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1、英語句子成分賓語講解 什么是賓語?作者: admin來源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)文章 時(shí)間: 2016-06-15句子中,表示謂語動詞動作對象的成分叫賓語,賓語是動作的承受著。英語中,及物動詞(或相當(dāng)于及物動詞的短語動詞)、介詞后須帶賓語,少數(shù)形容詞后也可以帶賓語??梢該?dān)任賓語的有:名詞、代詞、數(shù)詞、動詞不定式(短語)、動名詞、名詞化的形容詞以及從句(賓語從句)等。(1)、名詞I am reading a book. 名詞作動詞read的賓語。)I'm going to Beijing with my father. (名詞作介詞with的賓語。)We couldn't finish

2、 the work without his help. (同上)In the past, many parents couldn't afford education for their children.(2)、代詞Yesterday, Tom' mother looked after him at home.(代詞賓格him作短語動詞look after的賓語。)Please look it up in the dictionary. (代詞賓格it 作短語動詞look up的賓語)I have something to tell you.(不定代詞短語作動詞have的賓語

3、)What would you like? (疑問代詞作動詞like的賓語。)Yesterday my father bought me a new bike. (分別作動詞bought的間接賓語和直接賓語)We got lost and couldn't find each other. (反身代詞)(3)、數(shù)詞Give me three, please! (數(shù)詞作直接賓語。)(4)、動詞不定式(短語)like to play basketball. (作動詞的賓語。)Glad to meet you. (作形容詞的賓語。)Nice to see you again!(同上)I

4、9;m sorry to trouble you. (同上)I think it impossible to climb the mountain. (it作形式賓語,動詞不定式短語作真正賓語。)I don't want to there again.I really like/hate to go shopping.(5)、動名詞(短語)I enjoy listening to music very much. (作動詞的賓語)Nice meeting you here today! (作形容詞nice的賓語)(6)、形容詞We must help the poor. (作動詞的賓語

5、)The new always takes place of the old. (作介詞of的賓語)(7)、賓語從句He knows who is right. (作動詞的賓語)I want to know what color is her favorite. (作動詞不定式to know 賓語)I'm sure that she'll come soon.(作形容詞sure的賓語)I'm thinking of where I should go during the vacation. (作介詞of的賓語)幾個(gè)常見加the后可以名詞化的形容詞是:poor, ric

6、h, young, old,happy, blind, beautiful等。賓語從句應(yīng)特別注意的三要素是:時(shí)態(tài)、語序、連接詞。少數(shù)能跟賓語的形容詞有:happy, glad, nice, sure, certain, surprised, pleased, aware, afraid, proud, sorry, worried, ashamed等。直接賓語和間接賓語:英語中,一些及物動詞如:give, pass, show, send, bring, tell, teach, buy, lend等,可以帶兩個(gè)賓語。一個(gè)指人,叫間接賓語;一個(gè)指物,叫直接賓語。間接賓語一般放在直接賓語的前面。

7、如果放在其后,則間接賓語前一般加介詞to,以表示動作對準(zhǔn)誰;或加介詞for,以表示動作為誰做。例如:He gave me an interesting book.He give an interesting book to me.Please bring me some snacks.Please bring some snacks to me.Mother told me a story last night.Mother told a story to me last night.My uncle often teaches me English songs.My uncle often

8、teaches English songs to me.Jim bought me a beautiful present.Jim bought a beautiful present for me.如果直接賓語是代詞,則必須放在間接賓語之前,并且在二者之間加上介詞to或for。例如:Give it to me, Lily. 不能說 Give me it, Lily.There two pencils on the desk, pass them to me. 不能說 pass me them.復(fù)合賓語英語中,一些及物動詞的賓語須在其后加上一個(gè)補(bǔ)足語,對其進(jìn)一步作補(bǔ)充說明,意思才夠完整和明確,

9、該補(bǔ)足語即叫賓語補(bǔ)足語。賓語和其補(bǔ)足語一起構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語,二者之間存在著邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系。能擔(dān)任賓語補(bǔ)足語的有:名詞、形容詞、副詞、介詞短語、不定式和分詞(現(xiàn)在分詞、過去分詞)。例如:We must keep our classroom clean. (形容詞,Classroom和clean之間存在著邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系,即:Our classroom is clean.)We call the bird “Polly”.(名詞)(the bird和Polly之間存在著邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系,即:The bird is Polly.)Our teacher told us to do Exercise O

10、ne. (動詞不定式短語)(us 的主格we 和to do Exercise One之間存在著邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系,即:We should do Exercise One.)She always thinks others above herself. (介詞短語)(Others is always above herself.)I brought my dog here. (副詞,My dog was here.)I saw Jack playing under a tree. (現(xiàn)在分詞短語,Jack was playing under a tree.)In one place I saw c

11、hildren working for a cruel boss.常見的可帶復(fù)合賓語的動詞有:call, find, believe, think, see, feel, make, keep, hear, name, tell, ask, want, invite, let, make, have等。因此我們常用到以下短語:ask( tell / want / invite ) sb. to do sth.let ( make / have / get ) sb. do sth.see ( hear / watch / feel ) sb. do sth.see ( hear / watch / feel ) sb. doing sth.其中,感官動詞(see, hear )和使役動詞 ( let, make, have )后,如果是動詞不定式短語作賓語補(bǔ)足語,則習(xí)慣上去掉不定式符號 to ;但是,當(dāng)把這類句子轉(zhuǎn)換成被動語


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