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1、精品文檔1動(dòng)詞的時(shí)態(tài)語(yǔ)態(tài)完成句子1. Daniel s family _in Huangshan this time next week. (enjoy)下周的這個(gè)時(shí)候,丹尼爾一家人將在黃山享受他們的假期。2. John was giventhe same suitcasehisfatherand grandfather_.(take)約翰被給予他父親以及他的祖父曾帶到學(xué)校的手提箱。3. I m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul _. (break) So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last

2、saw them.我很驚奇地聽(tīng)說(shuō)Sue 和 Paul 已經(jīng)分手了。我也一樣為此驚奇。上次我見(jiàn)到他們時(shí),他們?cè)谝黄鹚坪鹾芸鞓?lè)。4. It is reported that the police _ of two missing children. (look)據(jù)報(bào)道警方不久將調(diào)查兩個(gè)孩子失蹤的案件。5.This is the first time we _ inthe cinema togetheras a family. (see)這是第一次我們一家人在一起看一場(chǎng)電影。6. Guess what, we ve got our visas for a short-term visit to th

3、e UK this summer. How nice! You _ a differentculture at thattime. (experience) 你猜怎么著。我們得到了今年暑假到英國(guó)作短期旅行的簽證。 多好?。∧菚r(shí)你將在體驗(yàn)一種不同的文化。7. When you are home, give a call to let me know you _. (arrive)當(dāng)你到家時(shí),請(qǐng)給我打個(gè)電話以讓我知道你已經(jīng)安全到達(dá)。8. I had wanted to help you but I was not able to spareany time.I _last night and Il

4、l finish it tonight.(write)我原打算幫你,但我抽不出時(shí)間。昨晚我在寫(xiě)一篇論文,并且我將于今晚把它寫(xiě)完。9. They intend to go on with the experiment until 10 oclock tomorrow morning, andby then they _ for 22 hours. (work)他們打算做實(shí)驗(yàn)到明天上午10 點(diǎn)鐘,到那時(shí)他們將已工作了22 小時(shí)。10. I _ over the Pacific Ocean this time the day after tomorrow. (fly)后天的這個(gè)時(shí)候,我將飛行在太平洋

5、上空。11. It is high time that _ the coming harvest season. (get)是我們?cè)摓橄乱荒甑氖斋@季節(jié)作好一切準(zhǔn)備的時(shí)候了。12. It was the third time that he _ the changes of the meeting. (inform)這是第三次他被告知會(huì)議的變化。13.By the time Jane gets home, her parents_ Beijingto attend a meeting.(leave)簡(jiǎn)到家時(shí)他的父母已動(dòng)身去北京參加一個(gè)會(huì)議去了。14.Although these engineer

6、s _ the project fornearly three years,I don tknow how long it will last. (work)盡管這些工程師已從事這個(gè)項(xiàng)目幾乎三年了,但我不知道它還會(huì)持續(xù)多久。15.He _ last night, but I dontknow whether he has finished it ornot. (write)。1歡迎下載精品文檔2他昨晚一直在寫(xiě)報(bào)告,但是我不知道他現(xiàn)在寫(xiě)完了沒(méi)有。16. Its only a two hoursbicycle ride from here to the cottage where a party_

7、. (hold)從這里到正在舉辦聚會(huì)的那個(gè)鄉(xiāng)村小屋騎車(chē)只有兩小時(shí)的路程。17. My cousin went to Canada two years ago. He _ for a few months and then went to America. (work)我的堂兄兩年前到加拿大去了。他在那里工作了幾個(gè)月,然后到美國(guó)去了。18. The young girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous.She_.(fly)飛機(jī)上坐在我旁邊的那個(gè)年輕女孩很緊張。她以前沒(méi)坐過(guò)飛機(jī)。19. Ladies and gentlemen, p

8、lease fasten your seatbelts. The plane _. (take)女士們,先生們,請(qǐng)系好安全帶。飛機(jī)就要起飛了。20. I _ foralmostten yearsbeforeI went to England.(study)去英國(guó)之前,我一直在學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ),幾乎十年時(shí)間。21. Great changes _ in my hometown in the past ten years and people are enjoying a much richer life now.(take)在過(guò)去的十年中我的家鄉(xiāng)發(fā)生了巨大變化,人們現(xiàn)在正在享有更加富有的生活。22. N

9、o sooner _ at the station than the train left. (arrive)我一到火車(chē)站,火車(chē)就離開(kāi)了。23.If it were not for the fact _,we would invite him to our party. (ill)如果不是因?yàn)樗×诉@個(gè)事實(shí),我們會(huì)邀請(qǐng)他參加我們的集會(huì)的。24.I _, but someone went to see me just when I was about toleave.(visit)我原打算要拜訪你的,但正當(dāng)我要離開(kāi)的時(shí)候有人來(lái)看我。25.Now that she is out of work,

10、 Lisa _ going back to school, butshe hasn tdecided yet.(consider)既然麗莎已經(jīng)失業(yè),她一直在考慮回校讀書(shū),但她還沒(méi)有作出決定。26.Last night, John was answering the lettersthat_during the pasttwo weeks.(arrive)昨天晚上,約翰在回前兩個(gè)星期寄給他的信。27._, some of the students wouldntlike to study any more.(point)正如已經(jīng)指出的那樣,有些學(xué)生不想再學(xué)習(xí)了。28. Jean did not

11、have time to go to the concert last night because_ her examination. (prepare)珍妮昨晚沒(méi)時(shí)間去參加音樂(lè)會(huì),因?yàn)樗τ谒目荚嚒?9. The film was a big success and since then I _ 12 films, such as The Matrix and Hand Ball. (act)這部電影取得了很大成功,自那以來(lái),我演了12 部電影,如Matrix和 Hand Ball 。30. He was finally admitted into university. Never b

12、efore _. (happy)他終于被大學(xué)錄取了。他以前從來(lái)沒(méi)那么高興過(guò)。31. I _ my study that I haventhad time for social work.。2歡迎下載精品文檔3(occupy)我一直忙于學(xué)習(xí),以至于我沒(méi)有時(shí)間去參與社會(huì)活動(dòng)。32. By the time he retired,George _ to buy a holidayhome. (save)到喬治退休時(shí),他已經(jīng)攢夠了買(mǎi)度假屋的錢(qián)。33. I am afraidyou had betternot callme at 3 oclockon the afternoonof tomorrow.I

13、 _ then (have)你最好不要在明天下午3 點(diǎn)鐘給我打電話。那時(shí)我在開(kāi)會(huì)。33. He has been suspected of taking government funds for himself and_ by the police. (investigate)他已經(jīng)被懷疑挪用政府資金,正在接受警方調(diào)查。35. I really admire her because she _ those kids on her own. (bring)我的確佩服她,因?yàn)樗孔约喊涯切┖⒆訐狃B(yǎng)大了。36.She _ her homework when her mother asked her

14、 to practice playingthe piano yesterday.昨天她一完成作業(yè),她媽媽就叫她練習(xí)彈鋼琴。37._ more Americans killed in road accidents than inall the wars since 1990. (there)自從 1990 年以來(lái),與在所有戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)中死亡的人數(shù)相比,更多的美國(guó)人死于道路交通事故。38. He was so lucky that the Royal Society gave him the opportunity_(wait).他是如此幸運(yùn)以致皇家協(xié)會(huì)給了他他一直在等候的機(jī)會(huì)。39. Were you

15、surprised by the ending of the film? No, I _, so I already knew the story. (read) 你對(duì)電影的結(jié)局感到驚訝嗎? 不,我讀過(guò)這本書(shū),因此我已知道故事。40. Come on, Peter. I want to show you something. Oh, how nice of you! _ that you would bring me such a good gift. (think) 過(guò)來(lái), 彼得,我有東西要給你看。 啊,你真是太好了!我沒(méi)有想到你會(huì)給我?guī)?lái)如此好的一件禮物。Keys:1.will be en

16、joying their holiday30. had he been so happy2.had taken to school31. have been so occupied with3.have broken up32. had saved enough money4.will soon look into the case33. will be having a meeting5.have seen a film34. is being investigated6.will be experiencing35. has brought up7. have arrived safely

17、8. was writing an essay9. will have been working10. will be flying11. we got/ should get everything ready for12. had been informed of13. will have left for。3歡迎下載精品文檔414. have been working on15. was writing a report16. is being held17. worked there18. hadntflown before19. is taking off20. had been studying English21. have


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