高中英語 課堂導學(Module 6 The Tang Poems)教學素材 外研版選修8_第1頁
高中英語 課堂導學(Module 6 The Tang Poems)教學素材 外研版選修8_第2頁
高中英語 課堂導學(Module 6 The Tang Poems)教學素材 外研版選修8_第3頁
高中英語 課堂導學(Module 6 The Tang Poems)教學素材 外研版選修8_第4頁
高中英語 課堂導學(Module 6 The Tang Poems)教學素材 外研版選修8_第5頁




1、課堂導學文本感知.The Golden Age of Chinese Poetry1.What was the difference between Du Fu and Li Bai?A.Du Fu was a realist;Li Bai was a romantic.B.Du Fu enjoyed painting and music;Li Bai began a life of travel.C.Du Fu never became so famous as Li Bai.D.Du Fu thought of himself as a failure;Li Bai wrote more

2、than a thousand poems.2.What was the relationship between Du Fu and Li Bai?A.They didnt know each other at all.B.They were relatives.C.They were colleagues.D.They were friends.3.Why was Tang poetry so great?A.The poets in that time had a better chance of getting good jobs.B.It was a period with an e

3、xplosion of talent,and the appearance of many new forms.C.Du Fu and Li Bai influenced a lot of people.D.Trade with foreign countries created a tolerant and cosmopolitan culture.4.What was one of the benefits of trade with foreign countries?A.Many foreigners came to live in Chinese towns.B.It arose a

4、 time of conflicts.C.It created a tolerant and cosmopolitan culture.D.The Tang rulers also controlled the trade route known as the Silk Road.5.How long did the Tang Dynasty last?A.More than two hundred years.B.More than three hundred years.C.Several decade years.D.Less than one hundred years.答案:1.A

5、2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A.Poems on the Underground1.What is the passage about?A.It is about poems that can be read when they go by underground.B.It is about a few acquaintances who lived and worked in London.C.It is about the London underground railway system.D.It is about a book,especially the poetry.2.Who p

6、ut forward the idea of filling the blank spaces on the trains with poems?A.Government officials.B.A lot of passengers.C.Some poets.D.A few acquaintances that lived and worked in London,who used the Tube and loved poetry.3.When was “Poems of the Underground” officially launched?A.In 1985.B.In January

7、 1986.C.In January 1989.D.In December 1986.4.How were the poems chosen?A.The choice of poems wasnt arbitrary but specially chosen.It catered for all tastes.B.They were chosen from England.C.They were chosen from all over the English-speaking world.D.They were chosen from those which had associations

8、 with London.5.Who paid for the spaces and the production costs?A.A few acquaintances that lived and worked in London.B.A lot of passengers.C.London Underground.D.Government officials.答案:1.A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C難句透視1.At its high point,the country reached as far as Siberia(now part of Russia) in the north

9、,Korea in the east and Vietnam in the south.最鼎盛的時候,唐朝的疆域北至西伯利亞(現(xiàn)屬俄羅斯),東至朝鮮,南至越南。剖析:as far as 遠到;直到(否定句中可用so far as )就而論;就而言(作此意講時,也可用so far as)例如:He walked as far as the river.他一直走到河邊。I didnt go as far as the others.我不像其他人走得那么遠。As/So far as I know,he has moved to town.據(jù)我所知,他遷到鎮(zhèn)子上去了。2.The Tang rulers

10、 also controlled the trade route known as the Silk Road well into present-day Afghanistan.唐朝統(tǒng)治者也控制了被稱為絲綢之路的貿易路線,該路線一直延伸到了今天的阿富汗。剖析:(1)該句中的“known as the Silk Road well into present-day Afghanistan” 為過去分詞作定語,修飾the trade route,相當于一個定語從句:which/that was known as the Silk Road into present-day Afghanistan

11、。(2)be known as 作為而著名;稱為。例如:Xu Zhimo is known as a poet.(=Xu Zhimo is a well-known poet.)徐志摩是一位著名的詩人。3.Trade with foreign countries created a tolerant and cosmopolitan culture.與外國人之間的貿易促成了寬容和包羅萬象的文化。剖析:(1) 形容詞cosmopolitan的意思是:世界各地的;世界性的。(2) cosmopolitan作名詞時,它的意思是“見聞廣博,游歷四方的人”。4.Soon Japan and Korea

12、were organised on the Tang model,while Chinese influence extended throughout Southeast Asia.不久,日本和朝鮮參照了唐朝的統(tǒng)治形式,唐朝的影響傳遍了東南亞。剖析:on the model of“參照的模式”。另外也要注意相關的動詞短語model on/upon “模仿;以為范本”。例如:The railway system was modeled on the successful plan used in other countries.這鐵路系統(tǒng)是參照其他國家的成功計劃建立起來的。5.Cultural

13、 development went hand in hand with technological progress.文化的發(fā)展和科技的進步總是密切相關的。剖析:hand in hand關系密切地;手拉著手地例如:Power and money go hand in hand.權和錢密不可分。The children walked down the street hand in hand.孩子們手拉著手地在街上走。類似短語:face to face 面對面地;arm in arm 臂挽著臂;shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地,齊心協(xié)力地;head to head 交頭接耳地;s

14、ide by side 并排,并肩;step by step 逐步地。例如:A poem might be a way of telling someone something when you do not feel able to talk about it face to face.當你感覺不能對面對面向某人談論某事的時候,詩歌可能是一種很好地表達方式。6.As a young man he traveled a lot and enjoyed painting and music,as well as writing poetry.他年輕的時候四處游歷,除了寫詩之外還酷愛繪畫和音樂。剖

15、析:as well as “也,又”。該短語有兩種用法:(1)用于副詞同等比較,譯為“同一樣好”。(2)作為一個復合并列連詞,表示“既又;不但而且”連接兩個主語時,謂語應和前一個主語在人稱和數(shù)上保持一致。譯時,先譯后者,再譯前者。例如:You do as well as he does.你做的和他一樣好。We cant expect a woman to do the housework as well as look after the children.我們不能指望一個女人又照看孩子又做家務。He as well as I is responsible for it.不僅是我,他也有責任。

16、7.But during his lifetime he never became famous;in fact,he thought of himself as a failure.但在有生之年他一直沒有出名;事實上他認為自己是一個失敗者。剖析:(1) think of .as.“看成;認為是”。例如:Everybody thought of that as a very funny joke.所有的人都把那看作是一個滑稽的笑話。Think of oneself as a common soldier.把自己看作是一個普通的士兵。(2)failure可數(shù)名詞。意為“失敗者;失敗的事”。例如:

17、He is a failure as an artist,but a success as a teacher.他不是個成功的藝術家,但是個成功的美術教師。Success came after many failures.失敗多次后終于成功。8.It was only in the 11th century that his poetic genius was recognised.直到11世紀他在詩歌創(chuàng)作上的天賦才被認可。剖析:(1)這是一個強調句型,利用強調句型可強調除謂語以外的任何成分,結構為:It is/was +被強調部分that(指人時可用who)+句子剩余部分。例如:It is

18、not only blind men who make such stupid mistake.犯這樣愚蠢錯誤的不僅僅是瞎子。It was her that I met.我昨天見到的是她。It was because her mother was ill that she didnt go to work.是因為母親病了她才沒去上班。(2)注意強調句型的特殊疑問句的構成:When is/was it that.?Why is/was it that.?How is/was it that.?Who is/was it that.?(3)高考容易考的知識點:It is/was+序數(shù)詞(名詞)th

19、at從句。Its (high/about)time+ that從句。在這一句型中,從句的謂語動詞常用過去式,意為“是的時候了”。It is/was+形容詞/名詞+that 從句。其中it 是形式主語,that從句是真正的主語。It is necessary/strange/important/natural/a pity.+that 從句中,that從句謂語動詞常用should+動詞原形。It is/was+過去分詞that從句。常用的過去分詞有said,known,thought,hoped,believed,suggested等等。通常譯為“據(jù)說(報道)”。it是形式主語,that從句是真正的主語。It is/was+一段時間before從句。這一句型為“還有多長時間就”。It is+一段時間since從句,意為“自從有多長時間了”。注意:如果這一句型中since從句的謂語動詞是延續(xù)性的,則意為“自從不有多長時間了”。試比較:It is


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