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1、Free talk :Do you like any fairy stories(神話故事)?Which fairy story do you like best ?第1頁/共14頁Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 白雪公主和七個小矮人Cinderella 灰姑娘Sleeping Beauty 睡美人第2頁/共14頁Da yu Controlling the floods 大禹治水大禹治水 the cowboy and the weaving girl 牛郎織女牛郎織女第3頁/共14頁Enjoy the video and guess :Alice in Wond

2、erland 愛麗絲夢游仙境Alice & a rabbit1.Whats the name of the film ?2.What are the main characters(主要人物) in the video ?Pre-reading第4頁/共14頁Listen and answer:1.Where did Alice sit with her sister ?2.What was on the other side of the door ?Alice sat by a river with her sister. A lovely garden. 第5頁/共14頁Skim

3、 and finish T/F:1.It was a cloudy day.2.Alice was playing with a rabbit.3.The rabbit asked Alice the time.4.The rabbit jumped down the hole first.5.It took Alice a long time to hit the ground in the hole.6.Alice talked to the rabbit in the hole.FFFTTFWhile-reading第6頁/共14頁Divide the story into 3 part

4、s according to the place of Alice:by a river in the field in the hall Para. 段落 Para.1Para.2Para.3Para.4Para.5abc第7頁/共14頁Task1 (by a river)Read para1-2 and answer: Who did these? sat by a riverlooked at the timelooked uppassed bytook a watchheard a sound第8頁/共14頁1.Where did the rabbit go?2.What did Al

5、ice do then, and why?Task2 (In the field) Read Para3 and answer:It jumped down a big hole. She jumped down the big hole too, because she didnt want to let the rabbit get away.第9頁/共14頁Task3 (In the hall) Read Para4-5 and finish the table:1.There were doors all around, but2.Alice saw a small key on a

6、table,3.Alice saw a lovely garden on the other side, and tried to go through the door,they were all locked.it did not fit any of the doors.she was too big.第10頁/共14頁 One day, Alice sat a river, then she saw a white rabbit by. The rabbit a watch out of its and looked at the time. Soon the rabbit ran a

7、 field . It Alice. So she ran after it. They both jumped into a . Alice_ the ground, and found herself in a long ,low hall. She saw a_ on a table and _ it to open a small door. She wanted to go the door, but she couldnt.bypassingtookpocketacrosssurprisedholekeythrough hitaloneusedAfter-reading第11頁/共14頁careful breivbrave(勇敢的) clever friendly . Alice is clever, brave and careful, so she can find her wonderland in the story. I think if you are clever, brave and careful like Alice , you can also find your wonderla


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