人教新目標(biāo)七年級下冊unit1 SectionB(1a3b)_第1頁
人教新目標(biāo)七年級下冊unit1 SectionB(1a3b)_第2頁
人教新目標(biāo)七年級下冊unit1 SectionB(1a3b)_第3頁
人教新目標(biāo)七年級下冊unit1 SectionB(1a3b)_第4頁
人教新目標(biāo)七年級下冊unit1 SectionB(1a3b)_第5頁
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1、Unit 1Can you play the guitar?Section B 1)What can you do ?I can swim2) What club do you want to join ?I want to joinkindsofclubssports clubart clubswimming clubEnglish clubchess clubmusic club1)What can you do ?I can swim runsingpaintdancespeak English.2) What club do you want to join ?I want to jo

2、in art club.Lead in violinLets learn guitar piano drumsDraw lines to match the words with the Draw lines to match the words with the picturespictures1adrums _ piano _ guitar _ violin _ 34121bListen and number the words 1-4 in the order of the sounds you hear in 1a.guitar Can you play the guitar? Yes

3、,I can.Can you play it well? No, I cant.Presentationdrumsviolintrumpetpiano Can you play the? Can you play it well?1c Ask and answer questions about the instruments.A: Can you play the violin?B: No, I cant.Pairworkplay the trumpetplay the guitarplay the drumsplay the pianosing1. Can

4、 shehe.?B: Yes, shehe can. No, shehe cant.1d Listen and circle the words you hear. play the violin sing play the guitar dance play the drums draw play the piano tell stories1e Listen and fill in the chart with the words in the box. A DB and C D E or F_can _, but he / she cant _.BListen to the conver

5、sation and fill in the blanks.T: I want some students for the school concert. What can you do, Bill? Can you _? B: No, I _. But I can play the _.T: You can play the guitar! Good .OK, what can you do, Cindy ?C: I can sing and I can play _.T: You can! Great, Cindy. Can you _?J: No, I cant. Frank can p

6、lay the piano.T: Frank, can you play the piano?F: Yeah, I can play the piano, but I can sing or _, singcantguitarthe drumsplay the pianodanceSummary1.Can you play the piano? Yes, I can./No, I cant.2.Can he/she sing? Yes, he/she can. No, he/she cant.3.IHeShe They cant play the piano.play的用法:的用法: 1. p

7、lay with 玩玩 2. play sth. for sb.= play sb. sth. 為某人播放為某人播放3. play +球、棋、牌球、棋、牌4. play the +樂器樂器5. play sth. on the +樂器樂器: 用用樂器樂器演奏演奏 總結(jié)總結(jié)play的用法的用法play sportsplay basketballplay baseballplay volleyballplay computerplay a gameplay chessplay the violinplay the pianoplay the trumpetplay the guitarplay t

8、he drumsThere will be a school music festival.What can you do in the music festival?2a 2a Read the three descriptions about Peter, Alan and Ma Huan. Underline what they can do.Hello, Im Peter. I like to play basketball. I can speak English and I can also play soccer.My names Alan. Im in the school m

9、usic club. I can play the guitar and the piano. I can sing and dance, too.Hi, Im Ma Huan. I can play ping pong and chess. I like to talk and play games with people. Who can play ping-pong?2. Which club is Alan in?3. Can Peter speak English?Read the three descriptions again and answer the questions.M

10、a Huan can play ping-pang.He is in the school music club.Yes, he can.? A: Hi , Lucy. Can you ? B: A: Can you . . .well? B:Ask your classmates using:? Report : Li Xin can play the piano , Li Xin can play the piano , and and he can play it well he can play it well . Chen Jia can dance, Chen Jia can da

11、nce, butbut she cant dance well she cant dance well . . .2b 2b Read the ads. Match the titles with the ads. Help for Old People.B. Music Teacher WantedC. Help with Sports in English( )We need help at the old peoples home. Are you free in July? Are you good with old people? Can you talk to them and p

12、lay games with them? They can tell you stories and you can make friends. It is interesting and fun! Please call us at 689-7729 today!A. Help for Old People( )Can you play the piano or the violin? Do you have time on the weekend? The school needs help to teach music. It is not difficult! Please call

13、Mrs. Miller at 555-3721.B. Music Teacher Wanted( )Are you busy after school? No? Can you speak English? Yes? Then we need you to help with sports for English-speaking students. It is relaxing and easy! Please come to the Students Sports Center. Call Mr. Brown at 293-7742.C. Help with Sports in Engli

14、sh 1. play 與球類、棋牌類等運(yùn)動(dòng)項(xiàng)目搭與球類、棋牌類等運(yùn)動(dòng)項(xiàng)目搭配,表示配,表示“參與運(yùn)動(dòng)參與運(yùn)動(dòng)”或或“進(jìn)行比進(jìn)行比賽賽”,運(yùn)動(dòng)名稱前不加限定詞語。,運(yùn)動(dòng)名稱前不加限定詞語。 例如:例如: play soccer 踢足球;踢足球;play cards 打牌打牌 play 與各種樂器搭配,表示與各種樂器搭配,表示“演奏;演奏;彈奏;吹奏彈奏;吹奏”,樂器名稱前會(huì)有定冠,樂器名稱前會(huì)有定冠詞詞“the” 進(jìn)行限定。例如:進(jìn)行限定。例如: play the trumpet 吹小號吹小號 play the erhu 拉二胡拉二胡2. be good with sth. / sb. “善于應(yīng)

15、付善于應(yīng)付的;對的;對有辦法有辦法”。例如:。例如: The teacher is very good with children. 這位老師對孩子很有一套。這位老師對孩子很有一套。be good at / with1)be good at 意為意為“擅長擅長”,后,后接名詞、代詞或接名詞、代詞或v.-ing形式。形式。 Im good at playing chess. 我擅長下象棋。我擅長下象棋。2)be good with意為意為“靈巧的;靈巧的;與與相處得好相處得好”。 He is very good with the children. 他與這些孩子處得很好。他與這些孩子處得很好。1

16、. My sister _ speaking English.2. Mr Liu is very clever, and he _ his students.3. Mothers love their kids and _ them.用用be good at、或、或be good with 完成下列完成下列句子。句子。is good atis good withis good with3. make friends 表示表示“交朋友交朋友”,其中,其中friends 常用復(fù)數(shù),這個(gè)短語還常與介常用復(fù)數(shù),這個(gè)短語還常與介詞詞with 連用,連用,make friends with 表表示示“與與

17、(和和)交朋友交朋友”。例如:。例如: I want to make friends with all the new students. 我想和所有新學(xué)生交朋友。我想和所有新學(xué)生交朋友。4. 1) help (sb.) with 表示表示“在某方面在某方面給予幫助給予幫助”,其后直接接名詞或名詞,其后直接接名詞或名詞短語。例如:短語。例如: Can you help me with my English? 你能幫幫我的英語嗎?你能幫幫我的英語嗎? 根據(jù)中文提示完成句子。根據(jù)中文提示完成句子。Im busy now, and I cant _ _ _ (幫助你做幫助你做) your homew

18、ork. help you with help sb. out 幫助某人克服困難,渡幫助某人克服困難,渡過難關(guān)、解決問題、完成工作。過難關(guān)、解決問題、完成工作。 When Im in trouble, he always helps me out with money. 每當(dāng)我處境困難時(shí),他總是用錢幫每當(dāng)我處境困難時(shí),他總是用錢幫助我渡過難關(guān)。助我渡過難關(guān)。 2) English-speaking 是由是由English和和speaking兩詞合并構(gòu)成的一個(gè)形容詞,兩詞合并構(gòu)成的一個(gè)形容詞,表示表示“說英語的說英語的”。例如:。例如: English-speaking countries 說英

19、語的國家說英語的國家 French-speaking students 說法語的學(xué)生說法語的學(xué)生2c 2c Match a person in 2a with an ad in 2b. Write A, B and C.Peter _Alan _Ma Huan _CBA3a 3a Complete the ad with the words in the box.guitarcan calldancemusic playMusicians Wanted for School Music FestivalDo you like _?Can you sing and _?Can you _ the

20、 piano or the violin?Can you play the _ or the drums?Then you _ be in our school music festival.Please _ Mr. Zhang at 622-6033.dancemusicplayguitarcancallRead 3a again, then fill in the card.Event (事件事件): _Wanted: _Requirement(招聘條件招聘條件) : _Host (主辦者主辦者): _ Phone number: _ School Music Festival music

21、ians sing, dance, play the piano or the violin, play the drums or the guitarZhang Heng622-6033canB: You can be in school music festival running clubswimming clubbasketball club .A: I can guitar drums piano violin instruments instruments play the violinplay the pianoplay the drumsplay the guitar3b 3b

22、 Make a poster. Ask for help with an event at your school.Students Wanted for Chess Day Do you have time after school on September 7th? Do you like to talk to other people? Do you like to play games with them? Can you play chess? Then you can join our school Chess Day! It is fun and interesting. You

23、 can make new friends, too! Please call Ms. Chen at 646-8734. Design an ad for ourDesign an ad for our Sports MeetingSports Meeting Players Wanted for School Sports Meeting . Please call _ at_.1 Add more words and phrases in each box.Abilities2 Adds as many words as you can to make phrases. play _2.

24、 speak _3. help with _4. be good at _5. be good with _the drums, football, computer games English, Chinesemath, homework, choresold people, children, animalsmath, sports3 What can you do? What can you do? What about the people you know? Write at least five sentences._1. 參加俱樂部參加俱樂部 _2. 彈鋼琴彈鋼琴 _3. 拉小提

25、琴拉小提琴 _4. 彈吉他彈吉他 _ 翻譯詞組:翻譯詞組:join the clubplay the pianoplay the violinplay the guitar1. We want two good actors _ our school show. A. for B. with C. in2. Does your sister want _ home? A. go B. to go to C. to go單項(xiàng)填空:單項(xiàng)填空:AC3. Mr. Wang is _ Chinese teacher. A. our B. us C. we4. Is your friend a boy _

26、 a girl? A. and B. or C. but5. Musicians _ for School Music Festival A. wants B. want C. wantedABCA: Hi, Liu Ying. _ _ do you want to join?B: I want to join the _ _(象棋俱樂部)(象棋俱樂部).A: Great! What sports can you play?補(bǔ)全對話:補(bǔ)全對話:What clubchess clubB: I can _ _ (打籃球打籃球). A: So you can join _ _ _ (籃球俱樂部籃球俱樂部).B: What about you? Youre very _ _ _ _. You can join the English club.A


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