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1、考號 姓名工作單位 裝訂線絕密啟用前株洲市2008年教師業(yè)務考試試卷小學英語學科答案時量:120分鐘 滿分:100分注意事項:1答題前,請按要求在答題卡上填寫好自己的姓名、所在單位和準考證號。2答題時,切記答案要填在答題卡上,答在試題卷上的答案無效。3考試結束后,請將試題卷和答題卡都交給監(jiān)考老師。第卷:選擇題(60分)一、公共知識(20分,每小題2分。每小題只有一個最符合題意的答案。每小題有一個或多個符合題意的答案,全對計2分,少答計1分,不答或答錯計0分。)二、學科專業(yè)知識(40分,共40小題,每小題1分。). 選擇正確的選項(共8小題,每小題1分,滿分8分)11英語課程標準(實驗稿)對小學

2、畢業(yè)生的英語詞匯要求是 ( C )A. 學習800900個單詞和70個左右的習慣用語B. 學習有關本級話題范圍的約700800個單詞和60個左右的習慣用語C. 學習有關本級話題范圍的600700個單詞和50個左右的習慣用語D. 詞匯不作硬性要求,以培養(yǎng)學生的學習興趣為主12小學英語教學的重點應是 ( D )A. 培養(yǎng)學生自學英語的能力 B. 組織有趣的課堂教學活動C. 幫助學生提高英語口語能力 D. 培養(yǎng)學生運用英語的能力和興趣13小學英語課堂中常常采用唱英語歌曲的教學形式,其目的是 ( D )A. 營造活躍的課堂氛圍,減輕學習壓力 B. 培養(yǎng)學生的綜合素質(zhì)C. 進行學科整合 D. 通過唱會歌

3、詞,產(chǎn)生背誦英語材料的作用14采用現(xiàn)代化教學手段最重要的作用是 ( B )A. 與國際英語教學手段接軌 B. 活化情境與語境,便于學生在運用中學習C. 提高學生的學習興趣 D. 消除學生的感官疲勞15創(chuàng)設情境要考慮貼近學生生活,形式新穎,簡而易行。但最重要的一點是應能( C )A. 宣傳英語民族文化 B. 反映所學材料的社會環(huán)境C. 幫助學生理解和鞏固所學材料的內(nèi)容 D. 使學生在愉快的氛圍中學有所獲16在英語課堂上,學生出現(xiàn)口語表達錯誤時,教師應( D )A. 予以忽略,以保證教學的順利進行 B. 即刻糾正,并幫助學生明白錯誤所在C. 耐心等學生講完后再予以糾正 D. 在能溝通達意的情況下,

4、不必凡錯必糾17你認為在一個英語學習分化比較大的班級中,最好的處理方法是 ( D )A. 適當放低要求以鼓勵差生 B. 滿足優(yōu)生需要,對其他學生適當放低要求C. 按全班多數(shù)學生的接受水平選教部分材料,其它部分則在以后適當進行補充D. 關注優(yōu)生和差生的需求,采用多種方法讓每個學生都能在課堂上學有所得18. 小學英語教學應聽力先行,這要求教師必須 ( C )A. 具備標準的英式英語語音語調(diào) B. 具有較快的聽說速度C. 提高自身的辨音能力和聽力教學修養(yǎng) D. 進行大量的聽力自我練習. 排除錯誤的選項(共8小題,每小題1分,滿分8分)19在小學英語語言技能二級目標中,對學生“讀”方面的要求是 ( C

5、 )A. 能認讀所學詞語;并能根據(jù)拼讀規(guī)律,讀出簡單的單詞 B. 能借助圖片讀懂簡單的故事或小短文,并養(yǎng)成按意群閱讀的習慣C. 能借助工具書讀懂老師推薦的課外短篇讀物D. 能讀懂教材中簡短的要求或指令;能看懂賀卡等所表達的簡單信息20基礎教育階段英語課程的任務是 ( C )A. 激發(fā)和培養(yǎng)學生學習英語的興趣B. 培養(yǎng)學生的觀察、記憶、思維、想像能力和創(chuàng)新精神C. 為培養(yǎng)高素質(zhì)的外語人才打下良好的基礎D. 使學生形成一定的綜合語言運用能力21小學英語教學中,教師應 ( B )A. 采用聽、做、說、唱、玩、演等形式進行教學; B. 忽略讀寫能力的培養(yǎng)C. 重視訓練對英語的直接感受 D. 鼓勵學生積

6、極參與,大膽表達22小組活動或競爭性活動的目的是幫助學生在運用中記住英語材料。因此,老師在組織這些活動時必須做到 ( D )A. 幫學生準備好參加活動必須用到的英語材料B. 不使活動與所學的英語材料脫節(jié)C. 設計好活動的各個步驟D. 以活躍氣氛為主,學生在輕松的氛圍中自然能夠記住英語材料23英語課程標準學習策略二級目標中要求學生能夠 ( C )A. 積極運用所學英語進行表達和交流 B. 嘗試閱讀英語故事及其他英語課外讀物C. 能較熟練地使用學生英漢詞典D注意觀察生活或媒體中使用的簡單英語24在進行教學設計時,教師應考慮 ( D )A. 各層次學生在英語學習中的差異 B. 設計有效的活動形式C.

7、 按英語課程標準選取教學重點 D如何講清楚教材中的各項語言要點25小學英語的聽音會意活動應讓學生 ( A )A. 將詞語逐個地聽準確 B. 整句聽,以便溝通信息C. 在相應的情境中聽 D. 聽程度相當?shù)珱]有讀過的句子(盲聽)26在英語課程標準中,關于文化意識的二級目標要求學生能 ( A )A. 知道主要英語國家的著名大學 B. 了解英語國家中重要的節(jié)假日C. 了解世界上主要國家的重要標志物D知道主要英語國家的首都和國旗. Multiple choice(選擇最佳選項。共6小題,每小題1分,滿分6分。)27. What do you think of Zhuzhou ? I think its

8、becoming _ . ( D ) A. clean B. hot C. warm D. more and more beautiful28. Who was the first president of the USA ? ( C ) A. Abraham Lincoln B. Franklin Roosevelt C. George Washington D. Thomas Jefferson29. The United states of America has a population of over _ . ( B ) A. three hundred millions peopl

9、e B. three hundred millions C. three hundred million D. three hundreds millions30. At that time she could not _ a new dress on her income . ( C )A. spend B. save C. afford D. spare31. His coach suggested that he _ his right hand within six months . ( B )A. avoid to use B. avoid using C. has avoided

10、using D. avoids to use32. The printer _ out of order, the secretary did not know what to do . ( B ) A. were B. being C. has been D. was beingCloze ( 完形填空。共8題,每小題1分,滿分8分。) Green is an important color in nature. It is the color of grass and the leaves on trees. It is also the color of most growing pla

11、nts. Sometimes, the ( C ) green means young, fresh and growing . Sometimes, it describes something that is ( C ) ripe or finished. For example, a greenhorn is someone who has no ( B ) , who is new to a situation. In the fifteenth century, a greenhorn was a young cow or ox ( B ) horns had not yet dev

12、eloped. A century or so later, a greenhorn was a ( A ) who had no experience in battle. By the eighteenth century, a greenhorn had the meaning it has today a person who is new in a job. Someone who has the ability to grow plants well is said to have a green thumb. You might say that the woman next d

13、oor has a green thumb ( C ) her garden continues to grow long after your plants have died. The Green Revolution is the name ( B ) some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice and other grains. The new plants produced much larger crops. The Green Revolution was the ( D ) of hard work by agr

14、icultural scientists who had green thumbs. 33. A. phrase B. sentence C. word D. passage34. A. already B. always C. not yet D. never35. A. property B. experience C. wisdom D. ability36. A. that B. whose C. which D. whom37. A. soldier B. cowboy C. farmer D. poet38. A. however B. although C. if D. whet

15、her39. A. give B. given C. gave D. giving40. A. research B. goods C. reason D. result. Reading comprehension ( 閱讀理解。共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分。)A. Read the sentences and make your choice. ( 從方框內(nèi)所給的A、B、C、D、E中,選出恰當?shù)囊豁椷€原到文中的橫線位置上,使文章內(nèi)容完整且符合邏輯。)41. Louise Brown was born in 1978. She was the first test-tube baby

16、in the world . _ ( E )_ “ Where did I come from?” she asked . “I am different from others? ” Now she is a 28-year-old mother. She has a baby. She says that everything is OK. 42. Extremely hot weather is common in many parts of the world . Although hot weather just makes most people feel hot, it can

17、cause serious medical problems, even death . Floods, storms and other natural events kill thousands of people every year. _ ( C )_ 43. This is a car with built-in “sunglasses”! It has a transparent roof, like a window. ( A ) On a sunny day, you can change the glass roof from clear to dark by using t

18、he automatic dimmer . 44. In most of the United States, spring is a warm and pleasant season. _( B ) _ According to Johnny Cash, it can be extremely cold . He sings “When Its Springtime in Alaska (Its Forty Below). ” A. The roof can lift up and flip back just in ten seconds. B. But this is not the c

19、ase in Alaska. C. So does extreme heat .D. After seven years of preparations,E. When she was a child, she was always sad .45. _ ( D )_ The Summer Olympic Games have opened in Beijing, China. An opening ceremony and lighting of the Olympic cauldron marked the official start of the games on Friday.B.

20、Read and choose the right answers. ( 閱讀短文,選擇合適的選項。)The world is thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you, since about 75 percent of the earths surface is covered with water. But about 97 percent of this huge amount is seawater or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3 percentthe f

21、resh water that comes from rivers, lakes, underground and other sources. But unfortunately, some of it has been polluted and is unfit for drinking.However, as things stand today, this small amount of fresh water is still enough for us. But our need for water is increasing rapidlyalmost day by day. O

22、nly if we take steps to deal with this problem now,can we avoid a severe worldwide water shortage in the future days . So we all have to learn how to stop wasting our precious water and try our best to protect water resources.46. In the first line of the passage “the world” means _( A )_ . A. human

23、beings B. all the plants C. the animals D. the whole country47. According to the passage, _( D )_ of the earths water is fit man to drink . A. about 97% B. about 75% C. 3% D. less than 3% 48. Nowadays the supply of fresh water _( C )_ . A. is not enough for us to drink B. has been a severe worldwide

24、 problem C. is just sufficient for us to live on D. is increasing almost day by day49. All the fresh water _( C )_ . A. is good enough to be used B. is polluted and cant be used C. can not be drunk by man, as some of it has been pollutedD. comes from underground and other water sources50. Which of t

25、he following is true according to the passage ? ( D ) A. There is severe worldwide water shortage. B. Nearly 75percent of the earths water is fit for drinking. C. Only 3 percent of the earths water is fit for drinking.D. There is still enough fresh water for people to drink.第卷:非選擇題(40分)一、公共知識(10分)51

26、二、學科專業(yè)知識(30分)52. 填空(6小題,滿分6分)按照基礎教育階段英語課程分級總體目標的要求,英語課程標準(實驗稿)對語言技能、語言知識、情感態(tài)度、學習策略和文化意識等五個方面分別提出了相應的具體內(nèi)容標準。其中對語言技能中的聽、說、讀、寫四項技能提出了 九 個級別的目標要求;對語言知識、情感態(tài)度、學習策略和文化意識方面也提出了二級、五級和八級的目標要求。英語課程標準的第 二 級為小學六年級結束時應達到的基本要求。課程標準倡導 任務型 的教學途徑;建議36年級的英語教學評價以 形成性 評價為主。英語課程要面向 全體學生 ,注重素質(zhì)教育。學生是學習的主體,無論是教學還是評價都應以學生的 綜合運用能力 發(fā)展為出發(fā)點。53. 教學設計(滿分12分)教材: 5年級課本 課型: 閱讀課教學Im a baby rabbit . I have three brothers and two sisters. We live together with our father and mother. We have a new flat now. Its on the third floor. There are three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room . All the rooms are nice and clean


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