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1、My Hometown, Harbin,Basic information Tourism Cuisine,1,Basic information,Provincial capital area: 154 km2 altitude: 116m Nickname: The Pearl on the swanswn s neck Oriental Moscow Ice City Language: northeastern mandarin City flower:lilac Harbin is ranked as 10th largest city in China, serving as a

2、key political, economic, scientific, cultural and communications center of North-eastern China.,2,Basic information,Climate Owing to the cold currents from Siberia saibiri (西伯利亞的寒流)and the subtropicalsbtrpkl marine air (副熱帶海洋氣流), Harbin has hot summers and very cold winters. The average temperature

3、in January is 19.4C and the freezing period is about 190 days a year. The first snowfall takes place in October or November. The city is dry and sunny during winter. Summer is very warm, with an average monthly high temperature in July soaring to 28.0 C,3,Toursim,Songhua River Central Avenue Saint-S

4、ophia Church Dragon Tower Ice and Snow Festival,4,Songhua River,Songhua River runs through the city. It ranks the fifth longest river in China, about 1,897 kilometers long and covers an area of 545,600 square kilometers. The river brings abundant resources for people . The river is frozen over from

5、November to April the next year. The period of freezing weather is 135 days.,5,Songhua River,6,Central Avenue,Central Avenue , one of the main business streets in Harbin,was built in 1898. The street is rich in history and famous for different shapes of architectures along the two sides. Central Str

6、eet is 1450 meters in length and 21.34 meters in width of which 10.8 meters is motor way .,7,Central Avenue,The 1.4-km long street is a veritablevertbl (名副其實的) museum of European architectural styles Baroque(巴洛克式) Byzantine(拜占庭式) Art Nouveau(新藝術(shù)運(yùn)動風(fēng)格) Eclectic style(折衷主義) Jewish(猶太的),Central Avenue,8

7、,Central Avenue,9,Saint-Sophia Church,The church reflects Byzantine bazntan architectural features with 721 m2 in area and 53.35 m in height. It is the largest Orthodox :dks Eastern(東正教) church . There are Russian style domesdm (圓屋頂)、 Rome style arch windows and many combinations of different archit

8、ectural arts . Now the church has become the Architectural Art Gallery.,10,Saint-Sophia Church,11,Saint-Sophia Church,12,Dragon Tower,The Dragon Tower-the broadcasting television tower of Heilongjiang Province, is located in the high and new technology development zone of Harbin. The Tower is 336 me

9、ters high, ranks the second highest steel architecture tower in the world and the first highest in Asia. The Dragon Tower is a comprehensive multifunctional tower that integrates transmission of broadcast and TV, tourism, sightseeing, food and beverage service, and wireless communication together.,13,Ice and Snow Festival,The Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival is one of the worlds four largest ice and snow festivals, along with Japans Sapporosp:ru Snow Festival, Canadas Quebec k


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