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1、1 國際會議交流英語國際會議交流英語 2 Meeting Conference Congress Symposium Convention Seminar Workshop ForumColloquium Meeting會議,最一般的用詞,規(guī)??纱罂尚?,層 次可高可低,可以是正式或非正式的聚會,如告別會 議、聯(lián)席會議、首腦會議、緊急會議等。 3 Meeting Conference Congress Symposium Convention Seminar Workshop ForumColloquium Conference 大會,較正式用詞,使用范圍甚廣,多 數(shù)國際會議用此詞,如: Yal

2、ta Conference、 International Conference on Smart Materials 等 4 Meeting Conference Congress Symposium Convention Seminar Workshop ForumColloquium Congress 代表大會,由正式代表出席的會議,一 般規(guī)模較大,如國際地球物理學(xué)家代表大會、共產(chǎn)黨 和全國人民代表大會(National Peoples Congress)等。 Lianghui 7 Meeting Conference Congress Symposium Convention Semin

3、ar Workshop ForumColloquium Convention例會,政黨、學(xué)術(shù)團體、專業(yè)協(xié)會、 行業(yè)或工業(yè)的成員、代表或代表團員等出席的本組織 范圍內(nèi)正式會議。如Annual Convention of the Materials Society. 8 Meeting Conference Congress Symposium Convention Seminar Workshop ForumColloquium Symposium研討會,主要指專題性的學(xué)術(shù)會議, 尤指參與者既為聽眾,又做演講的聚會或會議。通常 范圍比較窄,主題比較突出。如:International Sympo

4、sium on Polymer Hydrogel 9 Brief Introduction of Conference 會議會議 Meeting Conference Congress Symposium Convention Seminar Workshop ForumColloquium Seminar討論會,如教授定期與學(xué)生討論他們的報 告和發(fā)現(xiàn)、研究生班的專題討論會。Research Seminar (科 研討論會)、Teaching Seminar(課堂討論會)、 Problem Seminar (問題討論會) 10 Meeting Conference Congress Sympo

5、sium Convention Seminar Workshop ForumColloquium Workshop經(jīng)驗交流會,討論會一種強調(diào)信息在通 常比較少的參與者之間的交流與交換,包括知識和經(jīng) 驗,強調(diào)實際操作。如Dr. Zhang Nianyi chaired a workshop on microgel. 11 Meeting Conference Congress Symposium Convention Seminar Workshop ForumColloquium Forum論壇,公眾會議,討論大眾關(guān)心問題的集 會。如Education Forum, Finance Forum

6、 12 Meeting Conference Congress Symposium Convention Seminar Workshop ForumColloquium Colloquium學(xué)術(shù)討論會/專題座談會,大的學(xué)術(shù) Seminar,討論為交換意見的會晤。 Intelligent Polymer Colloquium 2008 13 Plenary Sessions Parallel Sessions Poster Sessions General Assembly Formal Meetings 大會開幕式 分組會 全體大會 張貼會 Oral Presentation 口頭報告 Po

7、ster Presentation 墻報 14 Name (會議名稱)(會議名稱) Date (會議日期)(會議日期) Location (會議地點)(會議地點) Topics for Discussion (會議主題)(會議主題) Abstract:最終期限、長度、格式最終期限、長度、格式 Full Text:最終期限、長度、格式、最終期限、長度、格式、 影印以及其它一些要求。影印以及其它一些要求。 Model of Presentation:口頭報告、口頭報告、 墻報,報告時間,報告所需條件,墻報,報告時間,報告所需條件, 版權(quán)問題等。版權(quán)問題等。 Sponsors decimals an

8、d fractions; ab; a/b; A的的n次方次方 60 Reading Manuscripts Various Formula Mathematical Expressions Chemical Formulas 2 1 2488. 3 8 5 68)( It is generally read as : eight plus six and five-eighths minus three point eighty-eight multiplied by four, all divided by two and a half. It might also be read as:

9、eight plus six and five over eight minus three decimal double eight times four divided by two and one over two. 61 Reading Manuscripts Various Formulas Mathematical Expressions Chemical Formulas R T T B Axar n log 31 It is generally read as : a times r to the n minus one power plus the cube root of

10、x, equals A plus B over T, plus T over log R. 62 Reading Manuscripts Various Formulas Mathematical Expressions Chemical Formulas dxxf r n x dx b x n 0 2 0 2 0 )()( cos1 It can be read simply as : the integral from zero to pi over two of dx over one plus times cosine of x, plus the sum from r equals

11、zero to r equals n of the quantity n things taken r at a time squared, equals the integral from x equals zero to b of f of x. 63 Reading Manuscripts Various Formulas Mathematical Expressions Chemical Formulas nnnnn bba nn bnaaba 221 2 ) 1( )( It can be read as : the quantity a plus b to the nth powe

12、r equals a to the nth power plus n times the quantity a to the n minus one power times b plus n times n minus one divided by two times the quantity a to the n minus two power times b squared down to b to the nth power. 64 Reading Manuscripts Various Formulas Mathematical Expressions Chemical Formula

13、s It can be read as : F E and S react to give F E S. FeFe + + S S FeSFeS It can be read as: S I O two and two C react to form S I and two CO. SiOSiO2 2 + 2C Si + 2CO + 2C Si + 2CO 65 Reading Manuscripts Various Formulas Mathematical Expressions Chemical Formulas It can be read as : two K C L O three

14、, when heated in the presence of a manganese dioxide as a catalyst forms two K C L and releases three O two. It can also be read as : two potassium chlorate, in the presence of a manganese dioxide catalyst on heating, form two potassium chloride and three oxygen. 2KClO2KClO3 3 2KCl + 3O 2KCl + 3O2 2

15、 MnOMnO2 2 66 Reading Manuscripts Various Formulas Mathematical Expressions Chemical Formulas In oral presentation, it usually can not be read as : six N H four O H plus A L two open bracket S O four close bracket three times yield two A L open bracket O H close bracket three times plus three open b

16、racket N H four close bracket twice S O four. It can be read as : when ammonium hydroxide is added to a solution of aluminum sulfate, aluminum hydroxide and ammonium sulfate are formed. 6 NH4OH + Al2(SO4)3 2Al(OH)3 + 3(NH4)2SO4 67 Reading Manuscripts Various Formulas Mathematical Expressions Chemica

17、l Formulas It can be read as :P V equals N R T equals g over M times R T. Where: P=pressure, V= volume, N= g/m, R= ideal-gas constant, T= absolute temperature, g= weight of gas of molecular weight M RT M g NRTPV 68 Reading Manuscripts Abbreviation 縮寫縮寫 AbbreviationEnglish Meaning caabout et aland ot

18、hers etc.and so on v. i.see below e.g.for example ibid.in the same place i.e.that is to say i.q.the same as ioc.citin the place cited 69 Reading Manuscripts Punctuation 標(biāo)點符號標(biāo)點符號 n Parentheses / brackets (括號) 書寫:In the experiment mentioned above, we examined the material and all the physical quantiti

19、es (temperature, pressure and specific weight, etc.) were obtained. 閱讀:In the above mentioned experiment, we examined the material, and all the physical quantities including temperature, pressure and specific weight, and so on were obtained. , which include (s) , Which are (s) , in whichare (is) sho

20、wn as , from which we obtain. , that is , including , that means , please see. , as indicated in , such as , namely 70 Reading Manuscripts n Comma (逗號) 閱讀:and under that condition, the electrical energy was converted to heat, (換氣) light or sound. n Quotation Marks (引號) 書寫:The “heat-to-foot” erection

21、 they began to practice in the 70s has now been adopted worldwide. 閱讀:The so called “heat-to-foot” erection they began to practice in the 70s has now been adopted worldwide. n Dot (圓點) 數(shù)學(xué)上:ab=c reads as a times b equals c. 化學(xué)上:can be read as “dot”. 如:Na2CO310H2O can be read as N A two C O three dot

22、ten H two O. 71 Reading Manuscripts n Dash (破折號) 書寫:We know that Madame Curie and her husbands long and arduous efforts were finally crowned with great success in July 1898they discovered a radioactive element, namely polonium. 閱讀:We know that Madame Curie and her husbands long and arduous efforts w

23、ere finally crowned with great success in July 1898, that is ,they discovered a radioactive element, namely polonium. n Slant (斜杠) 閱讀:The circulating water system consists of cooling tower/basin, pump structure and supply/return pipelines. and 或者 or 72 uBrief Introduction of Conference uObtaining Co

24、nference Information uKeeping up Pre-/Post- conference Correspondence uPreparing Conference Paper uReading Manuscripts uPreparing a Presentation uBeginning and Ending the Speech uDelivering the Speech uAsking and Answering Questions uFormality in Conference 73 n Planning Delivery 有計劃有計劃 n Paraphrasi

25、ng Key Points 有重點有重點 n Considering the Audience 有聽眾有聽眾 n Practicing Speaking 有練習(xí)有練習(xí) 74 n Optimizing Psychology and Building up Confidence 調(diào)整心態(tài)樹立信心調(diào)整心態(tài)樹立信心 n Controlling the Voice n 控制好音量、語速和語調(diào)控制好音量、語速和語調(diào) n On-the-spot Adjustment n 隨機應(yīng)變隨機應(yīng)變 n Approaches to Beginning/Ending the Speech n有始有終有始有終 75 Mr.

26、 Chairman, ladies and gentleman, The title of my presentation is Mr. Chairman, representatives, I am very glad to have the opportunity to report my research on such occasion. Ill lay my stress on the following three aspects. The first aspect is . Mr. Chairman, fellow colleagues, I have been greatly

27、enlightened by the previous talks I have heard here. And now, I would like to talk about my own work, which will be dealt with in the following way . 開門見山開門見山 76 Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Ladies and gentleman, what I am going to say can be roughly summed up into the following three points. First, let

28、s see slide No.1 Mr. Chairman, Thank you for your introduction and also for your efforts in making the opening of the conference so successful. Just now the over-praised introduction you have given me, . Dear colleagues, First of all, I would like to thank our Mr. Chairman and our generous hosts for

29、 providing many professionals who have come from all over the world with such a pleasant atmosphere to meet, exchange views, and share thoughts and finding. What I like to talk about is . 開言感激開言感激 77 Mr. Chairman. First of all, I would like to make an explanationThe paper I am going to present to yo

30、u now is mainly finished by Prof. Chen Li. Its a pity that she had an important meeting of our university before our departure for the conference. Here, on behalf of Prof. Chen, Id like to express our warm congratulation on the successful opening of the conference. Good afternoon, Ladies and gentlem

31、an, I have talked about my own work this morning, and now, with the kind permission of Mr. Chairman, Ill present the following paper for my colleague, Dr. Wu Binbin, who is unable to come. . 開言說明開言說明 78 Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentleman, At this season of the year when the leaves turn red, Im certa

32、inly very happy to have the opportunity to come to Hokkaido to attend the 8th China-Japan Joint Conference on Composites (CJJCC-8). That all. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Thank you all. Well, I think this might be a good place for me to wind up my talk. Thank you everyone. That all for my talk. Thank yo

33、u for your attention. 開言詼諧開言詼諧 結(jié)語簡單結(jié)語簡單 注意:注意: 開場開場 Avoid Apologizing 結(jié)束結(jié)束 Be consistent and brief 79 結(jié)語模板結(jié)語模板 80 uBrief Introduction of Conference uObtaining Conference Information uKeeping up Pre-/Post- conference Correspondence uPreparing Conference Paper uReading Manuscripts uPreparing a Speech

34、uBeginning and Ending the Speech uDelivering the Speech uAsking and Answering Questions uFormality in Conference 81 n Accuracy 準(zhǔn)確準(zhǔn)確 n Conciseness, Immediacy, Concreteness 簡明簡明 直接直接 具體具體 nCoherence, ,Parallelism and Appropriateness 一致一致 對應(yīng)對應(yīng) 恰當(dāng)恰當(dāng) 82 uBrief Introduction of Conference uObtaining Confer

35、ence Information uKeeping up Pre-/Post- conference Correspondence uPreparing Conference Paper uReading Manuscripts uPreparing a Speech uBeginning and Ending the Speech uDelivering the Speech uAsking and Answering Questions uFormality in Conference 83 n Extensiveness 廣泛性廣泛性 n Unpredictability 不可預(yù)見性不可

36、預(yù)見性 n Timeliness 適時性適時性 澄清問題澄清問題 表明興趣表明興趣 表示異議表示異議 指責(zé)非難指責(zé)非難 What are the methodological limitations in this study and how would you correct them given unlimited time and money? What recommendations do you have for future research? What is the most important contribution of your thesis? Can you say i

37、t in one or two sentences? Examples I dont quite understand what you really mean by saying “”. Can you explain it again? I would like to ask you a question, or rather, make a request. Is it possible for you to show me again your last slide?. Question: I dont quite understand what you really mean by

38、saying . Can you explain it again? Answer: To answer your question, Id like to repeat the third point of what I said just now. well, I was saying Hearing the question clearly Judging correctly the question Repeating the previous remarks Answering questions partially. 88 u I beg your pardon? u What w

39、as that, please? u Sorry, I didnt catch what you have said. Would you mind repeating your question again? Techniques of Answering u If you dont mind, I would frankly ask you a question. (不太友好不太友好) u To answer your question, I will just repeat what I said in my talk u Sorry, Im not quite sure of your

40、 question, could I understand your question like this u For the time being, I would like to answer your question of u The validity of the theory has become obvious in recent findings. Perhaps I could give you more examples concerning this. 89 u I am afraid Im unable to give you the concrete parameters you ask for at the moment because we are just at the beginning of the experiment, and the accuracy of some of the data available still remains to be increased and finally verified u Its a good question.


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