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1、叮叮小文庫(kù)托福閱讀句子插入題一一如何做到無(wú)縫銜接朗閣海外考試研究中心鄭虹句子插入題(Insert Text Questions)是托福閱讀考試必考題型,出現(xiàn)在每一篇文章倒數(shù)第二題,大部分考生在做此題時(shí)遇到模棱兩可的答案情況較多,容易選錯(cuò)。朗閣海外考試研究中心的專家將針對(duì)這個(gè)問(wèn)題,具體分析句子插入題的考試特點(diǎn)及解題技巧。一、題型特點(diǎn)句子插入題顧名思義就是給一句新的句子,要求考生們把這個(gè)句子插入到相應(yīng)的位置,指定位置是文章中四個(gè)黑色方塊的地方。這些方塊分布在句首或句末, 四個(gè)方框有時(shí)都出現(xiàn)在一個(gè)段落里,有時(shí)分布在一段的末尾和下一段的開(kāi)頭。考題形式如下:Look at the four square

2、s that in dicate where the follow ing sentence could beadded to the passage.Where would the sentence best fit?同學(xué)們要做的是點(diǎn)擊其中的一個(gè)方塊并將這個(gè)句子插入文章。句子插入題考查的內(nèi)容是句子與句子間的邏輯關(guān)系,即所插入句子必須和前后句子在邏輯關(guān)系上保持一致。其實(shí)和我們寫作一樣,同學(xué)們不能把兩句毫無(wú)關(guān)系的句子放在一起。那么在英語(yǔ)里為了體現(xiàn)句與句之間的邏輯關(guān)系,會(huì)采用各種銜接手段將句子連接起來(lái),所以我們只要熟悉各種句子銜接手段,我們就能立即判斷出來(lái)句子所插入的相應(yīng)位置。以下,我們將對(duì)考試中

3、經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)的幾種銜接手段進(jìn)行詳細(xì)分析。二、解題方法1. 詞重復(fù)適用這種銜接方法簡(jiǎn)單粗暴明了,無(wú)需花費(fèi)大量腦細(xì)胞,完全是送分題。后面一個(gè)句子里重復(fù)使用前面句子提到的同一個(gè)詞(通常是名詞),使用此方法,我們可以清楚知道作者仍然在談?wù)撏恢黝},因?yàn)榍昂缶渥釉谝饬x上關(guān)系密切,互相連貫。Their competiti on and collaborati on were creati ng the broadcast ing in dustryin the UnitedStates,beginningwith the introductionof commercial radioprogram ming

4、in the early 1920s. With finan cial assets con siderably greaterthan those in the motionpicture industry,and perhaps a wider vision of therelati on ships among en terta inment and com mun icati ons media, they revitalized research_i nto record ing sound for moti on pictures. In 1929 the Un ited Stat

5、esmoti on picture in dustry released more tha n 300 sound filmsa rough figure,since a number were silent films with music tracks, or films prepared in dual versions, to take acco unt of the many cin emas not yet wired for sound. At theproduct ion level, i n the Un ited States the con vers ion was vi

6、rtually complete by1930. In Europe it took a little Ion ger, mainly because there were more small that in dicate where the follow ing sentence could beproducers for whom the costs of sound were prohibitiveLook at the four squares added to the passage.of vastly improvedWhen this research resulted in

7、the developme nt sound tech niq ues, film studios became convinced of the importa nee of converting to sound.前面一句話已經(jīng)提及到了research, 第二次出現(xiàn)用this research,所以答案選第二個(gè)選 項(xiàng)。So, in another set of experiments, Kramer put identical food boxes around thecage, with food in only one of the boxes. The boxes were stat

8、i on ary, and theone con tai ning food was always at the same poi nt of the compass. Howeverits positi on with respect to the surro undings could be cha ngedby revolvi ngeither the inner cage containing the birds or the outer walls, which served as the background. As long as the birds could see the

9、Sun, no matterhow theirsurro undings were altered, they went directly to the correct food box. Whether that indicate where the following sentence could bethe box appeared Look at the four squares added to the passage.He arran ged the feed boxes at various positi ons on a compass.不定冠詞a compass 在第一句話里

10、再次出現(xiàn)用的是特指the compass,所以答案選第一個(gè)黑框。2. 詞指代替換帶有代詞題型也比較簡(jiǎn)單明了,為了避免重復(fù),我們通常會(huì)在第二個(gè)句子使用代詞代替前面(或者后面)提到過(guò)的事物(一個(gè)詞)或者事件(一句話)。所以同學(xué)們只要正確找到代詞所指就能做對(duì)此題。形式一般是this + 名詞,或者this單獨(dú)用于指代前面一句話。inSince 1980, the use of wind to produce electricity has bee n grow ing rapidly.1994 there were n early 20,000 wi nd turb ines worldwide,

11、most grouped in clusters called wind farms that collectively produced 3,000 megawatts of electricity. Most were in Den mark (which got 3 perce nt of its electricity fromwi nd turb in es) and California (where 17,000 mach ines produced 1 perce nt of thestate s electricity, eno ugh to meetthe reside n

12、tial n eeds of a city as large as SanFran cisco). in prin ciple,all the power n eeds of the Un ited States couldbeprovidedby exploiting the wind potential of just three states North Dakota, that indicate where the following sentence could beSouth Dakota, and Texas.Look at the four squares added to t

13、he passage.Some compa niesin the powerin dustryare aware ofthis wider12possibility and are pla nning sizable wi nd-farm projects in states other than California.代詞this wider possibility這種更加廣泛的可能性指代上一句話中的情態(tài)動(dòng)詞could be,情態(tài)動(dòng)詞could be在這里表示可能性,所以答案選最后一個(gè)選項(xiàng)。Un der very cold con diti ons, rocks can be shatter

14、ed by ice and frost. Glaciersmay form in perma nen tly cold areas, and these slowly moving masses of ice cutout valleys, carry ing with them huge qua ntities of eroded rock debris._ In dryareas the_w in d_is_the prin cipal age nt of erosi on._ It carries fine particles of sand,which bombard exposed

15、rock surfaces, therebywearingthem into yet moresand. _ Even livi ng thingscon tributeto the formati onof Ian dscapes. _ Treeroots force their way into cracks in rocks and, in so doing, speed their splitt ing.In con trast, the roots of grasses and other small pla nts may help to hold loose that in di

16、cate where the follow ing sentence could besoil fragme nts together, thereby help ing to preve nt erosi on by the wind.Look at the four squares added to the passage.Un der differe nt climatic con diti ons, ano ther type of destructive force con tributes to erosi on.an other 是不定代詞,指代后一句提到的另外一種destruc

17、tive force 。通過(guò)整個(gè)段落分析,第一句話 destructive force 包括 ice 禾口 frost,第二句話另外一種destructive force 指代的是wind,所以選第一個(gè)黑框。閱讀中常出現(xiàn)的代詞:this, this+n, these, ano ther, such and other etc.3. 詞同義替換此類句子銜接的方法是指所插入句子里面的詞(通常是名詞)與所在位置前后句子的詞同義替換,這種方法要求會(huì)比較高, 考生除了要理解插入句子里面詞的意思,還要找到所在段落里面與它同義的詞。 Watts steam engine soon showed what i

18、t could do.it liberatedin dustryfrom depe ndence on running water. The engine eliminated water in the mines by driving efficient pumps, which made possible deeper and deeper mining. The ready availability of coal in spired William Murdoch during the 1790s todevelop the first new form of nighttimeill

19、umination to be discovered in a that in dicate where the follow ing sentence could bemille nnium and a half.Look at the four squares added to the passageThe factories did not have to go to the streams when power could come to the factories這個(gè)句子里面的factories 與前一句里的industry同義替換,這里同義替換并不是指兩個(gè)詞要完全對(duì)等才能同義替換。

20、只要兩個(gè)詞之間在某一部分是表同義的就可以。比如說(shuō)工業(yè)必然會(huì)涉及到很多工廠建立,所以我們可以說(shuō)兩個(gè)詞是同義替換。答案選第三個(gè)黑框。Not only could Smith identify rock strata by the fossils they contained, he couldalso see a patternemerging:Certainfossils always appear in more ancient sediments, while others begin to be seen as the strata become more recent. By follo

21、wing the fossils . Smith was able to put all the strata of Englands earth into relative temporal seque nee. About the same time, Georges Cuvier madethe_same_discovery_ whilestudyingthe rocks around Paris. Soon it wasrealized that this prin ciple of faun al (a ni mal) successi on was valid not only i

22、nEn gla nd or France but virtually everywhere. It was actually a prin ciple of floral that in dicate where the follow ing sentence could besuccessi on as well, because pla nts showed the same tran sformati on through time as did fauna.Look at the four squares added to the passage.The findings of the

23、se geologistsin spiredothers to exam ine the rock and fossil records in differe nt parts of the world.The findings 意思是 發(fā)現(xiàn)”與段落第二句話 the same discovery表同義替換,所以這句話應(yīng)該放在第三塊黑框回指前文提到的發(fā)現(xiàn),答案選第三塊黑框。4. 連接詞銜接英語(yǔ)里面表達(dá)句與句之間的邏輯關(guān)系通常會(huì)用到連接詞,同學(xué)們除了要知道連接詞的意思, 還要知道連接的兩個(gè)句子是否存在相應(yīng)的邏輯關(guān)系,所以這種方法相對(duì)前面幾種是比較難 的。??歼B接詞有表轉(zhuǎn)折,原因,結(jié)果,遞進(jìn)等。 M

24、oder narchitectural forms gen erally have three separate comp onents comparable to eleme nts of the huma n body; a support ing skelet on or frame, anouter skin en clos ing the in terior spaces, equipme nt, similar to the bodys vitalorga ns and systems. The equipme nt in cludes plumb ing, electrical

25、wiri ng, hotwater , and air-conditioning. Of course in_early_architecture such as igloos and adobe structures there was no such equipme nt, and the skelet on and skin were ofte n one. that in dicate where the follow ing sentence could beLook at the four squares added to the passage.However, somemode

26、r narchitecturaldesi gns, such as those usi ngfolded plates of con creter or air-in flated structures, are aga in unifying skelet on and skin.插入句子中的however表示轉(zhuǎn)折,前后意思相反或者對(duì)比。最后一句話in earlyarchitecture對(duì)應(yīng)插入句子 moder narchitectural desig ns,所以選擇最后一個(gè)黑色方框。句子插入題經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)的轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系詞有:however , but, yet, whereas and while

27、 etc. Because they are always swimming, tunas simply have to open their mouthsand water is forced in and over their gills. Accord in gly, they have lost most ofthe muscles that other fishes use to suck in water and push it past the gills. Infact, tunas must swim to breathe. They must also keep swim

28、ming to keep that in dicate where the follow ing sentence can befrom sinking, since most have largely or completely lost the swim bladder, the gas-filled sac that helps most other fish rema in buoya nt.Look at the four squares added to the passage.Consequently, tunas do not need to suck in water.Con

29、 seque ntly是表示結(jié)果的邏輯關(guān)系詞。整句話意思是所以金槍魚(yú)不需要在水里吮吸。段根據(jù)兩句落第一句意思:因?yàn)榻饦岕~(yú)的游動(dòng)從不停止,它們必須張著嘴使水流經(jīng)它們的腮。話的邏輯意思,因?yàn)樗鼜堉焓顾鹘?jīng)它們的腮,所以不需要在水里吮吸。同學(xué)們不僅要理解consequently的意思,還要理解前后兩句話的意思才能做對(duì)此題。答案選第二個(gè)黑框。表示結(jié)果的邏輯關(guān)系詞有:con seque ntly, therefore, so, hence and thus etc.It has long been accepted that the Americas were colonized by a migra

30、tion of peoples from Asia, slowly traveling across a land bridge called Beringia (now the Bering Strait between northeastern Asia and Alaska) during the last Ice Age. The first water craft theory about themigrati onwas that around 11,000-12,000 years ago there was an ice-free corridor stretch ing fr

31、om easter nBeringia to the areas of North America south of the great northern glaciers. It 以選擇正確的方框了。was the mid continentalcorridorbetwee ntwo massiveice sheets-theLaure ntide to the west-that en abled the southward migrati on. But belief inthis ice-free corridor bega n to crumblewhe n paleoecologi

32、stGle n MacDo nalddem onstratedthat some of the most importa nt radiocarb ondates used tosupport the existe nee of an ice-free corridor were in correct. He persuasivelyargued that such an ice-free corridor did not exist until much later, when thecon ti nen tal ice bega n its final retreat.Look at th

33、e four squares added to the passage. that in dicate where the follow ing sentence could beMoreover, other evide nee suggests that even if an ice-free corridor didexist, it would have lacked the resourcesn eededforhuma ncoloni zati on.Moreover表遞進(jìn),可譯為 此外”插入句子意思和段落最后一句話表遞進(jìn)關(guān)系,譯為:他 令人信服地主張那樣的不凍地帶直到很久以后才出

34、現(xiàn),那時(shí)大陸冰塊開(kāi)始最后的消退。此外其它證據(jù)表明即使不凍地帶存在,所以答案選最后一個(gè)黑色方框。5.觀點(diǎn)+例子這種連接的方法往往插入的句子是作者表達(dá)的觀點(diǎn),那么我們只要回段落找相關(guān)的例子就可The differe nces in feedi ng prefere nces lead, in turn, to differe nces in migratory habits. The wildebeests follow, i n their migrati on, the pattern of local rain fall. The other species do likewise. But

35、 whe n a new area is fueled by rai n, themammals migrate towardit in a set order to exploit it. The larger,lessfastidious feeders, the zebras, move in first; the choosier, smaller wildebeests come later; and the smallest species of all, Thoms on s gazelle, arrives last.Look at the four squares that

36、in dicate where the follow ing sentence could beadded to the passage.The sequence in which they migrate correlates with their body size.插入的句子表達(dá)了一個(gè)觀點(diǎn):它們遷移的順序是與身體大小相關(guān)的。那么我們只要找一個(gè)例子和身體大小相關(guān)的句子即可。最后一句話the larger, less fastidious feeders, thezebras, move in first.通過(guò)這兩組詞我們就可以判斷出來(lái)這是一個(gè)例子,所以答案選最后一個(gè)黑框。Chin ese porcela in wares imported into the Arab worl


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