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1、C>E>-tiom sS I oolsEdi 金 Sort|SJu%Az Projoert .<Oqq r*i Q r-oj u £qvq £ wu QrojA s Kornqrvno PloJ our T2lu <2>QldTq Pirojaur . Piroju<z S1-i rv»r->->3 rIrv»:z>u> r_t IEU?-2 KZ>Qt4 I cm r>u> r_t IEUO a. Cocora 食 q 匹4q jc*u» r-t WxqoF G1

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4、etersnit system (US Custom a ry/SI .Convert Project Units .Convert Horizontal Coordinate Systems .DpocurHEC-RAS曰 HEC-RAS 5.0,0X Geometric Data回 區(qū)0.7885. 0.7854River ReachDataEdit Options ViewSrOFIowG1S ToolsJuncT.River:aOMewxiyo<Storaq« AreaLotorol 6r jqlj一CrossSoo Ho、InlineC511 I i輸入數(shù)據(jù)Brdq/

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10、.5611105339.38 c cr rc l RowIns RoCro» -Fon CoordinatesEnter a new river station for the new cross section in reachcontxp coenkJent ibteaaContractor)KO+144.am Reach Len1*.nManning's n ValuesI主士6Apply DataI !左、中、右距離上一個斷面的距離p Cross Section DataEdit Options Plot HeiRiver:xiyaoRa10DescriptionSt

11、ation 012.913.717.223.8 26.929.3Elevation 360.12356.14 355.44355.38352.91352.01 351.87Main Channel Bank StationsSave Geometry Data AsHEC-RAS 5.0.0點(diǎn)擊第四I 區(qū)快|匕|滲四 田點(diǎn)擊這個Steady Flow Data填入洪峰罐點(diǎn)擊已知水位Optionslary ConditionsEnterdit Number of Profiles (32000 max)保存數(shù)據(jù)輸入已知水位Add MultipleRiver Sta,:|0487Add A Flo

12、w Change LocationHEC-RASSteady FlRow (m3/s)WS El (m)Set boundary for all profilesSet boundary for one profile at a timeCritical Depth INormal Depth IDeleteRating CurveLocations of Flow Data ChangesProfile Names and Flow RatesSet known wau , surfaces for flows.Available External Boundary Condtion TRo

13、w Change LocationRiverReachUpstreamDownstreamxiyaoxiyaoSelected Boundary Condition Locations and TPS HEC-RAS 5.0.01、點(diǎn)擊在平. 地上跑的小人file Edit Run View Options GIS Tools HelpPfj梃閔匈湍I碼七生也匡國 歸劇圜囪H2、點(diǎn)擊計算3、會跳出這個 計算框自動計算' 無需點(diǎn)擊PrPl<StUr臼 HEC-RAS Finished ComputationsWrite Geometry InformationLayer: Comp

14、leteSteady Flow SimulationRiver:Reach:xiyaoxiyaoRS:0487Steady Flow AnalysisFile Options HelpPlan : plan 01Geometry File :Steady Flow File:teady Flow Simulation HEC-RAS 5.Jmarytnter to compute water surface profilesWriting Geometry Completed Writing Geome1Computation TaskCompleting GeometrySteady Flo

15、w Computations(64) Complete Process|Flow 03Plan Description :MessagesComputaPlan: PlanSimulation starUsing 64 Bit Com1 (xryao.pOl)at: 23Jul201704:23:21 P tion EnginesSteady Flow SimulationComputatiWriting Event Conditions Event Conditions CompleteFlow Regime Subcritical criticalOption F FloodComputeShort ID |Plan01HEC-RAS 5.0.0點(diǎn)擊,得出計算成果File Edit Run View Options GIS Tools Help閨。|刈左匡|G| jfel圖閔在醫(yī)|圖 "


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