



1、1 . BAW621 after over HG make a right 360 turn.Q: What is the controller ' s intentionA . to lost timeB . make a left 360 turnC . turn right 360D . Hold at HG2 . what' s the dewpoint 6II專業(yè)聽力1 . SIA244: Wuhan Control SIA244 FL330, heading 185 information DControl: Radar contact Direct to ASK

2、to make a holding pattern at ASK and descend toFL240.SIA244: Report some problem with the landing gear indication nose gear not extended, hold over ASK to do a complete checklist. Later, request low pass over runway 24 for visual check. Control: not below 150mlow pass on R24.After low pass, landing

3、gear has been downControl: What ' s your intention after low passSIA: Request emergency landingQ: 1.問剛建立聯(lián)系時,飛機(jī)的高度,航向是多少?2 .問管制員發(fā)給飛機(jī)的指令是什么?3 .問SIA244飛機(jī)遇到了什么問題?4 .雷達(dá)上看到什么?5 .飛機(jī)是哪條跑道何種方式落地?6 . visual check后飛行員要求什么?7 . low pass的高度限制8 .空管看到起落架,問意圖如何9 .著陸跑道是什么10 . What does radar contact mean2 .法航一飛機(jī),

4、下降過程中放不下flap,機(jī)組要求光潔速度210,ATC同意.pilot申請23L落地可提供emergency service,較長.ATC 問是否要求 emergency service,機(jī)組說目前不需要 .Q: 1.發(fā)生了什么故障2 .為什么選擇23L落地3 .光潔速度是多少3.離地后指揮機(jī)組聯(lián)絡(luò)另一管制單位.Q: 1.第一次許可飛行的高度是多少2.何時要求報(bào)告report reaching FL210 3.III陸空通話1 .駕駛呼號為BAW621的飛機(jī),要求推出滑行,期間 towbar有問題,等了幾分鐘.滑行中給另 一飛機(jī)讓路后面一飛機(jī)從你左邊超越,后發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的前輪也有故障,要求tug

5、 o2 .地面滑行,有施工,要求嚴(yán)格按中線滑行;好似有鳥群導(dǎo)致發(fā)動溫度超限,塔臺建議關(guān)斷右 發(fā),并指揮飛機(jī)滑回機(jī)坪.起飛后,發(fā)現(xiàn)一汽球11點(diǎn)鐘3海里,塔臺要求check 一下上升3900m進(jìn)行核實(shí),飛機(jī)報(bào)告在云中,然后風(fēng)擋玻璃破裂,要求返場,TCAS失效,下降超過雷達(dá)區(qū)域,有 traffic 757從右向左飛行.3 .保持跑道航向,上1800m,可以起飛.起飛后沿HGxx離場,然后上3300m.期間管制命令在 3000m保持,3300m有飛機(jī),接著告知1點(diǎn)鐘方位有飛機(jī),問是否看到旁白提示沒看到,要求雷 達(dá)弓I導(dǎo).后 clear of traffic, resume own navigation

6、 to H2.后指揮 climb to 3600m,stopclimb at 3200m due opposite traffic.隨后聯(lián)系區(qū)調(diào),可以上 10800m,后命令 9600m 保持.4 .進(jìn)近過程中,跑道有積雪,braking action poor,要求復(fù)誦道面情況;后旁白提示燃油不夠,不能做第二次landing,要求直接落地.V Interview1 .圖:平行品a道,兩者最小距離xx米,其中一條跑道有飛機(jī)起飛.四發(fā)飛機(jī)在空中,翼尖有渦流wing-tip vortex.Q :1. What could you tell us about the top picture2 .小飛

7、機(jī)在大飛機(jī)后起飛,應(yīng)注意什么?3 .你在進(jìn)近過程中,前面一架飛機(jī)跟你只有4miles間隔,問你怎么處理該情況?4 .管制員在指揮飛機(jī)時,遇到這種情況,需要注意什么?在哪些方面可以提升指揮技巧?2.圖:擺渡車撞飛機(jī)機(jī)翼Q :1.家鄉(xiāng)?飛過的機(jī)型?2 .遇到特殊情況你應(yīng)該做什么3 .描述圖片情景,什么原因造成該事故需要地面人員處理嗎以后怎樣防止這種情況4 .你覺得考得怎樣哪局部較難2. 圖:發(fā)動機(jī)進(jìn)氣口有雜物.1. 描述圖片2. 什么原因造成的3. 怎么防止這種情況4. 怎樣做個合格的飛行員4. 圖: 飛機(jī) crashed besides a building. 有 smoke; emergenc

8、y exits opened, evacuated; some workers around A/C.Q:1. What are the requirements to be a pilot2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a pilot3. Describe this picture.4. If you are a captain or a passenger, what will you do in this situation5. What are the possible reasons for this cra

9、sh aircraft5.圖:氣象雷達(dá)上有兩塊紅色區(qū)域風(fēng)切變Q:1.如何繞飛危險天氣2 .圖中天氣對飛行平安有何危害3 .選擇什么航向繞飛更適合4 .實(shí)際飛行中是否遇到風(fēng)切變5 .飛行準(zhǔn)備時對天氣的把握是否重要為什么6 .風(fēng)切變的定義7 .風(fēng)切變對飛行平安有何影響一般持續(xù)多久如何避讓8 .風(fēng)切變對操作有何影響6.圖:B777的液壓系統(tǒng)圖左中右三系統(tǒng),中和右是紅色顯示,左為綠色顯示.Q:1.有沒有遇到過液壓失效2.圖中右和中系統(tǒng)失效,導(dǎo)致哪些設(shè)備不工作3.B737 A, B系統(tǒng)不工作發(fā)生什么情況4 .反推不工作有什么影響5 .減速板不工作有什么影響怎么辦6 .起落架放不下來怎么辦7 .介紹737

10、的液壓系統(tǒng)7.圖:A/C起飛后,右發(fā)失火冒煙,駕駛艙冒煙. 飛機(jī)landing gear 放不下Q:1.天氣與機(jī)型有何關(guān)聯(lián)2.有沒遇到緊急情況 如何處理的 圖片一架失事的飛機(jī),飛機(jī)機(jī)身已經(jīng)斷裂,起落架已經(jīng)折斷,飛機(jī)旁邊有建筑物,還有幾個人.問題:描述圖片;如何應(yīng)急撤離;如何協(xié)助乘務(wù)員順利撤離旅客 ;需要哪些應(yīng)急援助;聯(lián)系A(chǔ)TC會得到哪些幫助;What have happened to yourself during your flying career如果旅客中出現(xiàn)混亂 ,如何能使撤離順暢進(jìn)行 如果旅客中有被驚嚇的,你應(yīng)如何做.飛機(jī)擦機(jī)尾,旁邊有一架飛機(jī)等待進(jìn)跑道,還有一輛小汽車,天氣很好.問

11、題:圖中是起飛還是落地如果你是機(jī)長將如何處理,從中我們會得到哪些教訓(xùn). CB模擬圖,上面寫有 turbulence, movement direction, windshear,上升氣流,下降氣流等.問題:你是否曾經(jīng)飛入過 CB ,為什么這種天氣很危險;如果你在巡航時遇到了這種天氣,你該如何處理;以你的經(jīng) 驗(yàn),哪些機(jī)場會常常有風(fēng)切變;你的公司是否對經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)風(fēng)切變的機(jī)場有特殊的程序等.777的液壓系統(tǒng)圖,左中右三個系統(tǒng)以及相關(guān)的設(shè)備.問題:你是否在飛行中遇到過液壓故障;在模擬機(jī) 練習(xí)中,是否有有關(guān)液壓故障的練習(xí),程序如何;如果襟翼故障了,你怎么辦;如果起落架沒有放下鎖 定,你怎么辦;如果減速板不

12、可用,你怎么辦;如果反推故障了,你怎么辦,反推故障是否影響很大.一架747飛機(jī)機(jī)身上有一個洞,不大,有點(diǎn)像應(yīng)急出口,飛機(jī)旁邊有幾個人. 一臺發(fā)動機(jī),入口處有一塊塑料布,可能是機(jī)務(wù)正在維護(hù),也可能是其他情況.四個圖在一起,有發(fā)動機(jī)冒煙,發(fā)動機(jī)失火,駕駛艙冒煙,一架飛機(jī)起落架已經(jīng)放下,要求描述其中一 個,以及相關(guān)程序,起飛后單發(fā)操作程序,起飛后起落架不能收上程序.一架舊式單發(fā)螺旋槳飛機(jī)拿大頂,好似是在滑行道上.問題:如果你是這架飛機(jī)上的機(jī)長,你如何處理. 從ATC那里可以得到哪些幫助.一架小飛機(jī)在很低的高度上撞了一輛卡車,有兩個人在跑開.問題:如果你是這架飛機(jī)上的機(jī)長,你如何 處理.一輛旅客車撞上

13、了一架墨西哥航空公司的727的右機(jī)翼后緣.問題:如果你是這架飛機(jī)上的機(jī)長,你如何處理.兩幅關(guān)于尾流的圖一架747起飛后造成的尾流,兩條平行跑道,距離很近.問題:大飛機(jī)造成的尾流是否比小飛機(jī)嚴(yán)重;除了757以外,重型指的是什么意思;舉例一架320飛機(jī)在五邊15海里,盲降,航道和下滑道建立,前方有一架757,問最小平安距離是多少;管制允許你進(jìn)跑道了,前面是一架747,剛剛起飛,你如何處理.常見問題Introduce yourself / tell me something about yourself.Tell me something about your family.How are you

14、doing todayWhat is the weather like todayHow did you get hereWhere do you liveHave you taken any English test beforeDo you have confidence to pass the testWhat kind of aircraft is your favorite aircraftWhat is the difference between your favorite aircraft and the aircraft you are flying nowWhat kind

15、 of aircraft are you flying nowDo you like your jobWhat is your hobbyWhy do you choose to be a pilotWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of being a pilotWhat qualities are needed to be a pilotWhat are the main duties of a pilot/captain on a passenger aircraftDescribe any emergency or potential

16、emergency occurred to you or your colleagues.Describe the picture/tell me what the picture shows/what you notice in the picture.If you are the captain on this aircraft, what will you doIf emergency evacuation is needed, how would you execute itHow would you help flight attendant to execute the emerg

17、ency evacuation smoothlyWhat lessons can be learned from this accidentHave you met any problem of hydraulic system during flightHave you ever flown into CB Why is it dangerousWhen you approach this kind of weather during the cruise, what will you doDoes your company have any special operation proced

18、ures or requirements for the airports where the winshear is commonWhat are the functions of flapsIf the speed brakes are not usable, what will you doIf the reverse thrust is not working, what will you doWhich countries have you been toHow do you learn EnglishDo you live far from the airport How do y

19、ou get to the airport from your home How long does it take you from your home to the airportWhat do you think of the test today Which part do you think is the most difficultWhat will you do for the rest of the day after the testAre you going to continue to learn English if you pass ICAO level 4INTER

20、VIEW QUESTIONS FOR ICAO LEVEL 4Stage one warm up1. Where do you come from2. Can you tell me something about your hometown3. Can you tell me something about your hobbies4. Why do you choose to be a pilot5. Do you like your job as a pilot6. Advantages of your job7. Disadvantages of your job8. How long

21、 have you been a pilot/a captain9. Which company do you work for10. How long have you been there11. How many hours have you flownStage two level check12. What kind of aircraft do you fly13. Do you fly or have you flown any other aircraft14. Which aircraft do you like to fly15. When was your first fl

22、ight16. Which aircraft do you prefer to fly Why17. Where are you based at the moment18. What are your main routes19. Are there some routes more difficult than others20. What are the different duties of the pilot of a passenger plane21. How do pilots and ATC cooperate in maintaining flight safety22.

23、What is the duty of a captainStage three-probe23. Describe an abnormal situation.24. Tell me sth. about yourself.25. What should the pilot do when he finds the problem and how could ATC help26. When do you think the plane is going to crash And what would you do27. What do you think is the most impor

24、tant thing in dealing with the unusual events Picture talking28. Describe the picture.29. Why did it happen30. How could they have been avoidedStage four wrap up31. When was your first flight32. Where did you do your training Any recently33. Have you been trained in other flight schools34. Did you h

25、ave any English tests in the past35. Do you enjoy/like English36. Would you like to keep learning English37. Have you been to Guanghan before38. Where would you like to travel for a holiday39. Do you have any plans to make a visit here in the futureAdded ones40. Who influence you the most in choosin

26、g this job41. Describe a success in your life.42. Tell me a great achievement in your career.43. Tell me sth. of great changes in your pilot career.44. Your future plans.45. Describe your typical work day.46. Main responsibilities47. What challenge will pilot meet in the next ten years48. Do you think this test is necessary49. What is the important factor for a good communication50. Do you think this test is difficult51. The most difficult par


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