2013屆高考英語 詞匯綜合檢測08(教師版)_第1頁
2013屆高考英語 詞匯綜合檢測08(教師版)_第2頁
2013屆高考英語 詞匯綜合檢測08(教師版)_第3頁
2013屆高考英語 詞匯綜合檢測08(教師版)_第4頁
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1、2013屆高考英語詞匯綜合檢測08(教師版)1.He had intended to pull out of the complex situation but getting deeply involved.A. picked upB. ended upC. took up D. kept up【考點定位】動詞詞組【解析】句意:他原本想擺脫這種復雜的局面的, 但結果卻被深深地卷入其中。end up最后(有某種結局),結束;pick up撿起;take up從事,占用;keep up保持?!敬鸢浮緽 2.According to the original design, the plant w

2、ould be able to _ at least 8,000 pianos a year. A. bring out B. take out C. put outD. work out 3.In order to meet the demands they had to_production.A. fasten upB. rise upC. speed upD. go up【考點定位】動詞詞組【解析】句意:為了滿足需求,他們不得不加快生產。 speed up加速;fasten up扣上;rise up上升;go up上升?!敬鸢浮緾4.Whats the central idea of t

3、he passage,Bob?Sorry, I cant make_of it.Its beyond my ability.A. judgementB. useC. idea D. sense【考點定位】【解析】句意:“鮑勃,這篇文章的中心思想是什么?”“對不起,我弄不清楚。我力所不能及?!眒ake sense of搞清楚,弄明白;make use of運用。【答案】D5.Jack, this is the third time that you have been late this week. Sorry, sir, but I was _ for 15 minutes on the wa

4、y here in the traffic jam.A. held up B. put up C. taken up D. given up 6.World Wildlife Fund _ very much the efforts that China has made to protect endangered species from being further endangered.A. enjoys B. appreciates C. thanks D. prefers【考點定位】動詞【解析】句意:世界野生動物基金會非常欣賞中國所作出的保護那些珍稀物種不再受到進一步威脅的努力。app

5、reciate欣賞;enjoy喜歡;thank感謝;prefer更喜歡?!敬鸢浮緽7.In the good care of the nurse, the boy is recovering from his heart operation. A. quietly B. actually C. practically D. gradually8.“How could you lose so much money?” John asked his wife, eyeing her angrily from _ the kitchen. A. atB. acrossC. through D. on

6、9.What happened to him? He was _ of stealing the ring at the party last night, and the police were looking into the matter.A. suspected B. informed C. reminded D. approved【考點定位】動詞【解析】句意:“他出什么事啦?”“有人懷疑他在昨天的舞會上偷了那枚金戒子。警方正在調查此事?!眘uspect懷疑;inform通知;remind使想起;approve 贊成?!敬鸢浮緼10.Your handwriting is really

7、 too bad to read; I can hardly _ what exactly you are trying to say. A. give out B. make out C. leave out D. bring out【考點定位】動詞詞組【解析】句意:你的書法真的很糟糕很難認。我?guī)缀醪荒鼙嬲J出你究竟想要表達什么內容。make out辨認出give out 筋疲力盡;理解 leave out 省去;遺漏;bring out出版;使顯現(xiàn)?!敬鸢浮緽11.When he was driving home, he was stopped by the policeman and wa

8、s _ of speeding. A. charged B. blamed C. accused D. warned12.They decided to start an immediate _ into the cause of the pollution of the lake.A. appreciation B. investigation C. operation D. adaptation13.It is wise to have some money _ for old age.A. kept up B. given way C. turned in D. put away【考點定

9、位】動詞【解析】句意:為年紀大了存點錢是非常明智的(存錢以備他日之需)。put away收起來,儲存起來;keep up保持;give away送給,分發(fā);turn in上交?!敬鸢浮緿14.Overuse of computers largely to the failure of his eyesight,which is also a warning message for us all. A. contributes B. turns C. devotes D. adjusted15.It is a general rule that childrens games and books

10、 seek to teach and _ at the same time. A. satisfyB. appreciate C. entertainD. content【考點定位】動詞【解析】句意:兒童游戲和兒童讀物同時追求的是既有教育內容和又有娛樂成分,這是個一般的規(guī)則。entertain娛樂;satisfy使?jié)M意;appreciate欣賞,喜歡; content使?jié)M意?!敬鸢浮緾16.We should admit the fact that some families still can not afford their children going to school educati

11、on, university _. A. in particularB. in expectation C. in chargeD. in certainty17.Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and _jokes.A. turning up B. putting up C. making up D. showing up18.You might wonder how it_to live without eating for so many days.A. keeps B. succeeds

12、 C. manages D. tries【考點定位】動詞【解析】句意:你也許想知道這么多天不吃東西,它是如何成功的活下來的。manage to do sth“設法成功做某事”= succeed in doing sth“成功做某事”?!敬鸢浮緾19.We should develop the sunshine project actively, because it can save _ resources as well as reduce pollution.A. power B. strength C. force D. energy20.Taking medicine only giv

13、es you _ relief from pain, so I suggest you have an operation.A. flexible B. optional C. temporary D. beneficial21.Interest is as _ to learning as the ability to understand, even more so.A. similar B. vital C. available D. specific【考點定位】形容詞【解析】句意:對于學習來說興趣和學習能力一樣重要。甚至更重要。vital重要的;similar相似的; availabl

14、e存在的,可利用的;specific特別的?!敬鸢浮緽22.Do you have an_ way to solve this problem?No, this is the only way, I think. A. alternative B. urgent C. absolute D. equal【考點定位】形容詞【解析】句意:“你有可供選擇的方法來解決這個問題嗎?”“沒有,這是唯一的辦法,我想?!盿lternative 供選擇的;urgent緊急的 absolute絕對的 equal平等的?!敬鸢浮緼23.Whats wrong with you yesterday?When I wa

15、s playing football, my strength _ and I fell down. A. gave up B. gave off C. gave out D. gave in24.At yesterdays meeting, some are against his plan while others are _ it, with no agreement reached.A. in favour of B. in place of C. in search of D . in honour of 【考點定位】介詞短語【解析】句意:在昨天的會議上,一些人反對這個計劃而另一些人

16、卻贊成這個計劃,結果沒有達成一致意見。in favor of贊成;in place of代替;in search of尋找,搜尋; in honor of 為了紀念?!敬鸢浮緼25.When asked about the secret of his success, he _ it to his friendshelp. A. showed B. donated C. owed D. gave 26.The shop around the corner caught fire last night. The police are now _the matter.A. seeing throu

17、gh B. working out C. looking into D. watching over27.He was in hospital for 6 months. He felt as if he was _ from the outside world. A. cut off B. cut up C. cut through D. cut out 【考點定位】動詞詞組【解析】句意:他住院住了六個月。他的感覺就好像和外部世界隔絕了一樣。cut off切斷;cut up切碎;cut through(抄近路)穿過,穿透;cut out刪去。【答案】A28.I could just see

18、a car in the distance, but I couldnt _ what color it was. A. look out B. get across C. make out D. take after【考點定位】動詞詞組【解析】句意:我能看見遠處的那輛車,但是我不能辨認它是什么顏色的。look out當心;get across(使)被理解,(使)被接受;make out辨認出,理解;take after與相似?!敬鸢浮緾29.What did you _ me _? Im a teacher, not a doctor. A. take; over B. take; up C

19、. take; off D. take; for 30.Much to my _, the student has come to realize the importance of honesty. A. horrorB. reliefC. sorrowD. curiosity32.I _ many unnecessary words in my article, leaving it much shorter.A. shortenedB. cancelledC. leftD. replaced【考點定位】動詞【解析】句意:在我的文章里我劃掉了不必要的單詞,讓它更為縮短。cancel取消,刪

20、去,劃掉shorten縮短; leave離開;replace代替。【答案】B33.You cant predict everything. However, often things dont _ as you expect.A. run outB. break outC. work outD. put out34.Its really a(n) that Tony, a child of only two, can play the piano so well.A. wonderB. dreamC. preferenceD. pleasure【考點定位】名詞【解析】句意:托尼,一個僅有兩歲的

21、孩子,鋼琴彈得這么好,真是個奇跡。wonder奇跡;dream夢想;preference偏愛;pleasure高興?!敬鸢浮緼35.I need the money badly now and I have to my car though Im not at all willing to do so.A. destroyB. sacrificeC. undertakeD. guarantee36.Learning foreign languages calls for your memory, time, patience and emotions._,it is not a simple

22、thing. A. As a result B. In conclusion C. In general D. After all【考點定位】介詞短語【解析】句意:學習外語需要記憶,時間,耐心和情感??傊?,不是一件簡單的事情。As a result結果;In conclusion總之;In general總的說來;After all畢竟?!敬鸢浮緽37.As we all know, _ medcial examination will help out health problem as early as possible. A. regular B. general C. common D

23、. normal38.In our school, English is compulsory for all students, but French and Russian are _.A. special B. regional C. optional D. original39._ to playing computer games, he is always absent from school. A. Obsessed B. Addicted C. Abandoned D. Absorbed 【考點定位】(過去分詞用作)形容詞【解析】句意:沉溺于打電腦游戲,他總是缺課。Obsess

24、ed困擾的;Addicted沉溺于;Abandoned拋棄的;Absorbed專心于(與介詞in連用)?!敬鸢浮?0.A _ person always tries to finish the job, no matter how hard it is.A. stubborn B. determined C. reliable D. remarkable【考點定位】形容詞【解析】句意:一個意志堅定的人會努力的完成工作,無論這項工作多么困難。determined意志堅定的;stubborn固執(zhí)的; reliable值得信賴的;remarkable顯著的。【答案】B41.My teacher ha

25、s never lost his temper; that is to say, he is a _ man.A. generous B. mild C. rude D. tough42.The local police said they had received reports of seven cases of murder, which caused_ among the locals.A. panic B. dilemma C. settlement D. coincidence【考點定位】名詞【解析】句意:當?shù)鼐秸f已經接到七起謀殺案的報告,這引起了當?shù)厝藗兊目只?。panic恐慌;

26、dilemma進退兩難;settlement解決,處理;coincidence巧合。【答案】A43.To children, good habits do not come , so parents and teachers need to be their role models.A. instantly B. automatically C. eventually D. steadily【考點定位】副詞【解析】句意:對孩子來說,好的習慣不是自動形成的。所以家長和老師需要做孩子們的榜樣。instantly立即;automatically自動地;eventually最終;steadily穩(wěn)定地?!敬鸢浮緽44.Even when I am able to get in touch with the manager and tell him your request, I cannot _ he will reply.A. stress B. appeal C. inform D. guarantee45.Bad luck. My computer doesnt work. Why not turn to John? No one can match him in our cl


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