cl et alInvention Patent;Four-bar LinkageUS25937761950.3.21DUMP BODY TILTING MECHANISMCharles E. Margala et alInvention Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS

45、28492551955.8.16HOIST MECHANISM FOR DUMP TRUCKSGerald J. Pasker et alInvention Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS31727031963.6.14DUMP MECHANISM FOR TRUCKSJoan A. ByerInvention Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS35128361968.10.9LATERAL STABILIZING MEANS FOR A SEMI-TRAILER DUMP BODYAnthony Policfa et alInvention Patent;Ei

46、ght-bar LinkageUS36204581970.4.21ALBERT RATH XYSteel Products Ltd. Preston et alUtility Model Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS40365281975.10.14Truck with tiltable bodyHeinrich LangendorfInvention Patent;Four-bar LinkageUS40493161976.1.29Lifting mechanisms for truck bodiesMarino Paneda OrdonezInvention Paten

47、t;Six-bar LinkageUS40521051976.4.9Truck hoistWalter MoeInvention Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS40662961976.12.28Truck bed tilting mechanismLouis M. Ray, Jr. et alInvention Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS40562831977.1.25Truck constructionRobert Marvin PowUtility Model Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS41688611978.2.6Dump-h

48、oist conversion systemOllie J. CarrollUtility Model Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS43020501979.10.17Truck hoistEldon D. JonesUtility Model Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS43826321982.6.10Dumping vehicle stabilizer systemCharlie C. PittsUtility Model Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS45317801982.9.3Lift mechanism for a dump

49、truckBruce M. BoczkiewiczUtility Model Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS45925931984.5.4Scissor frame lift apparatus for dump trucksGlenn L. ChannellInvention Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS50488961988.4.20Minimum profile hoistGlenn L. ChannellUtility Model Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS50337941990.10.18Securing device fo

50、r dump truckHenry L. VickUtility Model Patent;Four-bar LinkageUS52036681991.6.6Apparatus for loading and unloading of a container structure or other loads .Lazar MarmurUtility Model Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS51953851991.10.28Free ranging bi-directional hydraulic dumping mechanismJerome A. JohnsonUtili

51、ty Model Patent;Six-bar LinkageUSRE347331992.8.5Scissor frame lift apparatus for dump trucksGlenn L. ChannellUtility Model Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS55139011994.3.14Hoist mechanismFred P. Smith et aInvention Patent;Eight-bar LinkageUS59677331997.12.12Hydraulic tilt trailerRussell CashUtility Model Pat

52、ent;Six-bar LinkageUS61565961999.3.11Truck hoistEldon D. JonesUtility Model Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS63827312000.6.26Load hauling vehicle with sidewall raising and lowering mechanismMichael Slutz et alUtility Model Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS66631852001.11.13Tipping trailersRhys William RichardsUtility

53、Model Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS77709802007.5.1Dump vehicleJames P. Godwin, Sr. et alUtility Model Patent;Four-bar LinkageUS75239942007.6.20HoistEldon D. JonesUtility Model Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS76952372008.8.8Refuse collection vehicle and lifting apparatus thereforKosti ShirvanianUtility Model Patent;Six-bar LinkageUS81573162010.1.29Translating cargo bedHarlan J. BartelInvention


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  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
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