【創(chuàng)新設(shè)計(jì)】2013高考英語總復(fù)習(xí) Unit 2 Wish you were here練習(xí) 必修2(江蘇專用)_第1頁
【創(chuàng)新設(shè)計(jì)】2013高考英語總復(fù)習(xí) Unit 2 Wish you were here練習(xí) 必修2(江蘇專用)_第2頁
【創(chuàng)新設(shè)計(jì)】2013高考英語總復(fù)習(xí) Unit 2 Wish you were here練習(xí) 必修2(江蘇專用)_第3頁
【創(chuàng)新設(shè)計(jì)】2013高考英語總復(fù)習(xí) Unit 2 Wish you were here練習(xí) 必修2(江蘇專用)_第4頁
【創(chuàng)新設(shè)計(jì)】2013高考英語總復(fù)習(xí) Unit 2 Wish you were here練習(xí) 必修2(江蘇專用)_第5頁




1、2013創(chuàng)新設(shè)計(jì)英語高考總復(fù)習(xí)(江蘇專用) 2-2Unit 2Wish you were here.用所給詞的正確形式填空1He said something unexpected,which made all the people present astonished(astonish)2All the students,including(include) Little Frantz,listened attentively in the last lesson.3Jennifer wrote a letter to John,reminding(remind) him of all th

2、e things he should take.4Have you considered(consider) changing your job?5I don't think it comfortable(comfort) to sit on a camel.6Scientists have made many discoveries(discover) in the past 50 years.7I'm sure you will take your sleeping(sleep) bag for camping in the desert.8Don't forget

3、 to place your water purifying tablets while boiling(boil) the water.9I want to find a place where I can get my film developed(develop)10You might be scared(scare) to ride a camel for the first time.句型轉(zhuǎn)換1We'll live with the local people in their villages,and eat and drink whatever they do,includ

4、ing cow's blood!We'll live with the local people in their villages,eating and drinking whatever they do,cow's blood included!2Jennifer suggested that Colin should take a first aid kit on his trip.It was suggested by Jennifer that Colin take a first aid kit on his trip.3We'll try to g

5、et as close as possible to the animals,even though they're dangerous,so that I can take some really good photos.We'll try to get as close as we can to the animals,even if they are dangerous,in order that I can take some really good photos.4Three mountains,Meili,Baimang and Haba,which are cov

6、ered with snow,tower over the land.Three mountains,Meili,Baimang and Haba,covered with snow,tower over the land.5Lakes,surrounded by vast grasslands,look like jewels.Lakes,which are surrounded by vast grasslands,look like jewels.句子仿寫1例句:As modern industry develops,more and more waste produces.仿寫:隨著年

7、齡的增長,我們變得越來越聰明了。(as)As_we_get_older,we_get_wiser.2例句:Our farm supplies the market with fruits and vegetables.仿寫:電腦給我們提供了許多學(xué)習(xí)英語的機(jī)會。(supply)The_computer_supplies_us_with_a_lot_of_chances_to_learn_English.3例句:I'll post that letter whatever Wilson says.仿寫:無論你做什么,都要有信心。(whatever)Whatever_you_do,you_s

8、hould_believe_in_yourself.4例句:We need as many records as possible.仿寫:假期中他打算盡可能地把時間花在英語閱讀上。(as.as possible)He's_going_to_spend_as_much_time_as_possible_in_reading_English_on_holiday.5例句:I wish we could go with them.仿寫:我多想能騎著駱駝旅行?。?wish)How_I_wish_I_could_travel_on_a_camel/by_camel!.單項(xiàng)填空1I felt qu

9、ite _ to hear his _ words.Aastonished;astonished Bastonishing;astonishingCastonished;astonishing Dastonishing;astonished答案C句意:聽到他那令人驚訝的話語,我感到非常吃驚。astonished意為“感到驚訝的”,表示人的心理狀態(tài);astonishing意為“令人驚訝的”,表示事物的性質(zhì)、特征。根據(jù)句意可知選C。2Experts warn that global warming will cause dramatic climate changes _ more frequen

10、t floods,heat waves and droughts.Aincluding Bincluded Ccontaining Dcontained答案A句意:專家們警告說,全球變暖將會引起氣候的巨大變化,包括更頻繁的洪水、熱浪以及干旱。include 意為“包括”;contain意為“包含”。include表示同類事物間的關(guān)系,而contain表示不同類別的事物間的關(guān)系。根據(jù)語境可知,changes與后面提到的幾種現(xiàn)象為同一類別,于是排除C、D兩項(xiàng);并且changes與include之間為主動關(guān)系,故用v.­ing形式,選A。3The twins have everything

11、 in _ except that the elder's eyes are dark blue while the younger's are black.Ageneral Bordinary Cusual Dcommon答案D句意:這對雙胞胎除了大點(diǎn)兒的眼睛是深藍(lán)色而小些的眼睛是黑色外,哪兒都一樣。have everything in common是固定用法。4It has been announced that house owners shall _ their gardens in a neat and orderly state.Alet Bkeep Cmake D

12、leave答案B句意:據(jù)宣布,房主必須保持花園的整潔有序。A項(xiàng)意為“讓”;B項(xiàng)意“保持”;C項(xiàng)意為“使”;D項(xiàng)意為“讓”。根據(jù)語意可知選B。5I want you to keep me _ of how things are going with the company.Ainforming Bto informCinformed Dto be informed答案C句意:我想讓你隨時告知我這家公司的情況。keep sb informed of意為“使某人隨時了解”。 6The weather is changeable here.Please take more clothes._.AIt&

13、#39;s a pleasure BWell,it just dependsCtake your time DOk,just in case答案D句意:這里的天氣變幻不定,請多帶些衣服。好的,以防萬一吧。A項(xiàng)意為“不用謝”,是對感謝的答語;B項(xiàng)意為“看情況而定”,是對建議的答語;C項(xiàng)意為“別著急”,表示安慰。根據(jù)句意可知選D。7How I wish I _ to repair the cell­phone! I only made it worse.Ahad tried Bhadn't triedChave tried Ddidn't try答案B句意:我多么希望我沒

14、有試著修過手機(jī)??!我只是把它弄得更糟了。wish后面的從句用過去完成時,表示與過去事實(shí)相反的愿望。8Our water _ has been cut off because they are repairing the main pipe.Aprovide Boffer Csupply Dsource答案C句意:我們的水供應(yīng)被切斷了,因?yàn)樗麄冊诰S修主水管。A項(xiàng)為動詞;B項(xiàng)意為“提供”;C項(xiàng)意為“供應(yīng)”;D項(xiàng)意為“來源”。根據(jù)句意可知選C。9_ in the library if I come there to see you tomorrow?AWill you read BWill you

15、have readCWill you be reading DDo you read答案C句意:如果明天我去圖書館看你,你會在那兒看書嗎?表示有禮貌地詢問對方未來的計(jì)劃時,用將來進(jìn)行時,故選C。10He said that he _ to Shanghai the next day.Awould go BwentChad gone Dwould have been答案A句意:他說他第二天要去上海。根據(jù)后面的the next day可知,說話時事情并未發(fā)生,而是即將發(fā)生,所以用過去將來時,選A。11I'll tell you _ I see in my new neighborhood

16、the moment I settle down there.Awhenever BhoweverCwherever Dwhatever答案D句意:我在那里一安定下來就把我在新住處附近所看見的一切都告訴你。A項(xiàng)指時間;B項(xiàng)指地點(diǎn);D項(xiàng)指事情。根據(jù)語境可知,這里指事情,故選D。12They were surprised that a child should work out the problem,_ they couldn't.Aonce Beven if Cwhile Dsince答案C句意:他們很驚訝,一個孩子竟然能解決這個問題,而他們自已卻不能。while這里是“而;不過”的意

17、思。13I keep medicines on the top shelf,out of the children's _.Areach Bhand Chold Dplace答案A句意:我把藥放在最上層的架子上,孩子夠不著。out of one's reach意為“夠不著”,故選A。 14Parents always _ great improvement in study _ their children.Aexpect;for Bexpect;fromChope;for Dhope;with答案B句意:父母親們總是期望孩子們在學(xué)習(xí)上取得很大的進(jìn)步。expect sth from sb意為“期望從某人身上得某物”,故選B。15Sichuan province,_ in southw


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