高中英語 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommuniation Introduction and reading課件 外研必修1_第1頁
高中英語 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommuniation Introduction and reading課件 外研必修1_第2頁
高中英語 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommuniation Introduction and reading課件 外研必修1_第3頁
高中英語 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommuniation Introduction and reading課件 外研必修1_第4頁
高中英語 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommuniation Introduction and reading課件 外研必修1_第5頁
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1、Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications1)What are the advantages of surfing the Internet?2)What are the disadvantages?3)What is the attitude of your school and parents to the use of the Internet?Warming up by a discussionLearn the following compound words:1. keyboard 2. website3. credit card 4.

2、 online 5. download 6. software 7. hard diskTry to explain the following words in English:1. modem:A modem is a piece of equipment that connects a computer to a telephone line.調制解調器調制解調器A mouse allows you to move a cursor around a computer screen and do things without using the keyboard.2. mouse:鼠標鼠

3、標You are online when you are connected to the Internet.3. online:在線的,聯(lián)網的,聯(lián)機的在線的,聯(lián)網的,聯(lián)機的4. log on: You log on when you start using a computer system by typing your personal password.登錄,注冊登錄,注冊A email is a message sent between computer. 5. email:電子郵件電子郵件When you download data, you transfer it from the

4、 Internet onto your computer. 6. download:下載下載7. software:Software are programmes used by computers for doing specific jobs.軟件軟件A credit card is a plastic card card you can use to pay for things.8. credit card:信用卡信用卡(compact disc read-only memory) A CD-ROM is a disk which stores information for use

5、by computer.9. CD-ROM:只讀光盤存儲器只讀光盤存儲器10. monitor:A monitor is a computer screen.顯示屏,顯示器顯示屏,顯示器A text message is a written message you can send with a mobile phone.11. text message:文本信息文本信息Discuss: What can we do using a computer? 1. use a computer for school work2. Play games on the computer3. Send e

6、mails to friends4. download music and films5. Surf the web for fun6. Take part in chat groups7. use the Internet to research information for school tasks8. buy things on line 9. Look at photographs on the computer10. Use a CD-ROM encyclopaedia and atlas11.Read news both at home and abroad, read book

7、s and magazines Important phrases:1.consist of2.as well3.become known as 4.go down 由由組成組成 也也作為作為而出名而出名下降下降5. Come up with6.from that moment on7.concentrate pared with 提出提出 從那時起從那時起 聚精會神聚精會神 與與相比相比Fast reading for the general idea, please choose the best summary of the text.A. It mainly tells us the

8、invention and development of the internet.B. It mainly tells us the invention and development of the World Wide Web.C. It mainly tells us who invented the internet and the World Wide Wed.D. It mainly tells us the invention and development of the World Wide Web and the internet.D.Detailed reading for

9、 information, and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F).1. There are millions of pages of information on the Internet.2. The US army were the first people who used an Internet system.3. Universities started using the Internet at the same time as the army.TTF4. The percentage of website

10、s in English is getting smaller.5. Tim Berners-Lee made it possible for scientists to use the Internet.6. He has made a lot of money from his invention.TFFWrite down the following words ,the first letter of each word has been given:1. s_To look at different websites on the Internet.(surf)2. c_3. s_A

11、 computer breakdownSave information on your computer.(crash)(store)Read the following sentences and pay attention to the numbers and percentage .1. About 80 percent of web traffic is in English.2. Two percent of the total population of China have access to the Internet, compared with 45 percent in the USA and 15 percent in Japan.3. The average time the Chinese people spend online is 17 hours per week. 4.But this percentage is going down.5.In 5 years, the number of Internet users rose from 600,000 to 40 million.6.In Chin


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