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1、密封線 年級 班 姓名: 學(xué)號: 沙沖小學(xué)四年級第二學(xué)期英語科第二單元清試題(1號卷)題目一二三四五六七八總分等級評價得分聽力部分聽選單詞,詞組和句子。(10分)( )1、A giraffe B ginger C jeans( )2、A hug B bag C mug( )3、A neck B check C bake( )4、A coloring B cutting C cooking( )5、A watering the plants B watching TV C washing the car( )6、A Move the chair. B. Wave your hand. C. To

2、uch your knees.( )7、A Shes cleaning the windows. B Hes dusting the furniture. C. Im sweeping the floor.( )8、A Tony is busy. B. Jenny is busy. C. Gogo is busy.( )9、A Is your father cleaning the windows? B. Is he sweeping the floor? C. Is your mother doing the dishes?( )10、A Whats Ben doing now? B. Wh

3、at are you doing? C. What are they doing?二、聽錄音,選擇正確的答語。(10分)( )1、 A. Its a rabbit. B. Yes, it is. C. No, its a rabbit.( )2、 A. Shes thinking. B. Hes working. C. Theyre talking.( )3、 A Theyre fingers. B Its a toe. C. Yes, they are.( )4、 A No, she isnt. B Yes, I am. C. Yes, he is.( )5、 A Im making the

4、 bed. B. Hes doing the dishes. C. Shes cooking dinner.三、聽錄音,補全短文。(12分) Today is a busy day. Whats everyone doing now? Look, Moms . Dads the car. Jennys the windows. Lisas . Tonys the .筆試部分選出正確的選項補充完成單詞。(12分)( )1、sw p A. ee B. ea C. ou( )2、wa A th B sh C ch( )3、cloth A is B ex C es( )4、sh t A oa B ou

5、 C uo( )5、col ing A ur B ar C or( )6、m ve A a B u C o五、情景選擇。(15分)( )1、做游戲時,你想命令T摸摸他的肩膀,你會說: A Touch your fingers. B. Touch your shoulders. C. Touch your knees.( )2、你想介紹這些是你的英語書,你會說: A. This is my English book. B. Those are my English books. C. These are my English books( )3、媽媽想知道你在房間里到底在做什么,她會問你: A.

6、 Whats he doing? B. Are you singing? C. Whatre you doing?( )4、你想告訴媽媽你在鋪床,你會說: A. Im making the bed. B. Youre making the bed. C. Are you making the bed?( )5、你想告訴媽媽,爸爸很忙,你會說: A. Hes busy. B. Im busy. C. Youre busy.六、單項選擇(14分)( )1、Look! Theyre on the phone. A talking B. coloring C. thinking( )2、Whats t

7、his? A Its black. B. Its a snake. C. Theyre clocks.( )3、Is Lisa working now? A. Yes, they are . B. No, he isnt. C. Yes, she is.( )4、We the car now. A, wash B. washing C. are washing( )5、 Its Friday. A. Whats this? B. What day is it today? C. Whats that?( )6、 Hes drawing. A. Whats he doing? B . Whos

8、he? C. Is he playing?( )7、 her teeth. A .This is B. These are C. What are七、選詞填空(15分)(putting is busy folding are toes cooking dusting)1、Jennys touching her .2、Gogo is plates on the table.3、My mother is breakfast in the kitchen. Shes .4、 Are Peter and Ben the furniture? Yes, they .5、Is Mr. Green the

9、clothes? Yes, she .八、按實際情況回答。(12分)1、What day is it today? 2、Can you play now? 3、 Are you exercising? 4、Whatre you doing now? 答案聽力部分聽選單詞,詞組和句子。(10分)( A )1、A giraffe B ginger C jeans( A )2、A hug B bag C mug( A )3、A neck B check C bake( B )4、A coloring B cutting C cooking( C )5、A watering the plants B

10、watching TV C washing the car( A )6、A Move the chair. B. Wave your hand. C. Touch your knees.( C )7、A Shes cleaning the windows. B Hes dusting the furniture. C. Im sweeping the floor.( B )8、A Tony is busy. B. Jenny is busy. C. Gogo is busy.( B )9、A Is your father cleaning the windows? B. Is he sweep

11、ing the floor? C. Is your mother doing the dishes?( B )10、A Whats Ben doing now? B. What are you doing? C. What are they doing?二、聽錄音,選擇正確的答語。(10分)( B )1、 A. Its a rabbit. B. Yes, it is. C. No, its a rabbit.( A )2、 A. Shes thinking. B. Hes working. C. Theyre talking.( A )3、 A Theyre fingers. B Its a

12、toe. C. Yes, they are.( C )4、 A No, she isnt. B Yes, I am. C. Yes, he is.( B )5、 A Im making the bed. B. Hes doing the dishes. C. Shes cooking dinner.三、聽錄音,補全短文。(12分) Today is a busy day. Whats everyone doing now? Look, Moms sweeping the floor . Dads washing the car. Jennys cleaning the windows. Lis

13、as reading . Tonys folding the clothes.筆試部分選出正確的選項補充完成單詞。(12分)( A )1、sw p A. ee B. ea C. ou( B )2、wa A th B sh C ch( C )3、cloth A is B ex C es( B )4、sh t A oa B ou C uo( C )5、col ing A ur B ar C or( C )6、m ve A a B u C o五、情景選擇。(15分)( B )1、做游戲時,你想命令T摸摸他的肩膀,你會說: A Touch your fingers. B. Touch your sho

14、ulders. C. Touch your knees.( C )2、你想介紹這些是你的英語書,你會說: A. This is my English book. B. Those are my English books. C. These are my English books( C )3、媽媽想知道你在房間里到底在做什么,她會問你: A. Whats he doing? B. Are you singing? C. Whatre you doing?( A )4、你想告訴媽媽你在鋪床,你會說: A. Im making the bed. B. Youre making the bed.

15、C. Are you making the bed?( A )5、你想告訴媽媽,爸爸很忙,你會說: A. Hes busy. B. Im busy. C. Youre busy.六、單項選擇(14分)( A )1、Look! Theyre on the phone. A talking B. coloring C. thinking( B )2、Whats this? A Its black. B. Its a snake. C. Theyre clocks.( C )3、Is Lisa working now? A. Yes, they are . B. No, he isnt. C. Ye

16、s, she is.( C )4、We the car now. A, wash B. washing C. are washing( B )5、 Its Friday. A. Whats this? B. What day is it today? C. Whats that?( A )6、 Hes drawing. A. Whats he doing? B . Whos he? C. Is he playing?( B )7、 her teeth. A .This is B. These are C. What are七、選詞填空(15分)(putting is busy folding are toes cooking dusting)1、Jennys touching her toes .2、Gogo is putting plates on the table.3、My mother is cooking breakfas


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