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1、Shipping、Trading and Chartering and Terms Definitions 國際貿(mào)易、航運、租船和保險縮略語 Abbreviation Meaning AA abandon 放棄abaft 船后部 abandon 棄貨協(xié)商,棄貨協(xié)議 abstracts 摘要aboard 已裝船的,在船上 absorption 原價,底價 acceptance 承兌,接收accessibility (承運人) 綜合運輸能力 account 帳目,理由,說明 acquiescence 默示條款,默許條 acquittance 清欠收據(jù) addendum 補遺,附錄;addition

2、al 附加的;adopt 采用,收養(yǎng)adventure 風險單 Africa 非洲;aft (在)船尾agency 代理處,代理agent 代理aground 擱淺 airborne 空運的;airline 航線,航空公司;allocation 分配,艙位(分配)altitude 高度,標高,海拔anchorage 錨地Arabian Sea (印度洋) 阿拉伯海,Arabia 阿拉伯(半島)arbitration 仲裁 arbitrary 價格額度 arrival/arrive 到達,抵達;aspect 方面asset 資產(chǎn)association 協(xié)會,聯(lián)合(會) at(unit price

3、) 單價;以價格auction 拍賣Australia 澳大利亞(的,人) accepted 已承兌,已接收;account 帳戶,帳目Addendum (租船)補充協(xié)議 advance 預(yù)付,墊款,漲價advance 提前裝船 aerial 航空的;after 在之后;affreightment 租船貨運 Aframax 7.511.5萬噸級油輪(代號) agent(Agt.) (1)經(jīng)紀人;(2)經(jīng)銷商;(3)當?shù)夭少徤蹋唬?)銷售代理;(5)銷售代表 agglomeration 共艙權(quán) adjustment 海損理算alongside 船邊,貨交船邊 allotment 分配倉容/艙位

4、annual 每年的,年度 answer 回答,答復(fù);ante (Lat-before) (拉)前,在先的 article 商品,條款,項目appraisement 定稅 apron 碼頭前沿assessed 估價的,征收的assignment 提單轉(zhuǎn)讓 astern (在)船尾,船尾部 attached 隨附的,附帶的 attorney 代理人/委托人available 可用的,有現(xiàn)貨的,可訂得艙位的 automatic 汽車; azimuth 方位(角)的,海運航線(向)A1 first quality, first class 優(yōu)等的,一等品質(zhì)AA always afloat 始終保持漂

5、??; against actual 以期貨兌換現(xiàn)貨;all along 始終,一慣; achievement age 成就年齡;acting appointment 代理職務(wù);always accessible 保持可卸的 after arrival 到達后,抵港后;a.a.= always afloat (see AA)AAAA always accessible always afloat 始終保持漂浮和可卸AAC activity address code 單位地址代號;average annual cost 年平均費用,年平均成本;account (also acct) 賬戶,帳目AA

6、DA Asia Australia Discussion Agreement 亞洲/澳洲運價協(xié)議組織AADIS at a discount 打折扣,票面價格以下AAOD Additional for Alteration of Destination 變更卸貨港附加費 AAOSA Always Afloat or Safe Aground. 始終保持漂浮或不擱淺Condition for a Vessel whilst in port (租船)在港的(安全)條款A(yù)AR against all risks 保全險,綜合險Association of American Railroads 美國鐵路

7、協(xié)會A.A.R. against all risks 一切險AAS annual automated controls survey(of a ship) 船舶自動控制裝置年度檢驗AARA AmsterdamAntwerp-Rotterdam Area 阿姆斯特丹、安特衛(wèi)普、鹿特丹范圍內(nèi)各港口AATF airport and airway trust fund 機場建設(shè)基金AATM at all times 無論什么時候AB able-bodied seaman (also ABS) 一水,一等水手advising bank 通知(銀)行 accommodation bill 融通匯票; Am

8、erican Bureau of Shipping(also A.B.S.); Or:American Ship Classification Society 美國船級社,美國船舶局ab ab(=from)(拉) 從absolute 絕對的; (a.b.)above bridges (裝卸處在) 船橋以上; airborne 空運的,空降的; average bond 共同海損協(xié)議書,海損分擔保證書A/B air bill 空運提單;appointed bank 指定銀行;Abbr(ev)/ abn abbreviation (also abb, abn) 縮寫,縮略語;ABC advance

9、d booking charter 預(yù)定包機 activity-based costing 業(yè)務(wù)活動成本管理 A.B.C Container Line NV (BE) ABC貨柜航運公司(比)ABCA ABC analysis 庫存貨物分類,庫存貨物分析ABC code ABC commercial secret code 商業(yè)密碼ABD abandoned 放棄的,報廢的;abbreviated dialling (電話)縮位撥號,簡略撥號;aboard 在船(車、飛機)上;abdnt abandonment 放棄,委付;ABDT after ballast deep tank 船尾壓載深水

10、艙;Abend abnormal end of task 工作異常結(jié)束;ab ex ab extra (Latin-from without) (拉) 自外部,外來; ABI Automated Broker Interface 美國電子報關(guān)系統(tǒng)ab init ab initio (Latin-from the beginning) (拉) 自始,從頭起,從開始;A.B/L accommodation bill of lading 通融提單; above base line 基準線以下; accomplish a Bill of Lading (to) 憑(提)單提貨,付(提)單提貨 adva

11、nced bill of lading 預(yù)借提單 anti-dated Bill of lading 倒簽提單AB No accepted bill number 進口到貨單編號;ABR(R) aboriginal 原生的,當?shù)氐?,ABO;ABT about 大約;關(guān)于; ABP annual buy program 年度購買計劃;ABR(abr) abridged/abridgement 摘要(的),節(jié)略(的)ABS American Bureau of Shipping 美國船舶局 ABSE absolute error 絕對誤差;abst(r) abstract(s) 摘要,文摘; ab

12、s sta abstract statement 摘要說明書ABT(abt) about 關(guān)于,大約,對于,近似;AC abandonment clause 委付條款(保險術(shù)語)accessorial Charges (運費) 附加費account current 往來帳戶;帳戶,一切險 address commission 租船代理傭金,委托傭金;advanced Charge 預(yù)付費用 aftercastle 船尾樓;agent of carrier 承運代理人 air cargo 空運貨物 air carrier 空運承運人,空運公司 alteration Charge 變更卸貨港附加費

13、amendment charge (提單)改單費assignment clause 轉(zhuǎn)讓條款(保險術(shù)語)average clause 共同海損分擔條款(保險術(shù)語) average cost 平均成本awkward Cargo 不規(guī)則貨物 course of advance 計劃航向A/C for account of 為。代銷;(費用由。負擔) account=charterer 租船人 accumulative commission 累計傭金 account 計算,賬戶A.C. additional charge or accessory charge (電報)附加費;ACA accessi

14、on compensatory amounts (customs) (海關(guān)) 估算賠償額 aircargo agent 航空運輸代理,空運承運人代理ACBL American Commercial Barge Line company 美國商業(yè)駁船航運公司ACC aircargo container 空運集裝箱 all-cargo carrier 全貨運(空運)承運人 alameda Corridor Charge 火車通道費,內(nèi)陸轉(zhuǎn)運費ACC. acceptance; accepted (已)承兌,(已)接受,認付; (also accc, acceptn=acceptance) acces

15、s 通道;訪問,存取;ACC(Y) accessory 附件,零件;ACC;ACDNT accident 事故,意外的事;ACC(LY);ACCY accordingly 根據(jù),按照,依據(jù);ACC(DG);ACC TO according to 依據(jù),按照,根據(jù)ACC.DMGE accidental damage 意外(事故)損壞,意外的損害 ACC.COP. according to the custom of the port(按照港口慣例)ACCDG according to 根據(jù)ACCEPT Accelerated Cargo Clearance Entry Processing Te

16、chnique(USA) (美)加速貨物進出口手續(xù)處理技術(shù); Accelerated Cargo Clearance & Entry Processing Pilot Test (USA) (美)加速(貨物)通關(guān)抽驗制度;ACCESS Automated Cargo Control & Expediting System Solution 自動化貨物管理與配送系統(tǒng)解決方案ACCIS Account Current Company Information System 往來帳戶公司信息系統(tǒng);ACCOM;ACOMNa accommodation 融通,招待,設(shè)備,調(diào)解,居住艙室;A

17、CCN. L. accommodation ladders 舷梯,扒梯ACCPTBL acceptable 可接受的ACCT account 賬產(chǎn),帳目,核算,費用;ACCT No. account number 帳號ACCT PAY account payable 應(yīng)付賬款;ACCT REC. account receivable 應(yīng)收賬款;ACD advanced copies delivered 副本已發(fā)(送)出; asia clearing dollar 亞洲清算貨幣; automatic closing device 自動閉合裝置;ACDC accordance 一致;ACE acc

18、eptance checkout equipment 驗收設(shè)備; acknowledge enable 認識能力; air conditioning equipment 空調(diào)設(shè)備 American Commodity Exchange 美國商品交易所; automatic cost estimates 自動成本估算; automated control equipment 自動控制設(shè)備;ACE/OCS a cost estimating/order control system 成本預(yù)算/訂單控制系統(tǒng);acft acre-foot 英畝英尺;飛機(aircraft)ACG according

19、to 按照,根據(jù);ACGR Ace Group 冠航集團ACK(NLG)D acknowledged 收到,收悉,得到確認的ACKGT,ACKMT,ACKNT acknowledgement 確認,收條,回執(zhí),回單,告知收到;ACL actual 實際的,現(xiàn)實的; allowable cabin load 容許搭載量,航空限額; allowable cargo load 允許載貨量 additional Cargo List 貨物清單 atlantic Contaier Line 大西洋集裝箱航運公司ACN advance change notice 更改預(yù)告; air consignment

20、 空運托運單; all concerned notified 已通知所有相關(guān)單位;ACOE acceptance check out equipment 驗收檢查設(shè)備; ACOL after Completion of Loading 裝貨完成后A.&C.P. anchors &Chains Proved 錨和錨鏈試驗合格ACPT acceptance 接受 ACS (A.C.S.) Automated Commercial Systems 美國海關(guān)商業(yè)電腦系統(tǒng)ACT air cargo terminal 航空貨運站 Associated Container Transport

21、ation 聯(lián)合集裝箱運輸公司(英)ACTILI Accordo Tirreno-Libia (Italian-Tirreno-Libya Agreement) 意大利蒂雷諾-利比亞協(xié)議(運價公會)ACT STD actual standard 現(xiàn)行標準;ACT VAL actual value 實際價值;ACT.WT. actual weight 實際重量; A.C.V. , ACV actual cash value 實際現(xiàn)金價值;ACV form A Lloyds policy form of insurance on an air oushion vessel hovercraft 勞

22、氏氣墊船運輸保險單;ACW anti-clockwise 逆時針方向; America Chain of Warehouse 美國倉庫連鎖AD above deck 在甲板上 accidental damage 意外事故損失險;actual Displacement 實際排水量 additional duty 追加關(guān)稅; addressed 致,寄給,向表示,向提出; after discharge 卸貨后;aft draft 尾吃水;air draft 干舷 alongside date 靠岸接受貨載日期 anchorage dues 錨泊費 application to deliver f

23、or export 出口交貨申請 area differential 地區(qū)差價 awning deck 遮陽甲板;天蓬甲板 add 增加,追加;addendum(addends) 附錄; advance 預(yù)付(款);advertisement 廣告; advise 勸告,建議,通知;aerodrone 機場; alternate days 間隔日數(shù);average depth 平均深度 after day 在指定日期后;on alternate day 隔日;ADA accelerated depreciation allowance 加速折舊扣除 all details about 所有資料

24、僅供參考(不保證準確)ADALCON(ADCON) advise all concerned 請告訴各相關(guān)單位;ADAP adapted 適合的,適應(yīng)于的,改寫的;ADARE advise date of receipt 通知收到日期;ADASH advise date of shipment 通知裝運日期;ADAV advice of availability 告知有無,請告知能否提供;ADAVL advise availability 通知可供情況ADB/L anti-dated bill of lading 倒簽提單ADC advance charges 預(yù)付費用ADCOM (ADD.C

25、OMM) address Commission 租船傭金,代理傭金ADD anti-Dumping Duty 反傾銷稅ADD. address commission 訂艙傭金,租船傭金ADEMP advise next employment 請告下航次任務(wù) ADF after deducting freight (also adf) 運費扣除后;ADFT AFT DRAFT (艉吃水)船艉吃水;ad init ad initium (Latin-beginning) 起初,開始;ad int ad interium (Latin-temporary) 臨時,暫時;ADK awning deck

26、 散步甲板;ad lib ad libitum (Latin-ones pleasure) 隨意(量);ADM admission 允許進入,錄??;airdrome 飛機場;Adm Co; Adm Ct Admiralty Court(UK) (英) 海事法庭;Admin. Cd. Administrative Code 行政法典,行政規(guī)則;ADMT airdry metric ton 風干公噸;ADMTD admitted 許可的ADMV arrived damaged market value 抵達時受損市價ADN Adriatica DI Navigazione SpA 亞得利亞航運公司

27、(意大利)ADNL additional 附加的,額外的; ADD-ON tariff(also proportional rate or arbitrary in US) 費率(美國對非基本港口的附加費)ad val.(a/v) ad valorem (according to value) 從價費率AND European Provisions concerning the InternationalCarriage of Dangerous Goods on Inland Waterway 內(nèi)河危險品國際運輸歐洲規(guī)則ADP automated data processing 自動數(shù)據(jù)處理

28、ADR European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road 歐洲國際公路危險貨物運輸協(xié)定; address (also adrs) 地址 asset depreciation range 資產(chǎn)折舊年限幅度;ADRDE advise reason for delay 請通知推遲原因;ADS aerial delivery system 空運系統(tǒng) Autograph Document Signed 有親筆簽名的文件 additional duty on sugar 糖的附加關(guān)稅;AD

29、SAP advise as soon as possible. 盡快通知,速告; ADSDA advise earliest date 通知最后日期;ADSHPDAT advise shipping data 通知裝運情況;ad us ad usum (拉) 依慣例,照例;ADV Advise /Advance 告知,建議,勸告/提前 advice 通知(書、單),報告 advocate 律師;adv(is) advisory 勸告的,咨詢;ADVAC advise acceptance 通知接受; Ad Valorem/Adv A term from latin meaning, “acco

30、rding to value.” 拉丁文條款,“從價、按價” ad val.(a/v) Ad valorem (according to value) 從價,按價ADV CHGS advance charges 預(yù)付費用;ADVD advised 已通知;ADV FRT advance freight 預(yù)付運費;ADVS advance payment 預(yù)付;adverse 相反的,敵對的; adviser 顧問;ADVTG advantage 利益,優(yōu)勢;ADX Automatic Data Exchange System 自動數(shù)據(jù)交換系統(tǒng)AE after end 船艉,尾端 air Exp

31、ress 航空快遞third class 三等(類)船; almost everywhere 幾乎處處,幾乎每個地方 air entraining 空運;at age of (拉)歲 A/E accept/except 接受除非;承認除外。(?)AEAP as early as possible 盡早AEB American Express Bank 美國運通銀行;AEC at earliest convenience 得便即請,盡早AECS Australia Europe Container Service 澳大利亞歐洲集裝箱服務(wù)公司AEE absolute essential equip

32、ment 絕對必要設(shè)備;AEI air express international 國際航空快郵AEL American-European Lines 美歐輪船公司AER after engine room 尾機艙AET actual elapsed time 實際工作時間,實際使用時間; AETR European Agreement concerning the work of vehicles engaged in crews of international road transport 從事國際公路運輸車輛從業(yè)人員工作的歐洲協(xié)定AEXL American Export Lines 美

33、國出口航運公司A.F. advanced Freight 預(yù)付運費AF,A/F, af, a/f affiliate 分會,分公司 agency fee (船舶)代理費 air freight 空運(費); as follows 如下; also for (referring to port or ports to be touched the ship) 船舶掛靠港; application form 申請書格式;AFA, afa as far as 直到;AFAC, afac as fast as can 盡快;AFB air freight bill 空運提單,A.F.B air Fre

34、ight Bill 空運運單;AFC Association France Containers 法國集裝箱協(xié)會; automatic fare collection 自動收費裝置; average fixed cost 平均固定成本 AMS Filing Charges 美國自動報關(guān)費 AFCT affect 影響;AFD, afd accelerated freeze drying (食物)速凍干燥;AFDB auxiliary floating dry dock big 大型干浮船塢;AFDL auxiliary floating dry dock little 小型干浮船塢;AFDM auxiliary floating dry dock medium 中型干浮船塢AFE authorization for expenditure 預(yù)算/經(jīng)費批準,核準AFEB authorized Foreign Exchange Bank 指定的外匯銀行AFF affairs 事務(wù); affirmative 肯定的,贊成的 after fixing 我需要查下再告訴你AFFD affirmed 收到來電;


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