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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上英語語法(時態(tài))幾種簡單時態(tài):(1) 一般現(xiàn)在時:表示現(xiàn)階段經(jīng)?;蛄?xí)慣發(fā)生動作或存在的狀態(tài),或說明主語特征。一般現(xiàn)在時句子中常有的時間狀語:often,usually,sometimes,always,every (day等), once/twice,a (week等), on (Sunday等),never,in the (morning等)。如:They go to the Palace Museum once a year.(他們每年去一次故宮)/ They often discuss business in the evening.(他們經(jīng)常在晚上商談生意)表

2、示客觀真理、事實、人的技能或現(xiàn)在狀態(tài)時句子里一般不用時間狀語。如:Our teacher said that the earth turns round the sun.(地球繞著太陽轉(zhuǎn))/ Light travels faster than sound.(光傳播比聲音快) 表示十分確定會發(fā)生(如安排好的事情)或按照時間表進(jìn)行的事情,用一般現(xiàn)在可以表達(dá)將來,句子中可以有將來時間。如:The train for Haikou leaves at 8:00 in the morning.(開往海口的列車上午8點開車) 在時間狀語從句中(以when, after, before, while, un

3、til, as soon as等引導(dǎo))和條件狀語從句中(以if,unless引導(dǎo)),用一般現(xiàn)在時代替一般將來時,句子可以有將來時間。如:Please ring me up as soon as you arrive in Germany.(你一到德國就給我打電話) If it rains tomorrow,we will have to stay at home.(如果明天下雨我們只好呆在家) 一般現(xiàn)在時用于倒裝句中可以表示正在發(fā)生的動作,動詞以come, go為主。如:Here comes the bus. (車來了) / There goes the bell.(鈴響了)。(2) 一般過去

4、時 表示過去某時發(fā)生的動作或狀態(tài),這種動作或狀態(tài)可能是一次性,也可能經(jīng)常發(fā)生。表示過去具體時刻發(fā)生的一次性動作時,時間狀語有:at (eight) (yesterday morning),(ten minutes) ago, when引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句。如:I got up at 6:00 this morning.(我是早上六點鐘起床的)/ Little Tom broke the window at half past nine this morning.(小湯姆今天早上九點半把窗子打破了)/ When he went into the room,he saw a stranger tal

5、king with his father.(他走進(jìn)房間時發(fā)現(xiàn)一個陌生人正和他父親談話)表示過去一段時間內(nèi)不知何時發(fā)生的一次性動作時,時間狀語有:yesterday, last (year等), in (1998 等)。如:He came to our city in the year 2000.(他2000年來到我們市)表示過去一個階段中經(jīng)常發(fā)生的事情時,時間狀語有:last, in, fromto, for(10 years),often,usually, sometimes, always, never等。如:Mr Jackson usually went to evening schoo

6、ls when he was young. / Every day he went to the rich man and borrowed books from him.講故事、對過去經(jīng)歷的回憶、雙方都明白的過去事件等一般用過去時,而且經(jīng)常省略時間狀語。如:I happened to meet Rose in the street.(我正好在街上遇到露西)(3) 一般將來時 表示將來某一時刻或經(jīng)常發(fā)生的動作或狀態(tài)。一般將來時的時間狀語有:tomorrow,this (afternoon),next (year),one day,now,soon,someday,sometime, in th

7、e future, when引導(dǎo)的從句等。用will構(gòu)成的將來時,表示動作與人的主觀愿望無關(guān)?!皊hall”用于第一人稱,“will”用于所有人稱。如:I will graduate from this school soon.(我很快就要從這所中學(xué)畢業(yè)了)/ You will stay alone after I leave.(我走了之后你就要一個人過了) “am/is/are going to+動詞原形”表示打算或準(zhǔn)備要做的事情,或者主觀判斷即將要發(fā)生的事情,而“am/is/are to +動詞原形”表示安排或計劃中的動作。如:A man told them that the woman

8、was to give birth to the special baby.(有一個人告訴他們那個婦女就會生下那個特別的男孩)/ Its going to rain soon.(天快要下雨了)表示一個人臨時決定要做某事,可以用will表達(dá)。如:I will go to the lab to get some chemicals(化學(xué)藥劑). So please wait until I return.(我要到化學(xué)實驗室去取些藥品,請等我回來)現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時、一般現(xiàn)在時也可以表示將來。(見相應(yīng)時態(tài)) shall和will 在口語的一些疑問句中相當(dāng)于情態(tài)動詞。Shall一般與第一人稱連用,will與第

9、二人稱連用。如:Shall we go to the zoo next Saturday?(我們下周六去動物園好嗎?)/ Will you please open the door for me?(替我把門打開好嗎?) “be to +動詞原形”表示按照計劃將要發(fā)生的事情。如:An angel came to tell her that she was to have this special boy.(4)現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時表示現(xiàn)在正在進(jìn)行的動作或是現(xiàn)階段正發(fā)生而此刻不一定在進(jìn)行的動作。 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時由“助動詞be (am is are ) +現(xiàn)在分詞”構(gòu)成。 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時的時間狀語有: n

10、ow, this , these等,但經(jīng)常不用。如:What are you doing up in the tree?(你在樹上干什么?)/ I am writing a long novel these days.(我最近在寫一本長篇小說) 表示即將發(fā)生的動作,一般指近期安排好的事情。常見的動詞有:come, go, stay, leave, spend, do等。如:Im coming now.(我就來)/ What are you doing tomorrow?(你明天干什么?)/ He is leaving soon.(他就要走了)(5)過去進(jìn)行時 過去進(jìn)行時表示過去某一時刻或某階段

11、正在進(jìn)行的動作。 過去進(jìn)行時由“was(第一、三人稱單數(shù))或were(第二人稱單數(shù)和各人稱的復(fù)數(shù))+現(xiàn)在分詞”構(gòu)成。 過去進(jìn)行時的時間狀語有:then, at that time, this time yesterday, at (eight) yesterday (morning),(a year) ago, 以及由when引出的時間狀語從句。如:He was cooking supper this time yesterday.(昨天這個時候他正在做晚飯)/ The little girl was playing with her toy when I saw her.(我看到小女孩的時候

12、她正在玩玩具) 用于賓語從句或時間狀語從句中,表示與主句動作同時進(jìn)行而且是延續(xù)時間較長。句子中通常不用時間狀語。如:She saw it happen when she was walking past.(她路過時看到事情的發(fā)生)/ They sang a lot of songs while they were walking in the dark forest.(他們在黑暗的森林里走時唱了很多歌) 注意 在其它的時態(tài)中也存在類似問題,記住,關(guān)鍵是:瞬間動詞不能和表達(dá)一段時間的狀語連用。如:How long may I keep the book?(這本書我能借多久?)(句子中keep取代

13、了borrow)be(“是/存在”)動詞的各種時態(tài)變化:一 般 現(xiàn) 在 時一 般 將 來 時現(xiàn) 在 完 成 時I am.You are.He/She/It is.We/You/They are.(I等各人稱) will be.I am He/She/It is going to be We/You/They are I have been.You have been.She/he/It has been.We/You/They have been.一 般 過 去 時過 去 將 來 時過 去 完 成 時I was.You were.He/She/It was.We/You/They were.(

14、I等各人稱) would be.I was He/She/It was going to be We/You/They were I had been.You had been.She/he/It had been.We/You/They had been.注意:句型變化時,否定句在am /is /are /will /have /has /was /were /had /would 后面加not,而且not都可以縮寫為nt (am后面not不可以縮寫);疑問句將am /is /are /will /have /has /was /were /had /would 提前到句首。其它動詞(主動語

15、態(tài))的時態(tài)變化一覽表:現(xiàn)在時態(tài)一 般 現(xiàn) 在 時現(xiàn) 在 進(jìn) 行 時一 般 將 來 時現(xiàn) 在 完 成 時謂語動詞構(gòu)成動詞用原形(單三加s / es)(問句和否定句借用助詞do / does)amis +動詞-ingarewill + 動詞原形amis +going to+動詞原形arehave +過去分詞has過去時態(tài)一 般 過 去 時過 去 進(jìn) 行 時過 去 將 來 時過 去 完 成 時謂語動詞構(gòu)成動詞用過去式(問句和否定句借用助詞did)was +動詞-ingwerewould + 動詞原形was+going to+動詞原形werehad +過去分詞時態(tài)綜合練習(xí)(一)1. Turn on t

16、he television or open a magazine and you _ advertisements showing happy families.A. will often see          B. often see C. are often seeing          D. have often seen2. I _ you not to move my dictio

17、narynow I cant find it.A. asked                     B. Ask C. was asking                 D. had asked3. Has Sam finished his

18、homework today?I have no idea. He _ it this morning.A. did                         B. has done C. was doing            &

19、#160;  D. had done4. Whats that terrible noise?The neighbors _ for a party.A. have prepared           B. are preparing C. prepare             D. will prepare5. The teacher, with 6 girls

20、 and 8 boys of her class, _ visiting a museum when the earthquake struck.A. was                        B. were C. had been          

21、60;          D. would be6. Because the shop _ , all the T-shirts are sold at half price.A. has closed down         B. closed down C. is closing down        D. had closed down時

22、態(tài)綜合練習(xí)(二)1. You havent said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it?Im sorry I _ anything about it sooner. I certainly think its pretty on you.A. wasnt saying             B. dont say C. wont say     

23、60;      D. didnt say2. Sorry to have interrupted you. Please go on.Where was I?You _ you didnt like your fathers job.A. had said                       B. said C. we

24、re saying                  D. had been saying3. Although he has lived with us for years, he _ us much impression.A. hadnt left                B. didnt leave C. doesnt leave           D. hasnt left4. I _ ping-pong quite well, but I havent had time to play since the new year.A. will play    


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