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1、Life history,Module 9,Unit 2 He decided to be an actor.,Look and Say,Review,Words and expressions,play poem marry successful work build on,n. 劇本;戲劇 n. 詩(shī)歌 v. 結(jié)婚 adj. 成功的 n. 作品;著作 v. 建造 prep. 在河邊,fire die rich language around the world,n. 火;火災(zāi) v. 死,去世 adj. 富有的 n. 語(yǔ)言 世界各地,1. To listen and understand th

2、e passage 2. To learn some key words and useful expressions 3. To learn about the life of William Shakespeare,Objectives:,Words: play poem marry successful work build on die rich language,Phrases: around the world finish school,Patterns: He decided to be an actor. He died at the age of He was rich a

3、nd successful.,接下來(lái)我們來(lái)做個(gè)猜謎游戲。,By starting at the correct letter in one of the words below, and then taking every third letter, a quotation from one of Shakespeares plays may be formed. Can you figure it out?,Shakespeares Scroll: A Word Puzzle,莎士比亞四大悲劇包括哈姆雷特、奧賽羅、李爾王、麥克白,是其悲劇作品中最著名的四部。故事均取自歐洲的歷史傳說(shuō)。 哈劇寫(xiě)

4、的是丹麥王子哈姆雷特回國(guó)奔喪,父王鬼魂訴冤,囑其報(bào)仇。王子裝瘋,安排“戲中戲”,證實(shí)了新王殺兄的罪行。錯(cuò)殺大臣后,王子被打發(fā)出國(guó),他洞察新王陰謀,中途折回。新王備下毒酒毒劍,挑唆大臣之子與王子決斗,欲置之于死地,最后三人同歸于盡,母后也誤飲毒酒而死。,Background knowledge,奧劇寫(xiě)的是威尼斯大將、摩爾人奧賽羅與元老之女苔絲狄蒙娜傾心相愛(ài),沖破家庭阻力結(jié)為夫妻并一同出征。旗官伊阿古,因個(gè)人私怨而設(shè)計(jì)誣陷臺(tái)絲狄蒙娜有私情。奧賽羅輕信中計(jì),親手將妻子掐死,最后真相大白,奧賽羅悔恨交加, 拔劍自刎。,Background knowledge,李劇敘述不列顛王李爾將國(guó)土全分給了花言巧語(yǔ)

5、的兩個(gè)大女兒,而將秉性耿直的小女兒遠(yuǎn)嫁法國(guó)。最終遭到長(zhǎng)女次女百般虐待,流落荒野,瘋癲而死。麥劇寫(xiě)蘇格蘭大將麥克白受女巫誘惑,在野心和夫人的驅(qū)使下,殺君自立,后終日被噩夢(mèng)糾纏,神思恍惚。其妻也發(fā)狂自殺而死。最后王子率兵討伐,麥克白兵敗而死。,Background knowledge,Shakespeare Globe Theatre,莎士比亞環(huán)球劇場(chǎng),Hamlet,Romeo and Juliet,Great writer of British literary realm Shakespeare,Language points,Shakespeare went to London and jo

6、ined a theatre company in about 1592. join意思是“加入,參加”,如: My brother joined the army in 1995 and joined the Party three years later. 我哥哥1995年參軍,三年后入了黨。,注意:join sb. in doing sth. 表示“和某人一起做某事”,如: Can you join us in playing basketball? = Can you play basketball with us? 你能和我們一起打籃球嗎?,2. At school he liked

7、 plays, so he decided to be an actor when he finished school at 14. decide后面要求用動(dòng)詞不定式,再如: I decided to be a doctor when I was 20. 我二十歲時(shí)決定做一名醫(yī)生。 He decided to study hard. 他下定決心好好學(xué)習(xí)。,3. He married in 1582 and had three children. 他于1582年結(jié)婚,有了三個(gè)孩子。 marry即可作及物動(dòng)詞,也可作不及 物動(dòng)詞,意為“結(jié)婚;嫁,娶”。 1) marry sb 意為嫁給某人,與

8、結(jié)婚。 John married Mary last week.,2) be/get married to sb 表示與某人 結(jié)婚。 Rose get married to a teacher. 3) marry sb to sb 表示父母把女兒嫁給 某人,或兒子娶媳婦。 She married her daughter to a businessman.,a Shakespeare went to London. b Shakespeares company built the Globe Theatre. c Shakespeare married. d Shakespeare liked

9、 plays at school. e Shakespeare died at the age of 52. f Shakespeare decided to be an actor.,4 5 3 1 6 2,Put the sentences in the correct order.,A timetable of Shakespeare,be born, build, die, finish school, go to London, marry,finished school,married,moved to London,opened the Globe Theatre,died,Co

10、mplete the timeline for Shakespeare with the correct forms of the words and expressions from the box.,Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about Shakespeare. Use the information in Activity 3 to help you., Was Shakespeare born in 1564? Yes, he was. Did he leave school in 1582? No, he didnt. He fi

11、nished school in 1578.,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.,die fire language marry poem rich successful,Shakespeare (1) _ in 1582 and had three children. He became famous around the world for his plays and you,married,can see them in many different (2) _ . Shakespea

12、re also wrote (3) _ as well. He was also a (4) _ and (5) _ actor. You can see his Globe Theatre in London today, but its not the same building. There was a (6) _ in the old theatre and they built it again. He (7)_ at the age of 52.,languages,poems,successful,rich,died,fire,Wang Dong was born in Guan

13、gzhou. At the age of three, he went to Shenzhen with his parents. At the age of six, he started school. Now write sentences about events in your life. I was born At the age of,Writing,Look at the sentences.,I. 選擇單詞的正確形式填空。,be be born become decide die finish have like live marry go begin work join,Q

14、uiz,William Shakespeare _ in 1564 in England. When he _ at school he_ watching plays and he _ to be an actor. He _ school when he was 14 years old. When he was 18 he _ , and they_ three children. When he was 28 he _ to London and _ a theatre company. He_ a successful actor and _ writing plays. He _

15、at the Globe Theatre. William Shakespeare _ for 52 years. Finally, when he _ he was rich and successful.,was born,was,liked,decided,finished,married,had,went,joined,became,began,worked,lived,died,1. My mother played the piano. (變?yōu)橐话阋蓡?wèn)句并做肯定回答) _ _ 2. There were many people in the village. (變?yōu)橐话阋蓡?wèn)句并做否

16、定回答) _ _ _,Did your mother play the piano? Yes, she did.,Were there many people in the village?,No, there werent.,II. 按要求變換下面的句型。,3. They played football on the play- ground yesterday afternoon. (變?yōu)橐话阋蓡?wèn)句并做否定回答) _ _ _,Did they play football on the playground yesterday afternoon?,No, they didnt.,4. The new music teacher arrived last night. (變?yōu)橐话阋蓡?wèn)句并做肯定回答) _ _ _,Did the new music teacher arrive last night?,Yes, he/she did.,5. The money was in one of my pockets. (變?yōu)橐话阋蓡?wèn)句并做肯定回答) _ _ _,Was the money in one of your pockets?,Yes, it was.,finish school 2. have three children 3. begin writ


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