已閱讀5頁,還剩12頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、Module One Lost And found、教材分析本模塊以學(xué)生日常學(xué)習(xí)生活中丟失的物品和尋找物品為出發(fā)點就形容詞展 開教學(xué),教會學(xué)生如何運用形容詞描述物品和表達感情, 學(xué)生在學(xué)習(xí)過程中結(jié)合 以前學(xué)過的表示方位的介詞進一步描述物品所在位置和特征。二、教材處理 因本模塊的學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容比較集中所以我將本模塊的內(nèi)容進行了整合, 將其設(shè)計 成為四課時 ,力圖環(huán)環(huán)相扣,意在為學(xué)生搭建自主學(xué)習(xí)的平臺,為他們提供真實 的語境,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生在日常生活中的綜合語言運用能力。三、教學(xué)目標(biāo) 語言知識目標(biāo): 1、尋找丟失物品;2、描述性形容詞,名詞所有格的用法;3、掌握詞匯和句型。語言能力目標(biāo): 1、在語境中,能聽懂

2、所描述丟失物品的特征;2、能讀懂尋物啟事和招領(lǐng)廣告等相關(guān)短文;3、能為自己或別人丟失的物品寫一份尋物啟事。情感態(tài)度:通過本單元的學(xué)習(xí),培養(yǎng)學(xué)生樂于助人、拾金不昧、禮貌待人的好品 德。四、教學(xué)重點 :尋找丟失物品;描述性形容詞,名詞所有格的用法;掌握詞匯和 句型。五、教學(xué)難點: 能為自己或別人丟失的物品寫一份尋物啟事。六、教學(xué)過程及操作Step 1. Free talkHave some students to talk something about colors. 設(shè)計意圖:復(fù)習(xí)所學(xué)的關(guān)于顏色的詞匯,以引出新課的學(xué)習(xí)。Step 2. Pre-task.Tell the students to

3、 place their school bags on their desks. Tell them to look inside their bags. Get some of the students to describe to the class the things they have in their bags.設(shè)計意圖:利用實物進行描述,目的是復(fù)習(xí)學(xué)過的有關(guān)顏色和物品的詞匯。為 下一步完成任務(wù)奠定基礎(chǔ)。 同時,利用學(xué)生們自己所熟悉的物品進行說與寫的訓(xùn) 練比較容易,初步培養(yǎng)學(xué)生對物品進行描述的能力。 Step 3. WriteAsk students to look at the

4、picture and tell you what they can see, then ask students to read the Los Property form. Tell them to use the words around the picture to complete Hu Shan s Lost Property form. Then write the Lost Property Form on the board and ask students to come up and fill in the blanks.設(shè)計意圖:通過讀、說寫對失物招領(lǐng)啟事的格式、內(nèi)容有

5、個清楚的了解,同時 訓(xùn)練學(xué)生的讀、寫能力。 Step 4. Activities1. Ask students imagine that they have lost their pencil case /school bag. Look at the table, to write down at least 5 things that are in their bags on page 64.Tell students to write their own Lost Property form, using accrual facts about their own pencil case

6、/school bag.note.2. Tell students that Paul has lost his dog. Help him to write a Lost Dogsome words about Paul s dog.(Work in groups.) 設(shè)計意圖: 這兩項任務(wù)的設(shè)計與上一環(huán)節(jié)緊緊相扣,突出了本課的教學(xué)重點與 難點。通過上兩個環(huán)節(jié)的鋪墊, 學(xué)生們能夠很容易地完成第一個任務(wù)。 第二個任 務(wù)是為失主寫一個尋狗啟事。 我采用了分組學(xué)習(xí)的方式, 讓學(xué)生通過互相合作來 完成這個任務(wù)。這兩個任務(wù)的設(shè)計遵循了由易到難的原則, 通過完成這兩個任務(wù), 能夠培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的綜合語言運用能

7、力, 達到語言技能目標(biāo)中要求的能為自己和別人 丟失的物品寫一份尋物啟事,并從中滲透給學(xué)生要做一個樂于助人的人。Step 5. Show time,Get students to read their Lost Property in the class. 此處利用視頻展示儀 ,將學(xué)生的尋物啟示展示出來 ,利用大屏幕電視能夠使所有 的學(xué)生都在聽到啟示的同時 ,看到該啟示書寫的格式 .Step 6. Homework:Write a Lost/Found PropertyUnit 1 Whose bag is this?導(dǎo)學(xué)案自主梳理,厚積薄發(fā)重點詞匯拓展1. 錢包 2. 橡皮擦 3. 誰的 4.

8、 發(fā)現(xiàn);找到 5. 失物招領(lǐng)箱 6. 我的(東西) 7. 你(們)的(東西) 8. 她的(東西) 9. 從現(xiàn)在開始 10. 移動電話 二、根據(jù)漢語意思,完成句子1. 歡迎回到學(xué)校。 back school.2. 這些蠟筆是你的嗎。Are crayons ?3. 這是誰的手表? watch is this?我認為是它是 Tom 的。I it s .4. 請小心看好自己的物品。Please your things.5. 讓我看一看你的護照。 your passport.6. 從今以后我們必須好好學(xué)習(xí)。We must study hard 7. 這有一些很好的手套。 some nice gloves

9、.重點難點,一網(wǎng)打盡。三、根據(jù)句意及首字母提示寫單詞1. Dad gives me a new baseball g2. I lose my wso I don t have any money now.3. Be c! The car is coming.4. Tony takes some photos with a new c5. Tha nk you! You are. w6. Wdo you like 即 ples?Because they are delicious.7. Tom goes to school in a h.四、用所給單詞的正確形式填空1. Your ruler i

10、s Ion ger than(my)2. What are they doi ng?They(play) basketball.3. There are many things in the(lose) and(find) box.4. (who) bag is this?It s(she).5. Li ngli ng likes(do) housework.五、選擇句子,補全對話A. Where does she live?B. Does she speak En glish?C. What s her name?D. Does she have any brothers or sister

11、s?E. Where s she from?A: I s that your new pen pal?B: Yes, it is.A:1B: Her n ame is Maria.A:2B: She s from Canada.A:3B: She lives in Toro nto.A:4B: Yes, she does. She has two brothers and sisters.A:5B: Yes. She speaks En glish.舉一反三,一顯身手。六、聽力(聽短文,選擇正確答案)1. Sam comes fromA. Chi na.B. En gla nd.C. Aust

12、ralia2. Where does he live?A. Syd neyB. Toro ntoC. Tokyo3. What la nguages does Sam speak?A. En glishB. Fren chC. A and B4. What s Jenny s favorite sport?A. VolleyballB. TennisC. Basketball5. Which sen te nee 句子)is NOT true?A. Lisa is Sam s sister.B. Lisa can t play the guitar, but she can play the

13、piano and sing.C. Sam and Jenny like differe nt sports.七、閱讀理解If you travel to some tow ns in In dia,you will be lucky eno ugh to be waited on by guides向?qū)В﹎on keys. These mon keys are always ready to help you. When you are hungry,you only have to point at your own stomach and they will show you to a

14、restaura nt. If you are tired,you put your hands beh ind your head and the mon keys will take you to a hotel. Do not feel surprised( 驚奇),when they put their hands in front of you after they have helped you. They just hope you can give them a little money as a tip(小費).After you have given them the mo

15、ney, they will wave theirhands to say goodbye.Believe it or not, these mon keys are graduates 畢業(yè)生)of the School for Mon keys in In dia. They were train ed(訓(xùn)練)there for one year. These mon key students are not the only ones in the world. Some monkeys are now being trained as nurses in an American med

16、ical college. These monkeys, after they have graduated from the school, will look after patients who are ill in the bed and help get the things they need from their homes.1. What do the monkeys do in some town in India?A. They speak English.B. They wait for your food.C. They work as guides.D. They w

17、elcome you.2. How can the monkeys tell where you want to go and what you want to do?A. They can understand what you say.B. A guide tells them what to do.C. They know the way people speak.D. They can guess from your body language.3. Where are these monkeys from?A. From a mountain.B. From a special sc

18、hool for monkeys.C. From a medical college.D. From some mens homes.4. What are some monkeys trained for in America?A. To help all the people in a hospital.B. To cook meals for the patients.C. To look after patients who cant get out of bed.D. To help patients cross the road.Unit 2導(dǎo)學(xué)案自主梳理,厚積薄發(fā)重點詞匯拓展1.

19、 機場;航空港2. 百 3.千4. 幾百;成百上千5. 飛機 6.奇怪的7.尋找 8.香腸二、根據(jù)提示完成變化第一人稱第二人稱第三人稱人稱代詞Iyouhesheit形容詞性物主代詞myhisher名詞性物主代詞yoursits三、用所給詞的正確形式填空1. Mike often(play) football.2. you(like) Chin ese food or Western food?3. My English(teach) is an old America n.4. I feel very bored.What about(see) a film at the cin ema?5.

20、 Jerry(not do) his homework at noon6. There(be) a pen and two boos on the desk.重點難點,一網(wǎng)打盡。四、完成句子1. 當(dāng)人們旅行時經(jīng)常丟東西People oftenthings when they re traveling.2. 大明很匆忙地區(qū)上學(xué)。Dami ng goes to school.3. 成百上千的人們來到這里。people come here.4. 你正在尋找你的手機嗎?。Are youyour mobile phone?5. 圖書館就在郵局的旁邊。The library isthe post offi

21、ce.6. 這就是我努力工作的原因I work so hard.五、填寫適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~,補全對話1. A:you see my watch?B: No, I don t. Isn t it on you? tableA: Oh, here it is.2. A: Can you come to my party?B:party?A: Jim s birthday party.B:is it?A: At 7:00 in the eve ning.3. A: Ifind my pho ne, can you help me?B: Yes,a mome nt.A: OK.六、完型填空Mike is an

22、 Englishman. He lives in abuilding in the _2_ London. There areeighteen floors in the building and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He 3 a lift (電梯)to go up and down. He works very hard. He _4_ to work early. Every day he leaves his 5_and walks to the lift. He gets into the lift. It _6_him down to t

23、he first floor. He gets out of the lift. Then he walks to 二_bus stop. The bus stop is in front of a stati on .It is about two hun dred meters from _8 home. Usually, he catches the nu mber 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes 9 . He works in a factory about ten 10 from his home. His work starts at h

24、alf past eight, and fini shes at a quarter to five. He gets back home at half past5.1.A. tallB. shotC. smallD.large2.A. countryB. townC. cityD. village3.A. makesB. usesC.doesD.mends4.A. beg insB. wan tsC. runsD.goes5.A. homeB. build ingC. officeD.room6.A. costsB.spendsC. takesD.brin gs7.A. anB. aC.

25、theD./8.A. hisB. heC. himD. himself9.A. by pla neB. by trainC. on footD. by air10.A. metersB. kilometersC. minu tesD. hours舉一反三,一顯身手。七、根據(jù)提示寫尋物啟事和招領(lǐng)啟事1. John Smith丟了一個黑色錢包,他的電話是 3725684Lost:2. Helen Green拾到了一個手機,她的電話是 6452355Found:八、閱讀理解Sydney is the largest city in Australia. People call it “New Yor

26、k in the Souther Hemisphere南半球)”.People in Sydney call themselves Sydneysiders悉尼人,悉尼居民 ).More than thirty thousand native(本土的)people in Australia live in Sydney and people call them aborigines(原居民).In the late 1700s, most of the people in Sydney were British.The city has many famous places. The Sydn

27、ey Opera House is one of the most famous buildings in the world. It has about 1,000 rooms. The Sydney Tower is another place to visit. It is 304.8 meters high. On the towe,r people can see the whole city of Sydney.Because Sydney is in the Southern Hemisphe,reits season is opposite to 相( 反的 ) that in

28、 the Northern Hemisphere. The coldest month of the year in Sydney is July. People here seldom很少)see snow, but it snows sometimes.1. Sydney is in Australia.A. the biggest cityB. the second largest cityC. the smallest cityD. the second smallest city2. We call the native people in Australia .A. Sydneys

29、iders B. aboriginesC. Australians D. British3. In the late 1700s, most of the people in Sydney were .A. New Yorks B. AmericansC. British D. native people4. Which of the following sentences is not RIGHT?A. Sydney is in the Northern Hemisphere.B. The Sydney Opera House has about 1,000 rooms.C. On the

30、Sydney Towe,r people can see the whole Sydney.D. Sydney is a good place to visit.5. When it is summer in China, it is in Sydney.A. winter B. autumnC. summer D. springUnit 3導(dǎo)學(xué)案自主梳理,厚積薄發(fā)。一、重點詞匯拓展1. 手套 2.錢包3. 誰的 4.仔細的5你(們)的(東西)6. 她的(東西)7. 從現(xiàn)在開始8. 匆忙地9. 幾百;成百上千10. 尋找選詞填空your mine it Sierswhose1. cray on

31、 is this?Its Mike s2. The book is not. Is it yours?Yes, tha nk you,3. Are thesegloves, Daming?No, they aren t4. Whats the cat called?n ame is Mimi5. Is this the girl s bag?No, it s not.重點難點,一網(wǎng)打盡。三、句型轉(zhuǎn)換1. Jim comes from USA.(就畫線部分提問)mfrom?2. This is my schoolcard.改為一般疑問句,并作否定回答) thisschoolcard? , it.

32、3. She is a nurse對畫線部分提問)she?4. The camera isTony s (對畫線部分提問)camera is this?5. They are clea ning the room.(就劃線部分提問)they?四、用所給的詞的正確形式寫句子1. Let( I ) have a try please.2. What are you going(do) this weeke nd?.3. There(be) a party this weeke nd.4. How many(child) can you see?5. (hun dred) of people wer

33、e killed in the earthquake地震).舉一反三,一顯身手。五、完形填空Great weather! It is 1 and hot all day. We 2 to a beautiful beach. Wehave great fun 3 in the water. In the after noon, we also go4.On the way, I find a little boy_5_ in the corner. He is 6 . I help 7 findhis father. That makes me 8 very happy. I don lhav

34、e9 money10a taxi. So I walk back to the hotel.1. A. windB. cloud C. sunny D. rainy2.A. goB.goesC. doD. are3.A. playB. playedC. playingD. palys4.A. shopB. shoppingC. shoppedD. shops5.A. cryB. criedC. criesD. crying6.A. loseB. lostC. cryingD. shopping7.A. heB. hisC. himD. she8.A. feelB. feelingC. felt

35、D. have9.A. someB. anyC. a fewD. much10.A. withB. onC. forD. in六、 閱讀理解Every day Tom went to the market to buy food and other things. He put them in a big basket but he was old and weak, so he always paid another man to carry the basket home for him. But one Saturday,while he was walking home in fron

36、t of the man with the basket,the man ran away with it.The next Saturday,when Tom went to the market again,a friend of his said,“ Loo,kthere he is The man stole偷)your things last week.”Tom at once hid藏) beh ind a shop and stayed there un til the man left the market.His friend was very surprised,“Why

37、did you do tha?t ” he asked.“,W” elslaidTom. “That man was carrying my basket when he left me a weekago. He will want me to pay him for seven days work,and that will cost me more than a basket full of things!”1. After buying things,Tom always asked another man to carry the basket homefor him because

38、 .A. he could buy some other things easilyB. he was very illC. he was no longer young and no longer strong eitherD. he could talk to another man2. But one Saturday the man carrying the basket ran away with it. From this wecan see .A. Tom didnt pay him at firstB. Tom wasnt kind to himC. Tom was walki

39、ng in front of himD. the man was a thief小、偷)3. What made Toms frie nd surprised was.A. Tom was afraid of los ing ano ther basketB. Tom did nt see the man in the marketC. Tom did nt stop the manD. Tom went into a shop4. The market in the story was a place.A. to visit friendsB. to buy meat, vegetables

40、 and other kinds of thingsC. to wait for buses back homeD. to ask somebody to help you carry things七、單項選擇1. (2010 濰坊 21) Tom, Im watching a football match. What about you?A. So do I.B. So am I.C. So I do.D. So I am.辨析:tell, speak, say與 talk(1) tell常用于結(jié)構(gòu)tell sb sth或tell sb to do sth告訴某人某事”或 告訴某人去 做某事

41、”同時tell還可以表示 講故事”(2) speak意為演講”講某種語言”(3) say意為 說”其后必須加說的內(nèi)容,常用結(jié)構(gòu)say sth to sb告訴某人某(4)talk意為談?wù)?,報告”常用結(jié)構(gòu)talk to/with sb同某人講話”2. (2012 山西 21) Look at eraser on the floor. Whose is it?A. aB. anD. /C. the注解:看地板上這塊橡皮,是誰的?句中為特指,應(yīng)用定冠詞。3. (2012 河南 28) I left my keys in the room yesterday. I had to get in thewi

42、ndow.It s dangerous to do that.A. inB. throughC. overD. to辨析:across, cross, through 與 overacross, cros是橫過的意思,across是介詞,通常在用 go, run, swim.等搭配;cross 是動詞 ,通??梢灾苯臃旁诰渥又?;through是穿過,跟 across一樣介詞,通常在用 go, run, swim.等搭配 through與 cross的不同在于:through是從中間通過,across是從事物表面穿過,over是越過,在上方。4. (2012 東營 17)Whenever you meet with difficulties, you can ask the polic


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